vlc 视频流跳数_如何解决在播放高清晰度视频文件的VLC中跳过和滞后的问题

vlc 视频流跳数

vlc 视频流跳数


VLC is the king of all media… it plays almost anything on any platform, any time, any place. It’s great. Lately, however, I’ve been having issues with VLC skipping whenever I’m playing high-def media streaming over a network.

VLC是所有媒体之王……几乎可以在任何平台,任何时间,任何地方播放任何内容。 这很棒。 但是,最近,每当我在网络上播放高清媒体流时,我都会遇到VLC跳过的问题。

更改多少VLC缓存视频 (Alter How Much VLC Caches the Video)

First, open VLC’s preferences by going to Tools > Preferences.



Then, click “All” under the “Show Settings” option at the bottom of the window. Click “Input / Codecs” in the left sidebar.

然后,单击窗口底部“显示设置”选项下的“全部”。 点击左侧栏中的“输入/编解码器”。


If the file that is skipping is playing from a local hard drive, look for the “File Caching (ms)” option under “Advanced” on the right-hand side. The caching value here is set in milliseconds, so setting the value to 1000 will buffer for 1 second (the default is 300, or 0.3 seconds). The problem with setting this option too large is that if you want to manually skip to a new point in the file, there will be a larger lag while the content is buffered again.

如果要跳过的文件是从本地硬盘播放的,请在右侧“高级”下查找“文件缓存(ms)”选项。 此处的缓存值以毫秒为单位设置,因此将其设置为1000将缓冲1秒(默认值为300或0.3秒)。 将此选项设置得太大的问题是,如果要手动跳至文件中的新点,则在再次缓冲内容时会有较大的滞后。

If the file you are trying to play is located on a network share, you can change the caching value for “Network Caching (ms)”.



For illustration, I’ve shown the value set to 1 second, but this setting can be used to buffer as much as you want, whether it’s 5 seconds or 20 seconds. However much you need to eliminate the skipping on your network.

为了说明起见,我将值设置为1秒,但是此设置可用于缓冲任意数量的缓冲,无论是5秒还是20秒。 无论如何,您都需要消除网络上的跳跃。

切换硬件加速(在某些计算机上) (Toggle Hardware Acceleration (on Some Computers))

Reader Oliver wrote in to let us know that he was able to solve his problems by disabling hardware acceleration. Normally you would want hardware acceleration of the decoding process, but in some cases, it can conflict with your drivers, and it is worth a try.

读者Oliver致信让我们知道,他能够通过禁用硬件加速来解决自己的问题。 通常,您需要硬件加速解码过程,但是在某些情况下,它可能与您的驱动程序发生冲突,值得尝试。

From the Preferences panel, click “Simple” in the lower left-hand corner, then , go to to Input / Codecs. Click the “Hardware-accelerated decoding” dropdown and choose another option, or Disable it entirely. (You could also try enabling it if it isn’t already.) You can read more about hardware acceleration and how it works here.

在“首选项”面板中,单击左下角的“简单”,然后,转到输入/编解码器。 单击“硬件加速解码”下拉菜单,然后选择另一个选项,或完全禁用它。 (如果尚未启用,也可以尝试启用它。)您可以在此处阅读有关硬件加速及其工作原理的更多信息。


尝试其他视频输出模块 (Try a Different Video Output Module)

You can also test using a different video output module. From the “All” or “Advanced Settings” view, head to Video > Output Modules. Change the “Video Output Module” dropdown to try one of the others. Using the DirectX 3D video output should offload some of the processing onto the video card, but you can test OpenGL or GDI to see if it helps. (On my system, Direct3D is the default anyway.)

您也可以使用其他视频输出模块进行测试。 在“所有”或“高级设置”视图中,转到“视频”>“输出模块”。 更改“视频输出模块”下拉菜单以尝试其他之一。 使用DirectX 3D视频输出应将某些处理工作转移到视频卡上,但是您可以测试OpenGL或GDI以查看是否有帮助。 (在我的系统上,Direct3D仍然是默认设置。)


降低画质作为最后的手段 (Lower the Picture Quality as a Last Resort)

The next thing you can do is adjust an option that makes a huge difference when dealing with high-def media over a slow I/O connection: lower the picture quality. This will make playback smoother, but obviously will look a little worse, so try the other settings first and only use this as a last resort.

接下来,您可以调整一个选项,该选项在通过慢速I / O连接处理高清媒体时会产生很大的不同:降低图像质量。 这样可以使播放更流畅,但显然看起来会更糟,因此请首先尝试其他设置,并且仅将其用作最后的选择。

From the Simple Preferences menu, head to Input / Codecs and click the “Skip H.264 in-loop deblocking filter). Change it to All.

从“简单首选项”菜单中,转到“输入/编解码器”,然后单击“跳过H.264环路解块过滤器”。 将其更改为全部。


You can also do this from the “All” preferences view in Input / Codecs > Video Codecs > FFmpeg, if your videos aren’t H.264.

如果您的视频不是H.264,也可以从“输入/编解码器”>“视频编解码器”>“ FFmpeg”的“所有”首选项视图中执行此操作。


Hopefully at least one of these tips will solve your buffering problems.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows/fix-for-vlc-skipping-and-lagging-playing-high-def-video-files/

vlc 视频流跳数





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