moveTo (x, y);
moveTo (x, y, duration);
moveTo (x, y, duration, interpolation);
rotateTo (rotation);
rotateTo (rotation, duration);
rotateTo (rotation, duration, interpolation);
Actor actor = new Actor(); float x = 100.0f, y = 100.0f, rotation = 0.0f, duration = 1.0f; actor.addAction(sequence( moveTo(x, y), rotateTo(rotation), delay(duration), parallel(moveBy(50.0f, 0.0f, 5.0f), rotateBy(90.0f, 5.0f, Interpolation.swingOut))));
•add(): This adds an action to an actor.
•alpha(): This sets the alpha value of an actor's color.
•color(): This sets the color of an actor.
•fadeIn() and fadeOut(): These are convenience actions to set the alpha value of an actor's color to 1 or 0, respectively.
•hide(): This sets the visibility of an actor to false.
•layout(): This sets the actor's layout to enabled or disabled.
•moveBy() and moveTo(): These move an actor by a relative amount or to a specific location.
•removeActor(): This removes the actor to which this action is attached. Alternatively, another actor that is to be removed can be specified.
•rotateBy() and rotateTo(): These rotate an actor by a relative amount or to a specific angle of rotation.
•run(): This runs a Runnable (the code will be executed in a separate thread).
•scaleBy() and scaleTo(): These scale an actor by a relative amount or to a specific scale.
• show(): This sets the visibility of an actor to true.
• sizeBy() and sizeTo(): These resize an actor by a relative amount or to a specific size.
• touchable(): This sets the touchability of an actor(refer to Touchable enumerator).
• visible(): This sets the visibility of an actor.
• after(): This waits for other actions of an actor to finish before its action is executed. Note that this action will only wait for other actions that were already added to an actor prior to this.
• delay(): This delays the execution of an action.
• forever(): This repeats an action forever.
• parallel():This executes a list of actions at the same time.
• repeat(): This repeats an action for a given number of times.
• sequence(): This executes a list of actions one after another.
private Table buildObjectsLayer() {Table layer = new Table();// + CoinsimgCoins = new Image(skinCanyonBunny, "coins");layer.addActor(imgCoins);imgCoins.setOrigin(imgCoins.getWidth() / 2,imgCoins.getHeight() / 2);imgCoins.addAction(sequence(moveTo(135, -20),scaleTo(0, 0),fadeOut(0),delay(2.5f),parallel(moveBy(0, 100, 0.5f, Interpolation.swingOut),scaleTo(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.25f, Interpolation.linear),alpha(1.0f, 0.5f))));// + BunnyimgBunny = new Image(skinCanyonBunny, "bunny");layer.addActor(imgBunny);imgBunny.addAction(sequence(moveTo(655, 510),delay(4.0f),moveBy(-70, -100, 0.5f, Interpolation.fade),moveBy(-100, -50, 0.5f, Interpolation.fade),moveBy(-150, -300, 1.0f, Interpolation.elasticIn)));return layer;}
private void showMenuButtons(boolean visible) {float moveDuration = 1.0f;Interpolation moveEasing = Interpolation.swing;float delayOptionsButton = 0.25f;float moveX = 300 * (visible ? -1 : 1);float moveY = 0 * (visible ? -1 : 1);final Touchable touchEnabled = visible ? Touchable.enabled: Touchable.disabled;btnMenuPlay.addAction(moveBy(moveX, moveY, moveDuration, moveEasing));btnMenuOptions.addAction(sequence(delay(delayOptionsButton),moveBy(moveX, moveY, moveDuration, moveEasing)));SequenceAction seq = sequence();if (visible)seq.addAction(delay(delayOptionsButton + moveDuration));seq.addAction(run(new Runnable() {public void run() {btnMenuPlay.setTouchable(touchEnabled);btnMenuOptions.setTouchable(touchEnabled);}}));stage.addAction(seq);}private void showOptionsWindow(boolean visible, boolean animated) {float alphaTo = visible ? 0.8f : 0.0f;float duration = animated ? 1.0f : 0.0f;Touchable touchEnabled = visible ? Touchable.enabled: Touchable.disabled;winOptions.addAction(sequence(touchable(touchEnabled),alpha(alphaTo, duration)));}
private Table buildOptionsWindowLayer () { ... // Make options window slightly transparent winOptions.setColor(1, 1, 1, 0.8f); // Hide options window by default showOptionsWindow(false, false); if (debugEnabled) winOptions.debug(); // Let TableLayout recalculate widget sizes and positions winOptions.pack(); // Move options window to bottom right corner winOptions.setPosition(Constants.VIEWPORT_GUI_WIDTH - winOptions.getWidth() - 50, 50); return winOptions; } private void onOptionsClicked () {loadSettings();showMenuButtons(false);showOptionsWindow(true, true); } private void onCancelClicked () {showMenuButtons(true);showOptionsWindow(false, true);AudioManager.instance.onSettingsUpdated(); }
用texture packer把序列图片打包。
• NORMAL: This plays the animation once (first frame to last)
• REVERSED: This plays the animation once (last frame to first)
• LOOP: This plays the animation in a loop (first frame to last)
• LOOP_REVERSED: This plays the animation in a loop (last frame to first)
• LOOP_PINGPONG: This plays the animation in a loop (first frame, to last,to first)
• LOOP_RANDOM: This plays the animation in a loop (random frames)
1. The first animation animCopterTransform plays all frames once (play mode:NORMAL; frame progression: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05).
2. The second animation animCopterRotate plays the last two frames in a ping-pong loop(play mode: LOOP_PINGPONG; frame progression: 04, 05, 05,04, [restart at first frame]).
