

BPO:业务流程外包 (BPO: Business Process Outsourcing)

BPO is an abbreviation of Business process outsourcing. It is a convention of a company to another company which is an external provider of services or business operations processes. It enables companies to outsource non-core responsibilities because it is used in a reduction in expenses computing methods, especially in businesses.

BPO是业务流程外包的缩写 。 这是一家公司与另一家公司的约定,另一家公司是服务或业务运营流程的外部提供者。 它使公司能够将非核心职责外包,因为它用于减少费用计算方法,尤其是在企业中。

Business process outsourcing may comprise manufacturing or back-office tasks such as accounting, data entry, and human resources. It also comprises front-end services like customer care and technical support.

业务流程外包可能包括制造或后台任务,例如会计,数据录入和人力资源。 它还包括诸如客户服务和技术支持之类的前端服务。

As a consequence, BPO services categories can be classified into back-office outsourcing and front office outsourcing.

因此, BPO服务类别可以分为后台外包和前台外包。

In the outsourcing sector in India, around 2.8 million people work. Annual income revenues are around $11 billion, around 1% of GDP. In India, around 2.5 million people graduate every year. Remunerations are getting higher by 10–15 percent as a consequence of expertise and skill deficiency. The international BPO Industry is estimated to be worth a value of 120–150 billion dollars; of this, the offshore BPO is estimated to be some value of US$11.4 billion.

在印度的外包领域,约有280万人在工作。 年收入收入约为110亿美元,约占GDP的1%。 在印度,每年约有250万人毕业。 由于专业知识和技能不足,薪酬增长了10-15%。 据估计,国际BPO行业的价值为1,200到1,500亿美元。 其中,离岸业务流程外包的价值估计为114亿美元。

BPO full form

Image source: http://infosoftlabs.in/history-of-business-process-outsourcing-in-india/


BPO服务 (BPO Services)

Following mentioned below are the three given services of BPO,


  • Onshore outsourcing: It is also recognized as domestic outsourcing. It alludes to acquiring BPO services from some other service provider company within the same country.

    在岸外包 :也被认为是国内外包。 它暗示要从同一国家的其他服务提供商公司那里获取BPO服务。

  • Nearshore outsourcing: It alludes to acquiring BPO services from some other service provider company in the neighboring countries.

    近岸外包 :它暗示要从邻国的其他服务提供商公司获取BPO服务。

  • Offshore outsourcing: It alludes to acquiring BPO services from an external service provider organization or company in another country apart from the neighboring countries.

    离岸外包 :它暗示从邻近国家/地区的另一个国家的外部服务提供商组织或公司获取BPO服务。

需要外包 (Need of outsourcing)

The foremost and the most significant cause for which outsourcing is put into service is a noteworthy and enormous cost diminution. It diminishes the cost of the everyday tasks that a company or organization requires.

外包服务的首要和最重要的原因是值得注意的和巨大的成本缩减。 它减少了公司或组织所需的日常任务成本。

BPO的好处 (Benefits of BPO)

  • Focus on core business


  • Reduced overhead


  • Outside expertise


  • Efficient and cost reducing


  • Increase company flexibility


  • Increase in revenue etc.


BPO和呼叫中心之间的区别 (Difference between BPO and Call Center)

BPO is a service provider organization or company which is responsible for performing a course of action or task of another business organization or company. It is used to reduce the expenses by saving the cost or gaining in productivity and efficiency.

BPO是服务提供商组织或公司,负责执行另一个业务组织或公司的行动或任务。 通过节省成本或提高生产率和效率来减少支出。

On the other hand, Call center is a component and one segment of the client's business. It comprises managing and handling telephone calls. It is used to resolve customer's grievances and requests over telephone calls.

另一方面,呼叫中心是客户业务的组成部分和一部分。 它包括管理和处理电话。 它用于解决客户的不满和通过电话提出的要求。

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/dictionary/bpo-full-form.aspx





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