

The software comprises of three things: Program code, Documentation, and the Operating Procedures. The Program code is the entire software code. The Documentation is produced while the development of the software itself for the time to time reference about the software. The Operating Procedure is the one which is made for the users.

该软件由三部分组成 :程序代码,文档和操作程序。 程序代码是整个软件代码。 该文档是在软件本身的开发过程中产生的,不时提供有关该软件的参考。 操作步骤是为用户制定的。

The operating procedures consists of all the information that is required for operating the Software. The operating procedures are important as the program code of the software because even if the development of the software is done successfully, but its users are unable to operate on it, then the software is useless. So, it is equally important for its users to be able to understand the working and different operations that can be performed using it at the user end.

操作步骤包含操作软件所需的所有信息。 操作步骤作为软件的程序代码很重要,因为即使软件开发成功完成,但用户无法对其进行操作,该软件也无用。 因此,对于它的用户来说,能够理解在用户端使用它可以执行的工作和不同操作也同样重要。

The operating procedure consists of two modules:


  1. User manuals


  2. Operational manuals


Operating procedures in a software

1)用户手册 (1) User manuals)

The User Manuals gives a complete description of how to operate the particular software, what are its functionalities, etc. The User Manual includes the following three things:


  1. System overview:


    It defines what the purpose of the software is. As the name suggests, it gives us the overview of the entire software like why it is useful, how it is better than other software that is in already the market for the same purpose, etc.

    它定义了软件的目的。 顾名思义,它为我们提供了整个软件的概述,例如它为什么有用,它比市面上出于相同目的已经存在的其他软件更好。

  2. Beginner's guide tutorials:


    This guide includes the step by step procedure for operating each feature of the software. This module is made by keeping in mind that a beginner who is working with the software does not know the software, how to use it, how to work with it. So, through this, the user can get help with getting to know the software.

    本指南包括操作软件各功能的分步过程。 通过记住使用该软件的初学者不知道该软件,如何使用它,如何使用它来制作此模块。 因此,通过此操作,用户可以获得有关了解该软件的帮助。

  3. Reference guide:


    This Guide is somewhat of a help book for its users. Even after the user gets familiar with the software, he may get stuck somewhere and may find difficulties in operating it. So, at that time, he can look forward to a reference in the Reference guide of the User manual.

    本指南对其用户来说是一本帮助书。 即使用户熟悉了该软件,他也可能会卡在某处,并且可能会在操作该软件时遇到困难。 因此,那时,他可以期待《用户手册》参考指南中的参考。

2)操作手册 (2) Operational manual)

The Operational Manual tells about the hardware requirements and software supports that are required for running the particular software on your machine. This comprises mainly of the following two sub-modules:

《操作手册》介绍了在计算机上运行特定软件所需的硬件要求和软件支持。 它主要包括以下两个子模块:

  1. Installation guide:


    Through this module, you can get complete information regarding the installation of the software on to your machine. This might be either through the software installation disk or through the internet links form where you can download that particular software.

    通过此模块,您可以获得有关在计算机上安装软件的完整信息。 这可能是通过软件安装磁盘,也可能是通过Internet链接表,您可以在其中下载该特定软件。

  2. System administration guide:


    This module tells you about the Administration settings and its permissions that will be required while running the Software. These also include various terms and conditions and various policies regarding the software. Without fulfilling these, you cannot use the software.

    本模块介绍运行软件时所需的管理设置及其权限。 这些还包括有关软件的各种条款和条件以及各种策略。 如果不满足这些条件,则无法使用该软件。

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/basics/operating-procedures-in-a-software.aspx






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