3. Lastly, the third animation animCopterTransformBack is simply the reverse of the first animation (play mode: REVERSED; frame progression: 05, 04, 03,02, 01).
public class AssetGoldCoin {public final AtlasRegion goldCoin;public final Animation animGoldCoin;public AssetGoldCoin(TextureAtlas atlas) {goldCoin = atlas.findRegion("item_gold_coin");// Animation: Gold CoinArray<AtlasRegion> regions =atlas.findRegions("anim_gold_coin");AtlasRegion region = regions.first();for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)regions.insert(0, region);animGoldCoin = new Animation(1.0f / 20.0f, regions,Animation.LOOP_PINGPONG);}}public class AssetBunny {public final AtlasRegion head;public final Animation animNormal;public final Animation animCopterTransform;public final Animation animCopterTransformBack;public final Animation animCopterRotate;public AssetBunny(TextureAtlas atlas) {head = atlas.findRegion("bunny_head");Array<AtlasRegion> regions = null;AtlasRegion region = null;// Animation: Bunny Normalregions = atlas.findRegions("anim_bunny_normal");animNormal = new Animation(1.0f / 10.0f, regions,Animation.LOOP_PINGPONG);// Animation: Bunny Copter - knot earsregions = atlas.findRegions("anim_bunny_copter");animCopterTransform = new Animation(1.0f / 10.0f, regions);// Animation: Bunny Copter - unknot earsregions = atlas.findRegions("anim_bunny_copter");animCopterTransformBack = new Animation(1.0f / 10.0f, regions,Animation.REVERSED);// Animation: Bunny Copter - rotate earsregions = new Array<AtlasRegion>();regions.add(atlas.findRegion("anim_bunny_copter", 4));regions.add(atlas.findRegion("anim_bunny_copter", 5));animCopterRotate = new Animation(1.0f / 15.0f, regions);}}
public float stateTime;public Animation animation;public void setAnimation(Animation animation) {this.animation = animation;stateTime = 0;} public void update (float deltaTime) {stateTime += deltaTime; if (body == null) {updateMotionX(deltaTime);updateMotionY(deltaTime);// Move to new positionposition.x += velocity.x * deltaTime;position.y += velocity.y * deltaTime; } else {position.set(body.getPosition());rotation = body.getAngle() * MathUtils.radiansToDegrees;} }
private void init() {dimension.set(0.5f, 0.5f);setAnimation(Assets.instance.goldCoin.animGoldCoin);stateTime = MathUtils.random(0.0f, 1.0f);// Set bounding box for collision detectionbounds.set(0, 0, dimension.x, dimension.y);collected = false;}public void render(SpriteBatch batch) {if (collected)return;TextureRegion reg = null;reg = animation.getKeyFrame(stateTime, true);batch.draw(reg.getTexture(), position.x, position.y, origin.x,origin.y, dimension.x, dimension.y, scale.x, scale.y, rotation,reg.getRegionX(), reg.getRegionY(), reg.getRegionWidth(),reg.getRegionHeight(), false, false);}
private Animation animNormal; private Animation animCopterTransform; private Animation animCopterTransformBack; private Animation animCopterRotate;public void init () { dimension.set(1, 1); animNormal = Assets.instance.bunny.animNormal; animCopterTransform = Assets.instance.bunny.animCopterTransform; animCopterTransformBack = Assets.instance.bunny.animCopterTransformBack; animCopterRotate = Assets.instance.bunny.animCopterRotate; setAnimation(animNormal); // Center image on game object origin.set(dimension.x / 2, dimension.y / 2); ... } @Overridepublic void update(float deltaTime) {super.update(deltaTime);if (velocity.x != 0) {viewDirection = velocity.x < 0 ? VIEW_DIRECTION.LEFT: VIEW_DIRECTION.RIGHT;}if (timeLeftFeatherPowerup > 0) {if (animation == animCopterTransformBack) {// Restart "Transform" animation if another feather power-up// was picked up during "TransformBack" animation. Otherwise,// the "TransformBack" animation would be stuck while the// power-up is still active. setAnimation(animCopterTransform);}timeLeftFeatherPowerup -= deltaTime;if (timeLeftFeatherPowerup < 0) {// disable power-uptimeLeftFeatherPowerup = 0;setFeatherPowerup(false);setAnimation(animCopterTransformBack);}}dustParticles.update(deltaTime);// Change animation state according to feather power-upif (hasFeatherPowerup) {if (animation == animNormal) {setAnimation(animCopterTransform);} else if (animation == animCopterTransform) {if (animation.isAnimationFinished(stateTime))setAnimation(animCopterRotate);}} else {if (animation == animCopterRotate) {if (animation.isAnimationFinished(stateTime))setAnimation(animCopterTransformBack);} else if (animation == animCopterTransformBack) {if (animation.isAnimationFinished(stateTime))setAnimation(animNormal);}}} @Overridepublic void render(SpriteBatch batch) {TextureRegion reg = null;// Draw Particles dustParticles.draw(batch);// Apply Skin Color batch.setColor(CharacterSkin.values()[GamePreferences.instance.charSkin].getColor());float dimCorrectionX = 0;float dimCorrectionY = 0;if (animation != animNormal) {dimCorrectionX = 0.05f;dimCorrectionY = 0.2f;}// Draw imagereg = animation.getKeyFrame(stateTime, true);batch.draw(reg.getTexture(), position.x, position.y, origin.x,origin.y, dimension.x + dimCorrectionX, dimension.y+ dimCorrectionY, scale.x, scale.y, rotation,reg.getRegionX(), reg.getRegionY(), reg.getRegionWidth(),reg.getRegionHeight(), viewDirection == VIEW_DIRECTION.LEFT,false);// Reset color to whitebatch.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1);}