原本不支持 IQueryable 主要出于使用习惯的考虑,如果继承 IQueryable,编写代码的智能总会提示出现一堆你不想使用的方法(对不起,我有强迫症),IQueryable 自身提供了一堆没法实现的方法,还有外部入侵的扩展方法,严重影响编码体验。如下图:
原以为必须实现 IQueryable 才可以实现,结果一次惊喜,原来只要有对应的方法就成。
虽然支持了,但是还是推荐使用【链式 + lambda】 !!!
这次功能更新,ISelect 增加了 5个方法,对【链式 + lambda】的用户可能会造成少许影响,我在注释上标明了,如下图:
特别是 .Select(),原先没有支持,该功能与 ToList(a => new Dto{}) 合并实现的。
如果一定要使用 .Select() 方法,请务必在 .ToList() 之前调用它;
请减少图中方法在【链式 + labmda】模式下的使用;
所有 ISelect 都可以使用 linq to sql,包括 Repository、DbContext;
var t1 = (from a in fsql.Select<Student>()where a.id == item.idselect a
var t1 = (from a in fsql.Select<Student>()where a.id == item.idselect new { a.id }
var t1 = (from a in fsql.Select<Student>()where a.id == item.idselect new {a.id,a.name,testsub = new {time = a.age > 10 ? "大于" : "小于或等于"}}
var t1 = (from a in fsql.Select<Student>()join b in fsql.Select<School>() on a.id equals b.StudentIdselect a
).ToList();var t2 = (from a in fsql.Select<Student>()join b in fsql.Select<School>() on a.id equals b.StudentIdselect new { a.id, bid = b.id }
).ToList();var t3 = (from a in fsql.Select<Student>()join b in fsql.Select<School>() on a.id equals b.StudentIdwhere a.id == item.idselect new { a.id, bid = b.id }
var t1 = (from a in fsql.Select<Student>()join b in fsql.Select<School>() on a.id equals b.StudentId into tempfrom tc in temp.DefaultIfEmpty()select a
).ToList();var t2 = (from a in fsql.Select<Student>()join b in fsql.Select<School>() on a.id equals b.StudentId into tempfrom tc in temp.DefaultIfEmpty()select new { a.id, bid = tc.id }
).ToList();var t3 = (from a in fsql.Select<Student>()join b in fsql.Select<School>() on a.id equals b.StudentId into tempfrom tc in temp.DefaultIfEmpty()where a.id == item.idselect new { a.id, bid = tc.id }
var t1 = (from a in fsql.Select<Student>()from b in fsql.Select<School>()where a.id == b.StudentIdselect a
).ToList();var t2 = (from a in fsql.Select<Student>()from b in fsql.Select<School>()where a.id == b.StudentIdselect new { a.id, bid = b.id }
).ToList();var t3 = (from a in fsql.Select<Student>()from b in fsql.Select<School>()where a.id == b.StudentIdwhere a.id == item.idselect new { a.id, bid = b.id }
var t1 = (from a in fsql.Select<Student>()where a.id == item.idgroup a by new {a.id, a.name } into gselect new {g.Key.id, g.Key.name,cou = g.Count(),avg = g.Avg(g.Value.age),sum = g.Sum(g.Value.age),max = g.Max(g.Value.age),min = g.Min(g.Value.age)}
(四)实体特性 Fluent Api
(十一)更新数据 Where
(二十)多表查询 WhereCascade
(二十二)Dto 映射查询
(二十四)Linq To Sql 语法使用介绍
(二十六)贪婪加载 Include、IncludeMany、Dto、ToList
(二十七)将已写好的 SQL 语句,与实体类映射进行二次查询
(二十九)Lambda 表达式
(三十三)CodeFirst 类型映射
(三十四)CodeFirst 迁移说明
(三十五)CodeFirst 自定义特性