




3.1 最简单的voronoi情况

3.2 在距离空间的数学描述

3.3 不同距离空间所得 Voronoi 单元不同


4.1 算法库

4.2 参数说明 

4.3 调用方法 



        Voronoi 单元也称为泰森多边形。 Voronoi 图在许多领域都有实际和理论应用,主要是在科学和技术领域,但也在视觉艺术领域使用。Voronoi 图以数学家 Georgy Voronoy 的名字命名,也称为 Voronoi 镶嵌、Voronoi 分解、Voronoi 分区或 Dirichlet 镶嵌(以 Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet 命名)。

        在数学中,Voronoi 图是将对平面(集合)划分为多个区域的算法。在最简单的情况下,这些对象只是平面上的有限多个点(称为种子、站点或生成器)。对于每个种子,都有一个对应的优先划分区域。这种区域称为 Voronoi 单元,由平面上离该种子比其他任何点更近的所有点组成。一组点的 Voronoi 图与该组的 Delaunay 三角剖分是对偶的。











        注意: 虽然有公平线L1横穿达玛,但此线是【查兰,是哥】的公平线,与达玛无关。       

        4)最后,从宿土到是哥引出线段,并做出中分线T ,如图:








3.1 最简单的voronoi情况

        在最简单的情况下,如第一张图片所示,我们在欧几里得平面中得到一组有限的点 {p1, ..., pn}。在这种情况下,每个站点 pk 只是一个点,其对应的 Voronoi 单元 Rk 由欧几里得平面中的每个点组成,这些点到 pk 的距离小于或等于它到任何其他 pk 的距离。每个这样的单元都是从半空间的交集获得的,因此它是一个(凸)多面体。 [6] Voronoi 图的线段是平面上与最近的两个站点等距的所有点。 Voronoi 顶点(节点)是与三个(或更多)站点等距的点。 

3.2 在距离空间的数学描述


        设X是一个距离函数的度量空间,K是一组索引,{\textstyle (P_{k})_{k\in K}} 是空间中非空子集(站点)的元组(索引集合){\textstyle X}。 Voronoi 单元或 Voronoi 区域,{\textstyle R_{k}},与网站相关{\textstyle P_{k}} 是所有点的集合{\textstyle X}距离{\textstyle P_{k}} 不大于它们到其他站点的距离{\textstyle P_{j}},其中{\textstyle j} 是任何不同于{\textstyle k}。换句话说,如果{\textstyle d(x,\,A)=\inf\{d(x,\,a)\mid a\in A\}}, 表示点与集合之间的距离({\textstyle x} 和子集{\textstyle A}),然后有:

        Voronoi 图只是单元格的元组{\textstyle (R_{k})_{k\in K}}。原则上,一些站点可以相交甚至重合(下面描述了代表商店的站点的应用程序),但通常假定它们是不相交的。此外,定义中允许有无限多个站点(此设置在数字几何和晶体学中有应用),但同样,在许多情况下,只考虑有限多个站点。

        在空间是有限维欧几里德空间的特殊情况下,每个站点都是一个点,有有限多个点并且所有点都不同,那么 Voronoi 单元是凸多边形,它们可以用组合方式表示它们的顶点、边、二维面等。有时,导出的组合结构被称为 Voronoi 图。然而,一般而言,Voronoi 单元可能不是凸的,甚至可能不是连接的。在通常的欧几里德空间中,我们可以用通常的术语重写形式定义。每个 Voronoi 多边形{\textstyle R_{k}} 与生成点相关联{\textstyle P_{k}}。假定{\textstyle X} 是欧氏空间中所有点的集合。且{\textstyle P_{1}} 是生成其 Voronoi 区域的{\textstyle R_{1}}的点,{\textstyle P_{2}} 生成2个{\textstyle R_{2}}, 和3个{\textstyle P_{3}} 生成3个{\textstyle R_{3}}等等。然后,Voronoi 多边形中的所有位置都比欧几里得平面中的 Voronoi 图中的任何其他生成点更接近该多边形的生成点”。

