我们大家知道在程序结尾加上\n就可在输出的时候换行,其实这就是个转义字符。而字体颜色和显示方式的转义字符由控制台控制(Console Conrols )是系统的显示功能与具体语言无关。
转义字符以控制字符'ESC'开头。该字符的ASCII码十进制表示为27,十六进制表示为0x1B,八进制表示为033。多数转义字符超过两个字符,故通常以'ESC'和左括号'['开头。该起始字符称为控制序列引导符(CSI,Control Sequence Intro),通常由'\033['或'\e['代替。
\033[parameter1;parameter2...m 输出字符 \033[0m
\\ parameter为属性值,多个属性之间用分号隔开,与顺序无关。
\\ \033[0m表示将所有属性重设为默认值,否则会影响后续的输出。
注意:转义字符可被控制字符'CAN'(Cancel )和'SUB'(Substitute)中断
黑色 | 红色 | 绿色 | 黄色 | 蓝色 | 紫色 | 深绿色 | 白色 | |
字体颜色 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 |
背景颜色 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 |
\33[0m 关闭所有属性
\33[1m 设置高亮度
\33[4m 下划线
\33[5m 闪烁
\33[7m 反显
\33[8m 消隐
\33[30m -- \33[37m 设置前景色
\33[40m -- \33[47m 设置背景色
\33[nA 光标上移n行
\33[nB 光标下移n行
\33[nC 光标右移n行
\33[nD 光标左移n行
\33[2J 清屏
\33[K 清除从光标到行尾的内容
\33[s 保存光标位置
\33[u 恢复光标位置
\33[?25l 隐藏光标
\33[?25h 显示光标
运行环境:windows10->vmware15pro->Debian 6.3.0;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ printf(" The colour test starting ---\n");printf(" Upcoming screen cleaning ---\n"); for(int i=3; i>0; i--) { sleep(1); printf(" Count down %d\n",i); sleep(1); } printf("\033[2J");printf("\033[30m This is black word \033[0m\n"); printf("\033[31m This is red word \033[0m\n"); printf("\033[32m This is green word \033[0m\n"); printf("\033[33m This is yellow word \033[0m\n"); printf("\033[34m This is blud word \033[0m\n"); printf("\033[35m This is purple word \033[0m\n"); printf("\033[36m This is dgreen word \033[0m\n"); printf("\033[37m This is white word \033[0m\n"); printf("\033[40m This is black bground \033[0m\n"); printf("\033[41m This is red bground \033[0m\n"); printf("\033[42m This is green bground \033[0m\n"); printf("\033[43m This is yellow bground \033[0m\n"); printf("\033[44m This is blud bground \033[0m\n"); printf("\033[45m This is purple bground \033[0m\n"); printf("\033[46m This is dgreen bground \033[0m\n"); printf("\033[47m This is white bground \033[0m\n"); printf("\033[43;35m This is purple word yellow bground \033[0m\n"); printf("\033[1m This is Thickening \033[0m\n"); printf("\033[3m This is Italics \033[0m\n"); printf("\033[4m This is Underline \033[0m\n"); printf("\033[5m This is Twinkle \033[0m\n"); printf("\033[7m This is Anti color \033[0m\n");/* printf("\033[nA"); printf("\033[nB"); printf("\033[nC"); printf("\033[nD"); //使光标上下右左移动n位 */ printf("\n The colour test end------\n\n");return 0;}