山 东潍坊九通消防科技(九通长胜)是国内最早针对矿用车辆发动机舱自动灭火的要求研发设计的超细干粉、水基型自动灭火装置是当下国内解决矿用车辆(地表车辆、井下车辆)灭火的非常好的技术,目前在掘进机、凿岩台车、皮卡、吉普车、轻卡、巨无霸、电传动汽车、露天矿山电动轮汽车、巨无霸、电传动矿山车等发动机舱灭火上应用效果非常好。该装置采用控制柜、探测装置(感温探测、火焰探测、热成像等)、报警装置(声光报警装置)、检漏装置、喷射装置等组成,可实现远程物联监控下面简单介绍一下该发动机舱自动灭火装置的特点。

Mountain weifang east nine fire science and technology (nine through longtime) is the earliest for mining vehicle engine compartment of the research and design of the requirements of automatic fire extinguishing type superfine powder, water-based automatic fire extinguishing device is the present domestic solution mining vehicle (surface vehicles, underground vehicle) very good technology, to put out a fire in the machine, jumbo, pickup trucks, jeeps, light trucks, a big MAC, electric drive cars, electric wheel motors in open-pit mine, the big MAC, such as electric drive of mine car engine compartment fire on application effect is very good. The device is composed of control cabinet, detection device (temperature detection, flame detection, thermal imaging, etc.), alarm device (sound-light alarm device), leak detection device, jet device, etc., which can realize remote object connection monitoring. The following is a brief introduction of the characteristics of the automatic fire extinguishing device in the engine room.


矿用发动机舱水基型自动灭火装置, 采用感温探测技术,具有机械启动和电启动两方式,输入输出模块将启动信号反馈给火灾报警控制系统,感温探测元件进行发动机舱温度的探测,当温度达到设定值能够及时报警并通过控制主机启动药剂瓶上的阀门进行灭火。

Mine nacelle type water-based automatic fire extinguishing device, adopt heat detection technology, two way started with mechanical and electrical, input and output module will start the feedback signal to the fire alarm control system, engine compartment temperature heat detection component detection, when the temperature reaches the set value can timely alarm and by controlling the host start on the reagent bottle valve and fire fighting.


There are emergency application initiating device, of which the electric start vehicle mechanical application in the earth's surface is more, the fire alarm control system detects fire, confirmed by the fire alarm controller and extinguishing instruction module, input and output module through to start the module, the fire extinguishing device boot device current is switched on, the glass ball heat expansion cracking temperature component, open the nozzle discharge agent attack.


Different schemes can be set according to different vehicle structures and different quantities of fire extinguishing agents, so as to achieve professional customization.