3.3 不同距离空间所得 Voronoi 单元不同





4.1 算法库


from PIL import Image, ImageColor, ImageDraw
from random import randint, choice, random, seed as randomseed
from typing import *
from math import hypot, sqrt
from queue import Queue
from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import Enumimport os
import sysclass ColorAlgorithm(Enum):random           = 1no_adjacent_same = 2least_possible   = 3class RegionAlgorithm:def randomized(width: int, height: int, regions: int, mask_function) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]:"""Return regions that are entirely random."""points = []while len(points) != regions:p = (randint(0, width - 1), randint(0, height - 1))if p in points:continueif not mask_function(p):continuepoints.append(p)return pointsdef uniform(width: int, height: int, regions: int, mask_function) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]:"""Return regions that attempt to be somewhat uniform."""k = 10points = []while len(points) != regions:best_p = Noned_max = 0i = 0while i < k * len(points) + 1:p = (randint(0, width - 1), randint(0, height - 1))if p in points:continueif not mask_function(p):continueif len(points) == 0:best_p = pbreakd_min = float('inf')for x, y in points:d = hypot(p[0]-x, p[1]-y)if d < d_min:d_min = dif d_min > d_max:d_max = d_minbest_p = pi += 1points.append(best_p)return pointsclass DistanceAlgorithm:def euclidean(x, y, xn, yn):"""Calculate the image regions (up to a distance) using euclidean distance."""return hypot(xn-x, yn-y)def manhattan(x, y, xn, yn):"""Calculate the image regions using manhattan distance."""return abs(xn-x) + abs(yn-y)def euclidean45degrees(x, y, xn, yn):"""Calculate the image regions using euclidean, but allow only lines in 45 degree increments."""return sqrt(2 * min(abs(xn-x), abs(yn-y)) ** 2) + abs(abs(xn-x) - abs(yn-y))def chebyshev(x, y, xn, yn):"""Calculate the image regions using chebyshev distance."""return min(abs(xn-x), abs(yn-y)) + abs(abs(xn-x) - abs(yn-y))def set_each_point(seed: int, width: int, height: int,region_centers: List[Tuple[int, int]], image: List[List[int]],d_limit: int, f: List[Callable[[int, int, int, int], float]], mask_function):"""Calculate the image regions (up to a distance) using the provided metric."""randomseed(seed)region_distance_functions = [f if not isinstance(f, list) else choice(f) for _ in range(len(region_centers))]for x in range(width):for y in range(height):if not mask_function((x, y)):continued_min = float('inf')for i, region in enumerate(region_centers):xn, yn = regiond = region_distance_functions[i](x, y, xn, yn)if d < d_min:d_min = dif d <= d_limit:image[x][y] = id(region)class Utilities:def error(message, q=True):print(f"\u001b[38;5;1mERROR:\u001b[0m {message}", flush=True)if q:sys.exit(1)def warning(message):print(f"\u001b[38;5;208mWARNING:\u001b[0m {message}", flush=True)def info(message):print(f"\u001b[38;5;11mINFO:\u001b[0m {message}", flush=True)def success(message):print(f"\u001b[38;5;2mSUCCESS:\u001b[0m {message}", flush=True)def hex_to_tuple(color: str):color = color.strip("#")return (int(color[0:2], 16), int(color[2:4], 16), int(color[4:6], 16))def get_different_adjacent_colors(width, height, image, colors, color_algorithm):from pulp import LpProblem, LpVariable, LpMinimize, lpSum, PULP_CBC_CMDedges = set()mapping = {}n = 0for x in range(width):for y in range(height):for xd, yd in ((0, 1), (1, 0), (-1, 0), (0, -1)):xn, yn = x + xd, y + ydif not 0 <= xn < width or not 0 <= yn < height:continuei1, i2 = image[x][y], image[xn][yn]if i1 is None or i2 is None:continueif i1 < i2:if i1 not in mapping:n += 1mapping[n] = i1mapping[i1] = nif i2 not in mapping:n += 1mapping[n] = i2mapping[i2] = nedges.add((mapping[i1], mapping[i2]))edges = list(edges)model = LpProblem(sense=LpMinimize)chromatic_number = LpVariable(name="chromatic number", cat='Integer')variables = [[LpVariable(name=f"x_{i}_{j}", cat='Binary') \for i in range(n)] for j in range(n)]for i in range(n):model += lpSum(variables[i]) == 1for u, v in edges:for color in range(n):model += variables[u - 1][color] + variables[v - 1][color] <= 1for i in range(n):for j in range(n):model += chromatic_number >= (j + 1) * variables[i][j]if color_algorithm == ColorAlgorithm.least_possible:model += chromatic_numberelse:model += chromatic_number == len(colors)status = model.solve(PULP_CBC_CMD(msg=False))if chromatic_number.value() > len(colors):Utilities.error("Not enough colors to color without adjacent areas having the same one!")return {mapping[variable + 1]: colors[color]for variable in range(n)for color in range(n)if variables[variable][color].value() == 1}def add_border(background, border_size, read_image, write_image, width, height, mask_function):r = border_size // 2for x in range(width):for y in range(height):if not mask_function((x, y)):continuefor dx, dy in ((0, 1), (1, 0)):xn, yn = x + dx, y + dyif not 0 <= xn < width or not 0 <= yn < height:continueif not mask_function((xn, yn)):continueif read_image[x][y] != read_image[xn][yn]:draw = ImageDraw.Draw(write_image)draw.ellipse((x-r, y-r, x+r, y+r), fill=(*background,0))def generate(path: str,regions: int,colors: List[Union[Tuple[int], str]],width: int = 1920,height: int = 1080,region_algorithm = RegionAlgorithm.uniform,distance_algorithm = DistanceAlgorithm.euclidean,color_algorithm = ColorAlgorithm.random,seed: Optional[int] = None,border_size: int = 0,mask: Optional[str] = None,mask_color = "#000000",animate = False,background = "#FFFFFF",
):# possibly seed the random algorithmif seed is None:seed = random()# possibly convert string colors to tuplesi = 0while i < len(colors):if type(colors[i]) == str:colors[i] = Utilities.hex_to_tuple(colors[i])i += 1if type(mask_color) == str:mask_color = Utilities.hex_to_tuple(mask_color)elif type(mask_color) == list:mask_color = tuple(mask_color)if type(background) == str:background = Utilities.hex_to_tuple(background)elif type(background) == list:background = tuple(background)randomseed(seed)mask_function = lambda p: Trueif mask is not None:try:mask_img = Image.open(mask)Utilities.info("Mask provided.")w, h = mask_img.sizemask_function = lambda p: mask_img.getpixel(p) == mask_colorif w != width:Utilities.warning("Specified width doesn't match mask width, using mask width.")width = wif h != height:Utilities.warning("Specified height doesn't match mask height, using mask width.")height = hexcept Exception as e:Utilities.error(f"Error loading mask from '{mask}'.")if type(regions) == list:Utilities.info("Region centers provided, skipping generation.")# flip vertically!region_centers = [(int(center[0] * width), int(height - center[1] * height)) for center in regions]else:Utilities.info("Calculating region centers.")region_centers = region_algorithm(width, height, regions, mask_function)image = [[None] * height for _ in range(width)]Utilities.info("Calculating region areas.")DistanceAlgorithm.set_each_point(seed, width, height, region_centers, image, float("inf"), distance_algorithm, mask_function)# either assign colors randomly, or calculate the chromatic number and assign them thenif color_algorithm == ColorAlgorithm.random:Utilities.info("Assigning region colors.")region_colors = {id(region): choice(colors) for region in region_centers}else:Utilities.info("Assigning region colors such that no two adjacent regions have the same color.")region_colors = Utilities.get_different_adjacent_colors(width, height, image, colors, color_algorithm)# if we're masking, some regions won't be assignedregion_colors[None] = background# the original, full image (without borders)pil_image = Image.new("RGB", (width, height))for x in range(width):for y in range(height):pil_image.putpixel((x, y), region_colors[image[x][y]])if border_size != 0:Utilities.add_border(background, border_size, image, pil_image, width, height, mask_function)if animate:if not os.path.exists(path):os.makedirs(path)d = 1while True:animation_image = [[None] * height for _ in range(width)]DistanceAlgorithm.set_each_point(seed, width, height, region_centers, animation_image, d, distance_algorithm, mask_function)animation_pil_image = Image.new("RGB", (width, height))for x in range(width):for y in range(height):animation_pil_image.putpixel((x, y), background if animation_image[x][y] is None else region_colors[image[x][y]])if border_size != 0:Utilities.add_border(background, border_size, animation_image, animation_pil_image, width, height)animation_path = os.path.join(path, f"{d}.png")animation_pil_image.save(animation_path, "PNG")Utilities.success(f"Animation image saved to {animation_path}")d += 1if image == animation_image:Utilities.success(f"Done!")breakelse:pil_image.save(path, resolution=300)Utilities.success(f"Image saved to {path}!")

