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If you’re like me, you watch hockey, and…basically no other sports. You also, like me, would like to skip the cable subscription. So what’s the cheapest way to watch NHL hockey online so you can cut the cord?

如果您像我一样,就看曲棍球,……基本上没有其他运动。 您也和我一样,想跳过电缆订购。 那么,在线观看NHL曲棍球以便切断电线的最便宜方法是什么?

It depends. If you live outside the US or Canada, you can pretty much buy an account and watch everything for around $100 a year. Inside the US and Canada, however, broadcast rights make things complicated, meaning you’ll need to somehow get access to some combination of local, national, and out-of-market games.

这取决于。 如果您居住在美国或加拿大以外的地方,您几乎可以购买一个NHL.tv帐户,并以每年约100美元的价格收看所有节目。 但是,在美国和加拿大境内,广播权使事情变得复杂,这意味着您需要以某种方式访问​​本地,国家和市场以外的游戏。

Can you watch hockey without cable? Yes, but with all sorts of caveats. It depends which team you want to follow, where you live, and how many blackouts you’re willing to put up with. Here’s a quick cost breakdown for US residents:

你能不用电缆看曲棍球吗? 是的,但有各种警告。 这取决于您要关注的团队,您的住所以及您愿意忍受多少停电。 这是针对美国居民的快速费用细分:

  • If you follow your local team (that is, the team based in the city where you live), you can watch every game of the regular season and playoffs for $25 a month using cable replacement Sling TV, though you may need to spend $5 extra the first month of the playoffs for CNBC. Awesome!

    如果您跟随当地的团队(即,您居住的城市中的团队),您可以使用电缆更换的Sling TV每月观看常规赛和季后赛的费用为25美元,尽管您可能需要多花5美元CNBC季后赛的第一个月。 太棒了!

  • If you follow an out-of-market team (that is, a team from a city other than where you live), you can watch most games of the regular season with a $130 annual account, and watch any nationally broadcast games with a $25 a month Sling TV account (again, you may need to spend $5 extra in the first month of the playoffs for CNBC access.) Also, because of the freaking NHL Network, out-of-market fans may need to spend $10 a month extra on Sling TV to watch every game of the regular season. You’ll have to decide whether that’s worthwhile to you, because it’s somewhat rare depending on which team you follow.

    如果您跟随一支市场外的团队(即来自您居住城市以外的城市的团队),则可以使用$ 130的年度NHL.tv帐户观看常规赛季的大部分比赛,并观看任何国家广播的比赛拥有每月25美元的Sling TV帐户(同样,您可能需要在季后赛的第一个月内额外花费5美元才能访问CNBC。)此外,由于NHL网络的发展异常,出场球迷可能需要花费10美元在Sling TV上多花一个月的时间观看常规赛的每场比赛。 您必须决定这是否对您有价值,因为根据您跟随的团队而定,这种情况很少见。

Confused yet? Read on as we break it all down for you, or skip to the very last section for the cheapest (and most complicated) option.

感到困惑了吗? 请继续阅读,以便我们为您分解,或者跳到最后一节以获得最便宜(也是最复杂)的选项。

观看Sling TV在美国的地区广播NHL游戏 (Watch Regionally Broadcast NHL Games in the USA with Sling TV)

During the regular season, the vast majority of NHL games involving US teams are broadcast on Regional Sports Networks (RSNs). If you’re a fan of a team that’s local to where you live, you need access to your local sports channel. You can’t stream them on, because they are “blacked out”—those regional sports networks are given full rights to broadcast the game in an attempt to get you to pay for cable.

在常规赛期间,涉及美国队的绝大多数NHL运动会在区域体育网络(RSN)上播出。 如果您是自己所居住的本地团队的粉丝,则需要访问本地体育频道。 您无法在NHL.tv上播放它们,因为它们“被黑了”-那些地区性体育网络被赋予播放比赛的完整权利,以试图让您付费。

The two biggest RSNs are Fox Sports and Comcast/NBC Sports. If the word “Fox Sports” is in the name, or the NBC logo is used, your local sports channel is one of these. Mile High Hockey offers a great map of which channels cover which teams, if you’re not sure; it was made in 2013 but it’s still more-or-less accurate, give or take the Vegas Golden Knights.

