





C#集合框架大多位于System.Collections和System.Collections.Generic命名空间。Systems.Collections命名空间包含了表示抽象数据类型的接口和抽象类,比如IList, IEnumerable, IDictionary, ICollection, 和 CollectionBase,只要数据结构从抽象数据类型派生,开发者无需关心其内部如何实现。System.Collections命名空间还包含了很多数据结构的具体实现,包括ArrayList, Stack, Queue, HashTable 和SortedList。这四种结构都提供了同步包装,可以在多线程程序中线程安全。System.Collections.Generic命名空间实现了System.Collections空间中主要数据结构的泛型版本,包括泛型的List<T>, Stack<T>,Queue<T>, Dictionary<K,T> 和SortedDictionary<K,T>类。



注意:后面作者的话我就不翻译了,因为他提到的Java中有,而C#中没有的集合在.NET 3.5和.NET 4.0中都已经支持







C# Code
using System; 
using System.Net.Sockets; class GotoSample{public static void Main(string[] args){int num_tries = 0;retry: try{             num_tries++;    Console.WriteLine("Attempting to connect to network. Number of tries =" + num_tries);//Attempt to connect to a network times out //or some some other network connection error that //can be recovered fromthrow new SocketException(); }catch(SocketException){if(num_tries < 5)goto retry;                 }       }/* Main(string[]) */ }//GotoSample





C# Code
using System; public class Parent{public void DoStuff(string str){Console.WriteLine("In Parent.DoStuff: " + str); }}public class Child: Parent{public void DoStuff(int n){Console.WriteLine("In Child.DoStuff: " + n);    }public void DoStuff(string str){Console.WriteLine("In Child.DoStuff: " + str);  }
}public class VirtualTest{public static void Main(string[] args){Child ch = new Child(); ch.DoStuff(100); ch.DoStuff("Test"); ((Parent) ch).DoStuff("Second Test"); }}//VirtualTestOUTPUT:
In Child.DoStuff: 100
In Child.DoStuff: Test
In Parent.DoStuff: Second Test
Java Code
class Parent{public void DoStuff(String str){System.out.println("In Parent.DoStuff: " + str);    }}class Child extends Parent{public void DoStuff(int n){System.out.println("In Child.DoStuff: " + n);   }public void DoStuff(String str){System.out.println("In Child.DoStuff: " + str); }
}public class VirtualTest{public static void main(String[] args){Child ch = new Child(); ch.DoStuff(100); ch.DoStuff("Test"); ((Parent) ch).DoStuff("Second Test"); }}//VirtualTestOUTPUT:
In Child.DoStuff: 100
In Child.DoStuff: Test
In Child.DoStuff: Second Test

C#的例子可以通过把基类DoStuff(string) 方法标记为virtual子类方法标记为override关键字来实现和Java相同输出:

# Codeusing System; public class Parent{public virtual void DoStuff(string str){Console.WriteLine("In Parent.DoStuff: " + str); }}public class Child: Parent{public void DoStuff(int n){Console.WriteLine("In Child.DoStuff: " + n);    }public override void DoStuff(string str){Console.WriteLine("In Child.DoStuff: " + str);  }
}public class VirtualTest{public static void Main(string[] args){Child ch = new Child(); ch.DoStuff(100); ch.DoStuff("Test"); ((Parent) ch).DoStuff("Second Test"); }}//VirtualTest


public new void DoStuff(string str)




C# Code
using System;
using System.IO; public class FileIOTest {public static void Main(string[] args){FileStream inputFile  = new FileStream("input.txt", FileMode.Open);FileStream outputFile = new FileStream("output.txt", FileMode.Open);StreamReader sr     = new StreamReader(inputFile);StreamWriter sw     = new StreamWriter(outputFile);String str;while((str = sr.ReadLine())!= null)sw.Write(str);sr.Close();sw.Close();}}//FileIOTest
Java Code
import java.io.*;public class FileIO{public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {File inputFile  = new File("input.txt");File outputFile = new File("output.txt");FileReader in     = new FileReader(inputFile);BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(in);FileWriter out    = new FileWriter(outputFile);BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(out);String str;while((str = br.readLine())!= null)bw.write(str);br.close();bw.close();}}//FileIOTest





private void readObject(java.io.ObjectInputStream stream) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException;

private void writeObject(java.io.ObjectOutputStream stream) throws IOException


由于上面的方法是private的,使用readObject和writeObject来实现自定义序列化的话没有要实现的接口,对于需要公开访问的方法的类实现自定义序列化可以使用java.io.Externalizable接口,指定readExternal() 和writeExternal()。

