
免费游戏网站制作,关键词排名客服,中国食品加工网,邯郸市教育局官网api游戏编程鼠标选择拖动You don’t need a gaming mouse to play PC games—just about any mouse with two buttons and a wheel will play anything you want it to. But that’s no reason to deny yourself the wonderful variety of gaming mouse designs on the market.…


You don’t need a gaming mouse to play PC games—just about any mouse with two buttons and a wheel will play anything you want it to. But that’s no reason to deny yourself the wonderful variety of gaming mouse designs on the market. A gaming mouse won’t make you a pro, but it can give you a slight competitive advantage and make some games much more comfy and convenient to play.

您不需要游戏鼠标即可玩PC游戏-几乎任何带有两个按钮的鼠标都可以,滚轮可以播放您想要的任何内容。 但这并没有理由否认自己市场上各种出色的游戏鼠标设计。 游戏鼠标不会使您成为专业人士,但是它可以为您带来一点竞争优势,并使某些游戏更加舒适和便捷。

有什么区别游戏鼠标和普通鼠标的? (What Differentiates a Gaming Mouse from a Regular Mouse?)

Gaming mice aren’t all that different from regular mice. Just about any design can be designated “for gaming,” and it doesn’t necessarily have to have a dozen extra buttons and an acid trip’s worth of flashing LED lights. But generally speaking, any gaming mouse worth considering for a purchase will have at least the two following characteristics: an advanced optical or laser sensor that allows for faster or more precise movements, and some degree of user customization.

游戏鼠标与普通鼠标没有什么不同。 几乎任何设计都可以被指定为“游戏”,并且不一定必须有十几个额外的按钮和值得一游的闪烁LED灯。 但是一般来说,任何值得考虑购买的游戏鼠标都将至少具有以下两个特征:先进的光学或激光传感器,可以更快或更精确地移动,以及一定程度的用户自定义。

Gaming mice often feature extra buttons for the player’s thumb, on-the-fly adjustments to sensitivity and speed, extra-long cables, or even exotic functions like adjustable weights or button tension springs.


In addition, almost all gaming mice are wired, not wireless. This tends to be put down to “input lag,” which is a debatable advantage for USB input. Even a basic wireless mouse will only have an input delay of a few hundredths of a second, well below the threshold of most people’s reaction times (to say nothing of the similar delay for monitors and laptop screens). But real or not, the perceived advantage of a wired connection means that non-mobile wireless gaming mice are hard to find. Those gaming mice that are wireless are marketed with custom, super-fast wireless connections, so they tend to be even more expensive than regular models.

此外,几乎所有游戏鼠标都是有线的,而不是无线的。 这往往归结为“输入滞后”,这对于USB输入而言是值得商de的优势。 即使是基本的无线鼠标,输入延迟也只有百分之几秒,远低于大多数人的React时间阈值(更不用说显示器和笔记本电脑屏幕的类似延迟了)。 但是,无论是否真实,有线连接的优势都意味着很难找到非移动无线游戏鼠标。 那些具有无线功能的游戏鼠标带有定制的超快速无线连接,因此它们的价格往往比常规型号贵。

More expensive gaming mice generally have more bells and whistles than cheaper models, but that doesn’t mean that you’ll just get a better experience by spending more. Here’s what you should consider before you lay your money down on a new design.

与便宜的型号相比,更昂贵的游戏鼠标通常具有更多的花哨功能,但这并不意味着您只要花更多的钱就能获得更好的体验。 这是您在花钱购买新设计之前应考虑的事项。

了解你的握力风格 (Know Your Grip Style)

The kind of grip you use, specifically when you’re playing a PC game versus using a mouse for more mundane tasks, is important. While every player is different, you can generally separate the grips into three broad styles:

重要的是,您使用的握持方式非常重要,尤其是在玩PC游戏时而不是使用鼠标时。 尽管每个玩家都不尽相同,但通常可以将握把分为三种主要样式:

Palm grip: a standard grip used by most players. Your fingers lay flat on the mouse buttons and your entire palm rests on the body of the mouse.

掌握:大多数玩家使用的标准握把。 您的手指平放在鼠标按钮上,整个手掌放在鼠标的身上。

Tip grip: only the tips of your index, middle, and ring fingers rest on the left, center (wheel), and mouse buttons, with your palm not touching the body of the mouse at all. Your thumb grips the side of the mouse.

尖端握持:只有食指,中指和无名指的尖端位于左侧,中心(滚轮)和鼠标按钮上,手掌根本不会碰到鼠标的身体。 您的拇指紧握鼠标的侧面。

Claw grip: a mix between the palm and tip grip styles. Your palm rests only on the back edge of the mouse, with your finger and thumb tips angled in towards the buttons.

爪抓握:手掌和尖端抓握样式之间的混合。 您的手掌仅放在鼠标的后边缘,手指和拇指尖向按钮方向倾斜。

Different grips can be more or less effective for different types of games, but it’s not a great idea to try and change your grip type intentionally. Simply use whatever grip feels right to you and lets you play well.

对于不同类型的游戏,不同的握持效果可能或多或少有效,但是尝试改变握持类型并不是一个好主意。 只需使用任何适合您的握力,即可让您玩得开心。

However, different mice may favor different kinds of grips. Larger, wider mice are good for a more general palm grip—these usually assume at least some of your hand will be resting on the mousepad at all times. Short mice, without a large palm area and ideally with a lighter overall body, make maneuvering with a tip grip easier. Claw grip users appreciate relatively narrow mice with skinny, elongated primary buttons.

