


USE distribution SELECT  'EXEC distribution.sys.sp_replmonitorsubscriptionpendingcmds @publisher = N'''+ a.publisher + ''', @publisher_db = N''' + a.publisher_db+ ''', @publication = N''' + a.publication + ''', @subscriber = N'''+ + ''', @subscriber_db = N''' + b.subscriber_db+ ''', @subscription_type =' + CAST(b.subscription_type AS VARCHAR)
FROM    dbo.MSreplication_monitordata a ( NOLOCK )JOIN ( SELECT   publication_id ,subscriber_id ,subscriber_db ,subscription_typeFROM     MSsubscriptions (NOLOCK)GROUP BY publication_id ,subscriber_id ,subscriber_db ,subscription_type) b ON a.publication_id = b.publication_idJOIN sys.servers c ( NOLOCK ) ON b.subscriber_id = c.server_id
WHERE   a.agent_type = 1



IF(OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tmpSubscribers') IS NOT NULL)
DROP TABLE #tmpSubscribers
--IF(OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tmpPendingResult') IS NOT NULL)
--DROP TABLE #tmpPendingResult
--IF(OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tmpSinglePendingResult') IS NOT NULL)
--DROP TABLE #tmpSinglePendingResult
USE distribution 
, as subscriber
,b.subscriber_db as subscriber_db
,CAST(b.subscription_type AS VARCHAR) as subscription_type
,'EXEC distribution.sys.sp_replmonitorsubscriptionpendingcmds @publisher = N'''+ a.publisher + ''', @publisher_db = N''' + a.publisher_db+ ''', @publication = N''' + a.publication + ''', @subscriber = N'''+ + ''', @subscriber_db = N''' + b.subscriber_db+ ''', @subscription_type =' + CAST(b.subscription_type AS VARCHAR) AS ScriptTxt
INTO #tmpSubscribers
FROM    dbo.MSreplication_monitordata a ( NOLOCK )JOIN ( SELECT   publication_id ,subscriber_id ,subscriber_db ,subscription_typeFROM     MSsubscriptions (NOLOCK)GROUP BY publication_id ,subscriber_id ,subscriber_db ,subscription_type) b ON a.publication_id = b.publication_idJOIN sys.servers c ( NOLOCK ) ON b.subscriber_id = c.server_id
WHERE   a.agent_type = 1
--CREATE TABLE #tmpPendingResult
--publisher NVARCHAR(200)
--,publisher_db NVARCHAR(200)
--,publication NVARCHAR(200)
--,subscriber NVARCHAR(200)
--,subscriber_db NVARCHAR(200)
--,subscription_type NVARCHAR(200)
--,pendingcmdcount BIGINT
--,estimatedprocesstime BIGINT
--)--CREATE TABLE #tmpSinglePendingResult
--pendingcmdcount BIGINT
--,estimatedprocesstime BIGINT
DECLARE @publisher NVARCHAR(200);;
DECLARE @publisher_db NVARCHAR(200);
DECLARE @publication NVARCHAR(200);DECLARE @subscriber NVARCHAR(200);;
DECLARE @subscriber_db NVARCHAR(200);
DECLARE @subscription_type NVARCHAR(200);
SELECT publisher
FROM #tmpSubscribers;OPEN MyCursorFETCH NEXT FROM MyCursor 
INTO @publisher
,@ScriptTxt;WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
@publisher AS publisher
,@publisher_db AS publisher_db
,@publication AS publication
,@subscriber AS subscriber
,@subscriber_db AS subscriber_db
,@subscription_type AS subscription_type
,@ScriptTxt;EXEC(@ScriptTxt)FETCH NEXT FROM MyCursor 
INTO @publisher
,@ScriptTxt;ENDCLOSE MyCursor


USE distribution
IF ( OBJECT_ID('dbo.sp_replmonitorsubscriptionpendingcmds_EX ') IS NOT NULL ) BEGINDROP PROCEDURE dbo.sp_replmonitorsubscriptionpendingcmds_EX END
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.sp_replmonitorsubscriptionpendingcmds_EX
