macbook 下载时睡眠_MacBook进入睡眠状态时如何自动使其静音

macbook 下载时睡眠

macbook 下载时睡眠

You open your MacBook to take notes in class or during a meeting, and your music starts playing. Loudly. Not only did you disrupt everyone, you also revealed your passion for 90’s boy bands to a room full of people who once respected you.

您打开MacBook在课堂上或在会议中做笔记时,音乐就会开始播放。 高声。 您不仅破坏了所有人,还向充满了曾经尊敬您的人们的房间透露了对90年代男乐队的热情。

It’s too late to win back that respect, but you can stop this from happening again. Just install AutoVolume, a tiny open source program that automatically sets your volume to any level when your MacBook goes to sleep. Whether you leave music, a video, or even a game running, this program makes sure no one can hear that later when you wake your Mac up.

赢得这种尊重为时已晚,但是您可以阻止这种情况再次发生。 只需安装AutoVolume ,这是一个很小的开源程序,当MacBook进入睡眠状态时,该程序会自动将音量设置为任何级别。 无论您留下音乐,视频还是运行游戏,此程序都可以确保以后唤醒Mac时没有人听到。

Installing is simple: download the latest version, then open the ZIP file to unarchive it. Next, drag the icon to your Applications folder.

安装很简单:下载最新版本,然后打开ZIP文件以将其取消存档。 接下来,将图标拖到“应用程序”文件夹中。

Open the software and you’ll see a single window used to edit the settings.


The main toggle lets you decide what the volume should be set to when your MacBook goes to sleep. Two check boxes allow you to start the software every time you log into macOS, and to turn the service on and off. Note that closing the window will not close the software: it continues to run in the background. There’s no menu bar or dock icon, so you’ll have to open this window again to disable the service, or fire up Activity Monitor and quit the process from there.

主拨动开关让您决定MacBook进入睡眠状态时应将音量设置为什么。 两个复选框可让您每次登录macOS时启动软件,以及打开和关闭服务。 请注意,关闭窗口不会关闭软件:它会继续在后台运行。 没有菜单栏或停靠图标,因此您必须再次打开此窗口以禁用该服务,或启动“活动监视器”并从此处退出该过程。

Once you’ve set everything up, AutoVolume will set the volume at your desired level every time you close the lid or otherwise put it to sleep. I recommend just muting things: it’s simple enough to turn the volume on later.

一切设置完毕后,每次关闭盖子或进入睡眠状态时,AutoVolume都会将音量设置为所需的水平。 我建议只静音:它很简单,以后可以打开音量。

I hope this saves you from revealing any more embarrassing details about your musical preferences. While we’re talking about volume, did you know you could adjust your Mac’s volume in smaller increments? It’s one of those Mac tricks everyone should know, so check it out.

我希望这可以避免您透露有关您的音乐喜好的任何令人尴尬的细节。 当我们谈论音量时,您是否知道可以以较小的增量调整Mac的音量? 这是每个人都应该知道的Mac技巧之一,因此请查看。

Image Credit: bixentro

图片来源: bixentro


macbook 下载时睡眠




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