最大的两个RSN是Fox Sports和Comcast / NBC Sports。 如果名称中包含“ Fox Sports”字样,或者使用了NBC徽标,则您当地的体育频道就是其中之一。 Mile High Hockey提供了一个不错的地图,可以确定哪些渠道覆盖了哪些球队;如果您不确定的话; 它是在2013年制造的,但无论是送还是拿拉斯维加斯金骑士奖,它的准确性还是差不多。

So, which streaming services offer these regional networks? Here’s what we found:

那么,哪些流媒体服务提供了这些区域网络? 这是我们发现的内容:

  • Sling TV charges $25 a month for their Sling Blue package, which offers the Fox and NBC RSNs.

    Sling TV的Sling Blue套餐每月收费25美元,该套餐提供Fox和NBC RSN。

Update: Sling has now dropped FOX Regional Sports Networks because the owners “have made unreasonable demands.”


  • YouTube TV costs $35 a month, and offers the Fox Sports and NBC RSNs.

    YouTube电视每月收费35美元,并提供Fox Sports和NBC RSN。

  • Hulu TV costs $40 a month, and offers the Fox Sports and NBC RSNs.

    Hulu TV每月收费40美元,并提供Fox Sports和NBC RSN。

  • Playstation Vue charges $45 a month for their Core plan which offers the NBC RSNS, and $55 for their Elite plan, which offers the Fox Sports RSNs. Yep: the two networks are in different tiers.

    Playstation Vue的Core计划每月为NBC RSNS收取45美元,Elite计划向Fox Sports RSN收取55美元。 是的:这两个网络位于不同的层次。

  • DirecTV Now charges $50 a month for their Just Right package, which includes Fox Sports and NBC RSNs.

    DirecTV Now每月收取$ 50的Just Right套餐费用,其中包括Fox Sports和NBC RSN。

As you can see, Sling’s Blue package is the cheapest way to get access to these regional sports broadcasts: $25 and you’ve got either the Comcast/NBC or Fox regional network.

如您所见,Sling的Blue套餐是访问这些区域性体育广播的最便宜方式:25美元,您就可以拥有Comcast / NBC或Fox区域网络。

If your local sports channel isn’t from Fox or Comcast/NBC, you’re basically out of luck from what we can tell. In Colorado, for example, the rights to the Avalanche belong to Altitude, a independent channel, and none of these services provide access to that channel. Coverage varies from service to service, so check out all of the services and see if your local sports network is offered. If not, sorry: you’re going to need cable to watch local games (or a VPN—which we’ll talk about in a bit).

如果您当地的体育频道不是来自Fox或Comcast / NBC,那么从我们的判断中您基本上是不走运的。 例如,在科罗拉多州,雪崩的权利属于独立渠道Altitude,而这些服务均不提供对该渠道的访问权限。 覆盖范围因服务而异,因此请检查所有服务并查看是否提供了您当地的体育网络。 如果没有,对不起:您将需要电缆来观看本地游戏(或VPN,我们将在后面进行讨论)。

通过NHL.tv观看美国市场上的NHL游戏 (Watch Out-of-Market NHL Games in the USA with

I don’t live in my old hometown anymore, but I still cheer for that NHL team. If you want to watch a team located elsewhere in the country, or in Canada for that matter, no regional sports network can give you access to most of the games you want to watch. For fans like us, there’s, the streaming service offered by the league itself. For $140 a year, you can watch every out-of-market game—this works out to around $17.50 a month for the eight months of the regular season.

我不再住在老家,但我仍然为那支NHL球队加油。 如果您想观看位于该国其他地方或加拿大的球队,则任何区域性体育网络都无法让您访问想要观看的大多数比赛。 对于像我们这样的粉丝,这里有 ,这是联盟本身提供的流媒体服务。 每年只需$ 140美元,您就可以观看每场场外比赛,在常规赛的八个月中,每个月的费用约为$ 17.50美元。

An “out-of-market” game is any game that you couldn’t watch on cable even if you wanted to, because it’s not on nationally and no regional network local to you is airing it. Again, Mile High Sports has a pretty good map of the blackout areas if you’re interested.

