
一. 前言



1. 粉色爱心+满屏的名字

1.1 效果


1.2 代码



var loverName = "💗刘亦菲💗"  // 需要更改的名字


<audio autoplay="autoplay" loop="loop" preload="auto" id="music" controls><source src="pianai.mp3" type="audio/ogg"><source src="pianai.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">


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<head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"><title>💗 Love you 💗 My Dear XXX💗</title><style type="text/css">body {margin: 0;overflow: hidden;background: #000;}canvas {position: absolute;width: 100%;height: 100%;}#pinkboard {animation: anim 1.5s ease-in-out infinite;-webkit-animation: anim 1.5s ease-in-out infinite;-o-animation: anim 1.5s ease-in-out infinite;-moz-animation: anim 1.5s ease-in-out infinite;}@keyframes anim {0% {transform: scale(0.8);}25% {transform: scale(0.7);}50% {transform: scale(1);}75% {transform: scale(0.7);}100% {transform: scale(0.8);}}@-webkit-keyframes anim {0% {-webkit-transform: scale(0.8);}25% {-webkit-transform: scale(0.7);}50% {-webkit-transform: scale(1);}75% {-webkit-transform: scale(0.7);}100% {-webkit-transform: scale(0.8);}}@-o-keyframes anim {0% {-o-transform: scale(0.8);}25% {-o-transform: scale(0.7);}50% {-o-transform: scale(1);}75% {-o-transform: scale(0.7);}100% {-o-transform: scale(0.8);}}@-moz-keyframes anim {0% {-moz-transform: scale(0.8);}25% {-moz-transform: scale(0.7);}50% {-moz-transform: scale(1);}75% {-moz-transform: scale(0.7);}100% {-moz-transform: scale(0.8);}}#name {position: absolute;top: 50%;left: 50%;transform: translate(-50%, -50%);margin-top: -20px;font-size: 46px;color: #ea80b0;}</style>
<canvas id="pinkboard" width="1920" height="947"></canvas>
<canvas id="canvas" width="1920" height="947"></canvas><script type="text/javascript">var loverName = "💗刘亦菲💗"  // 需要更改的名字const colors = ["#eec996","#8fb7d3","#b7d4c6","#c3bedd","#f1d5e4","#cae1d3","#f3c89d","#d0b0c3","#819d53","#c99294","#cec884","#ff8e70","#e0a111","#fffdf6","#cbd7ac","#e8c6c0","#dc9898","#ecc8ba",]; //用来设置的颜色var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");let count = 1;var ww = window.innerWidth;var wh = window.innerHeight;var hearts = [];function init() {requestAnimationFrame(render);canvas.width = ww;canvas.height = wh;for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {hearts.push(new Heart());}}function Heart() {this.x = Math.random() * ww;this.y = Math.random() * wh;this.opacity = Math.random() * 0.5 + 0.5;this.vel = {x: (Math.random() - 0.5) * 4,y: (Math.random() - 0.5) * 4,};this.targetScale = Math.random() * 0.15 + 0.02;this.scale = this.targetScale * Math.random();}Heart.prototype.update = function (i) {this.x += this.vel.x;this.y += this.vel.y;this.scale += (this.targetScale - this.scale) * 0.01;if (this.x - this.width > ww || this.x + this.width < 0) {this.scale = 0;this.x = Math.random() * ww;}if (this.y - this.height > wh || this.y + this.height < 0) {this.scale = 0;this.y = Math.random() * wh;}this.width = 473.8;this.height = 408.6;};Heart.prototype.draw = function (i) {ctx.globalAlpha = this.opacity;ctx.font = `${180 * this.scale}px "微软雅黑"`;// ctx.font="20px";ctx.fillStyle = colors[i % 18];ctx.fillText(loverName,this.x - this.width * 0.5,this.y - this.height * 0.5,this.width,this.height);// ctx.drawImage(//   heartImage,//   this.x - this.width * 0.5,//   this.y - this.height * 0.5,//   this.width,//   this.height// );};function render() {ctx.clearRect(0, 0, ww, wh);// ctx.globalAlpha = 1;// ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(255,255,255,0.3)";// ctx.fillRect(0, 0, ww, wh);for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {hearts[i].update(i);hearts[i].draw(i);}requestAnimationFrame(render);}init();// var heartImage = new Image();// heartImage.onload = init();// heartImage.src =//   "";window.addEventListener("resize", function () {ww = window.innerWidth;wh = window.innerHeight;});
