gprs 睡眠模式_GPRS的完整形式是什么?

gprs 睡眠模式

GPRS:通用分组无线业务 (GPRS: General Packet Radio Service)

GPRS is an abbreviation of General Packet Radio Service. It is a non-voice, high-level speed packet switching technology planned for GSM networks. On 2G and 3G cellular transmission systems, it is a packet aligned wireless data communication service for mobile signal transmission.

GPRS是General Packet Radio Service的缩写 。 这是为GSM网络计划的一种非语音,高速度的分组交换技术。 在2G和3G蜂窝传输系统上,它是用于移动信号传输的分组对齐的无线数据通信服务。

It operates based on the modulation technique which is also called Gaussian minimum-shift keying (GMSK). To allow GPRS on a GSM or TDMA network, we need to put in two core modules which are,

它基于也称为高斯最小频移键控(GMSK)的调制技术进行操作。 为了允许GPRS在GSM或TDMA网络上运行,我们需要放入两个核心模块,分别是

  • The Gateway GPRS Service Node (GGSN)


  • The Serving GPRS Service Node (SGSN)


GPRS full form

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GPRS有什么作用? (What GPRS does?)

Based on internet protocols, GPRS can be used to give network connections that favor a broad diversity of enterprises as well as commercial applications.


GPRS的优势 (Advantages of GPRS)

  • In comparison to fixed telecommunication networks, it gives higher data transfer speed. Its prime speed is 171.2 kbps, which is nearly thrice than fixed-telecommunication speed in rapidness.

    与固定电信网络相比,它具有更高的数据传输速度。 它的主要速度为171.2 kbps,在速度上比固定电信速度快三倍。

  • It gives quick immediate connection and instant data transfer.


  • It is very effective in the matter of cost.


  • It has original and higher-level applications. It gives applications of the internet over mobile and also makes easier Web browsing, IM messages, E-commerce, etc.

    它具有原始和更高级别的应用程序。 它提供了移动互联网的应用程序,还使Web浏览,IM消息,电子商务等更加容易。

  • It enables a user to connect to the Internet even when the availability of other services such as 3G or HSDPA is not there.


  • In case of mobility, any location from where there is a network signal available, GPRS gives wireless access to the Internet.


  • It enables the concurrent use of both voice and data services. Therefore, a user can have both voice call and data call at the same time. Data call alludes to the use of the internet by browsing or downloading or uploading data.

    它允许同时使用语音和数据服务。 因此,用户可以同时进行语音通话和数据通话。 数据通话通过浏览或下载或上传数据来暗示互联网的使用。

  • As stated in the GSM standard, GPRS reuses almost identical air interfaces such as TDMA/FDMA, Bursts, frame structure. It makes use of normal burst and access burst stated by GSM.

    如GSM标准所述,GPRS重用了几乎相同的空中接口,例如TDMA / FDMA,突发,帧结构。 它利用了GSM规定的普通突发和接入突发。

  • Single 52 frame multi-frame for both traffic and signaling frame structure is used by GPRS which is different from GSM's dual structure of 26-frame multi-frame for traffic and 51-frame multi-frame for signaling.


使用GPRS需要什么? (What is needed to use GPRS?)

  • An application with a GPRS modem.


  • A GSM/GPRS network.

    GSM / GPRS网络。

  • A SIM card with GPRS service.


  • A remote station with access to the internet or the GPRS network.


GPRS is contemplated as 2.5G technology due to its more enhanced technology than standard 2G digital technology, but the necessity of 3G technologies it does not fulfill.



gprs 睡眠模式




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