
一个网站的主题和设计风格,百度联系方式,淄博网站建设团队,公司门面网站设计销货清单数据Note: I am not affiliated with any of the writers in this article. These are simply books and essays that I’m excited to share with you. There are no referrals or a cent going in my pocket from the authors or publishers mentioned. Reading is a…


Note: I am not affiliated with any of the writers in this article. These are simply books and essays that I’m excited to share with you. There are no referrals or a cent going in my pocket from the authors or publishers mentioned. Reading is a vitamin for the brain; please support your favorite writers and enjoy!

注意:本文不涉及任何作者。 这些仅仅是我很高兴与您分享的书籍和论文。 我所提到的作者或出版商没有推荐人或一分钱。 读书是大脑的维生素。 请支持您最喜欢的作家并享受!

Welcome to this month’s reading list. Great time to be in Data Science as tons of cool models are finding their way into the public conscious, cool products and novel use-cases are getting released, and important conversations are surfacing and becoming part of the broader conversation.

欢迎来到本月的阅读清单。 大量的炫酷模型正进入公众意识,炫酷产品和新颖用例不断涌现,重要的对话正逐渐浮出水面并成为更广泛对话的一部分,因此,进入数据科学领域的时机已到

On to this month’s list!


在公共场所工作:开源软件的制作和维护 (Working in Public: The Making and Maintenance of Open Source Software)

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Working in Public is a spectacular look at open source, both its successes and its shortcomings. If you’re a data person relatively new to open source, then this book will be a great look at the inner workings of open source, as well as some of its history.

在公开场合工作对开放源代码既有成功之处,也有不足之处。 如果您是相对不熟悉开放源代码的数据人员,那么这本书将很好地了解开放源代码的内部运作方式以及它的一些历史。

And if you’re a veteran of open source, you’ll certainly enjoy the recap of history and reflections on where things are going. I know I especially enjoyed the framing of this zeitgeist of open source that has impacted so much of our engineering and product culture.

而且,如果您是开源的资深人士,那么您一定会喜欢历史的回顾和对事情发展方向的反思。 我知道我特别喜欢这种影响着我们工程和产品文化的开源时代精神。

I’m fairly addicted to these books being put out by Stripe Press. You can tell their printing process is relatively cheap, but the formatting is really great. And clearly the editors have a high bar for quality. LINK

我对Stripe Press出版的这些书非常上瘾。 您可以说他们的打印过程相对便宜,但是格式确实很棒。 显然,编辑人员对质量的要求很高。 链接

范围:为何通才在专业化世界中获胜 (Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World)

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I’ve had this book recommended to me by 3 different friends since its 2019 release. In startup culture many of us are addicted to personal growth, min-maxing our time and effort, and all sorts of other potentially unhealthy behaviors. So it’s no surprise that Range gets recommended in my circle.

自2019年发行以来,我一直被3个不同的朋友推荐给我这本书。 在创业文化中,我们许多人都沉迷于个人成长,最小化我们的时间和精力以及其他各种潜在的不健康行为。 因此,在我的圈子中推荐Range不足为奇。

Range tries to argue against overspecialization, especially in the short-run. It doesn’t try to discredit specialization, just to say that the majority of complex modern events and situations require more generalization and the ability to adapt. Whereas deep specialization may benefit the chess player, it may not benefit the business leader. One comment about all these books written by the Gladwells and Epsteins of the world: if we stopped trying to min-max every little thing and spent less time philosophizing on whether to do this vs that then maybe we would have more time to try, fail, try again, and figure out our own life philosophies. Food for thought. LINK

范围内试图反驳 专业化,尤其是在短期内。 它并没有试图抹煞专业性,只是说大多数复杂的现代事件和情况需要更多的概括性和适应能力。 虽然深厚的专业知识可能会使国际象棋棋手受益,但可能不会使业务负责人受益。 关于世界上的格拉德威尔斯和爱泼斯坦写的所有这些书的一则评论:如果我们停止尝试最小化每件事的最小化,并且花更少的时间思考是否要这样做,那也许我们会有更多的时间去尝试,失败,再试一次,弄清楚我们自己的生活理念。 值得深思。 链接

聚在一起:如何与您的人民建立社区 (Get Together: How to Build a Community With Your People)

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Get Together is all about community building. From the magic of communities to practical advice for building and managing communities, I’m about 1/3 of the way through and excited to read more!