“场外”游戏是即使您愿意也无法在电缆上观看的任何游戏,因为它不在全国范围内发行,并且您所在地区的本地网络都没有播出。 同样,如果您感兴趣的话, Mile High Sports可以很好地绘制停电区域的地图。 is a particularly good deal if you are a fan of a Canadian team, or a small market American team that NBC generally ignores. Games involving these teams are rarely broadcast nationally in the United States, so fans can more or less watch every game of the regular season, free from blackouts. The only exceptions are when your team plays the team local to where you live, or NHL Network decides to ruin your day (more on them later.)

如果您是加拿大队的粉丝,或者是NBC通常忽略的小型美国市场的一支球队,那么NHL.tv尤其划算。 在美国,很少有涉及这些球队的比赛在全国范围内播出,因此球迷们可以或多或少地观看常规赛的每场比赛,而不会出现停电的情况。 唯一的例外是,当您的团队在您所居住的本地团队中工作,或者NHL Network决定毁了您的一天(稍后再讨论)。

On the flip side, is a pretty bad deal if you’re a fan of a big-market American team. Over 25 Chicago Blackhawks games are broadcast nationally every year, meaning you won’t be able to watch those games on; you need access to national broadcasts in order to watch them. Check your team’s schedule and see how many games are broadcast nationally before buying this service: if you aren’t the kind of fan who needs to watch every game, maybe the national broadcasts will be enough for you.

另一方面,如果您是美国大型车队的粉丝,那么NHL.tv的交易就不容易了。 每年在全国范围内播放超过25场芝加哥黑鹰比赛,这意味着您将无法在NHL.tv上观看这些比赛; 您需要访问国家广播才能观看。 在购买此项服务之前,请检查您的团队的日程安排,并查看全国播放了多少场比赛:如果您不是那种需要观看场比赛的球迷,那么全国广播就足够了。

借助Sling电视在线观看美国全国播出的NHL游戏 (Watch Nationally Broadcast NHL Games Online in the USA with Sling TV)

NBC has the national broadcast rights to NHL games in the USA, and most of the games they broadcast nationally are on NBCSN, their cable-only sports channel. A few games are broadcast on NBC’s broadcast network, but typically no more than once a week starting halfway through the season. During the regular season, access to NBC and NBCSN will let you watch every nationally broadcast game in the USA.

NBC拥有美国NHL游戏的全国转播权,他们在全国播放的大多数游戏都在NBCSN(有线体育频道)上进行。 几场比赛是在NBC的广播网络上播出的,但通常从赛季中旬开始每周不超过一次。 在常规季节,访问NBC和NBCSN可使您观看美国的所有国家广播比赛。

Every playoff game is broadcast nationally, and in the first round that means a few overlapping games are bumped to two other NBC-owned channels: USA and CNBC. If you are fine with just watching whatever is on NBCSN most nights, you don’t need these channels—but if you follow a team that’s not a major US market, there’s a good chance your team’s game will be “bumped” to one of those stations in the first and possibly second round.

每个季后赛比赛都是在全国范围内播放的,因此在第一轮比赛中,一些重叠的比赛将撞到NBC旗下的另外两个频道:美国和CNBC。 如果您整晚都可以收看NBCSN上的所有节目,那么您就不需要这些频道,但是如果您跟随的团队不是美国主要市场,那么很有可能您的团队的比赛将被“撞上”其中一个。在第一轮甚至第二轮的那些站。

Still following? Here’s a list of services that offer these channels, along with the price for the cheapest package that offers them.

还在关注吗? 这是提供这些频道的服务列表,以及提供这些频道的最便宜套餐的价格。

  • Sling TV, charges $25 a month for the “Blue” package, which includes NBC, NBCSN, and USA. CNBC is part of the $5/month “News Extra” add-on, which you could potentially add just for the first round of the playoffs, if that happens to be where NBC crams your team.

    Sling TV的“蓝色”套餐每月收费25美元,其中包括NBC,NBCSN和美国。 CNBC是每月5美元的“新闻额外”附加功能的一部分,如果正好是NBC挤进您的球队的地方,您可以将其添加到季后赛的第一轮。

  • Playstation Vue, which works great for Playstation owners, charges $30 a month for the “Access Slim” package, which includes all relevant national NBC channels.

    Playstation Vue非常适合Playstation所有者,它每月收费30美元的“ Access Slim”套餐,其中包括所有相关的国家NBC频道。

  • YouTubeTV costs $35 a month, and includes all relevant NBC channels.


  • DirecTV Now charges $35 a month for the “Live a Little” package, which includes all relevant national NBC channels.

