*【HDU - 4272 】LianLianKan (dfs 或 状压dp,贪心不行)


I like playing game with my friend, although sometimes looks pretty naive. Today I invent a new game called LianLianKan. The game is about playing on a number stack. 
Now we have a number stack, and we should link and pop the same element pairs from top to bottom. Each time, you can just link the top element with one same-value element. After pop them from stack, all left elements will fall down. Although the game seems to be interesting, it's really naive indeed. 

To prove I am a wisdom among my friend, I add an additional rule to the game: for each top element, it can just link with the same-value element whose distance is less than 6 with it. 
Before the game, I want to check whether I have a solution to pop all elements in the stack. 


There are multiple test cases. 
The first line is an integer N indicating the number of elements in the stack initially. (1 <= N <= 1000) 
The next line contains N integer ai indicating the elements from bottom to top. (0 <= ai <= 2,000,000,000)


For each test case, output “1” if I can pop all elements; otherwise output “0”.

Sample Input

1 1
1 1 1
1000000 1

Sample Output





   刚开始贪心最近的,发现不行,因为可能要消远的  因为可能别人需要用这个来减少距离。后来尝试贪心最远的,,都WA了,看来只能dfs了、、


#define ll long long
using namespace std;
ll a[1005];
int main()
{int n;while(~scanf("%d",&n)) {vector<ll> vv;for(int i = 1; i<=n; i++) {scanf("%lld",&a[i]);}for(int i = n; i>=1; i--) {vv.push_back(a[i]);}if(n%2 == 1) {printf("0\n");continue;}vector<ll> :: iterator it;int flag = 0;while(1) {it = vv.begin();flag = 0;for(int i = 1; i<=5; i++) {if( ( it+i ) == vv.end()) {flag=0;break;}if(*(it+i) == (*it)) {flag=1;vv.erase(it+i);vv.erase(it);break;}}if(flag == 0) break;if(vv.size() == 0) break;}if(vv.size()) printf("0\n");else printf("1\n");}return 0 ;


#define ll long long
#define pb push_back
#define pm make_pair
using namespace std;
const int MAX = 2e5 + 5;
ll a[MAX];
bool vis[MAX];
int flag,n;
void dfs(int cur) {while(cur <= n && vis[cur]) cur++;if(cur > n) {//已经说明vis[n]=1了所以不用判断了 flag = 1;return ;}//if(cur == n) return;//因为已经判断奇偶了,所以这一步也不需要了if(flag) return;vis[cur]=1;int cnt = 0;int j=cur+1;for(; cnt<=5;) {if(j>=n+1) return;if(vis[j]) {j++;continue;}//if(cur+i>n) return;if(a[j] == a[cur]) {vis[j]=1;dfs(cur+1);vis[j]=0;}cnt++;j++;if(flag) return;}vis[cur]=0;
int main() {while(~scanf("%d",&n)) {flag = 0;mp.clear();for(int i = n; i>=1; i--) {scanf("%lld",&a[i]);vis[i]=0;mp[a[i]]++;}if(n%2 == 1 ) {printf("0\n");continue;}map<ll,int>::iterator it;for(it=mp.begin(); it!=mp.end(); it++) {if((it->second)%2==1) {flag = 2;break;}}if(flag == 2) {puts("0");continue;}dfs(1);if(flag) puts("1");else puts("0");}return 0 ;


#define ll long long
#define pb push_back
#define pm make_pair
using namespace std;
const int MAX = 2e5 + 5;
ll a[MAX];
bool vis[MAX];
int flag,n;
void dfs(int cur) {if(cur > n) {flag = 1;return;}if(vis[cur]) {dfs(cur+1);	return;}if(flag) return;vis[cur]=1;int cnt = 0;int j=cur+1;for(; cnt<=5;) {if(j>=n+1) return;if(vis[j]) {j++;continue;}//if(cur+i>n) return;if(a[j] == a[cur]) {vis[j]=1;dfs(cur+1);vis[j]=0;}cnt++;j++;if(flag) return;}vis[cur]=0;
int main() {while(~scanf("%d",&n)) {flag = 0;mp.clear();for(int i = n; i>=1; i--) {scanf("%lld",&a[i]);vis[i]=0;mp[a[i]]++;}if(n%2 == 1 ) {printf("0\n");continue;}map<ll,int>::iterator it;for(it=mp.begin(); it!=mp.end(); it++) {if((it->second)%2==1) {flag = 2;break;}}if(flag == 2) {puts("0");continue;}dfs(1);if(flag) puts("1");else puts("0");}return 0 ;


