
域名购买网站,杭州seo,做网站开直通车,网站建设价格标准渠道windows获取本地时间By default a fresh Windows 8 installation prompts you to create a synchronized cloud-enabled login. While there are distinct perks to Microsoft’s live login system, sometimes you just want to keep things simple and local. Read on as we …


By default a fresh Windows 8 installation prompts you to create a synchronized cloud-enabled login. While there are distinct perks to Microsoft’s live login system, sometimes you just want to keep things simple and local. Read on as we show you how to banish the cloud-based login for a traditional local login.

默认情况下,全新的Windows 8安装会提示您创建同步的启用云的登录名。 尽管Microsoft的实时登录系统有明显的好处,但有时您只是想保持简单和本地化。 继续阅读,我们向您展示如何消除传统本地登录的基于云的登录。

Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

While configuring my new computer (which has Windows 8 on it) I seem to have created some sort of synchronized-to-Microsft’s-servers login. I really didn’t want to create it, but it looked like I had no other choice when I set the computer up. On all my old versions of Windows all the way back to the early days of the OS, I always had just a plain old login like John + a password. I don’t like this whole John + somecrazyemail (because all the reasonable @live.com emails were already taken) + a password business.

在配置新计算机(装有Windows 8)时,我似乎已经创建了某种与Microsft服务器同步的登录名。 我确实不想创建它,但是在设置计算机时似乎别无选择。 一直到OS早期,在我所有的Windows旧版本上,我总是只有普通的旧登录名,例如John +密码。 我不喜欢这整个John + somecrazyemail(因为所有合理的@ live.com电子邮件都已被接收)+密码业务。

How do I get a plain jane local login back? I tried searching for a solution and I found your great article explaining the differences between the cloud login and the local login, but I’m not clear how to banish the cloud login and get back to using a regular login again.

如何获得简简的本地登录名? 我尝试搜索解决方案,但发现了一篇很棒的文章,解释了云登录和本地登录之间的区别,但是我不清楚如何消除云登录并重新使用常规登录。



Local Login 4 Life


We can understand your frustration. The way the setup process is laid out it makes it look like setting up a “Microsoft account” to enable syncing and Windows Store purchases is the only way to do things.

我们可以理解您的无奈。 设置过程的布局方式使其看起来像设置“ Microsoft帐户”以启用同步,并且Windows Store购买是唯一的处理方法。

In order to get back to where you’d like to be (no cloud-based login, only a local login) we’ll need to perform a few simple housekeeping steps. Let’s break it down into the individual steps.

为了返回您想要的位置(没有基于云的登录,只有本地登录),我们需要执行一些简单的内务处理步骤。 让我们将其分解为各个步骤。

创建本地用户 (Creating the Local User)

First and foremost, we need to create a new local account. Log into your Windows 8 computer using the Microsoft Account created during the installation/configuration process. Move the cursor up to the upper right corner to reveal the charm bar/search icon and click on the search icon. Search for “users’ to bring up the user account options.

首先,我们需要创建一个新的本地帐户。 使用在安装/配置过程中创建的Microsoft帐户登录Windows 8计算机。 将光标向上移动到右上角以显示超级按钮/搜索图标,然后单击搜索图标。 搜索“用户”以显示用户帐户选项。

The first search result will be “Add, Delete, and manage other users accounts”. Click on that option. This will take you to the Accounts section like so:

第一个搜索结果将是“添加,删除和管理其他用户帐户”。 单击该选项。 这样将带您进入“帐户”部分,如下所示:

Select, Other Account. Click “Add an account”.

选择其他帐户。 点击“添加帐户”。

This is the part where things get tricky. At the top of the screen, it makes it seem like you must provide an email or create a new one:

这是事情变得棘手的部分。 在屏幕顶部,似乎您必须提供电子邮件或创建新电子邮件:

But if you look at the bottom of the screen and read fine print, you can proceed without an email address:


Click on “Sign in without a Microsoft account (not recommended)” and click next. Don’t think you’re done refusing to sign up for an account yet, though:

单击“不使用Microsoft帐户登录(不推荐)”,然后单击下一步。 不过,不要以为您已经拒绝注册帐户了吗?

They’ll bug you one more time to sign up for a Microsoft Account. Read the summary if you must, but make sure to click the “Local account” button to start the process of creating a true local account.

他们会让您有更多时间注册Microsoft帐户。 如果需要,请阅读摘要,但请确保单击“本地帐户”按钮以开始创建真实的本地帐户的过程。

On the next screen, you’ll see a pretty familiar process, a request for a username, password, password check, and a password hint:


Enter all that information and click Next. In the next step you’ll see a confirmation for the new user. Click Finish and you’re all done. You now have a new local user account with no ties to the Microsoft Account cloud-based system.

输入所有这些信息,然后单击下一步。 在下一步中,您将看到对新用户的确认。 单击完成,您已完成。 现在,您有了一个新的本地用户帐户,该帐户与基于Microsoft帐户云的系统没有关系。

提升本地用户的特权 (Elevating the Local User’s Privileges)

Before we begin the process of banishing the old Microsoft Account, we need to give our newly minted local account administrative privilege. In the last step, after you clicked Finish, it kicked you back to the Accounts screen. Click on the “Other accounts” option on the sidebar and then double click on the entry for the new local user account you just created.  Click the “Edit” button that appears when you do so.