AS BEGINSET nocount ONCREATE TABLE #tmpPendingResult(publisher NVARCHAR(200) ,publisher_db NVARCHAR(200) ,publication NVARCHAR(200) ,subscriber NVARCHAR(200) ,subscriber_db NVARCHAR(200) ,subscription_type NVARCHAR(200) ,pendingcmdcount BIGINT ,estimatedprocesstime BIGINT)--查找所有订阅SELECT  a.publisher ,a.publisher_db ,a.publication , AS subscriber ,b.subscriber_db AS subscriber_db ,CAST(b.subscription_type AS VARCHAR) AS subscription_typeINTO    #tmpSubscribersFROM    dbo.MSreplication_monitordata a ( NOLOCK )JOIN ( SELECT   publication_id ,subscriber_id ,subscriber_db ,subscription_typeFROM     MSsubscriptions (NOLOCK)GROUP BY publication_id ,subscriber_id ,subscriber_db ,subscription_type) b ON a.publication_id = b.publication_idJOIN sys.servers c ( NOLOCK ) ON b.subscriber_id = c.server_idWHERE   a.agent_type = 1DECLARE @count INTSELECT  @count = COUNT(1)FROM    #tmpSubscribersPRINT 'Subscriber Counter:' + CAST(@count AS VARCHAR(200));DECLARE @publisher NVARCHAR(200);;DECLARE @publisher_db NVARCHAR(200);DECLARE @publication NVARCHAR(200);DECLARE @subscriber NVARCHAR(200);;DECLARE @subscriber_db NVARCHAR(200);DECLARE @subscription_type NVARCHAR(200);DECLARE MyCursor CURSORFORSELECT  publisher ,publisher_db ,publication ,subscriber ,subscriber_db ,subscription_typeFROM    #tmpSubscribers;OPEN MyCursorFETCH NEXT FROM MyCursor 
INTO @publisher, @publisher_db, @publication, @subscriber, @subscriber_db,@subscription_type;DECLARE @Error NVARCHAR(MAX)WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGINSELECT  @Error = '@publisher=' + @publisher+ ';@publisher_db=' + @publisher_db + ';@publication='+ @publication + ';@subscriber=' + @subscriber+ ';@subscriber_db' + @subscriber_dbPRINT '开始:' + @Error;DECLARE @retcode INT ,@agent_id INT ,@publisher_id INT ,@subscriber_id INT ,@lastrunts TIMESTAMP ,@avg_rate FLOAT ,@xact_seqno VARBINARY(16) ,@inactive INT = 1 ,@virtual INT = -1--
    -- PAL security check done inside sp_MSget_repl_commands-- security: Has to be executed from distribution database--
  --  if sys.fn_MSrepl_isdistdb (db_name()) != 1--  begin--      --raiserror (21482, 16, -1, 'sp_replmonitorsubscriptionpendingcmds', 'distribution')--      --return 1--SELECT  @Error='@publisher='+@publisher+';@publisher_db='+@publisher_db--+';@publication='+@publication+';@subscriber='+@subscriber+';@subscriber_db'+@subscriber_db--PRINT @Error--CONTINUE;--  end--
    -- validate @subscription_type--
                IF ( @subscription_type NOT IN ( 0, 1 ) ) BEGIN--raiserror(14200, 16, 3, '@subscription_type')--return 1PRINT 'ERROR IN subscription_type'CONTINUE;END--
    -- get the server ids for publisher and subscriber--
                SELECT  @publisher_id = server_idFROM    sys.serversWHERE   UPPER(name) = UPPER(@publisher)IF ( @publisher_id IS NULL ) BEGIN--raiserror(21618, 16, -1, @publisher)--return 1PRINT 'ERROR IN publisher_id'CONTINUE;ENDSELECT  @subscriber_id = server_idFROM    sys.serversWHERE   UPPER(name) = UPPER(@subscriber)IF ( @subscriber_id IS NULL ) BEGIN--raiserror(20032, 16, -1, @subscriber, @publisher)--return 1PRINT 'ERROR IN subscriber_id'CONTINUE;END--
    -- get the agent id--
                SELECT  @agent_id = idFROM    dbo.MSdistribution_agentsWHERE   publisher_id = @publisher_idAND publisher_db = @publisher_dbAND publication IN ( @publication, 'ALL' )AND subscriber_id = @subscriber_idAND subscriber_db = @subscriber_dbAND subscription_type = @subscription_typeIF ( @agent_id IS NULL ) BEGIN--raiserror(14055, 16, -1)--return (1)PRINT 'ERROR IN agent_id'CONTINUE;END;--