#define ll long long
#define pb push_back
#define pm make_pair
using namespace std;
const int MAX = 2e5 + 5;
ll a[MAX];
bool vis[MAX];
int flag,n;
ll fk;
void dfs(int cur) {if(cur > n) {flag = 1;return;}if(vis[cur]) {dfs(cur+1);return;}if(flag) return;vis[cur]=1;int cnt = 0;int j=cur+1;for(; cnt<=5;) {if(j>=n+1) return;if(vis[j]) {j++;continue;}//if(cur+i>n) return;if(a[j] == a[cur]) {vis[j]=1;dfs(cur+1);vis[j]=0;}cnt++;j++;if(flag) return;}vis[cur]=0;
int main() {while(~scanf("%d",&n)) {flag = 0;mp.clear();for(int i = n; i>=1; i--) {scanf("%lld",&a[i]);vis[i]=0;fk ^= a[i];}if(n%2 == 1 || fk != 0 ) {printf("0\n");continue;}dfs(1);if(flag) puts("1");else puts("0");}return 0 ;


#define ll long long
#define pb push_back
#define pm make_pair
using namespace std;
const int MAX = 2e5 + 5;
ll a[MAX];
bool vis[MAX];
int flag,n;
void dfs(int cur) {if(cur > n) {flag = 1; return;}if(vis[cur]) {dfs(cur+1); return;}vis[cur]=1;int cnt = 0;int now=cur+1;for(; cnt<=5;) {if(now>n) return;if(vis[now]) {now++;continue;}if(a[now] == a[cur]) {vis[now]=1;dfs(cur+1);vis[now]=0;}cnt++; now++;if(flag) return;}vis[cur]=0;
int main() {while(~scanf("%d",&n)) {flag = 0;for(int i = n; i>=1; i--) {scanf("%lld",&a[i]);vis[i]=0;}if(n%2 == 1 ) {printf("0\n");continue;}dfs(1);if(flag) puts("1");else puts("0");}return 0 ;



void dfs(int cur) {while(cur <= n && vis[cur]) cur++;if(cur > n && vis[n]) {flag = 1;return ;}if(cur > n) return;if(vis[cur]) {dfs(cur+1);return;}if(flag) return;vis[cur]=1;for(int i = 1; i<=5; i++) {if(vis[cur+i]) continue;if(a[cur+i] == a[cur]) {vis[cur+i]=1;dfs(cur+1);vis[cur+i]=0;}if(flag) return;}vis[cur]=0;

这就显然有问题了,,(不保证是原始版本了反正我随便挑了个WA的代码就放上来了),主要就是在于for(int i = 1; i<=5; i++)这里就不对,,因为没有考虑到中间有的数字可能已经被使用过了、题目中说的连续5个数字,,不是真正的物理连续,而是消除之后剩下的数字的连续的五个,所以不能这么写代码、并且还有小错误不断:经常把a[cur]写成a[i]了。。








using namespace std;const int MAXN = 1<<10;
const int bit = 9;int data[MAXN];
bool dp[MAXN][MAXN];int main()
{int i, j, k, N;while(scanf("%d", &N) != EOF){memset(data, -1, sizeof(data));memset(dp, 0, sizeof(dp));for(i=N; i>0; i--){scanf("%d", &data[i]);}dp[0][0] = true;for(i=1; i<=N; i++)for(j=0; j<MAXN; j++){if(dp[i-1][j] == true){///这种状态存在if(j & 1){///本位已经被消除dp[i][j>>1] = true;}else{int t = 0;///纪录已经被消除的,状态1表示被消除,0表示没有for(k=1; k<=bit; k++){if(!(j&(1<<k)) && k-t <=5 &&data[i] == data[i+k]){///可以消除,两者之间的距离应该不超过6dp[i][(j>>1)|(1<<(k-1))] = true;}else if(j & (1<<k))t++;}}}}if(dp[N][0] == true)printf("1\n");elseprintf("0\n");}return 0;

再贴两个记忆化dp的博客:链接  和  链接








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