在开始清除旧的Microsoft帐户之前,我们需要赋予我们新创建的本地帐户管理特权。 在最后一步中,单击“完成”后,它会将您踢回到“帐户”屏幕。 单击侧栏上的“其他帐户”选项,然后双击刚创建的新本地用户帐户的条目。 单击这样做时出现的“编辑”按钮。

Beneath the user account name is a drop down menu where you can toggle the privileges:


By default the account is set to “Standard User”, change it to “Administrator”. Click OK.

默认情况下,该帐户设置为“标准用户”,将其更改为“管理员”。 单击确定。

Note: It’s good security practice to have a separate administrative account for administrative tasks and a daily-use account set as a standard user, even if you’re the only one using the computer. To follow that advice, you should create two new local-user accounts, such as Bill and Admin wherein Bill is the standard user and Admin is the elevated user. For the purposes of this tutorial, however, we’re outright replacing the Microsoft Account (which has admin privileges) with an equivalent local user account (which now also has admin privileges). 

注意:最好的安全做法是为管理任务设置一个单独的管理帐户,并将一个日常使用的帐户设置为标准用户,即使您是唯一使用计算机的人。 要遵循该建议,您应该创建两个新的本地用户帐户,例如Bill和Admin,其中Bill是标准用户,而Admin是提升的用户。 但是,出于本教程的目的,我们用等效的本地用户帐户(现在也具有管理员特权)直接替换Microsoft帐户(具有管理员特权)。

After clicking OK, you’ll be back at the Accounts screen. At this point we have a new user account (the local account you want) with administrative privileges.

单击“确定”后,您将回到“帐户”屏幕。 至此,我们有了一个具有管理特权的新用户帐户(所需的本地帐户)。

删除Microsoft帐户 (Removing the Microsoft Account)

After completing the previous steps of setting up a local user account and elevating that account’s privileges, it’s time to remove the old account.


The old Microsoft Account will be removed and all data associated with it will vanish. This means anything in My Documents, any bookmarks, any data individualized to that account, etc. will be removed. If you just set the computer up and you’re following this tutorial to get rid of the Microsoft Account, there isn’t much data to lose. If you’re following along after having used the Microsoft Account for an extended period of time you must backup your data first!

旧的Microsoft帐户将被删除,与此相关的所有数据都将消失。 这意味着“我的文档”中的所有内容,书签,该帐户的个性化数据等都将被删除。 如果您只是设置计算机,并且正在按照本教程操作以摆脱Microsoft帐户,则丢失的数据不会太多。 如果您在长时间使用Microsoft帐户后仍要继续操作,则必须先备份数据!

Once you’ve confirmed you have no data to backup (or that your data is already backed up), log out of the Microsoft Account you’re working from. Press WinKey+L to quickly access the login screen and switch to the the new local user.

确认没有要备份的数据(或者您的数据已经备份)后,请注销正在使用的Microsoft帐户。 按WinKey + L快速访问登录屏幕并切换到新的本地用户。

Login to the local user account and repeat the process that we started the tutorial with. Use the search charge to search for “users”, click on “Add, Delete, and manage other users accounts”. Now that you’re logged into the local user account, the Microsoft Account will appear under “Other accounts” click on that category and then double click on the entry for the Microsoft Account:

登录到本地用户帐户,然后重复开始本教程的过程。 使用搜索费用搜索“用户”,单击“添加,删除和管理其他用户帐户”。 现在,您已经登录到本地用户帐户,Microsoft帐户将出现在“其他帐户”下,单击该类别,然后双击Microsoft帐户的条目:

Click the Remove button.


As we warned earlier in this section, all data associated with the account will be removed.  If you’ve backed everything up (or have nothing to backup), click “Delete account and data”. If you still have data to backup, hit cancel and then repeat the steps in this section when you’re ready.

正如我们在本节前面警告的那样,与该帐户关联的所有数据都将被删除。 如果您已备份所有内容(或没有要备份的内容),请单击“删除帐户和数据”。 如果仍有数据要备份,请单击“取消”,然后在准备好后重复本节中的步骤。

At this point, you’ve finished the process and the Microsoft Account has been removed, leaving only your local user account. The only remains of the old Microsoft Account, if any remain, may be found in the “Network Locations” section of the “This PC” explorer listing on any of your Windows 8 computers (including the one you’re currently working on). A network location is created for each user account, so if you see any vestige of the old account in this section (e.g. a network location named someaddress@live.com (office-pc) instead of the name of your local user account, like John (office-pc) or similar), feel free to right click and delete the phantom entry.

至此,您已经完成了该过程,并且已删除了Microsoft帐户,仅保留了本地用户帐户。 可以在任何Windows 8计算机(包括当前正在使用的计算机)的“此PC”浏览器列表的“网络位置”部分中找到旧的Microsoft帐户的唯一残余(如果有)。 将为每个用户帐户创建一个网络位置,因此,如果在本节中看到旧帐户的任何痕迹(例如,名为someaddress@live.com(office-pc)的网络位置,而不是本地用户帐户的名称,例如John(office-pc)或类似的产品,请右键单击并删除幻像条目。

That’s all there is to it! By creating a brand new account and giving it the proper privileges, we were able to use it to remove the cloud-enabled account and switch the whole computer over to a local user system.

这里的所有都是它的! 通过创建一个全新的帐户并为其赋予适当的特权,我们能够使用它来删除启用了云的帐户并将整个计算机切换到本地用户系统。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/181601/ask-htg-how-do-i-get-local-login-back-in-windows-8/






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