上午一进公司就被日本分公司的美女呼叫,说mac硬盘加密经常开机后需要输入硬盘加密密码才可以登录,我想应该是硬盘加密后没有给用户添加许可证,所以每次登录系统都要进行验证。于是远程到用户电脑上后,准备在硬盘加密的设置里添加用户许可,用admin账号解锁的时候就出现了“Unapproved Caller” 错误:
boot into safe mode:
- Reboot the Mac and immediately hold down the SHIFT key, continue holding shift until the loading bar appears
- Let the Mac boot into Safe Mode, which will automatically dump caches
- When completed, go to the Apple menu and choose “Restart” to reboot the Mac as normal.