

OEM:原始设备制造商 (OEM: Original Equipment Manufacturer)

OEM is an abbreviation of "Original Equipment Manufacturer". Its meaning has changed over time. In former times, it alluded to a corporation that manufactures products to be utilized as components by another corporation in its closing stages of manufacturing of products. For example, if Acme Manufacturing Co. manufactures power cords to be utilized on Dell computers then Acme is the OEM.

OEM是“原始设备制造商”的缩写 。 其含义已随着时间而改变。 在过去,它指的是一家制造产品的公司,该公司在产品制造的关闭阶段将另一家公司用作组件。 例如,如果Acme Manufacturing Co.制造要在Dell计算机上使用的电源线,则Acme是OEM

OEM full form

Image source: https://www.logolynx.com/topic/oem


On the opposite, in modern times, OEM alludes to a corporation that utilizes products manufactured by other companies as components in its closing stages of manufacturing of products or rebrands the manufacturer's product to put up for sale under its brand name. For example, the majority of PC sellers such as HP, Lenovo, and Dell who don't have their manufacturing units are OEM. They assemble the manufacturer's components and brand the end product with their brand logo.

相反,在现代, OEM指的是一家公司,该公司在产品制造的最后阶段将其他公司制造的产品用作组件,或将制造商的产品重新贴牌以其品牌名称进行销售。 例如,没有制造部门的大多数PC卖家(例如HP,Lenovo和Dell)都是OEM 。 他们组装制造商的组件,并在其最终产品上贴上品牌徽标。

电脑软件 (Software of computer)

  • The popular and well-liked example of a corporation is Microsoft that issues its Windows operating systems for use by OEM computer manufacturers through the selling of Microsoft Windows.

    一家受人欢迎且广受欢迎的公司示例是Microsoft,它通过出售Microsoft Windows发行供OEM计算机制造商使用的Windows操作系统。

  • OEM product keys rates are lesser than their retail corresponding item, particularly as they are acquired in huge quantities. But they use similar software as retail versions of Windows.

    OEM产品密钥费率低于其零售对应项目,尤其是因为它们是大量购买的。 但是他们使用与零售版Windows类似的软件。

  • They are first and foremost for PC manufacturer OEMs and system builders, and as such are in general sold in volume licensing deals to various manufacturers such as Dell, HP, ASUS, Acer, Lenovo, Wistron, Inventec, Supermicro, Compal Electronics, Quanta Computer, Foxconn, Pegatron, Jabil, Flex, etc..

    它们是PC制造商OEM和系统制造商的首要任务,因此通常以批量许可协议的形式出售给各种制造商,例如Dell,HP,ASUS,Acer,Lenovo,纬创,Inventec,Supermicro,Compal Electronics,Quanta Computer ,富士康,和硕,捷普,Flex等。

  • These OEMs generally use a process known as System Locked Pre-installation, which pre-activates Windows on PCs that are to be sold through mass distribution.


  • These OEMs generally sell software that is in other ways not pre-installed on Windows from Microsoft on their own, on the images of Windows that will be installed on their PCs, suitable hardware drivers, malware and maintenance software, a variety of apps, etc.

    这些OEM通常会以其他方式出售自己未在Windows上预先从Microsoft预先安装的软件,将在其PC上安装的Windows映像,合适的硬件驱动程序,恶意软件和维护软件,各种应用程序等。 。

  • Individuals may also acquire OEM "system-builder" licenses for private use to comprise virtual hardware or for sale/resale on PCs which they put together.

    个人也可以获取OEM “系统构建商”许可证,以供私人使用以构成虚拟硬件或在他们组合在一起的PC上进行销售/转售。

  • According to Microsoft’s EULA on the subject of PC manufacturers and system-builder OEM licenses, the product key is attached to the PC motherboard which it’s at the beginning installed on, and there is in general no transferring of the key between PCs subsequently.


翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/dictionary/oem-full-form.aspx






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