

In this article, we will learn about different types[Z Test and t Test] of commonly used Hypothesis Testing.

在本文中,我们将学习常用假设检验的不同类型[ Z检验和t检验 ]。

假设是什么? (What is Hypothesis?)

This is a Statistical process which is an assumption about population parameter.


Using the hypothesis testing we can reject / accept the assumptions made by projecting the data from Sample to Population (or) from Population to Sample.


This process can also be termed as validity of projection.This operates around Null Hypothesis H0 & Alternative Hypothesis H1.

此过程也可以称为投影的有效性。此过程围绕零假设 H0和替代假设H1进行

There are few commonly used Tests which can be classified based on 2 categories:


Sampling distribution Of Means — Z Test & T Test


Sampling distribution Of Variance — Chi squared Test & F Test


Z检验: (Z Test:)

Assumptions for Z Test:


a. Sample size should be greater than 30

一个。 样本数量应大于30

b. Population Standard Deviation should be known

b。 人口标准偏差应该是已知的

c. Variables in data should be continuous

C。 数据变量应该是连续的

Steps for Z Test:


a. State H0 or H1 — [From the given problem we need to find]

一个。 状态H0或H1-[根据给定的问题,我们需要找到]

b. Choose the level of significance — [Will be given in problem statement] If it is 0.05 ->1–0.05 = 95%

b。 选择显着性水平-[将在问题陈述中给出]如果为0.05-> 1–0.05 = 95%

c. Find the Critical values — Range for 95% -> Refer the Z score table → -1.96 to +1.96

C。 查找临界值-范围为95%->请参阅Z得分表→-1.96至+1.96

From Emperical split there are 3 most widely used values of Z we can directly take depending on the value:

从Emperical split中可以得出3个最常用的Z值,具体取决于该值:

If the Confidence Level is 99% — Z score value is 2.56, 95% — 1.96,90% — 1.64

如果置信度为99% -Z得分值为 2.56,则95%-1.96,90%-1.64

d. Find the Test Statistics — Z value using the below formula

d。 使用以下公式找到“测试统计量”-Z值

e. Arrive at a Conclusion, to accept the hypothesis or reject the hypothesis

e。 得出结论,接受假设或拒绝假设

Image for post
“Z” calculation formula
“ Z”计算公式

Where the variables are;


  • X =Mean of the Sample,

    X =样本均值,
  • µ =Mean of population

    µ =人口平均值
  • σ = Standard Deviation of population

  • n = No. of observations

    n =观察数

If the Z value falls within the Critical Value range, then we can accept the Hypothesis, else it has to be rejected


If the Confidence level is other than the above 3 values, then we need to use Z Score table to find the Z Scores/probability value, with which we can decide on accepting or rejecting the hypothesis.


If the resultant value[Test Statistics — Z Value] is negative, then we need to verify negative Z score table. Else we need to verify positive Z score table.

如果结果值[测试统计数据-Z值]为负,则需要验证负Z得分表 。 否则我们需要验证正Z得分表

Sample 1: If Test Statistic Z value = 1.26 , then we need to use positive Z score table. Where 1.2 in Y axis and 0.06 in X axis.

样本1:如果测试统计Z值= 1.26,那么我们需要使用正Z得分表。 其中Y轴为1.2,X轴为0.06。

Sample 2: If the Test statistic value is negative, we need to refer the negative Z score table. Finally to get the actual area / probability we need to subtract the Z score value from 1.

示例2:如果“测试”统计量值为负,则需要参考负Z得分表。 最后,要获得实际面积/概率,我们需要从1中减去Z得分值。

Image for post
Positive Z Score table
Image for post
Negative Z Score table

T检验: (T Test:)

T Test is also called as Student test.


Assumptions for T Test:


a. Sample size can be < 30

一个。 样本大小可以<30

b. Population Standard Deviation is not known

b。 人口标准偏差未知

c. Variables should be continuous

C。 变量应该是连续的

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“t” calculation formula
“ t”计算公式

We need to know another small concept called Degrees of Freedom (n-1) when we study about Student “t” test.

当我们研究学生“ t”测验时,我们需要知道另一个称为自由度(n-1)的小概念。

(n-1) — can be defined as the number of independent observations in computing mean is called degrees of freedom.

(n-1) —可以定义为计算平均值时独立观察的数量称为自由度。

“ t”测试步骤: (Steps for “t ”Test:)

a. State H0 or H1

一个。 状态H0或H1

b. Choose the level of significance — [given] If it is 0.05 ->1–0.05 = 95%

b。 选择显着性水平-[给定]如果为0.05-> 1–0.05 = 95%

c. Find the Critical values [Refer the steps above — same as Z Test]

C。 查找临界值[请参考上述步骤-与Z测试相同]

d. Find the Test Statistics — t value using the above formula

d。 使用以上公式找到测试统计量-t值

e. Arrive at a Conclusion, to accept the hypothesis or reject the hypothesis

e。 得出结论,接受假设或拒绝假设

Here we need “t” table to find the probability. Y axis — for Degrees of freedom, X axis — for level of significance.

在这里,我们需要“ t”表来找到概率。 Y轴-适用于自由度,X轴-适用于重要程度。

Image for post
Student “t” table
学生“ t”表

结论: (Conclusion:)

With this we have come to an end of this article!


In this we have learnt about Tests for Sampling distribution of Means.


Please wait for “Learning Series II” for Tests related to ‘Sampling distribution of Variance’


Happy Learning! 🙂

学习愉快! 🙂

翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/hypothesis-testing-and-its-types-8212256a601e






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