1007. Maximum Subsequence Sum (25)

Sample Input:

-10 1 2 3 4 -5 -23 3 7 -21

Sample Output:

10 1 4


#include <stdio.h>int MaxSubseqSum4(int A[], int N, int* pstart, int* pend)
{int i = 0;int tempStart; //记录最大子段和位置int thisSum = 0, sum = 0;tempStart = 0;for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {thisSum += A[i];if (thisSum > sum) {sum = thisSum;*pstart = tempStart;*pend = i;} else if (thisSum < 0) {thisSum = 0;tempStart = i + 1;//每次及时更新,但不一定是最大和的首位置}}return sum;
}int main()
{int N = 0;int A[10001] = {0};int i;int flag = 0;int start, end, sum;scanf("%d", &N);for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {scanf("%d", A+i);if (*(A+i) >= 0) {flag = 1;}}if (flag == 0) { //如果序列的值全部<0printf("0 %d %d", A[0], A[N-1]);} else {sum = MaxSubseqSum4(A, N, &start, &end);printf("%d %d %d", sum, A[start], A[end]);}return 0;



用 下面的例子可以明白


-1 0 0





#include <stdio.h>int MaxSubseqSum4(int A[], int N, int* pstart, int* pend)
{int i = 0;int tempStart; //记录最大子段和位置int thisSum = 0, sum = -1;tempStart = 0;for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {thisSum += A[i];if (thisSum > sum) {sum = thisSum;*pstart = tempStart;*pend = i;} else if (thisSum < 0) {thisSum = 0;tempStart = i + 1;//每次及时更新,但不一定是最大和的首位置}}return (sum > 0 ? sum : 0);
}int main()
{int N = 0;int A[10001] = {0};int i;int flag = 0;int start, end, sum;scanf("%d", &N);for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {scanf("%d", A+i);if (*(A+i) >= 0) {flag = 1;}}if (flag == 0) { //如果序列的值全部<0printf("0 %d %d", A[0], A[N-1]);} else {sum = MaxSubseqSum4(A, N, &start, &end);printf("%d %d %d", sum, A[start], A[end]);}return 0;




using namespace std;  
int main()  
{  int N;  int *input;  int i;  int begin=0, end=0, sum=0;  //最终所求的子序列的起始位置,终止位置,以及子序列和。  int tempSum=0, tempBegin=0, tempEnd=0;  //目前正在考察的子序列的起始位置,终止位置,以及子序列的和。  cin>>N;     input = new int[N];   for(i=0; i<N; i++)  cin>>input[i];  end = N-1;    for(i=0; i<N; i++)  {  if(tempSum >= 0)  {  tempSum += input[i];  tempEnd = i;  }  else {  //如果tempSum<0,那么tempSum+input[i]<input[i]  //所以此时我们要开始考察新的子序列  tempSum = 0;   tempSum += input[i];  tempBegin = i;  tempEnd = i;  }  //if(tempSum > sum) 这样写不能AC,应改为如下:  if(tempSum > sum || (tempSum == 0 && end == N-1))  //{  sum = tempSum;  begin = tempBegin;  end = tempEnd;  }         }  cout<<sum<<" "<<input[begin]<<" "<<input[end]<<endl;  return 0;  


从集合的角度,所有的子段和可以分为三类:>0, <0, =0,<0的直接就不用考虑了,>0的直接用tempSum > sum就可以处理这种情况,比较麻烦的是=0这种情况,根据题目要求,当tempSum == 0时必须更新begin,end的值,(题目中有:保证i,j都尽可能的小),但是只有第一次更新就行了,如果每次子段和为0都更新,否则就不能保证j尽可能的小了,于是有了end == N-1这个条件。如测试数据2 1 -1.


using namespace std;  
int main()  
{  int N;  int a;  int i;  int begin=0, end=0, sum=0;  //最终所求的子序列的起始位置,终止位置,以及子序列和。  int tempSum=0, tempBegin = 0, tempEnd=0, allBegin = 0, allEnd = 0;  //目前正在考察的子序列的起始位置,终止位置,以及子序列的和。  int flag = 0;  int allNeg = 1;cin>>N;     for(i=0; i<N; i++)  {   cin >> a;if (i == 0) { //初始化tempBegin = a;allBegin = a;}if (i == N-1) { //初始化allEnd = a;}if (a >= 0) {  //判断是否全为负数allNeg = 0;}if(tempSum >= 0)  //记录当前tempSum值{  tempSum += a;  tempEnd = a;  }  else {  tempSum = 0;   tempSum += a;  tempBegin = a;  tempEnd = a;  }if(tempSum > sum || (tempSum == 0 && flag == 0))  {  sum = tempSum;  begin = tempBegin;  end = tempEnd;flag = 1;}         }  if (allNeg == 1)cout <<  "0" << " " << allBegin <<" "<< allEnd << endl;  elsecout << sum << " " << begin << " " << end << endl;return 0;  





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