
BHMS:顺势疗法医学和外科学士 (BHMS: Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery)

BHMS is an abbreviation of Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery. It is a medical degree program for under graduation in Homeopathy; an alternative move towards medicine. The BHMS undergraduate course duration is around five years. After completion of the final examination, for students, the course duration starts followed by an internship at the beginning of the course.

BHMS是顺势疗法医学和外科学士学位的缩写。 这是顺势疗法本科毕业的医学学位课程; 另一种转向医学的方法。 BHMS本科课程持续时间约为五年。 完成期末考试后,对于学生来说,课程持续时间开始,然后在课程开始时进行实习。

BHMS full form

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In the year 1796, there is an emergence of Homeopathy. Homeopathy is originated by Samuel Hahnemann. It is based on the belief that the substances liable for the symptoms of a disease in healthy people can be used in the treatment of similar symptoms in sick people. This principle is known as similia similibus curentur, or in other words "like cures like". In the 16th century, Paracelsus wrote "similia similibus curantur" which similarly afterward used by Hahnemann, frequently expressed as "what makes a man sick also heals him".

在1796年,顺势疗法的出现。 顺势疗法起源于塞缪尔·哈内曼。 基于这样的信念,对健康人的疾病症状负有责任的物质可用于治疗病人的类似症状。 该原理被称为similia similibus curentur,或换句话说就是“像治愈一样”。 在16世纪,Paracelsus撰写了《 similia similibus curantur》,此书后来类似地被Hahnemann使用,经常被表述为“使人生病也能治愈他”。

BHMS资格 (Eligibility for BHMS)

The student should have completed at the minimum 10+2 with Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics as the main subjects which make the student eligible to enroll in BHMS. The process of admission is merit-based for students. There are also a variety of joint entrance exams for M.B.B.S, B.D.S and B.H.M.S courses. The subjects which are incorporated in this course are Homeopathic Pharmacy, Homeopathic Material Medica, Homeopathic Philosophy, Bio-Chemistry, Homoeopathic Repertory, Practice of Medicine, etc.

学生应至少完成10 + 2的学习,以物理,化学和数学为主要科目,使该学生有资格参加BHMS。 录取过程是针对学生的择优录取。 MBBS,BDS和BHMS课程也有各种联合入学考试。 本课程包括的主题是顺势疗法药学,顺势疗法药物,顺势疗法哲学,生物化学,顺势疗法,医学实践等。

BHMS专业 (Specialization in BHMS)

After successful completion of the course, a student has a choice that he/she can pursue a specialization in Homeopathy. There are a variety of choices for specialization in Homeopathy like Pediatrics, Infertility, Psychiatry, Skin Specialist, etc.

成功完成课程后,学生可以选择自己从事顺势疗法专业。 顺势疗法的专业化有多种选择,例如儿科,不育症,精神病学,皮肤病专家等。

一些受欢迎的BHMS学院 (Some Popular BHMS Colleges)

  • Nehru Homoeopathic Medical College, New Delhi


  • Smt. Chandaben Mohanbhai Patel Homoeopathic Medical College, Mumbai

    SMT。 孟买Chandaben Mohanbhai Patel同种疗法医学院

  • Bakson Homeopathy Medical College and Hospital, Greater Noida


  • Calcutta Homeopathic Medical College, Calcutta


  • Shri Sairam Homeopathic Medical College and Research Centre, Chennai

    钦奈Shri Sairam顺势疗法医学院和研究中心

  • Venkateswara Homoeopathy Medical College and Hospital, Chennai


  • Father Muller Homeopathic Medical College, Karnataka


一些热门的BHMS入学考试 (Some Popular BHMS Entrance Exams)

  • NIH BHMS Entrance Exam

    NIH BHMS入学考试

  • UP BHMS - Common Entrance Test

    UP BHMS-普通入学考试

  • PU CET (BHMS) Entrance Test

    PU CET(BHMS)入学考试

  • National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET)


职业投射 (Career Projection)

The job search for BHMS graduates is easier in government hospitals, private hospitals, Insurance companies, NGOs, pharmaceutical companies, research labs, etc.


Mentioned below following are some common job profiles for BHMS graduates


  • Homeopathic Consultant


  • Homeopathic Doctor


  • Junior Lecturer


  • Research Associate


  • Pharmacist


  • Insurance Officer


  • Quality Control Officer






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