聚在一起就是社区建设。 从社区的魔力到有关构建和管理社区的实用建议,我已经走了大约1/3的路程,并为内容而感到兴奋!

Communities are taking over the internet, from random forums to Discord servers to Discourse to Reddit; online communities are more relevant than ever.

社区正在占领互联网,从随机论坛到Discord服务器,再到Discourse to Reddit。 在线社区比以往任何时候都更重要。

In Data Science there are tons of great communities. One of my favorites is Papers We Love. There’s also further opportunity in the corporate world for exciting folks across the organization by exposing them to new ideas in the field, building communities to showcase your work, and more. Build great communities! LINK

在数据科学中,有很多伟大的社区。 我最喜欢的作品之一是《我们爱的论文》 。 在企业界,还有更多的机会可以使组织中的激动人心的人接触到该领域的新想法,建立社区来展示您的工作,等等。 建立伟大的社区! 链接

八月的文章 (Articles for August)

Here are some articles I read in July/August across AI/ML, Quant Finance, and personal growth.

以下是我在7月/ 8月阅读的有关AI / ML,Quant Finance和个人成长的一些文章。

Language Models are Few Shot Learners by Open AI.

语言模型是 Open AI的 少数学习者

GPT-3 is so hot at the moment that it’s definitely worth giving this paper a read. Lengthy paper from a ton of contributors over at Open AI but it’s well worth it.

GPT-3目前非常热门,绝对值得阅读本文。 Open AI上来自众多贡献者的冗长论文,但这是值得的。

Proof of X by Julian Lehr

X 证明, 朱利安·莱尔(Julian Lehr)

Julian’s blog is easily one of my favorites on the internet. It’s a combination of insightful ideas, beautiful design, and tasteful curation of modern ideas in tech and digital culture. Proof of X is yet another great entry, this time a deep dive on signaling.

朱利安的博客很容易成为我在互联网上的最爱之一。 它结合了有见地的想法,精美的设计以及高科技和数字文化中现代思想的高雅策展。 X的证明是又一个很好的入门,这一次是对信号的深入探讨。

Do Option Prices Forecast Aggregate Stock Returns by Christopher Jones, Haitao Mo, and Tong Wang

期权价格预测 克里斯托弗·琼斯,莫海涛和王彤的 股票总回报

A study by a group of finance academics on the impact of call-put implied volatility spreads and lending fees on future returns. Enjoyable read for the finance, investing, and trading nerds among us.

一组金融学者针对看跌期权隐含波动率利差和贷款费用对未来收益的影响进行的研究。 在我们当中,对于金融,投资和交易书呆子的阅读愉快。

‘Give Away Your Legos’ and Other Commandments for Scaling Startups by First Round Capital

第一轮资本 “放弃你的乐高积木”和其他命令来扩大创业规模

First Round arguably has the best VC content on startup building in the game. A healthy balance of actionable insights and VC platitudes (but mostly actionable insights!). This entry highlights the pain of scaling from startup to company, from small team to proper organization. From legos to bricks.

可以说,《第一轮》在游戏的启动阶段拥有最佳的VC内容。 在可行的见解和VC陈词滥调之间保持健康的平衡(但大多数都是可行的见解!)。 这篇文章凸显了从创业到公司,从小团队到适当组织的扩展的痛苦。 从乐高积木到积木。

Stay safe everyone! See you soon.

大家安全! 再见。

Interested in more regular Data Science book lists and news from our field? Join Dataset Daily, a weekly Data Science newsletter.

对更多常规的数据科学书籍列表和我们领域的新闻感兴趣吗? 加入每周一次的Data Science新闻快讯Dataset Daily。

Let’s continue the conversation on Twitter.


