FlexTools plugin and 3dWindow plugin for SketchUp Crack

FlexTools v2.3.6 plugin for SketchUp 3dWindow v.4.5 plugin for SketchUp



Flex Components in Action [gif]

Scale Icon


Scale components to fit precisely.  All parameters and proportions are maintained.

Options Icon

Fully Parametric

Components are fully parametric, so making changes is fast and easy.  FlexTools fits perfectly into interactive design processes.

Parametric Animation

Total Customization Animation

Total Customization

Every element of the components can be adjusted.  Explore new design alternatives in seconds.

Save HOURS of modeling time on every project

Get FlexTools Now

Multiple Wall Cutting Animation


Instantly cut through multiple layered walls with dynamic openings that readjust automatically.  Any Sketchup component can be converted into a wall-cutter!

Learn More

Component Finder

Manage your locally saved components.  Find and save the components you need easily.

* Also available for free (No components included)

flextools 3D 2D elevation plan section 




Favorites Animation

flextools 3D 2D elevation plan section

Instant Plans & Elevations

Ready for Layout in a few clicks.

Sections Fills Icon

Section Fills

Full compatibility with Sketchup section fills.

WallCutter Section Fills Animation

The Dynamic Components

FlexTools for SketchUp - Toolbar_DCs

FlexDoor Icon


FlexDoor Glass Icon

FlexDoor Glass

Flex Minimal Door B Icon

Minimal Doors

Pocket Door Icon

Pocket Door

Flex Bifold Icon


FlexSlider Icon


Double-Hung Icon

Double Hung

Casement Single Icon

Casement Single

Casement Double Icon

Casement Double

Hopper Awning Icon

Hopper / Awning

Flex Fixed Window Icon


FlexTrapezoid Icon


FlexWindow Arch Icon

FlexWindow Arch

FlexSlat Icon


FlexPanel Icon


FlexFence Icon


FlexStairs Icon


FlexSlope Icon


FlexRamp Icon


More in development...

WallCutter Logo Small

Designed for optimal workflow with WallCutter

Dynamic Components Icon

Powered by SketchUp's Dynamic Components Technology

The Tools

FlexTools for SketchUp - Toolbar_tools

DC options window icon - configurator tool

Component Options

Adjust dynamic component parameters.

(Native SketchUp tool)

open-close icon

Open / Close

Open or close multiple FlexDoors at once.

Interact Tool Icon


Interact with dynamic components.

(Native SketchUp tool)


Make Unique

Makes a component unique.

(Native SketchUp tool)

WallCutter Icon


Cut through multiple layered walls with dynamic openings that readjust automatically.

Make Totally Unique Icon

Make Totally Unique

Makes a component and all its subcomponents unique.

FlexRefresh Icon


Refresh the selected components.

Zapper Icon


Remove dynamic behaviors while maintaining component instances and hierarchy.

Flip Icon


Flip FlexDoor inside-out.

Cleaner Icon


Delete deeply nested hidden geometry.

Component Finder Toolbar Icon


Manage your private 3D objects and models, find and save them easily.

* Also available as a free separate extension


3dWindow v.4.5 plugin for SketchUp

a powerful but easy to use extension for SketchUp. This extension is a must have for everyone who uses SketchUp in construction or architectural drawings. Never before has it been so easy to create great looking frames, windows and doors into your model. And it takes only seconds! 

3dWindow is a powerful but easy to use extension for many versions of SketchUp indifferent if you are using an older free 'Make' version of SketchUp or the latest SketchUp Pro!

Terms and Definitions explained... (click on the images to zoom)

A frame is where it all starts with and contains stiles and rails.
Ongoing stile
Ongoing rail

Frame Height
Frame Width

In a frame you can place fillings.
Slider window

Recessed distance
Stile size
Frame depth
Rail size


3dWindow Toolbar explained

The 3dWindow toolbar can be used horizontally and be embedded with your other toolbar(s)...


... or being used as a pop-up window:

[It will never show all buttons 'enabled' and therefore in 'full color' though! The image has been manipulated to show all possibilities.

Only the icons that can be used at the state your model is in, will be in color and ready to be used.

For example row 8: these three icons represent the level of detail of the frame or filling. If it is in LOW level of detail (the left square wooden icon) you will see the MEDIUM and HIGH level icons lighten up expressing that you can switch to that state of the object. The left icon will be grey since the object cannot move to a state it is already in.)

Function and meaning of the icons in the toolbars 


With this button you can set general default values which will be available for all of your existing and future models.

With this button you can set default color values which will be available for all of your existing and future models.

Project settings are used to define your settings to be used in this model only.

Project color settings are used to define your color settings to be used in this model only.

The referral to this online web page.

If you want to place a window or door frame without first drawing the square or rectangle area to define the exact measures and location of the frame, you can select this button. It will generate a default frame (with sizes that are predefined in the General Preferences) which then will stick to your mouse pointer and can be placed in a wall or surface with a single click. The exact measurements and other details can be altered afterwards.

When you have created a rectangle or square on a surface and you have selected that area (so SketchUp marks the area) you can click this button to used the location and measurements. A windows will pop-up where you can define your specific needs. It will generally provide you with your predefined Project Preferences or even General Preferences if given.

This button will offer you the possibility to change the settings of an existing frame (when selected). The menu contains the same parameters as if you were to create a new frame.

This button will offer you the possibility to change the colors of the selected frame (and therefore overruling the Project or General Color preferences).

This option will mirror your frame. A window on the right side will be moved to the left and vice versa.

This will delete the frame (and all additional components and or fillings that you have created).

You can change the width or height of any individual stile by choosing this option and entering the new measurement.

You can change the width or height of any individual rail by choosing this option and entering the new measurement.

This will delete the selected individual stile.

This will delete the selected individual rail.

This function will enable you to change the way the connection endpoints of stiles are handled.

This function will enable you to change the way the connection endpoints of rails are handled.

This function will change the measurements of a filling (therefore moving rails and stiles).

This function will change the status of rails and stiles surrounding a filling (turning them on/off).

This will delete the filling inside a frame.

This will present the complete window frame in a low level of detail.

This will present the complete window frame in a medium level of detail.

This will present the complete window frame in a high level of detail.

This will open a library of Windows.

This will open a library of Double Windows.

This will open a library of Slider Windows.

This will open a library of Hung Windows.

This will open a library of Doors.

This will open a library of Double Doors.

This will open a library of Slider Doors.

This will open a library of Glazing Beads.

This will open a library of Glass types.

This will open a library of Panels.

This will open a library of Rack works.

This will open the contents of your folder containing User Components. So you can insert any of your own .SKP models.

Default location:

"C:Users.[Your Computer name]. AppData.Roaming.SketchUp.SketchUp 20xx.SketchUp.Plugins.RS_Window.User_Components"

You can define your own path in the General Preferences.





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