-- intersect(A ∩ B)。交集select*from student where id in(1,2,3)intersectselect*from student where id in(2,3,4);-- 变通实现select*from student where id in(1,2,3)and id in(select id from student where id in(2,3,4));
2.2.4. minus(A - A ∩ B)。左差集。oracle支持,mysql不支持(可以变通实现)
-- minus(A - A ∩ B)。左差集select*from student where id in(1,2,3)
select*from student where id in(2,3,4);-- 变通实现select*from student where id in(1,2,3)and id notin(select id from student where id in(2,3,4));
2.2.5. minus(A - A ∩ B)。右差集。oracle支持,mysql不支持(可以变通实现)
-- minus(A - A ∩ B)。右差集select*from student where id in(2,3,4)
select*from student where id in(1,2,3);-- 变通实现select*from student where id in(2,3,4)and id notin(select id from student where id in(1,2,3));
2.2.6. union(A ∪ B)。并集(去重)
-- union(A ∪ B)。并集(去重)select*from student where id in(1,2,3)unionselect*from student where id in(2,3,4);
2.2.7. union all(A + B)。和集(不去重)
-- union all(A + B)。和集(不去重)select*from student where id in(1,2,3)unionallselect*from student where id in(2,3,4);
2.2.8. (A minus B) union (B minus A)[(A - B) + (B - A)]或 (A union B) minus (A intersect B)[(A ∪ B) - (A ∩ B)] 。A ∩ B在A ∪ B的补集。oracle支持,mysql不支持(可以变通实现)
-- 算法1:`(A minus B) union (B minus A)`[(A - B) + (B - A)]。A ∩ B在A ∪ B的补集。(select*from student where id in(1,2,3)
select*from student where id in(2,3,4))union(select*from student where id in(2,3,4)
select*from student where id in(1,2,3));-- 算法1:变通实现(select*from student where id in(1,2,3)and id notin(select id from student where id in(2,3,4)))union(select*from student where id in(2,3,4)and id notin(select id from student where id in(1,2,3)));-- 算法2:`(A union B) minus (A intersect B)`[(A ∪ B) - (A ∩ B)] -- `(union) minus (intersect)`[(A ∪ B) - (A ∩ B)]。A ∩ B在A ∪ B的补集。(select*from student where id in(2,3,4)unionselect*from student where id in(1,2,3))
(select*from student where id in(2,3,4)intersectselect*from student where id in(1,2,3));-- 算法2:变通实现select*from(select*from student where id in(1,2,3)unionselect*from student where id in(2,3,4))where id notin(select id from student where id in(1,2,3)and id in(select id from student where id in(2,3,4)));
隐式内存共享 Many C classes in Qt use implicit data sharing to maximize resource usage and minimize copying. Implicitly shared classes are both safe and efficient when passed as arguments, because only a pointer to the data is passed around, and the data i…
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安装 npm install json-editor-vue3 main中引入
main.js 中加入下面代码
import "jsoneditor";不然会有报错,如jsoneditor does not provide an export named ‘default’。 图片信息来源-github
代码示例 <template><json-editor-vue class…