C# Codeusing System;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap;[Serializable]
class SerializeTest{[NonSerialized]private int x; private int y; public SerializeTest(int a, int b){x = a; y = b; }public override String ToString(){return "{x=" + x + ", y=" + y + "}"; }public static void Main(String[] args){SerializeTest st = new SerializeTest(66, 61); Console.WriteLine("Before Binary Write := " + st);Console.WriteLine("\n Writing SerializeTest object to disk");Stream output  = File.Create("serialized.bin");BinaryFormatter bwrite = new BinaryFormatter(); bwrite.Serialize(output, st); output.Close(); Console.WriteLine("\n Reading SerializeTest object from disk\n");Stream input  = File.OpenRead("serialized.bin");BinaryFormatter bread = new BinaryFormatter(); SerializeTest fromdisk = (SerializeTest)bread.Deserialize(input); input.Close(); /* x will be 0 because it won't be read from disk since non-serialized */ Console.WriteLine("After Binary Read := " + fromdisk);st = new SerializeTest(19, 99);  Console.WriteLine("\n\nBefore SOAP(XML) Serialization := " + st);Console.WriteLine("\n Writing SerializeTest object to disk");output  = File.Create("serialized.xml");SoapFormatter swrite = new SoapFormatter(); swrite.Serialize(output, st); output.Close(); Console.WriteLine("\n Reading SerializeTest object from disk\n");input  = File.OpenRead("serialized.xml");SoapFormatter sread = new SoapFormatter(); fromdisk = (SerializeTest)sread.Deserialize(input); input.Close(); /* x will be 0 because it won't be read from disk since non-serialized */ Console.WriteLine("After SOAP(XML) Serialization := " + fromdisk);Console.WriteLine("\n\nPrinting XML Representation of Object");XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load("serialized.xml"); Console.WriteLine(doc.OuterXml);}}Java Code
import java.io.*; class SerializeTest implements Serializable{transient int x; private int y; public SerializeTest(int a, int b){x = a; y = b; }public String toString(){return "{x=" + x + ", y=" + y + "}"; }public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{SerializeTest st = new SerializeTest(66, 61); System.out.println("Before Write := " + st);System.out.println("\n Writing SerializeTest object to disk");FileOutputStream out  = new FileOutputStream("serialized.txt");ObjectOutputStream so = new ObjectOutputStream(out);    so.writeObject(st);so.flush();System.out.println("\n Reading SerializeTest object from disk\n");FileInputStream in     = new FileInputStream("serialized.txt");ObjectInputStream si   = new ObjectInputStream(in); SerializeTest fromdisk = (SerializeTest)si.readObject();/* x will be 0 because it won't be read from disk since transient */ System.out.println("After Read := " + fromdisk);}}


Before Write := {x=66, y=61}

Writing SerializeTest object to disk

Reading SerializeTest object from disk

After Read := {x=0, y=61}





















Java Code/**
 * Calculates the square of a number. 
 * @param num the number to calculate. 
 * @return the square of the number. 
 * @exception NumberTooBigException this occurs if the square of the number 
 * is too big to be stored in an int. 
 */public static int square(int num) throws NumberTooBigException{}



如下是C# XML文档的例子:

C# Code///<summary>Calculates the square of a number.</summary>
///<param name="num">The number to calculate.</param>
///<return>The square of the number. </return>
///<exception>NumberTooBigException - this occurs if the square of the number 
///is too big to be stored in an int. </exception>public static int square(int num){}














在Java中没有通用的机制来实现事件,而是采用了GUI类中使用的设计模式。事件一般是java.util.EventObject类的子类,这个类具有设置或获取事件来源的方法。在Java中订阅者一般实现接口,并且以Listener结尾,比如MouseListener, ActionListener, KeyListener,包含一个回调方法用于在事件发生的时候被发布者调用。发布者一般包含add和Listerner名字组合而成的方法用于添加注册的订阅者,比如addMouseListener, addActionListener, addKeyListener。发布者还包含用于移除订阅者的方法。这些结构构成了Java程序中的事件驱动模型。


C#使用委托来提供发布订阅模型的显式支持,事件一般是System.EventArgs类的子类。发布者具有protected的方法并以On为前缀,比如OnClick, OnClose, OnInit,在某个事件发生的时候调用这个方法,这个方法然后会调用委托并且传入EventArgs对象的实例作为参数。这个方法作为protected的话派生类就可以直接调用,无需注册委托。订阅者的方法接收和事件委托相同的返回类型和参数。事件委托一般接收两个参数,一个Object表示事件的源,一个EventArgs类表示发生的事件,并且委托是void返回值。在C#中event用于自动指定事件驱动中回调的订阅者委托。在编译的时候,编译器会增加+=和-=,等同于Java的注册和移除订阅者的方法。



