

Oracle High Performance Tuning for 9i and 10g by Gavin Powell

Book Description

There are three parts to tuning an Oracle database: data modeling, SQL code tuning and physical database configuration.

A data model contains tables and relationships between tables. Tuning a data model involves normalization and de-normalization. Different approaches are required depending on the application, such as OLTP or a Data Warehouse. Inappropriate database design can make SQL code impossible to tune. Poor data modeling can have a most profound effect on database performance since all SQL code is constructed from the data model.

Paperback: 544 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.38 x 9.22 x 7.08 Publisher: Digital Press; (December 8, 2003) ISBN: 1555583059 Average Customer Review: Based on 4 reviews.

Poorly written SQL code is often a culprit of performance problems and is expensive to rectify. However, tuning of SQL code is generally cheaper than changing the data model. SQL code tends to be contained inside independent blocks within applications or stored procedures.

Physical database tuning involves hardware resource usage, networking and various other Oracle things such as configuration and file distribution. Physical configuration is often a culprit of poor performance where Oracle is installed with defaults, and never altered by an expert.

*Includes all three aspects of Oracle database tuning: data model tuning, SQL & PL/SQL code tuning, physical plus configuration tuning

*Contains experienced guidance and real-world examples using large datasets *Emphasizes development as opposed to operating system perspective


Oracle Essentials, 3e: Oracle Database 10g by Rick Greenwald, Robert Stackowiak, Jonathan Stern

Book Description

The new edition of this classic book, Oracle Essentials, 3rd Edition: Oracle Database 10g, distills a vast amount of knowledge into an easy-to-read volume covering every aspect of the Oracle database. Readers of all levels will learn about Oracle's features and technologies, including the product line, architecture, data structures, networking, concurrency, tuning, and much more. Featuring focused text, abundant illustrations, and helpful hints, the new edition offers a valuable overview of Oracle's Database 10g --the industry's first database to support grid computing.

Paperback: 400 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.98 x 9.18 x 7.08 Publisher: O'Reilly; 1 edition (February 11, 2004) ISBN: 0596005857

Average Customer Review: Based on 2 reviews. Recent releases such as Oracle 9i and 8i are also covered. More comprehensible than a large reference, and more detailed than mot primers, this book covers all the information you'll need to install and run the Oracle databases, as well as the conceptual background you'll want to understand how they work. If you're new to Oracle or upgrading to Oracle 10g, you'll find this all-in-one guide essential.



Oracle9i: The Complete Reference by Kevin Loney, George Koch


Book Description

Master all the powerful features of Oracle9i using the exclusive information inside this indispensable resource. Written by best-selling Oracle Press authors Kevin Loney and George Koch, this volume explains how to implement all the components of Oracle9i. This is a must-have reference for all Oracle professionals.

Paperback: 1256 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 2.42 x 9.10 x 7.34 Publisher: McGraw-Hill Osborne Media; 1 edition (August 16, 2002) ISBN: 0072225211 Average Customer Review: Based on 7 reviews.



Oracle9i DBA JumpStart by Bob Bryla

Book Description

Interested in a career as an Oracle database professional but don't know where to begin? The Oracle9i OCA and OCP certifications are two of the hottest IT certifications around, and the Oracle9i DBA JumpStart from Sybex can provide you with the solid foundation in database administration and programming basics you'll need before embarking on a comprehensive study program. The JumpStart series was developed in response to requests from technical trainers seeking to ensure a level starting point for students in their classrooms. The author is an experienced Oracle instructor who provides simple, tangible explanations to make the world of databases accessible to newcomers to the IT field. You'll learn about relational database concepts, SQL*Plus or iSQL*Plus commands, sorting and reporting techniques, security, and much more. When you're done with this book, you'll be ready to face the challenges of Oracle9i certification preparation.

Paperback: 400 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.78 x 9.16 x 7.40 Publisher: Sybex Books; 1 edition (March 4, 2003) ISBN: 0782141897



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在小米应用商店上架的信息 在其他应用商店上架的信息&#xff0c;比如应用宝 小米发过来的友好提示邮件&#xff1a;


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引入了默认方法以启用接口演进。 如果向后兼容是不可替代的&#xff0c;则仅限于向接口添加新方法&#xff08;这是它们在JDK中的唯一用法&#xff09;。 但是&#xff0c;如果希望客户端更新其代码&#xff0c;则可以使用默认方法逐步演化接口而不会引起编译错误&#xff0c;从…


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