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【Sun Angle】:您的任务是在知道一天中的时间的情况下找到太阳在地平线上方的角度。例如:太阳在 6:00 AM 在东方升起,对应于0°角。在 12:00 PM,太阳到达顶点,这意味着该角度等于90°,6:00 PM 是日落时间,因此角度为180°,如果时间是夜晚时间(上午6:00之前或下午6:00之后),则您的函数应返回“I don’t see the sun!”。
【前提】:00:00 <= time <= 23:59
sun_angle("07:00") == 15
sun_angle("12:15"] == 93.75
sun_angle("01:23") == "I don't see the sun!"
对应 0°
对应 15°
对应 180°
,也就是每增加 1 个小时,度数就增加 15°
分析分针,60 分钟等于 1 小时,分针转 1 圈(360°)时针转 1/24 圈(15°),那么 1 分钟,时针转 0.25°
如果是整点,那么只需要计算有多少个 15° 就行了
如果不是整点,除了要计算有多少个 15° ,还需要计算有多少个 0.25°,最后两者相加
注意时钟要大于等于 6 并且小于 18,此外,还有特殊的 18 点整等于 180°
def sun_angle(time):time = time.split(':')if int(time[0]) == 18 and int(time[1]) == 0:return int(180)elif 6 <= int(time[0]) < 18:if int(time[1]) > 0:return (int(time[0])-6)*15 + int(time[1])*0.25else:return (int(time[0])-6)*15else:return "I don't see the sun!"if __name__ == '__main__':print("Example:")print(sun_angle("07:00"))# These "asserts" using only for self-checking and not necessary for auto-testingassert sun_angle("07:00") == 15assert sun_angle("01:23") == "I don't see the sun!"print("Coding complete? Click 'Check' to earn cool rewards!")
大神解答 NO.1
def sun_angle(time):h, m = list(map(int, time.split(':')))angle = 15 * h + m / 4 - 90return angle if 0 <= angle <= 180 else "I don't see the sun!"
大神解答 NO.2
def sun_angle(time):t = int(time[:2]) * 15 + int(time[3:]) / 4 - 90return t if 0 <= t <= 180 else "I don't see the sun!"
大神解答 NO.3
from datetime import datetime
from scipy.interpolate import interp1dsolutions = {'06:00': 0, '12:00': 90, '18:00': 180}
stamp = lambda time: datetime.strptime(time, '%H:%M').timestamp()
line = interp1d([*map(stamp, solutions)], [*solutions.values()])def sun_angle(time):try: return line(stamp(time))[()]except ValueError: return "I don't see the sun!"