C# Code
using System; class EvenNumberEvent: EventArgs{/* HACK: fields are typically private, but making this internal so it
     * can be accessed from other classes. In practice should use properties.
     */ internal int number; public EvenNumberEvent(int number):base(){this.number = number;}}class Publisher{public delegate void EvenNumberSeenHandler(object sender, EventArgs e); public event EvenNumberSeenHandler EvenNumHandler; protected void OnEvenNumberSeen(int num){if(EvenNumHandler!= null)EvenNumHandler(this, new EvenNumberEvent(num));}//generates 20 random numbers between 1 and 20 then causes and //event to occur if the current number is even. public void RunNumbers(){Random r = new Random((int) DateTime.Now.Ticks); for(int i=0; i < 20; i++){     int current = (int) r.Next(20); Console.WriteLine("Current number is:" + current);//check if number is even and if so initiate callback callif((current % 2) == 0)OnEvenNumberSeen(current);}//for}
}//Publisherpublic class EventTest{//callback function that will be called when even number is seenpublic static void EventHandler(object sender, EventArgs e){Console.WriteLine("\t\tEven Number Seen:" + ((EvenNumberEvent)e).number);}public static void Main(string[] args){Publisher pub = new Publisher(); //register the callback/subscriber pub.EvenNumHandler += new Publisher.EvenNumberSeenHandler(EventHandler); pub.RunNumbers(); //unregister the callback/subscriber pub.EvenNumHandler -= new Publisher.EvenNumberSeenHandler(EventHandler); }}
Java Code
import java.util.*;class EvenNumberEvent extends EventObject{public int number; public EvenNumberEvent(Object source, int number){super(source); this.number = number;}}interface EvenNumberSeenListener{void evenNumberSeen(EvenNumberEvent ene); }class Publisher{Vector subscribers = new Vector(); private void OnEvenNumberSeen(int num){for(int i=0, size = subscribers.size(); i < size; i++)((EvenNumberSeenListener)subscribers.get(i)).evenNumberSeen(new EvenNumberEvent(this, num));}public void addEvenNumberEventListener(EvenNumberSeenListener ensl){subscribers.add(ensl); }public void removeEvenNumberEventListener(EvenNumberSeenListener ensl){subscribers.remove(ensl); }//generates 20 random numbers between 1 and 20 then causes and //event to occur if the current number is even. public void RunNumbers(){Random r = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis()); for(int i=0; i < 20; i++){     int current = (int) r.nextInt() % 20; System.out.println("Current number is:" + current);//check if number is even and if so initiate callback callif((current % 2) == 0)OnEvenNumberSeen(current);}//for}}//Publisherpublic class EventTest implements EvenNumberSeenListener{//callback function that will be called when even number is seenpublic void evenNumberSeen(EvenNumberEvent e){System.out.println("\t\tEven Number Seen:" + ((EvenNumberEvent)e).number);}public static void main(String[] args){EventTest et = new EventTest();Publisher pub = new Publisher(); //register the callback/subscriber pub.addEvenNumberEventListener(et); pub.RunNumbers(); //unregister the callback/subscriber pub.removeEvenNumberEventListener(et); }}




Current number is:19
Current number is:15
Current number is:1
Current number is:1
Current number is:-9
Current number is:-17
Current number is:-1
Current number is:-18
        Even Number Seen:-18
Current number is:0
        Even Number Seen:0
Current number is:1
Current number is:-2
        Even Number Seen:-2
Current number is:-9
Current number is:-4
        Even Number Seen:-4
Current number is:17
Current number is:-7
Current number is:1
Current number is:0
        Even Number Seen:0
Current number is:15
Current number is:-10
        Even Number Seen:-10
Current number is:-9









5) 使用你选择的语言写本机方法

6) 把头文件和本机源文件编译到共享类库中,比如Windows的dll或UNIX的.so


Java还可以通过Java IDL来和CORBA的分布式对象交互。CORBA应用程序一般由对象请求代理ORB、客户端和服务端构成。ORB负责匹配请求客户端到服务端,使用对象引用来定位目标对象。ORB检查对象引用的时候会检查目标对象是否是远程的。如果对象时本地的ORB进行进程内调用IPC,否则ORB封送参数并且把调用通过网络路由到远程ORB。远程ORB然后在本地调用方法,通过网络把结果发送回客户端。CORBA有语言无关的接口定义语言IDL,各种语言都可以支持CORBA映射。Java IDL支持从Java对象到CORBA IDL对象的映射,各种ORB提供各种语言的CORBA语言绑定,包括C, C++, Java, Python, Lisp, Perl, 和Scheme。




Jython 2.0 on java1.2.1
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from java.util import Random
>>> r = Random()
>>> r.nextInt()
>>> for i in range(5):
...     print r.nextDouble()