    DirecTV Now每月收取35美元的“ Live a Little”套餐费用,其中包括所有相关的国家NBC频道。

  • Hulu TV costs $40 a month, and includes all relevant national NBC channels.

    Hulu TV每月收费40美元,其中包括所有相关的国家NBC频道。

Sling TV is your best bet at $25 a month if you’re okay with not having CNBC, which you really only need for the first month of the playoffs. Even then, it only costs $5, which brings the price in line with Playstation Vue.

Sling TV是您最好的选择,如果您没有CNBC,可以每月25美元,而您实际上只需要进入季后赛的第一个月。 即使这样,它的价格仅为5美元,这与Playstation Vue的价格相当。

令人毛骨悚然的NHL网络:毁了所有失去市场支持的粉丝 (The Freaking NHL Network: Ruining Everything For Out-Of-Market Fans)

Strictly speaking, NBCSN isn’t the only national broadcaster of NHL games: there’s also NHL Network. This channel, mostly owned by the league itself, re-broadcasts otherwise local-only games most nights of the regular season. This doesn’t affect local audiences, since those games are still offered on the local RSN. users, however, are screwed by this: the games are blacked out on that service.

严格来说,NBCSN并不是NHL游戏的唯一国家广播公司:还有NHL Network。 这个频道(大部分由联盟本身拥有)可以重新播放,否则会在常规赛季的大部分晚上重新播放仅限本地的比赛。 这不会影响本地观众,因为这些游戏仍在本地RSN上提供。 但是,NHL.tv用户为此感到困惑:该服务上的游戏已被屏蔽。

The NHL owns the NHL Network, so you would think games on that channel would be offered on their streaming service. Nope: the league hates you! Even worse: NHL Network is an expensive option, and most streaming services don’t even offer it.

NHL拥有NHL网络,因此您会认为该频道上的游戏将在其NHL.tv流媒体服务中提供。 不,联盟讨厌你! 更糟糕的是:NHL Network是一个昂贵的选择,大多数流媒体服务甚至都不提供它。

  • Sling TV offers the NHL Network as part of it’s $10 a month Sports Extra package, which you’ll have to pay on top of the $25 a month Blue package outlined earlier.

    Sling TV提供了NHL Network,它是每月10美元的Sports Extra套餐的一部分,您必须在早先概述的每月25美元的Blue套餐的基础上支付。

  • DirecTV Now offers the NHL Network as part of its $60 a month “Go Big” package.

    DirecTV Now现在将NHL网络作为其每月60美元的“ Go Big”套餐的一部分。

  • Playstation Vue does not offer the NHL Network.

    Playstation Vue不提供NHL网络。

  • YouTube TV does not offer the NHL Network.


  • Hulu TV does not offer the NHL Network.

    Hulu TV不提供NHL网络。

If you’re an out-of-market fan, and you really don’t want to miss any games broadcast on NHL Network, Sling’s Sports Extra package is the cheapest deal here. Get that, or deal with missing the occasional game, grumbling under your breath about Gary Bettman, who is surely behind this. Then scroll down to read about VPNs.

如果您是狂热的粉丝,并且您真的不想错过任何在NHL Network上播出的游戏,那么Sling的Sports Extra套餐是这里最便宜的优惠。 做到这一点,或者解决偶尔错过的比赛,对盖瑞·贝特曼(Gary Bettman)breath之以鼻,他肯定是幕后黑手。 然后向下滚动以了解有关VPN的信息。

通过NHL GameCenter观看加拿大曲棍球比赛 (Watch Hockey in Canada With NHL GameCenter)

The situation in Canada is simpler in some ways, and more complicated in others. National broadcast rights for hockey games is owned by Rogers, the telecommunications company that also owns the Sportsnet line of cable channels. Rogers broadcasts games nationally on their cable networks, and also uses CBC’s airtime on Saturday nights during the regular season and every night of the playoffs. This means a hockey fan with a TV antenna can watch Hockey Night in Canada broadcasts free of charge, as is tradition.

