

这是Visual   Studio的一个BUG,只出现在Windows   2000/XP下。如果你不使用Visual   Studio   Analyzer,可以在安装时选择Custom,然后在Enterprise   Tools中清除掉Visual   Studio   Analyzer。再安装就没有这个问题了。    

BUG: "Setup Was Unable to Create a DCOM User Account" Error Message in Visual Studio 6.0

Article ID:257413
Last Review:August 15, 2005
This article was previously published under Q257413


When you run the Visual Studio 6.0 Setup program, you may receive the following error message:
Setup was unable to create a DCOM user account in order to register <path>\valec.exe
This first error message may be followed by a second message that indicates that Setup failed.
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Visual Studio Analyzer, which is one of the products that is included in Visual Studio Enterprise Edition version 6.0, cannot create the local user account that it needs to run because of changes to the security policies for users in Windows 2000.
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Re-install Visual Studio 6.0 Enterprise Edition without Visual Studio Analyzer:
1.Use the Custom setup, on the Visual Studio 6.0 Enterprise - Custom page, click Enterprise Tools, and then click Change Option.
2.On the Visual Studio 6.0 Enterprise - Enterprise Tools page, under Options, make sure the Visual Studio Analyzer check box is not selected.
3.Click to select all the other Visual Studio components that you want to install, and then click OK.
4.Click Continue, and then follow the instructions that appear.
To install Visual Studio Analyzer:
1.In Control Panel, double-click Add/Remove Programs, and then click Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 Enterprise Edition.
2.Click Change/Remove.
3.In Visual Studio 6.0 Enterprise Setup, click Add/Remove.
4.On the Visual Studio 6.0 Enterprise - Maintenance page, click Enterprise Tools, and then click Change Option.
5.On the Visual Studio 6.0 Enterprise - Enterprise Tools page, under Options, click Visual Studio Analyzer, and then click OK.
6.On the Visual Studio 6.0 Enterprise - Maintenance page, click Continue, and then follow the instructions that appear.

When you receive the error message that is described in the "Symptoms" section, continue with the Visual Studio Setup Wizard. Setup reports a failure.
To create a local account, which Visual Studio Analyzer will run as:
1.On the computer that is running Visual Studio Enterprise Edition 6.0, create a local user. For information about how to create a local user, see Windows 2000 Help.
2.Run Distributed COM Configuration (dcomcnfg.exe).
3.On the Applications tab, click MSVSA Local Event Concentrator Class, and then click Properties.
4.On the Identity tab, set This User to match the user and password you created in step 1 of this procedure.
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Microsoft has confirmed that this is a bug in the Microsoft products that are listed at the beginning of this article.
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For additional information regarding Visual Studio Analyzer, click the article numbers below to view the articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
257369 (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/257369/EN-US/) Visual Studio Analyzer Does Not Collect COM+ Events
257382 (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/257382/EN-US/) Visual Studio Analyzer Does Not Collect Performance Monitor Events
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Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 Enterprise Edition, when used with:
  Microsoft Windows XP Professional
  Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition
  Microsoft Windows 2000 Standard Edition
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PRB: Visual Studio Analyzer Configuration Problems

Article ID:196756
Last Review:October 2, 2003
This article was previously published under Q196756
On This Page
Steps to Reproduce the BehaviorSteps to Reproduce the Behavior


When using Visual Studio Analyzer to create a new project on Windows NT, you receive an unexpected error, such as:
Visual Studio Analyzer is unable to connect to the machine. Ensure that it is powered, connected to the network and that the server-side components have been installed.

You cannot run Visual Studio Analyzer at all.

You receive many errors from VALEC.exe, usually Access is Denied errors or General Protection Faults.
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Visual Studio Analyzer installation procedures create a new user account called VUSR_<machine>, for example, VUSR_DEVELOP001 if your computer is named DEVELOP001.

This user account is used in some of the system services that Visual Studio Analyzer runs to collect performance information from your applications when it analyzes them.

If this user account does not have the correct access permissions, Visual Studio Analyzer fails in various places. The correct permissions are that all of the files it needs to access are readable and executable by the Everyone user group.
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To resolve this problem, do one of the following:
Add the VUSR_<machine> user account to the Administrators group, or some other group that can provide execute permissions on files in the Visual Studio Analyzer directories and the %SYSTEM%\System32 directory.
Replace the permissions of the directory \Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio so that the VUSR_<machine> account has permission to run programs and read/write log files. If you use the Windows NT Explorer, this procedure might change other permissions set in this directory (this is normal behavior).
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This behavior is by design. This problem only arises if the default directory access permissions for Visual Studio or its associated products are changed on a computer where the components reside on an NTFS partition.
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Steps to Reproduce the Behavior

1.In Windows Explorer, go to the \Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio folder.
2.Right-click on the folder, click Properties and click the Security tab.
3.Click Permissions and use the dialog box to disallow the VUSR_<machine> user from accessing this directory.
4.Run Microsoft Visual Studio Analyzer and create a project.
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For additional information, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
192661 (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/192661/EN-US/) PRB: Error: Valec.exe - Invalid Current Directory
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Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 Enterprise Edition
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