C#和.NET运行时本来的一个设计目标就是无缝的跨语言交互。任何.NET公共语言运行时的语言都可以基于公共类型系统CTS互相交互。公共类型系统定义了类型如何声明,确保各种语言可以共享类型信息。元数据是描述程序集、类型和应用程序定义的特性的二进制信息,它保存在CLR PE中,或者在程序集加载后保存在内存中。当前.NET运行时支持的语言包括APL, C#, C++, COBOL, Component Pascal, Eiffel, Haskel#/Mondrian, Java, Mercury, Oberon, Perl, Python, Scheme, Smalltalk, ML, 和Visual Basic。由于一种语言中具有的特性很可能在另外一种语言中没有,.NET框架提供了CLS描述一组基本的语言特性和定义如何使用这些特性的规则。CLS规则是公共类型系统的子集,并且通过定义一组编程语言最常见的特性集合来确保跨语言互操作。C#编译器是CLS兼容的编译器,也就是说可以用于编译符合CLS的代码。C#编译器可以检查CLS规范并且在代码使用了不符合CLS功能的时候给出错误。要让C#编译器检查CLS规范可以使用[CLSCompliantAttribute(true)]特性。C#支持的另一种跨语言交互是基于COM的对象,这个机制允许开发者在C#中使用COM,反之亦然。在创建了包装类后,C#对象可以使用COM对象,包装类可以当做普通的C#对象来使用,.NET运行时会处理复杂的参数封送操作。可以使用tlbimp工具来自动创建包装类。对于COM对象使用C#对象,必须创建描述C#对象的类型库,可以使用tlbexp创建类型库以COM的形式来描述C#对象。还可以使用regasm工具来注册程序集。COM对象和C#对象交互的时候,运行时会负责COM和.NET之间数据的封送。C#程序还可以使用extern关键字和DllImport特性来使用任何DLL的功能,这么做的优势是不需要针对C#的调用为方法作特殊处理,并且也不需要有包装来调用既有的代码。









为了提供完全控制类使用的资源,C#提供了System.IDisposable接口,它包含Dispose()方法可以让类的使用者在使用类之后释放必要的资源。管理诸如数据库或文件句柄的类可以从这种模式中收益。Dispose提供了一种确定的方式在类不使用的时候释放资源,这和Java或C#的终结器不同。一般会在Dispose方法的实现中调用GC类的SupressFinalize 方法,因为我们一般通过Dispose方法显式释放资源而不需要运行时的终结器。C#还提供了诸如using关键字之类的语法糖通过Dispose方法释放资源。如果类是Disposable的话,最好让Dispose()方法是幂等的(也就是可以多次调用Dispose()),可以在Dispose()方法中设置一个标志位来检查是否已经Dispose。如下例子演示了类保持打开文件,直到Dispose()方法调用后来表示文件不需要打开了。


C# Code
using System; 
using System.IO; public class MyClass : IDisposable {     bool disposed = false; FileStream f; StreamWriter sw; private String name;private int numShowNameCalls = 0; MyClass(string name){f = new FileStream("logfile.txt", FileMode.OpenOrCreate); sw = new StreamWriter(f);this.name = name;Console.WriteLine("Created " + name);   }~MyClass(){Dispose(false); }public void Dispose(){if(!disposed){Dispose(true);}}private void Dispose(bool disposing){lock(this){ /* prevents multiple threads from disposing simultaneously */ /* disposing variable is used to indicate if this method was called from a 
         * Dispose() call or during finalization. Since finalization order is not 
         * deterministic, the StreamWriter may be finalized before this object in 
         * which case, calling Close() on it would be inappropriate so we try to 
         * avoid that. 
         */if(disposing){     Console.WriteLine("Finalizing " + name);      sw.Close(); /* close file since object is done with */ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);disposed = true; }}}public string ShowName(){if(disposed)            throw new ObjectDisposedException("MyClass");numShowNameCalls++; sw.Write("ShowName() Call #" + numShowNameCalls.ToString() + "\n");         return "I am " + name; }public static void Main(string[] args){using (MyClass mc = new MyClass("A MyClass Object")){for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){Console.WriteLine(mc.ShowName()); } //for}/* runtime calls Dispose on MyClass object once "using" code block is exited, even if exception thrown  */ }//Main }








C# Code
using System;/* Mammal class hierarchy used to show return type covariance */
public class Mammal {public Mammal(){;}public virtual void Speak(){;} 
}public class Cat : Mammal{public Cat(){;}public override void Speak(){Console.WriteLine("Meow");}
}public class Dog : Mammal{public Dog(){;}public override void Speak(){Console.WriteLine("Woof");} 
}public class Test {// delegate declaration, similar to a function pointer declarationpublic delegate Mammal CallbackFunction(Dog d);  public static Cat BarkAndScareCat(Dog d) {d.Speak(); Cat c = new Cat();c.Speak(); return c; }public static Mammal BarkAndReturnHome(Dog d) {d.Speak(); return d; }public static void Main(string[] args){Dog dog            = new Dog(); //create delegate using delegate object (old way)CallbackFunction myCallback = new CallbackFunction(BarkAndReturnHome); myCallback(dog);//create delegate using delegate inference (new way) CallbackFunction myCallback2 = BarkAndScareCat;myCallback2(dog);}


