英语口语-文章朗读Week9 Wednesday


Birds of the same species flock together, People tend to look for someone like themselves to be friends. But having the same interests is not the only standard when we are seeking friends. In most cases, especially for adults, people like to make friends with those who have similar social status-salary is a symbol of such status.

A good relationship with friends can make us feel confident, relaxed and comfortable. If you and your friends share the same interests, it can offer you a lot of common topics. You will feel compatible with them. A good friend can provide you with great inspiration when you are feeling frustrated, and help us reach our full potential on our way to realizing our dreams.
Do you have such a friend?






compatible adj能共处的,能兼容的
inspiration n鼓舞,灵感
flock v聚集
status n地位
topic n话题

in most cases 在大多数情况下,一般地

Birds of the same species flock together




C++primer 第 4 章 表达式 4.7条件运算符 4.8位运算符 4.9 sizeof运算符 4.10逗号运算符 4.11类型转换 4 . 1 2 运算符优先级表

4.7条件运算符 条件运算符(?:)允许我们把简单的if else逻辑嵌入到单个表达式当中,条件运算符按照如下形式使用:cond ? expr1 : expr2;其中cond是判断条件的表达式,而expr1和expr2是两个类型相同或可能转换为某个公共类型的表达…

Git 之 git tag标签使用


C++primer 第 5 章语句 5.2语句作用域 5.3条件语句 5 . 4 迭代语句 5.5跳转语句 5.6 try语句块和异常处理

5 . 1 简单语句 C语言中的大多数语句都以分号结束,一个表达式,比如ival 5 , 末尾加上分号就变成了表达式语句(expression statement)。表达式语句的作用是执行表达式并丢弃掉求值结果:ival 5; // 一条没什么实际用处的表达式语…


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英语口语-文章朗读Week10 Wednesday

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进程之间通信 共享内存

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完整代码 #include <sys/shm.h> #include <iostream> #include <unistd.h> #include <pthread.h>void * child1(void *arg){pthread_t tid pthread_self();printf("1 thread %lu \n",tid);}int main(int argc,char* argv[]) {int result{…