<script>/** Settings*/var settings = {particles: {length: 500, // maximum amount of particlesduration: 2, // particle duration in secvelocity: 100, // particle velocity in pixels/seceffect: -0.75, // play with this for a nice effectsize: 30, // particle size in pixels},};/** RequestAnimationFrame polyfill by Erik M?ller*/(function () {var b = 0;var c = ["ms", "moz", "webkit", "o"];for (var a = 0; a < c.length && !window.requestAnimationFrame; ++a) {window.requestAnimationFrame = window[c[a] + "RequestAnimationFrame"];window.cancelAnimationFrame =window[c[a] + "CancelAnimationFrame"] ||window[c[a] + "CancelRequestAnimationFrame"];}if (!window.requestAnimationFrame) {window.requestAnimationFrame = function (h, e) {var d = new Date().getTime();var f = Math.max(0, 16 - (d - b));var g = window.setTimeout(function () {h(d + f);}, f);b = d + f;return g;};}if (!window.cancelAnimationFrame) {window.cancelAnimationFrame = function (d) {clearTimeout(d);};}})();/** Point class*/var Point = (function () {function Point(x, y) {this.x = typeof x !== "undefined" ? x : 0;this.y = typeof y !== "undefined" ? y : 0;}Point.prototype.clone = function () {return new Point(this.x, this.y);};Point.prototype.length = function (length) {if (typeof length == "undefined")return Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y);this.normalize();this.x *= length;this.y *= length;return this;};Point.prototype.normalize = function () {var length = this.length();this.x /= length;this.y /= length;return this;};return Point;})();/** Particle class*/var Particle = (function () {function Particle() {this.position = new Point();this.velocity = new Point();this.acceleration = new Point();this.age = 0;}Particle.prototype.initialize = function (x, y, dx, dy) {this.position.x = x;this.position.y = y;this.velocity.x = dx;this.velocity.y = dy;this.acceleration.x = dx * settings.particles.effect;this.acceleration.y = dy * settings.particles.effect;this.age = 0;};Particle.prototype.update = function (deltaTime) {this.position.x += this.velocity.x * deltaTime;this.position.y += this.velocity.y * deltaTime;this.velocity.x += this.acceleration.x * deltaTime;this.velocity.y += this.acceleration.y * deltaTime;this.age += deltaTime;};Particle.prototype.draw = function (context, image) {function ease(t) {return --t * t * t + 1;}var size = image.width * ease(this.age / settings.particles.duration);context.globalAlpha = 1 - this.age / settings.particles.duration;context.drawImage(image,this.position.x - size / 2,this.position.y - size / 2,size,size);};return Particle;})();/** ParticlePool class*/var ParticlePool = (function () {var particles,firstActive = 0,firstFree = 0,duration = settings.particles.duration;function ParticlePool(length) {// create and populate particle poolparticles = new Array(length);for (var i = 0; i < particles.length; i++)particles[i] = new Particle();}ParticlePool.prototype.add = function (x, y, dx, dy) {particles[firstFree].initialize(x, y, dx, dy);// handle circular queuefirstFree++;if (firstFree == particles.length) firstFree = 0;if (firstActive == firstFree) firstActive++;if (firstActive == particles.length) firstActive = 0;};ParticlePool.prototype.update = function (deltaTime) {var i;// update active particlesif (firstActive < firstFree) {for (i = firstActive; i < firstFree; i++)particles[i].update(deltaTime);}if (firstFree < firstActive) {for (i = firstActive; i < particles.length; i++)particles[i].update(deltaTime);for (i = 0; i < firstFree; i++) particles[i].update(deltaTime);}// remove inactive particleswhile (particles[firstActive].age >= duration &&firstActive != firstFree) {firstActive++;if (firstActive == particles.length) firstActive = 0;}};ParticlePool.prototype.draw = function (context, image) {// draw active particlesif (firstActive < firstFree) {for (i = firstActive; i < firstFree; i++)particles[i].draw(context, image);}if (firstFree < firstActive) {for (i = firstActive; i < particles.length; i++)particles[i].draw(context, image);for (i = 0; i < firstFree; i++) particles[i].draw(context, image);}};return ParticlePool;})();/** Putting it all together*/(function (canvas) {var context = canvas.getContext("2d"),particles = new ParticlePool(settings.particles.length),particleRate =settings.particles.length / settings.particles.duration, // particles/sectime;// get point on heart with -PI <= t <= PIfunction pointOnHeart(t) {return new Point(160 * Math.pow(Math.sin(t), 3),130 * Math.cos(t) -50 * Math.cos(2 * t) -20 * Math.cos(3 * t) -10 * Math.cos(4 * t) +25);}// creating the particle image using a dummy canvasvar image = (function () {var canvas = document.createElement("canvas"),context = canvas.getContext("2d");canvas.width = settings.particles.size;canvas.height = settings.particles.size;// helper function to create the pathfunction to(t) {var point = pointOnHeart(t);point.x =settings.particles.size / 2 +(point.x * settings.particles.size) / 350;point.y =settings.particles.size / 2 -(point.y * settings.particles.size) / 350;return point;}// create the pathcontext.beginPath();var t = -Math.PI;var point = to(t);context.moveTo(point.x, point.y);while (t < Math.PI) {t += 0.01; // baby steps!point = to(t);context.lineTo(point.x, point.y);}context.closePath();// create the fillcontext.fillStyle = "#ea80b0";context.fill();// create the imagevar image = new Image();image.src = canvas.toDataURL();return image;})();// render that thing!function render() {// next animation framerequestAnimationFrame(render);// update timevar newTime = new Date().getTime() / 1000,deltaTime = newTime - (time || newTime);time = newTime;// clear canvascontext.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);// create new particlesvar amount = particleRate * deltaTime;for (var i = 0; i < amount; i++) {var pos = pointOnHeart(Math.PI - 2 * Math.PI * Math.random());var dir = pos.clone().length(settings.particles.velocity);particles.add(canvas.width / 2 + pos.x,canvas.height / 2 - pos.y,dir.x,-dir.y);}// update and draw particlesparticles.update(deltaTime);particles.draw(context, image);}// handle (re-)sizing of the canvasfunction onResize() {canvas.width = canvas.clientWidth;canvas.height = canvas.clientHeight;}window.onresize = onResize;// delay rendering bootstrapsetTimeout(function () {onResize();render();}, 10);})(document.getElementById("pinkboard"));</script>
<audio autoplay="autoplay" loop="loop" preload="auto" id="music" controls><source src="pianai.mp3" type="audio/ogg"><source src="pianai.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">

2. 魔幻爱心






<div id="child"><h4>💗You And Me💗</h4></div><!--这里写名字❤!!!-->


<audio autoplay="autoplay" loop="loop" preload="auto" id="music" controls><source src="pianai.mp3" type="audio/ogg"><source src="pianai.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">


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<head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"><title>你的太阳我的心~</title><style>canvas {position: absolute;left: 0;top: 0;width: 100%;height: 100%;background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .2);}#child {position: fixed;top: 52%;left: 50%;margin-top: -75px;margin-left: -100px;z-index: 100;}h4 {font-family: "STKaiti";font-size: 40px;color: #f584b7;position: relative;top: -70px;left: -65px;}</style>
<div id="child"><h4>💗You And Me💗</h4></div><!--这里写名字❤!!!-->
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<audio autoplay="autoplay" loop="loop" preload="auto" id="music" controls><source src="pianai.mp3" type="audio/ogg"><source src="pianai.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">





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