C# Code
using System;//delegate base
public class HasDelegates
{// delegate declaration, similar to a function pointer declarationpublic delegate bool CallbackFunction(string a, int b);//method that uses the delegate public bool execCallback(CallbackFunction doCallback, string x, int y){   Console.WriteLine("Executing Callback function...");return doCallback(x, y);                    }}public class FunctionDelegates
{public static readonly HasDelegates.CallbackFunction BarFuncCallback = new HasDelegates.CallbackFunction(FunctionBar); public static bool FunctionBar(string a, int b){   Console.WriteLine("Bar: {0} {1}", b, a);return true;}}public class DelegateTest {public static void Main(string[] args){HasDelegates MyDel = new HasDelegates();// with static delegate, no need to know how to create delegateMyDel.execCallback(FunctionDelegates.BarFuncCallback, "Thirty Three", 33);}
} // DelegateTest







C# Code
using System; struct Point {public int x; public int y; public Point( int x, int y){this.x = x; this.y = y;}public override string ToString(){return String.Format("({0}, {1})", x, y); }public static void Main(string[] args){Point start = new Point(5, 9); Console.WriteLine("Start: " + start);/* The line below wouldn't compile if Point was a class */ Point end = new Point(); Console.WriteLine("End: " + end);}} // Point





C# Code
MyClass mc = o as MyClass; if(mc !=  null)      //check if cast successful mc.doStuff(); 





C# Code
using System; public class User {public User(string name){this.name = name;   }   private string name; //property with public getter and private setterpublic string Name{get{return name; }   private set { name = value; }}private static int minimum_age = 13;   //read-write property for class member, minimum_agepublic static int MinimumAge{get{return minimum_age; }set{if(value > 0 && value < 100)minimum_age = value; else Console.WriteLine("{0} is an invalid age, so minimum age remains at {1}", value, minimum_age);}}public static void Main(string[] args){User newuser = new User("Bob Hope"); User.MinimumAge = -5; /* prints error to screen since value invalid */ User.MinimumAge = 18; //newuser.Name = "Kevin Nash"; Causes compiler error since Name property is read-only Console.WriteLine("Minimum Age: " + User.MinimumAge);       Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", newuser.Name);}
} // User





C# Code
using System;public class ArrayTest {public static void Main(string[] args){int[,] multi = { {0, 1}, {2, 3}, {4, 5}, {6, 7} };  for(int i=0, size = multi.GetLength(0); i < size; i++){for(int j=0, size2 = multi.GetLength(1); j < size2; j++){Console.WriteLine("multi[" + i + "," + j + "] = " + multi[i,j]);}}int[][] jagged = new int[4][];jagged[0] = new int[2]{0, 1};jagged[1] = new int[2]{2, 3};jagged[2] = new int[2]{4, 5};jagged[3] = new int[2]{6, 7};for(int i=0, size = jagged.Length; i < size; i++){for(int j=0, size2 = jagged[1].Length; j < size2; j++){Console.WriteLine("jagged[" + i + "][" + j + "] = " + jagged[i][j]);}}}} // ArrayTest





C# Code
using System;
using System.Collections;public class IndexerTest: IEnumerable, IEnumerator {private Hashtable list; public IndexerTest (){index = -1; list = new Hashtable();     }//indexer that indexes by numberpublic object this[int column]{get{return list[column];}set{list[column] = value; }}/* indexer that indexes by name */ public object this[string name]{get{return this[ConvertToInt(name)];}set{this[ConvertToInt(name)] = value; }}/* Convert strings to integer equivalents */private int ConvertToInt(string value){string loVal = value.ToLower(); switch(loVal){case "zero": return 0;case "one": return 1;case "two": return 2;case "three":  return 3;case "four": return 4;case "five": return 5; default:return 0; }return 0; }/** 
     * Needed to implement IEnumerable interface. 
     */public IEnumerator GetEnumerator(){ return (IEnumerator) this; }/** 
     * Needed for IEnumerator. 
     */ private int index; /** 
     * Needed for IEnumerator. 
     */ public bool MoveNext(){index++;if(index >= list.Count)return false; elsereturn true; }/** 
     * Needed for IEnumerator. 
     */ public void Reset(){index = -1; }/** 
     * Needed for IEnumerator. 
     */ public object Current{get{return list[index];}}public static void Main(string[] args){IndexerTest it = new IndexerTest(); it[0] = "A"; it[1] = "B";it[2] = "C";it[3] = "D"; it[4] = "E";Console.WriteLine("Integer Indexing: it[0] = " + it[0]);    Console.WriteLine("String  Indexing: it[\"Three\"] = " + it["Three"]);Console.WriteLine("Printing entire contents of object via enumerating through indexer :");foreach( string str in it){Console.WriteLine(str);}}} // IndexerTest





C# Code
#define DEBUG /* #define must be first token in file */ 
using System; #pragma warning disable 169 /* Disable 'field never used' warning */class PreprocessorTest{int unused_field; public static void Main(string[] args){#if DEBUGConsole.WriteLine("DEBUG Mode := On");#elseConsole.WriteLine("DEBUG Mode := Off");#endif}}





C# Code
using Terminal = System.Console; class Test{public static void Main(string[] args){Terminal.WriteLine("Terminal.WriteLine is equivalent to System.Console.Writeline"); }}