翻译自: https://towardsdatascience.com/data-science-reading-list-for-august-2020-7c32a2c61aaa





c++运行不出结果_fastjson 不出网利用总结

点击蓝字 关注我们 声明 本文作者:flashine 本文字数:2382 阅读时长:20分钟 附件/链接:点击查看原文下载 声明:请勿用作违法用途,否则后果自负 本文属于WgpSec原创奖励计划,未经许可禁止转载 前言 之前做项目在内网测到了一个fastjson反序列化漏洞,使用dnslo…


微信公众号:FocusBI关注可了解更多的商业智能、数据仓库、数据库开发、爬虫知识及沪深股市数据推送。问题或建议,请关注公众号发送消息留言;如果你觉得FocusBI对你有帮助,欢迎转发朋友圈或在文章末尾点赞[1] 《商业智能教程》pdf下载地址 …

米其林餐厅 盐之花_在世界范围内探索《米其林指南》

米其林餐厅 盐之花Among the culinary world, there are few greater accolades for a restaurant than being awarded a Michelin star (or three!), or being listed as one of the best in the world by a reputable guide. Foodies and fine dine lovers like myself, see …


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spotify 数据分析_我的Spotify流历史分析

spotify 数据分析Spotisis /spo-ti-sis/ noun The analysis of one’s Spotify streaming history using Python.Spotisis / spo-ti-sis / 名词使用Python分析一个人的Spotify流历史。 I was reading through a lot of data science related guides and project ideas when I …

intellig idea中jsp或html数据没有自动保存和更换字体

主题一:保存数据jsp intellig idea是自动保存数据的,看到没有保存 解决方案: 成功解决 主题二:更换字体: 或者快捷键CtelAlts 成功解决 转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/weibanggang/p/9398498.html

java 环境变量

1.确保安装jrd jdk 2.环境变量配置 (1)新建->变量名"JAVA_HOME",变量值"C:\Java\jdk1.8.0_05"(JDK的安装路径) (2)编辑->变量名"Path",在原变量值的最后面加上“;%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%JAVA_HOME…

陆涛喜欢夏琳吗_夏琳·香布利斯(Charlene Chambliss):从心理学到自然语言处理和应用研究

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简介 AngularJS 是一个 JavaScript 框架。它可通过 <script> 标签添加到 HTML 页面。 AngularJS 通过 指令 扩展了 HTML&#xff0c;且通过 表达式 绑定数据到 HTML。 AngularJS 是一个 JavaScript 框架。它是一个以 JavaScript 编写的库。 AngularJS 是以一个 JavaScrip…


纹个鸡儿天才小熊猫A popular Python library used by those working with data is pandas, an easy and flexible data manipulation and analysis library. There are a myriad of awesome methods and functions in pandas, some of which are probably less well-known tha…


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代码 抠图_3 行 Python 代码 5 秒抠图的 AI 神器,根本无需 PS,附教程

曾几何时&#xff0c;「抠图」是一个难度系数想当高的活儿&#xff0c;但今天要介绍的这款神工具&#xff0c;只要 3 行代码 5 秒钟就可以完成高精度抠图&#xff0c;甚至都不用会代码&#xff0c;点两下鼠标就完成了。感受下这款抠图工具抠地有多精细&#xff1a;是不是很赞&a…


关于嵌套&#xff1a; 嵌套使用中&#xff0c; retrun inner ---> 返回的是函数的地址 retrun inner() &#xff1a; ---> 运行inner()函数 ---> 运行inner()函数后的返回值a&#xff08;假设&#xff09;返回上级 --> retrun inner()得到返回值a 如…


图像离群值你是&#xff01; (You are!) Actually not. This is not a text about you.其实并不是。 这不是关于您的文字。 But, as Gladwell puts it in Outliers, if you find yourself being that type of outlier, you’re quite lucky. And rare.但是&#xff0c;正如Gla…


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数据预处理工具As the title states this is the last project from Udacity Nanodegree. The goal of this project is to analyze demographics data for customers of a mail-order sales company in Germany.如标题所示&#xff0c;这是Udacity Nanodegree的最后一个项目。…


自考数据结构和数据结构导论A few months back, I decided I wanted to learn data science. In order to do this, I skipped an entire semester of my data science major.几个月前&#xff0c;我决定要学习数据科学。 为此&#xff0c; 我跳过了数据科学专业的整个学期。 …