/* Title: Partial applicationDescription: the process of fixing a number of arguments to a function, producing another function of smaller arity
*/var partialAny = (function(aps) {// This function will be returned as a result of the immediately // invoked function expression and assigned to the `partialAny` var.function func(fn) {var argsOrig = aps.call(arguments, 1);return function() {var args = [],argsPartial = aps.call(arguments),i = 0;// Iterate over all the originally-spedicified arguments. If that// argument was the `partialAny._` placeholder, use the next just// passed-in argument, otherwise use the originally-specified // argument.for (; i < argsOrig.length; i++) {args[i] = argsOrig[i] === func._ ? argsPartial.shift() : argsOrig[i];}// If any just-passed-in arguments remain, add them to the end.return fn.apply(this, args.concat(argsPartial));};}// This is used as the placeholder argument.func._ = {};return func;
})(Array.prototype.slice);// Slightly more legitimate example
function hex(r, g, b) {return '#' + r + g + b;
}var redMax = partialAny(hex, 'ff', partialAny._, partialAny._);
console.log(redMax('11', '22')); // "#ff1122"
// Because `_` is easier on the eyes than `partialAny._`, let's use
// that instead. This is, of course, entirely optional, and the name
// could just as well be `foo` or `PLACEHOLDER` instead of `_`.
var __ = partialAny._;var greenMax = partialAny(hex, __, 'ff');
console.log(greenMax('33', '44'));var blueMax = partialAny(hex, __, __, 'ff');
console.log(blueMax('55', '66'));var magentaMax = partialAny(hex, 'ff', __, 'ff');
console.log(magentaMax('77'));// reference
// http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/gg575560.aspx
参考 : https://github.com/shichuan/javascript-patterns/blob/master/function-patterns/partial-application.html