C# Code
using System; class UnsafeTest{public static unsafe void Swap(int* a, int*b){int temp = *a; *a = *b; *b = temp; }public static unsafe void Sort(int* array, int size){for(int i= 0; i < size - 1; i++)for(int j = i + 1; j < size; j++)if(array[i] > array[j])Swap(&array[i], &array[j]); }public static unsafe void Main(string[] args){int[] array = {9, 1, 3, 6, 11, 99, 37, 17, 0, 12}; Console.WriteLine("Unsorted Array:"); foreach(int x in array)Console.Write(x + " "); fixed( int* iptr = array ){  // must use fixed to get address of arraySort(iptr, array.Length);}//fixed Console.WriteLine("\nSorted Array:"); foreach(int x in array)Console.Write(x + " "); }}





Java Code
class PassByRefTest{public static void changeMe(String s){s = "Changed"; }public static void swap(int x, int y){int z = x;x = y;y = z;}public static void main(String[] args){int a = 5, b = 10; String s = "Unchanged"; swap(a, b); changeMe(s); System.out.println("a := " + a + ", b := " + b + ", s = " + s);}
a := 5, b := 10, s = UnchangedC# Codeusing System; class PassByRefTest{public static void ChangeMe(out string s){s = "Changed"; }public static void Swap(ref int x, ref int y){int z = x;x = y;y = z;}public static void Main(string[] args){int a = 5, b = 10; string s; Swap(ref a, ref b); ChangeMe(out s); Console.WriteLine("a := " + a + ", b := " + b + ", s = " + s);}
a := 10, b := 5, s = Changed





C# Code
using System; class VerbatimTest{public static void Main(){//verbatim string string filename  = @"C:\My Documents\My Files\File.html"; Console.WriteLine("Filename 1: " + filename);//regular string string filename2 =  "C:\\My Documents\\My Files\\File.html"; Console.WriteLine("Filename 2: " + filename2);string snl_celebrity_jeopardy_skit = @"Darrell Hammond (Sean Connery) : I'll take ""Swords"" for $400Will Farrell    (Alex Trebek)  : That's S-Words, Mr Connery.";Console.WriteLine(snl_celebrity_jeopardy_skit);}}





C# Code
using System; class CheckedTest{public static void Main(){int num = 5000; /* OVERFLOW I */byte a  = (byte) num; /* overflow detected only if /checked compiler option on *//* OVERFLOW II */checked{byte b = (byte) num; /* overflow ALWAYS detected */     }/* OVERFLOW III */unchecked{byte c = (byte) num; /* overflow NEVER detected */      }}//Main




有的时候在实现接口的时候可能会遇到冲突,比如FileRepresentation类可能会实现IWindow和IFileHandler接口,他妈两个接口都有Close方法,IWindow的Close方法表示关闭GUI窗口,而IFileHandler 的Close方法表示关闭文件。在Java中除了只写一个Close方法之外别无他法,而在C#中可以为每一个接口写一个实现。比如对于之前提到的例子,FileRepresentation类可以有两个不同的Close方法。注意,显式接口方法是private的,并且只有转换成相应类型之后才能进行方法调用。

C# Code
using System;interface IVehicle{//identify vehicle by model, make, yearvoid IdentifySelf();    }interface IRobot{//identify robot by namevoid IdentifySelf();}class TransformingRobot : IRobot, IVehicle{string model; string make;short  year; string name;TransformingRobot(String name, String model, String make, short year){this.name  = name;this.model = model; this.make  = make; this.year  = year; }void IRobot.IdentifySelf(){Console.WriteLine("My name is " + this.name);}void IVehicle.IdentifySelf(){Console.WriteLine("Model:" + this.model + " Make:" + this.make + " Year:" + this.year);}public static void Main(){TransformingRobot tr = new TransformingRobot("SedanBot", "Toyota", "Corolla", 2001); // tr.IdentifySelf(); ERROR IVehicle v = (IVehicle) tr; IRobot r   = (IRobot) tr; v.IdentifySelf(); r.IdentifySelf();   }
Model:Toyota Make:Corolla Year:2001
My name is SedanBot





C# Code
// friend_assembly_test.cs
// compile with: /target:library
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System;[assembly:InternalsVisibleTo("friend_assembly_test_2")]// internal by default
class Friend 
{public void Hello() {Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");}
}// public type with internal member
public class Friend2 
{internal string secret = "I like jelly doughnuts";  
}C# Code 2
// friend_assembliy_test_2.cs
// compile with: /reference:friend_assembly_test.dll /out:friend_assembly_test_2.exe
using System;public class FriendFinder 
{static void Main() {// access an internal typeFriend f = new Friend();f.Hello();Friend2 f2 = new Friend2();// access an internal member of a public typeConsole.WriteLine(f2.secret);}





C# Code
using System;
using sys = System; namespace TestLib{class Test{public class System {} static DateTime Console = DateTime.Now;   public static void Main(){//Console.WriteLine("Hello world"); doesn't work due to static member variable named 'Console'//System.Console.WriteLine("Hello world"); doesn't work due to nested class named 'System'global::System.Console.WriteLine("The time is " + Console); sys::Console.WriteLine("Hello again"); }}





