mess系统可以读取opc服务器,C3. Messages


!Time Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data

!Time Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data

!Time Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data

!Time Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data




Fig. C 2.11 Sample Configuration of the data file 图C 2.11数据文件配置示例




表C3.1.1 AIDA生成器消息

消息条目 消息格式 消息说明

1 "AIDA Data Archiving Tool"(“AIDA数据归档工具”)

2 "Error occurred during Disconnection from the OPC Server"(“因OPC服务器断开连接而发生错误”)

3 "Could not Connect to the OPC Server ."(“无法连接到OPC服务器”) 从下拉菜单中指定OPC服务器。

4 "Set up Computer and ProgID correctly from an Option Dialog."(“从选项对话框中正确设置计算机和ProgID”。)

5 "The Definition File does not Exist."( “定义文件不存在”。) 从下拉菜单保存定义文件。

6 "The Data File does not Exist."(“数据文件不存在”。) 从下拉菜单中保存数据文件。

7 "Could not read the Definition File."(“无法读取定义文件。”)

8 "Please input the ItemID."(“请输入ItemID。”)

9 "This Present Settings has not been saved in the Definition File yet."(“当前设置尚未保存在定义文件中。”)

10 "Would you like to Reset all the settings ?"(“您要重置所有设置吗?”)

11 "Would you like to open a New File?"(“您要打开新文件吗?”)

12 "Would you like to save the Present Settings in the Definition File?"(“是否要在定义文件中保存当前设置?”)

13 "has been used." (“已使用。”)

14 "Would you like to Overwrite this file?"(“要覆盖此文件吗?”)

15 "You can only enter Numerical Value."(“您只能输入数值。”)

16 "The value entered should not Less than 0." (““输入的值不应小于0。”) 时间和数字数据应为正整数。

17 "The value entered should not Less than 1." (“输入的值不应小于1.”) 时间和数字数据应为正整数。

18 "There is no ItemID." (“没有ItemID。”) 检查位号的ItemID。

19 "Are you sure you want to Quit?"(“你确定要退出吗?”)

20 "Would you like to clear all the Settings and Open a Data file?"(“要清除所有设置并打开数据文件吗?”)

21 "Could not display Data." (“无法显示数据”。)

22 "Please display the Data File from the "(“请从…显示数据文件。”)

23 "The FileName is not correct"(“FileName不正确。”)

24 "OPC Server has not been set." & "Please set the OPC Server from the [Edit] menu."(“OPC服务器尚未设置。”&“请从[编辑]菜单中设置OPC服务器。”)

25 "Error occurred during Initialization of the Screen."(“初始化屏幕期间发生错误。”)

26 "Error occurred during Initialization of the Screen."(“初始化屏幕期间发生错误。”)

27 "Error occurred during registration of the ItemID."(“注册ItemID时出错。”)

28 "Error occurred during Collection of the HDA Data."(“收集HDA数据期间发生错误。”)

289 "Error occurred during Opening of the Data File."(“打开数据文件时出错。”)

30 "Error occurred during Opening of the Definition File."(“打开定义文件时出错。”)

31 "Error occurred during saving of the Def File."(“保存Def文件时出错。”)

32 "Error occurred during Displaying of the Time Series Dialog."(“显示时间序列对话框时出错。”)

33 "Error Occurred during Data Collection."(“数据采集期间发生错误。”)

34 "Error Occurred during Terminate Process."(“终止过程中出错。”)

35 "Error Occurred during Browsing Process."(“浏览过程中出错。”)

36 Public Const pubMESS_DATAERR As String = "The entered value is Invalid."(Public Const pubMESS_DATAERR As String =“输入的值无效。)

37 "The Format of the Date is not Correct. [MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss]"(“日期格式不正确。[MM / DD / YYYY hh:mm:ss]”)

38 "There are too many Samples."(“样本太多。”)

39 "Would you like to stop the Data Collection?"(“您要停止数据收集吗?”)

40 "It is not connected to the OPC Server."(““它未连接到OPC服务器。”)

41 "This Data File is Under Used Now."(“此数据文件现在未被使用。”)


Data field Section

!Time Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data

!Time Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data

!Time Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data

!Time Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data


Following is an example of Data file.

C3. Messages

The following are the error and other messages.

Messages and displayed on the bottom of the window. Some important message are displayed on the pop up dialog.

Table C3.1.1 AIDA Generator messages

Msg. No. Message Format Description of the Message

1 "AIDA Data Archiving Tool"

2 "Error occurred during Disconnection from the OPC Server"

3 "Could not Connect to the OPC Server ." Specify OPC server from the pull down menu.

4 "Set up Computer and ProgID correctly from an Option Dialog."

5 "The Definition File does not Exist." Save the definition file from the pull down menu.

6 "The Data File does not Exist." Save the data file from the pull down menu.

7 "Could not read the Definition File."

8 "Please input the ItemID."

9 "This Present Settings has not been saved in the Definition File yet."

10 "Would you like to Reset all the settings ?"

11 "Would you like to open a New File?"

12 "Would you like to save the Present Settings in the Definition File?"

13 "has been used."

14 "Would you like to Overwrite this file?"

15 "You can only enter Numerical Value."

16 "The value entered should not Less than 0." Time and number data should be positive integer.

17 "The value entered should not Less than 1." Time and number data should be positive integer.

18 "There is no ItemID." Check the ItemID of the tag.

19 "Are you sure you want to Quit?"

20 "Would you like to clear all the Settings and Open a Data file?"

21 "Could not display Data."

22 "Please display the Data File from the "

23 "The FileName is not correct"

24 "OPC Server has not been set." & "Please set the OPC Server from the [Edit] menu."

25 "Error occurred during Initialization of the Screen."

26 "Error occurred during Initialization of the Screen."

27 "Error occurred during registration of the ItemID."

28 "Error occurred during Collection of the HDA Data."

289 "Error occurred during Opening of the Data File."

30 "Error occurred during Opening of the Definition File."

31 "Error occurred during saving of the Def File."

32 "Error occurred during Displaying of the Time Series Dialog."

33 "Error Occurred during Data Collection."

34 "Error Occurred during Terminate Process."

35 "Error Occurred during Browsing Process."

36 Public Const pubMESS_DATAERR As String = "The entered value is Invalid."

37 "The Format of the Date is not Correct. [MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss]"

38 "There are too many Samples."

39 "Would you like to stop the Data Collection?"

40 "It is not connected to the OPC Server."

41 "This Data File is Under Used Now."





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