感谢Java软件结构与数据结构 John Lewis Joseph chase 著 金名译
0. 迭代器关键概念(补充理解)
2. Java集合API列表
3. 使用无序列表:学习计划
package ds.java.ch06;import java.io.Serializable;/** * @author LbZhang* @version 创建时间:2015年11月18日 上午10:19:57 * @description 类说明*/
public class Course implements Serializable{private String prefix;private int number;private String title;private String grade;public Course(String prefix, int number, String title, String grade) {super();this.prefix = prefix;this.number = number;this.title = title;if(grade==null){this.grade = "";}else{this.grade = grade;}}public Course(String prefix, int number, String title){this(prefix, number, title, "");}public String getPrefix() {return prefix;}public void setPrefix(String prefix) {this.prefix = prefix;}public int getNumber() {return number;}public void setNumber(int number) {this.number = number;}public String getTitle() {return title;}public void setTitle(String title) {this.title = title;}public String getGrade() {return grade;}public void setGrade(String grade) {this.grade = grade;}/*** Returns true if this course has been taken * * @return true if this course has been taken and false otherwise*/public boolean taken(){return !grade.equals("");}public boolean equals(Object other){boolean result = false;if (other instanceof Course){Course otherCourse = (Course) other;if (prefix.equals(otherCourse.getPrefix()) &&number == otherCourse.getNumber())result = true;}return result;}public String toString(){String result = prefix + " " + number + ": " + title;if (!grade.equals(""))result += " [" + grade + "]";return result;}}
package ds.java.ch06;import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;/*** @author LbZhang* @version 创建时间:2015年11月17日 上午11:30:41* @description 类说明*/
public class ProgramOfStudy implements Iterable<Course>, Serializable {private List<Course> list;public ProgramOfStudy() {list = new LinkedList<Course>();}public void addCourse(Course course) {if (course != null)list.add(course);}public Course find(String prefix, int number) {for (Course course : list)if (prefix.equals(course.getPrefix())&& number == course.getNumber())return course;return null;}/*** 在某个元素之后添加元素* @param target* @param newCourse*/public void addCourseAfter(Course target, Course newCourse) {if (target == null || newCourse == null)return;int targetIndex = list.indexOf(target);//获取索引if (targetIndex != -1)list.add(targetIndex + 1, newCourse);}public void replace(Course target, Course newCourse) {if (target == null || newCourse == null)return;int targetIndex = list.indexOf(target);if (targetIndex != -1)list.set(targetIndex, newCourse);}public String toString() {String result = "";for (Course course : list)result += course + "\n";return result;}public Iterator<Course> iterator() {return list.iterator();}public void save(String fileName) throws IOException {FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(fileName);ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(fos);oos.writeObject(this);oos.flush();oos.close();}public static ProgramOfStudy load(String fileName) throws IOException,ClassNotFoundException {FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(fileName);ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(fis);ProgramOfStudy pos = (ProgramOfStudy) ois.readObject();System.out.println(pos);ois.close();return pos;}}
package ds.java.ch06;
import java.io.IOException;/*** @author LbZhang* @version 创建时间:2015年11月18日 上午9:46:48* @description 类说明*/
public class POSTester {public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException,ClassNotFoundException {ProgramOfStudy pos = new ProgramOfStudy();pos.addCourse(new Course("CS", 101, "Introduction to Programming", "A-"));pos.addCourse(new Course("ARCH", 305, "Building Analysis", "A"));pos.addCourse(new Course("GER", 210, "Intermediate German"));pos.addCourse(new Course("CS", 320, "Computer Architecture"));pos.addCourse(new Course("THE", 201, "The Theatre Experience"));Course arch = pos.find("CS", 320);pos.addCourseAfter(arch, new Course("CS", 321, "Operating Systems"));Course theatre = pos.find("THE", 201);theatre.setGrade("A-");Course german = pos.find("GER", 210);pos.replace(german, new Course("FRE", 110, "Beginning French", "B+"));System.out.println(pos);pos.save("ProgramOfStudy");
// pos = pos.load("ProgramOfStudy");
// System.out.println(pos);}}
4. 约瑟夫问题
4.1 索引列表实现
package ds.java.ch06;import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Scanner;/*** @author LbZhang* @version 创建时间:2015年11月18日 上午11:18:20* @description 约瑟夫问题* */
public class Josephus {public static void main(String[] args) {int numPeople, skip, targetIndex;List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);// get the initial number of soldiersSystem.out.print("Enter the number of soldiers: ");numPeople = in.nextInt();in.nextLine();// get the number of soldiers to skipSystem.out.print("Enter the number of soldiers to skip: ");skip = in.nextInt();if(numPeople<skip){System.out.println("**不能进行约瑟夫环**");return ;}// load the initial list of soldiersfor (int count = 1; count <= numPeople; count++) {list.add("Soldier " + count);}//now location indextargetIndex = skip;System.out.println("The order is: ");// Treating the list as circular, remove every nth element// until the list is emptywhile (list.size()>2) {System.out.println(list.remove(targetIndex));if (list.size() > 0)targetIndex = (targetIndex + skip) % list.size();}System.out.println(list);}}
4.2 数组实现
package ds.java.ch06;import java.util.Scanner;/*** @author LbZhang* @version 创建时间:2015年11月18日 下午12:23:55* @description 类说明*/
public class MyJosephus {private int total;// 总人数private int numCount;// 从当前开始第几个出列private int beginNum;// 开始编号private int[] solider;// 士兵队列private int[] outSequence;// 出队次序public MyJosephus(int total, int numCount, int beginNum) {super();this.total = total;this.numCount = numCount;this.beginNum = beginNum;this.solider = new int[total];// 初始化for (int i = 0; i < solider.length; i++) {solider[i] = i;}this.outSequence = new int[total];}public void exec() {int counter = 0;// /标价变量int i = this.beginNum;int j = 0;int killperson = 0;while (true) {if (solider[i] != -1) {// pserson[i]的值是-1,代表出环// 没有出环,计数器加1counter++;// 判定是否数目达到numCountif ((counter) % numCount == 0) {outSequence[j++] = i + 1;// 填入队列killperson++;solider[i] = -1;// 杀死当前编号士兵}}i = (i + 1) % total;// 向后遍历if (killperson == total) {break;}}System.out.println("出环按顺序为:");for (int k = 0; k < outSequence.length; k++) {// 输出出环顺序System.out.print(outSequence[k] + " ");}}public static void main(String[] args) {int total = 0;int numCount = 0;int begin = 0;Scanner scn = new Scanner(System.in);while (true) {System.out.println("Input total num:");total = scn.nextInt();System.out.println("Input numCount:");numCount = scn.nextInt();System.out.println("Input begin:");begin = scn.nextInt();if (total != 0 && numCount != 0 && total > numCount) {MyJosephus mj = new MyJosephus(total, numCount, begin);mj.exec();break;} else {System.out.println("您输入的数据不合理,请重试!");}}}}