加拿大的情况在某些方面较为简单,而在其他方面则更为复杂。 曲棍球比赛的全国转播权归电信公司罗杰斯(Rogers)拥有,后者还拥有Sportsnet有线频道。 罗杰斯(Rogers)通过有线网络在全国范围内播放比赛,并在常规赛的每个星期六晚上和季后赛的每个晚上使用CBC的广播时间。 这意味着,按照惯例,带有电视天线的曲棍球迷可以免费观看加拿大的《冰球之夜》广播。

Rogers also runs NHL GameCenter, which is the Canadian version of what’s called in other countries. Here’s the good part: they’ve decided to not black out any national games. If you have a GameCenter account in Canada, you can watch every game broadcast nationally on Sportsnet or CBC. This is a much better deal than the American version, and it gets better: Rogers gives out NHL GameCenter to some customers, so there’s a chance you already have access to this service if Rogers is your ISP or mobile carrier.

罗杰斯经营NHL GameCenter ,这是其他国家/地区的NHL.tv的加拿大版本。 这是个好地方:他们决定不中断任何一场国家比赛。 如果您在加拿大拥有GameCenter帐户,则可以观看Sportsnet或CBC在全国播放的每场比赛。 这比美国版本要好得多,而且还更好:Rogers向某些客户提供了NHL GameCenter,因此,如果Rogers是您的ISP或移动运营商,那么您就有机会获得此服务。

If you don’t have free access, NHL GameCenter costs $170 CND if you buy before the season starts, or $200 if you buy during the season. A playoff-only pass costs $75, and you can watch every game of the playoffs with it.

如果您没有免费使用权,则如果在赛季开始前购买,NHL GameCenter的费用为$ 170 CND,如果在赛季开始前购买,则费用为$ 200。 仅季后赛通行证的价格为75美元,您可以用它观看季后赛的每场比赛。

However, while there are no national blackouts, there are still local blackouts. If a local game isn’t broadcast nationally, you won’t be able to watch it on GameCenter.

但是,虽然没有全国停电,但仍然有当地停电。 如果本地游戏不在全国范围内播放,则您将无法在GameCenter上观看该游戏。

For example: TSN has the regional rights to Leafs games. If you live in Toronto, or any area of the Leafs’ local market, you cannot watch those games on NHL GameCenter. If you live outside the local market, however, you can watch those games, so Leafs fans in Montreal or Vancouver are covered.

例如:TSN拥有Leafs游戏的区域性权利。 如果您居住在多伦多或Leafs当地市场的任何地区,则无法在NHL GameCenter上观看这些游戏。 但是,如果您居住在本地市场之外,则可以观看这些比赛,因此涵盖了蒙特利尔或温哥华的Leafs粉丝。

That’s straightforward, but it gets weird. Rogers, in addition to owning the national broadcast rights, also owns the local rights to a number of teams, including the Edmonton Oilers. This means if you live in Edmonton, you cannot watch Oilers games being broadcast locally on Rogers Sportsnet West—you can only watch the nationally broadcast games. I don’t know why Rogers does this, but it’s the source of a lot of confusion for cord-cutting Canadians.

这很简单,但是很奇怪。 罗杰斯除了拥有国家广播权外,还拥有包括埃德蒙顿油人队在内的许多车队的当地权利。 这意味着,如果您住在埃德蒙顿,您将无法观看在Rogers Sportsnet West本地播放的Oilers游戏,而只能观看全国播放的游戏。 我不知道罗杰斯为什么要这么做,但这是割断加拿大人的很多困惑的根源。

And it gets worse, because there’s not really any services like Sling or Hulu TV covering the Canadian market. If you want to watch your local team’s games, you either have to get cable, stick to only watching national broadcasts, or move.

而且情况变得更糟,因为实际上并没有像加拿大的Sling或Hulu TV这样的服务能够覆盖加拿大市场。 如果您想观看当地球队的比赛,则要么必须收看有线电视,要么只观看国家广播,要么移动。

Or you could scroll down to read about VPNs.


如果我不在加拿大和美国之外怎么办? (What If I’m Outside of Canada and the USA?)

For the most part, if you live outside the USA or Canada, buying an subscription will give you access to every single NHL game, including the playoffs. Even better: the account costs less—typically around $100 a year, though this can vary depending on where you are.

在大多数情况下,如果您居住在美国或加拿大以外的地区,则购买NHL.tv订阅将使您可以访问每个NHL游戏,包括季后赛。 更好的是:该帐户的费用更低-通常每年约为100美元,不过这取决于您所在的位置。

Note that there may be some variation on this. In some countries there are cable channels with the right to re-broadcast NHL games, though strangely blackouts don’t necessarily apply in all of them. We couldn’t begin to untangle all of this, so I’d recommend contacting customer service and learning what is and isn’t blacked out where you are before committing to a subscription.

