
做药物分析必须知道的网站,五行seo博客,海口房产网站建设,东莞网站排名笔记本触摸键盘驱动自动禁用The take-for-granted features we enjoy when using an on-screen keyboard—like auto-corrections and auto-capitalization–quickly become a hindrance if you’re using a physical keyboard with your iOS device. Let’s look at how to qu…


The take-for-granted features we enjoy when using an on-screen keyboard—like auto-corrections and auto-capitalization–quickly become a hindrance if you’re using a physical keyboard with your iOS device. Let’s look at how to quickly turn off those features so your physical keyboard acts the way you expect.

如果您在iOS设备上使用物理键盘,那么在使用屏幕键盘时,我们喜欢的“准予使用”功能(例如自动更正和自动大写)会很快成为障碍。 让我们看一下如何快速关闭这些功能,以便物理键盘按您期望的方式运行。

Note: This feature is only available on iOS devices running iOS 10 or above—older versions of iOS use the same settings for both on-screen and physical keyboards, with no ability to differentiate between the two.

注意:此功能仅在运行iOS 10或更高版本的iOS设备上可用-旧版的iOS对屏幕键盘和物理键盘使用相同的设置,而无法在两者之间进行区分。

When you pair a Bluetooth keyboard with your iOS device, the Bluetooth keyboard, by default, inherits all the features of the on-screen keyboard, including the language, automatic text correction, automatic capitalization of the first word of a sentence, and double tapping the space bar will insert a period. While you’re free to leave those features as is, there’s a good chance you’re used to typing on a traditional keyboard and those on-screen keyboard time savers will now become time wasters.

将Bluetooth键盘与iOS设备配对时,默认情况下,Bluetooth键盘会继承屏幕键盘的所有功能,包括语言,自动文本更正,句子首字自动大写以及双击空格键将插入一个句点。 尽管您可以随意保留这些功能,但您很有可能习惯于在传统键盘上打字,而那些在屏幕上节省时间的键盘现在将成为浪费时间。

Fortunately, turning them off is dead simple. With your Bluetooth keyboard paired to your iOS device and turned on, open the Settings app and go to General > Keyboard.

幸运的是,将它们关闭非常简单。 将蓝牙键盘与iOS设备配对并打开后,打开“设置”应用程序,然后转到“常规”>“键盘”。

Within the Keyboard menu, select “Hardware Keyboard” (you can ignore all the other settings toggles below it as they only apply to the on-screen software keyboard).


Within the “Hardware Keyboard” menu, you’ll find three entries (on by default, as seen below) for “Auto-Capitalization”, “Auto-Correction”, and “”.” Shortcut”.

在“硬件键盘”菜单中,您会找到“自动大写”,“自动更正”和“”的三个条目(默认情况下,如下所示)。 捷径”。

Toggle those three off and your hardware keyboard will now function in the traditional way, without trying to auto-correct you or otherwise inject the features of an on-screen keyboard into your hardware keyboard experience.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/287728/how-to-disable-autocorrect-for-your-ipads-bluetooth-keyboard/








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