对于支持foreach循环的数据结构,必须实现或返回System.Collections.IEnumerable的实例。枚举器写起来还是有点麻烦的,yield关键字可以把任何方法或属性转换为枚举器。可以使用yield return语句来一个一个返回内容,可以使用yield break来表示结束了序列。方法或属性必须返回IEnumerable, IEnumerable<T>, IEnumerator 或IEnumerator<T>中的一个。

C# Code
using System;
using System.Collections;class Test{public static string[] fruit = {"banana", "apple", "orange", "pear", "grape"};public static string[] vegetables = {"lettuce", "cucumber", "peas", "carrots"};public static IEnumerable FruitAndVeg{get{foreach(string f in fruit){yield return f; }foreach(string v in vegetables){yield return v; }yield break; //optional}}public static void Main(){foreach (string produce in Test.FruitAndVeg){Console.WriteLine(produce);}}}





C# Code
using System;partial class Test{public static string[] fruit = {"banana", "apple", "orange", "pear", "grape"};public static string[] vegetables = {"lettuce", "cucumber", "peas", "carrots"};public static void Main(){foreach (string produce in Test.FruitAndVeg){Console.WriteLine(produce);}}}
C# Code 2
using System;
using System.Collections; partial class Test{public static IEnumerable FruitAndVeg{get{foreach(string f in fruit){yield return f; }foreach(string v in vegetables){yield return v; }}}







C# Code
using System;public class Test{public static void Main(string[] args){int? x = 5; if(x.HasValue){Console.WriteLine("The value of x is " + x.Value);}x = null; //prints 0 Console.WriteLine(x.GetValueOrDefault());}}

??运算符叫做空结合运算符,用于测试可空类型的值,并且在值是空的情况下返回另外一个值。因为x??y等价于x==(nulll ? y : x)。

C# Code
using System;public class Test{public static void Main(string[] args){int? x = null; int  y = x ?? 5;//prints 5 Console.WriteLine(y);}}






C# Code
using System;public class Test {// delegate declaration, similar to a function pointer declarationpublic delegate void CallbackFunction(string a, int b);public static void PrintString(string a, int b){for(int i = 0; i < b ; i++)Console.WriteLine("{0}.) {1}", i + 1, a);}public static void Main(string[] args){/* anonymous code block */CallbackFunction cf = delegate (string a, int b){ for(int i = 0; i < b ; i++)Console.WriteLine("{0}.) {1}", i + 1, a);};cf("Thirty Three", 10); /* using a named delegate function */CallbackFunction cf2 = new CallbackFunction(Test.PrintString); cf2("Twenty Two", 5); }
















Java创建了额外的机制来处理受检查的异常和不受检查的异常。对于受检查的异常,调用的方法必须捕获异常,或通过throws声明异常必须被其调用方法处理。从另外一方面来说,不受检查的异常不需要catch也或用throws子句声明,不受检查的异常和返回代码一样不会让编译器出警告或错误,但是如果在运行时忽略异常的话同样会终止程序。受检查的异常一般用于告诉调用者如何和为什么会发生调用失败。不受检查的异常是一般程序中大部分地方都会发生的异常,如果都要进行显式检查的话开销比价值大。比如空对象引用的异常或是数组越界的异常,如果是收检查的异常话,就需要在每一个访问对象或访问数组的时候都进行try catch,因此比较适合不受检查的异常。




public string GetMessageFromServer(string server) {//Set up variables and String to write to the serverEncoding ASCII = Encoding.ASCII;string Get = "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: " + server + "\r\nConnection: Close\r\n\r\n";Byte[] ByteGet = ASCII.GetBytes(Get);Byte[] RecvBytes = new Byte[256];String strRetPage = null;// IPAddress and IPEndPoint represent the endpoint that will//   receive the request// Get first IPAddress in list return by DNSIPAddress hostadd = Dns.Resolve(server).AddressList[0];IPEndPoint EPhost = new IPEndPoint(hostadd, 80);//Create the Socket for sending data over TCPSocket s = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream,ProtocolType.Tcp );// Connect to host using IPEndPoints.Connect(EPhost);if (!s.Connected){strRetPage = "Unable to connect to host";return strRetPage;}// Sent the GET text to the hosts.Send(ByteGet, ByteGet.Length, 0);// Receive the page, loop until all bytes are receivedInt32 bytes = s.Receive(RecvBytes, RecvBytes.Length, 0);strRetPage = "Default HTML page on " + server + ":\r\n";strRetPage = strRetPage + ASCII.GetString(RecvBytes, 0, bytes);while (bytes > 0){bytes = s.Receive(RecvBytes, RecvBytes.Length, 0);strRetPage = strRetPage + ASCII.GetString(RecvBytes, 0, bytes);}return strRetPage;}







