You’re an undergraduate. Either you’re graduating soon (like me) or you’re in the process of getting your first college degree. The process is not easy and I can only assume how difficult the pressures on Masters and Ph.D. students are. However, I have no clue about this, so it will not be my topic of focus. You could easily make the argument that I’m writing this for myself — that would be partially true. I still want to send this message out regardless. Applying to jobs in the Machine Learning field is not easy. Anyone who tells you otherwise did not work half as hard as you are working right now.
你是本科生。 您即将(像我一样)即将毕业,或者您正在获得第一个大学学位。 这个过程并不容易,我只能假设硕士和博士学位所承受的压力有多难。 学生们。 但是,我对此一无所知,因此这不是我关注的主题。 您可以轻松地说出我是在为自己写这篇文章的论点-这部分是正确的。 无论如何,我仍然想发送此消息。 在机器学习领域申请工作并不容易 。 否则,任何告诉您的人都不会像现在一样努力。
客观: (Being Objective:)
Getting an undergraduate degree in Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science, or any technical field related to Data Science and Machine Learning is an excellent way to get your foot in the door. Typically, you’re expected to have some form of internship or research experience during your four years in college. Getting experience afterwards is just as great. But when I talk about being objective of yourself, it’s not necessarily about your experience.
获得数学,统计学,计算机科学或与数据科学与机器学习相关的任何技术领域的本科学位,是踏进大门的绝妙方法。 通常,您希望在大学四年中有某种形式的实习或研究经验。 之后获得经验也一样。 但是,当我谈论成为自己的目标时,并不一定是关于您的经历。
I am a rising senior in my university. This means I have less than a year left to graduate with a BS in Statistics. I constantly look back to myself as a sophomore taking my first upper division Statistics class — Analysis of Variance. When my professor was discussing how to find the overall sample mean, I saw a double summation for the first time in my entire life. I almost had a panic attack. This was the equation:
我是大学里即将升学的大四学生。 这意味着我只有不到一年的时间来获得统计学士学位。 我经常回顾自己作为大二的时候,参加了我的第一个高等统计学课程-方差分析。 当我的教授讨论如何找到总体样本均值时,我一生中第一次看到两次加法。 我差点惊慌失措。 这是等式:

Now, you may be looking at this equation thinking that it is very intuitive. It really is. However, I will never shake the feeling I got when I first saw this equation. It was a feeling of not being mathematically savvy enough to understand a double summation. It was a feeling of being behind in the class despite starting it no more than two weeks before seeing the equation. It was a feeling of failure. Isn’t that a lot of feelings for an equation like this? It really is.
现在,您可能正在看这个方程,认为它非常直观。 真的是 但是,我永远不会动摇我第一次看到这个方程式时的感觉。 这是一种数学上不足以理解双重求和的感觉。 尽管在看到方程式之前不超过两周就开始了,但还是有班上落后的感觉。 这是一种失败的感觉。 这样的方程式不是很多感觉吗? 真的是
I was 19 when I saw my first double summation and here I am now, a little less than two years later at 21, developing a thesis that requires me to know about two fields I have no formal education in. In a little less than two years, I went from being scared of equations to not getting enough of them. Now, I look back at myself taking this class and I can understand my feelings objectively. As a new student, I was seeing many concepts for the first time, so it makes sense that I was intimidated by a formula like this. As an undergraduate, you will be expected to see many (and I mean many) new concepts you have never seen or thought of in your entire life. Many of these concepts will fascinate you endlessly and fit perfectly in how you interpret the world. Many more of these concepts will break the way you think and leave you stumped for days, weeks, and sometimes even semesters to understand them (side note: if you are ever this confused about a concept talk to your professor and TA. If that still does not help YouTube has always gotten my back.)
我19岁的时候第一次见到两次加法,现在已经不到两年了,那时我已经21岁了,他提出的论文要求我了解我没有接受过正规教育的两个领域。多年以来,我从害怕方程式变成了不够用。 现在,我回想起自己上这堂课的经历,可以客观地理解自己的感受。 作为一个新学生,我第一次看到很多概念,所以被这样的公式吓倒是很有意义的。 作为一名本科生,您将期望看到一生中从未见过或想到的许多(我的意思是许多 )新概念。 这些概念中的许多将使您无限着迷,并且非常适合您对世界的解释。 这些概念中的许多将破坏您的思维方式,并使您陷入数天,数周甚至有时是学期的困境中以了解它们(请注意:如果您对概念讨论感到困惑,请与您的教授和助教交流。并不能帮助YouTube一直吸引我。)
If you cannot recognize the growth you have made in the past few years, you cannot recognize the growth you are bound to make in the future. What are your goals? How do you plan on achieving your goals? Looking at yourself objectively reminds you that you are not expected to know everything from the get-go. Being an undergraduate comes with a very significant implication: you are new in the field. This is far from a bad thing. In fact, it is only a bad thing if you think it is. Begin to recognize that you are beginning your journey down a path you chose for yourself. Begin to recognize that what you do not know now is not representative of your knowledge and potential in the future. Begin to recognize that the malleability in your knowledge can be used to make you a superstar — you just have to see it for yourself.
如果您无法认识到过去几年的增长,那么您就无法认识到未来的增长。 你的目标是什么? 您如何计划实现目标? 客观地看着自己会提醒您,您不应该一开始就了解一切。 成为一名本科生具有非常重要的意义:您是该领域的新手。 这绝不是一件坏事。 实际上,如果您认为这是一件坏事。 开始认识到您正在沿着自己选择的道路开始自己的旅程。 开始认识到,您现在不知道的内容并不能代表您将来的知识和潜力。 开始认识到,您所掌握的可塑性可以用来使您成为超级巨星-您只需要亲自观察即可。
翻译自: https://towardsdatascience.com/a-message-for-undergraduates-6fd16caa1da1