
TAFE:拖拉机和农用设备 (TAFE: Tractors and Farm Equipment)

TAFE is an abbreviation of Tractors and Farm Equipment Limited. It is an Indian tractor manufacturer which is founded at Chennai in 1960. It is the second-largest tractor manufacturer in India and the third-largest tractor manufacturer in the world by quantities and capacities. Its financial statement shows about a 25% market share of the Indian tractor industry. TAFE trades more than 150,000 tractors every year and is exist in more than 100 countries. The founding chairman of TAFE is Shri. S. Anantharamakrishnan. As of October 2017, Malika Srinivasan is the Chairman and CEO of TAFE.

TAFE是Tractors and Farm Equipment Limited的缩写 。 它是一家印度拖拉机制造商,成立于1960年,位于钦奈。就数量和能力而言,它是印度第二大拖拉机制造商,也是世界第三大拖拉机制造商。 其财务报表显示印度拖拉机行业约占25%的市场份额。 TAFE每年交易超过150,000台拖拉机,并在100多个国家/地区存在。 TAFE的创始主席是Shri。 S. Anantharamakrishnan。 截至2017年10月,Malika Srinivasan是TAFE的董事长兼首席执行官。

TAFE full form

Image source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tractors_and_Farm_Equipment_Limited


  • Through the extensive variety and collection of quality products, TAFE has earned the trust, esteem and high reverence of customers.


  • Its circulation network which incorporates more than 1000 dealers successfully handles and deals with its iconic tractor brands, Massey Ferguson, TAFE, and Eicher.

    它的流通网络由1000多个经销商组成,可以成功处理和处理其标志性的拖拉机品牌Massey Ferguson,TAFE和Eicher。

  • It carries noteworthy major shares in the AGCO Corporation, USA. It sells overseas tractors in collaboration with AGCO as well as independently in over 100 countries.

    它在美国爱科公司中拥有重要的主要股份。 它与AGCO合作销售海外拖拉机,并在100多个国家/地区独立销售。

  • In addition to tractors, TAFE also manufactures an extensive variety and collection of equipment in different groups such as farm-machinery, Diesel engines, and gensets, engineering plastics, gears, batteries, hydraulic pumps, and cylinders, etc.


  • Its R&D services are known for the exceptional and exclusive designs and engineering capabilities and are acknowledged by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Govt. of India.

    其研发服务以其卓越和独特的设计和工程能力而闻名,并得到了政府和工业研究部的认可。 印度。

TAFE奖 (TAFE Awards)

  • Since 1995, Star Performer Awards for export excellence


  • Award for Best Employer of People with Disabilities


  • India Manufacturing Excellence Award to TAFE Madurai Plant from Frost & Sullivan

    Frost&Sullivan授予TAFE Madurai工厂印度制造卓越奖

  • JIPM Award for TPM Excellence in Category A to TAFE Sembium Plant from Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance


  • NIQR GKD Outstanding Organization Award by National Institute for Quality and Reliability

    美国国家质量与可靠性研究所授予NIQR GKD杰出组织奖

  • Green Award to TAFE Madurai Plant by Tamil Nadu State Government

    泰米尔纳德邦政府授予TAFE Madurai工厂绿色奖

  • Best Employer in India, 2003 by Aon Hewitt Best Employers 2.0

    艾恩·休伊特(Aon Hewitt)颁发的2003年印度最佳雇主奖最佳雇主2.0

  • PRCI Chanakya Award for Corporate Citizen of the Year 2013 by Public Relations Council of India

    印度公共关系理事会授予2013年PRCI Chanakya年度企业公民奖

  • JIPM Award for TPM Excellence in Category B to TAFE Engineering Plastics Division (Doddaballapur Plant ) from Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance

    日本工厂维护协会授予TAFE工程塑料部门(Doddaballapur工厂)B类卓越TPM JIPM奖

  • Agriculture Leadership Award for industry leadership in empowering farms and Indian farmers by Agriculture Today


  • Star Performer Award for outstanding contribution to Engineering Exports for the year 2012-13 by Engineering Export Promotion Council, India


  • Champion of Champions Award for Winning 16 Corporate Collateral Awards at the 10th Global Communication Conclave by Public Relations Council of India (PRCI).


翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/dictionary/tafe-full-form.aspx




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