Java技术一个很大的卖点就是Java写的应用程序一次编写到处运行。Sun官方支持Linux、Solaris 和 Windows,其它一些公司也实现了OS/2, AIX 和MacOS平台的Java。.NET也通过Mono项目和Ximian提供了移植性的支持。




Java扩展机制允许开发者扩展核心Java平台。开发者可以创建让Java运行时当做认为是核心Java类的类和包,比如java.lang, java.util, java.net等。




在Java中strictfp是可以用于类、方法或借口声明的修饰符,用于确保符合IEEE 754的精确浮点数算术。当对一个类或接口使用 strictfp 关键字时,该类中的所有代码,包括嵌套类型中的初始设定值和代码,都将严格地进行计算。严格约束意味着所有表达式的结果都必须是 IEEE 754 算法对操作数预期的结果,以单精度和双精度格式表示。


Java Codepublic class FPTest {static strictfp double halfOfSquareFP(double n){return n * 4.0  * 0.5;}static double halfOfSquareNFP(double n){return n * 4.0 * 0.5;}public static void main(String[] args) {double d = 6.6e+307;System.out.println(halfOfSquareFP(d));System.out.println(halfOfSquareNFP(d)); }}//FPTest





Java Codepublic class MyRMIServer extends UnicastRemoteObjectimplements SomeInterface {public MyRMIServer() throws RemoteException{ super();}public String obtainName(IStockTicker ticker){String stock_ticker = ticker.getTicker(); if(stock_ticker.equalsIgnoreCase("MSFT"))return "Microsoft Corporation"; else  if(stock_ticker.equalsIgnoreCase("SUNW")) return "Sun Microsystems"; elsereturn "Unknown Stock Ticker"; }/* obtainName(IStockTicker) */}

obtainName() 远程方法接收实现IStockTicker接口的类型,远程客户端可以调用这个方法然后传入实现IStockTicker的类型,例如NASDAQStock,如果MyRMIServer 所谓远程机器没有类的话,整个NASDAQStock 需要的类都会自动传输到远程机器。









Java Code/* An instance of this class represents the current state of a ClientView GUI. */public abstract class ClientState{// This instance of the class is used to signify that the user is not logged in.// The only thing a user can do in this state is login and exit.  public static ClientState NOT_LOGGED_IN = new ClientState() {public void setMenuState(ClientView cv) {cv.setMenuEnabledState(false); /* disable all menus */cv.menuLogin.setEnabled(true); cv.menuExit.setEnabled(true); //can't type cv.textArea.setEnabled(false); }public String toString(){return "ClientState: NOT_LOGGED_IN"; }};// This instance of the class is used to signify that the user is logged in// but has not yet created a document to work with. The user cannot type or save // anything in this mode. public static ClientState NO_OPEN_DOCUMENT = new ClientState() {public void setMenuState(ClientView cv) {cv.setMenuEnabledState(false); /* disable all menus */cv.menuLogin.setEnabled(true); cv.menuExit.setEnabled(true); cv.menuOpenFile.setEnabled(true);cv.menuNewFile.setEnabled(true);//can't type cv.textArea.setEnabled(false); }public String toString(){return "ClientState: NO_OPEN_DOCUMENT"; }}; // This instance of the class is used to signify that the user is editting a file. // In this mode the user can use any functionality he/she sees fit. public static ClientState EDITTING_DOCUMENT = new ClientState() {public void setMenuState(ClientView cv) {cv.setMenuEnabledState(true);   /* enable all menus             cv.textArea.setEnabled(true); }public String toString(){return "ClientState:EDITTING_DOCUMENT"; }}; // Default constructor private to stop people from directly creating instances // of the class.        private ClientState() {;}// This disables various elements of the ClientView's menu dependent on which// ClientState object this is.      public abstract void setMenuState(ClientView cv);} // ClientState


    bool loginUser(String username, String passwd) {//check if already logged inif(myGUI.state == ClientState.NOT_LOGGED_IN)  return true; //enable parts of the GUI if the user authenticatesif(userAuthenticated(username, passwd)){myGUI.state = ClientState.NO_OPEN_DOCUMENT; myGUI.state.setMenuState(myView); return true; }return false; }/* loginUser(String, String) */





Java Code
import static java.awt.Color.*; public class Test{public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{//constants not qualified thanks to static importSystem.out.println(RED + " plus " + YELLOW + " is " + ORANGE);}


java.awt.Color[r=255,g=0,b=0] plus java.awt.Color[r=255,g=255,b=0] is java.awt.Color[r=255,g=200,b=0]




  1. Eckel, Bruce. Thinking In Java. Prentice Hall, 2000.
  2. Gunnerson, Eric. A Programmer's Introduction To C#. Apress, 2001.
  3. Sun Microsystems. The Java™ Tutorial.<http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/>
  4. Microsoft Corporation. .NET Framework Programming. < http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms229284(VS.80).aspx>
  5. Microsoft Corporation. C# Language Reference. < http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/618ayhy6(VS.80).aspx>





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