    -- Compute timestamp for latest run--
                WITH    dist_sessions ( start_time, runstatus, timestamp )AS ( SELECT   start_time ,MAX(runstatus) ,MAX(timestamp)FROM     dbo.MSdistribution_historyWHERE    agent_id = @agent_idAND runstatus IN ( 2, 3, 4 )GROUP BY start_time)SELECT  @lastrunts = MAX(timestamp)FROM    dist_sessions;IF ( @lastrunts IS NULL ) BEGIN--
        -- Distribution agent has not run successfully even once-- and virtual subscription of immediate sync publication is inactive (snapshot has not run), no point of returning any counts-- see SQLBU#320752, orig fix SD#881433, and regression bug VSTS# 140179 before you attempt to fix it differently :)IF EXISTS ( SELECT  *FROM    dbo.MSpublications pJOIN dbo.MSsubscriptions s ON p.publication_id = s.publication_idWHERE   p.publisher_id = @publisher_idAND p.publisher_db = @publisher_dbAND p.publication = @publicationAND p.immediate_sync = 1AND s.status = @inactiveAND s.subscriber_id = @virtual ) BEGIN--   select 'pendingcmdcount' = 0, N'estimatedprocesstime' = 0--return 0INSERT  INTO #tmpPendingResult( publisher ,publisher_db ,publication ,subscriber ,subscriber_db ,subscription_type ,pendingcmdcount ,estimatedprocesstime)SELECT  @publisher ,@publisher_db ,@publication ,@subscriber ,@subscriber_db ,@subscription_type ,0 ,0END--
        -- Grab the max timestamp--
                        SELECT  @lastrunts = MAX(timestamp)FROM    dbo.MSdistribution_historyWHERE   agent_id = @agent_idEND--
    -- get delivery rate for the latest completed run-- get the latest sequence number--
                SELECT  @xact_seqno = xact_seqno ,@avg_rate = delivery_rateFROM    dbo.MSdistribution_historyWHERE   agent_id = @agent_idAND timestamp = @lastrunts--
    -- if no rows are selected in last query-- explicitly initialize these variables--
                SELECT  @xact_seqno = ISNULL(@xact_seqno, 0x0) ,@avg_rate = ISNULL(@avg_rate, 0.0)--
    -- if we do not have completed run-- get the average for the agent in all runs--
                IF ( @avg_rate = 0.0 ) BEGINSELECT  @avg_rate = ISNULL(AVG(delivery_rate), 0.0)FROM    dbo.MSdistribution_historyWHERE   agent_id = @agent_idEND--
    -- get the count of undelivered commands-- PAL check done inside--
                DECLARE @countab TABLE ( pendingcmdcount INT )INSERT  INTO @countab( pendingcmdcount)EXEC @retcode = sys.sp_MSget_repl_commands @agent_id = @agent_id,@last_xact_seqno = @xact_seqno, @get_count = 2,@compatibility_level = 9000000IF ( @retcode != 0OR @@error != 0)--return 1CONTINUE;--
    -- compute the time to process-- return the resultset--
                INSERT  INTO #tmpPendingResult( publisher ,publisher_db ,publication ,subscriber ,subscriber_db ,subscription_type ,pendingcmdcount ,estimatedprocesstime)SELECT  @publisher ,@publisher_db ,@publication ,@subscriber ,@subscriber_db ,@subscription_type ,pendingcmdcount ,CASE WHEN ( @avg_rate != 0.0 )THEN CAST(( CAST(pendingcmdcount AS FLOAT)/ @avg_rate ) AS INT)ELSE pendingcmdcountENDFROM    @countab--
    -- all done--
INTO @publisher, @publisher_db, @publication, @subscriber, @subscriber_db,@subscription_type;ENDCLOSE MyCursorDEALLOCATE MyCursorSELECT  *FROM    #tmpPendingResultEND
EXEC dbo.sp_replmonitorsubscriptionpendingcmds_EX 










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