请注意,这可能会有一些变化。 在某些国家/地区,有些有线电视频道有权转播NHL游戏,尽管奇怪的是NHL.tv停电不一定适用于所有电视频道。 我们无法开始理清所有这些事情,因此,我建议联系客户服务,并在提交订阅之前先了解您所在的位置是否不可用。

通过VPN和NHL.tv避免每次停电 (Avoid Every Blackout with a VPN and

At this point, you might be considering moving to Mexico just so you can watch hockey without blackouts. That’s perfectly reasonable, but before you start packing, let’s talk about VPNs.

此时,您可能正在考虑移居墨西哥,以便可以观看曲棍球而不会出现停电的情况。 这是完全合理的,但是在开始打包之前,让我们谈谈VPN。

A VPN connects you to the internet through another computer. Depending on where that other computer is, you might be able to work around blackouts altogether. If you access through a VPN in, say, The Netherlands—or any other country outside the US and Canada—there are no blackouts whatsoever. That means you can watch a game even if it’s broadcast locally or nationally where you live.

VPN通过另一台计算机将您连接到Internet 。 根据另一台计算机的位置,您可能可以完全解决掉电问题。 如果您通过位于荷兰(或美国和加拿大以外的任何其他国家)的VPN来访问,则没有任何中断。 这意味着您可以观看游戏,即使该游戏在您居住的本地或全国范围内播放。

As an added benefit, people in the USA can access Canadian broadcasts of playoff games, allowing them to avoid hearing Mike Emrick, the single most annoying hockey announcer on the planet. That’s right: I went there. Deal with it.

作为一项额外的好处,美国的人们可以访问加拿大季后赛广播节目,从而避免听到地球上最烦人的曲棍球播音员Mike Emrick的声音。 是的:我去了那里。 处理它。

Here’s how to choose the best VPN. We recommend ExpressVPN and TunnelBear for ease of use, though StrongVPN offers a lot of options if you have a rather complicated setup at home.

这是选择最佳VPN的方法。 我们建议您使用ExpressVPN和TunnelBear以便于使用,尽管如果您在家中设置比较复杂, StrongVPN也提供了很多选择。

Note that you’ll need to be running the VPN on the same machine through which you’re watching the game. If you’re watching on a computer, that’s easy—just run the VPN program on that computer, then connect to on the same computer. If you want to stream the game on your smart TV, Roku, or other non-computer device, you’ll probably have to connect to your VPN through your router intsead, which is a bit more complicated.

请注意,您需要在观看游戏的同一台计算机上运行VPN。 如果您正在计算机上观看,那很容易-只需在该计算机上运行VPN程序,然后在同一台计算机上连接到。 如果要在智能电视,Roku或其他非计算机设备上流式传输游戏,则可能必须通过路由器入口连接到VPN ,这有点复杂。

In this guide, we’ve tried to stick to legal ways to watch hockey without cable, which is why we didn’t outline where to find pirated streams (don’t look on Reddit, you won’t find anything.) Using a VPN to watch blacked out games is more of a grey area: it’s not illegal, but it does violate the terms of service for, so using one could hypothetically get you banned. In practice this hasn’t happened yet, but one never can tell what lawyers might get themselves up to.

在本指南中,我们尝试使用合法方法观看无电缆曲棍球,这就是为什么我们没有概述在哪里可以找到盗版流的原因(不要在Reddit上查找,也不会找到任何内容。)观看停电游戏的VPN更像是一个灰色地带:这不是违法的,但确实违反了NHL.tv的服务条款,因此,假设使用其中一个可能会使您被禁。 在实践中,这还没有发生,但是没有人能说出什么律师可以帮助自己。

You’ve been warned: don’t use awesome VPNs to bypass terrible blackouts. That would bring down the cost of watching hockey online considerably, which would be tragic. Right?

您已被警告:请勿使用超赞的VPN绕过可怕的停电。 这将大大降低在线观看曲棍球的成本,这将是悲剧性的。 对?

Photo Credits: Ryan Vaarsi, Alex Indigo

图片来源: Ryan Vaarsi , Alex Indigo







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