4.2 参数说明 

generate function arguments

  • path: the path (including an extension) to save the resulting file to
  • regions: the number of distinct regions in the diagram
  • colors: a list of tuples denoting the RGB of the color, or strings denoting the color in hex
  • width: the width of the image; defaults to 1920
  • height: the height of the image; defaults to 1080
  • region_algorithm: the algorithm that determines the centers of the regions:
    • RegionAlgorithm.uniform attempts to make the centers equidistant to one another; default
    • RegionAlgorithm.randomized makes the center positions entirely random
  • distance_algorithm: the algorithm that determines the way the distance is measured; if a list of the algorithms is provided, a random one is picked for each point
    • DistanceAlgorithm.euclidean: standard euclidean distance (hypotenuse); default
    • DistanceAlgorithm.manhattan: Manhattan (taxicab) distance (4 directions)
    • DistanceAlgorithm.chebyshev: Chebyshev distance (8 directions)
    • DistanceAlgorithm.euclidean45degrees: euclidean distance, but lines can only point in 45 degree increments
  • color_algorithm: the algorithm that determines the colors of the regions
    • DistanceAlgorithm.random: pick the colors randomly
    • DistanceAlgorithm.no_adjacent_same: pick the colors such that no two adjacent regions have the same color
    • DistanceAlgorithm.least_possible: same as no_adjacent_same, but attempt to do so in the least number of colors
  • seed: the seed for the random number generator; no seed by default
  • border_size: the thickness of the border (in pixels); defaults to 0 (no border)
  • mask: a path to an image mask so only specific areas are used
  • mask_color: the color of the mask to fill, ignoring everything else; defaults to #000000
  • animate: creates images in the folder path of the regions filling in; defaults to False
  • background: background of the animation/masking/borders; defaults to #FFFFFF

4.3 调用模块的方法 

from voronoi import *generate(path = "1.png",width = 3840,height = 2160,regions = 70,colors = [(0, 0, 0), (15, 15, 15), (23, 23, 23), (30, 30, 30)],color_algorithm = ColorAlgorithm.no_adjacent_same,








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