但是,不同的老鼠可能会喜欢不同的握把。 更大,更宽的鼠标有利于更一般的手掌抓握-这些通常假设您至少有一部分手一直在搁在鼠标垫上。 矮小的老鼠没有较大的掌心区域,而且总体上较轻,因此可以轻松操纵尖端。 抓爪的使用者欣赏带有细长细长主钮的相对狭窄的老鼠。

软件中的自定义 (The Customization’s in the Software)

Most dedicated gaming mice come with their own PC software, either as a stand-alone package or in a “suite” with compatibility for other gaming gear like keyboards and headsets. This software allows you to set up the lighting profile (not all that important), customize button assignments (useful, but usually available in individual games as well), and set DPI options. The latter is particularly important, since it allows you to change the sensitivity of the mouse for faster or more precise tracking—and some more advanced mice will even let you adjust this on-the-fly with mouse buttons.

大多数专用的游戏鼠标都以独立包装或“套件”的形式随附了自己的PC软件,该套件与其他游戏设备(如键盘和耳机)兼容。 该软件允许您设置照明配置文件(不是很重要),自定义按钮分配(很有用,但通常也可以在单个游戏中使用)以及设置DPI选项。 后者特别重要,因为它允许您更改鼠标的灵敏度以进行更快或更精确的跟踪-某些更高级的鼠标甚至可以让您使用鼠标按钮即时调整此灵敏度。

Mouse software may also allow you to customize macros for different buttons, make adjustments for specific mousepads, and set up custom button profiles for individual games. All gaming mouse software will handle all of these functions to a greater or lesser degree. A particularly useful tool is the ability to save profiles directly to the memory on a mouse itself, allowing it to be moved from PC to PC with its settings intact, no extra setup required. Note that Razer software does not offer local device memory profiles, unlike most modern “gaming” software packages.

鼠标软件还可以允许您自定义不同按钮的宏,为特定的鼠标垫进行调整,以及为各个游戏设置自定义按钮配置文件。 所有游戏鼠标软件都将或多或少地处理所有这些功能。 一个特别有用的工具是能够将配置文件直接保存到鼠标本身的内存中的功能,从而可以在不更改设置的情况下将配置文件从PC转移到PC上,而无需进行其他设置。 请注意,与大多数现代“游戏”软件包不同,Razer软件不提供本地设备内存配置文件。

不同类型的游戏鼠标 (The Different Types of Gaming Mice)

As PC gaming itself has become more complex, so too have PC gaming accessories. There are a few distinct subdivisions of gaming mice that we can take a look at, most of which have button designs and placements meant to aid in very specific types of games. Note that these subdivisions are independent of the body and grip styles mentioned above—a shooter mouse can be wide and low for a palm grip or skinny and shallow for a tip grip. So once you decide what type of gaming mouse to buy, be sure to look at our recommendations with grip type and software in mind.

随着PC游戏本身变得越来越复杂,PC游戏配件也越来越复杂。 我们可以看一下游戏鼠标的几个细分部分,其中大多数具有按钮设计和布局,旨在帮助非常特定类型的游戏。 请注意,这些细分与上面提到的身体和握把样式无关,对于手掌握把,射击鼠标可以宽而低;对于尖端握把,射击鼠标可以窄而浅。 因此,一旦您决定购买哪种类型的游戏鼠标,请务必在牢记手柄类型和软件的情况下查看我们的建议。

射击老鼠:快速而基本 (Shooter Mice: Fast and Basic)

This is the most common type of gaming mouse. Shooter mice use a conventional left button-mouse wheel-right button setup for primary input, mirroring most regular desktop gaming mice, plus two to three thumb buttons. In most first-person and third-person shooting games, these correspond to primary fire, weapon selection or zoom, secondary fire or iron sights, and grenade or melee actions, respectively.

这是最常见的游戏鼠标类型。 射击鼠标将常规的左键鼠标-滚轮-右键设置用于主要输入,以镜像大多数常规的台式机游戏鼠标以及两到三个拇指键。 在大多数第一人称射击游戏和第三人称射击游戏中,这些分别对应于主要射击,武器选择或变焦,次要射击或铁瞄准具以及手榴弹或近战动作。

Shooter mice are relatively simple, allowing gamers to quickly adapt to all kinds of action games using only three fingers. In addition to DPI up and down buttons on more expensive models, some shooter mice have a precision or “sniper” button, which when depressed temporarily lowers the DPI for super-sensitive shots.

射击鼠标相对简单,仅需三个手指即可让游戏玩家快速适应各种动作游戏。 除了较昂贵型号的DPI向上和向下按钮外,某些射击鼠标还具有精确或“狙击”按钮,当按下它们时,会暂时降低DPI以获得超灵敏的射击。

Examples of shooter mice include the Razer DeathAdder and Mamba, the Logitech G402 and G502, the Corsair M65, and the SteelSeries Rival 300.

射击老鼠的例子包括Razer DeathAdder和Mamba , Logitech G402和G502 , Corsair M65和SteelSeries Rival 300 。

“ MOBA”或“ MMO”鼠标:大按键 (“MOBA” or “MMO” Mice: Big on Buttons)

Massively multiplayer online games like World of Warcraft, strategy games like Age of Empires, and MOBA games like Noun of Other Noun League of Legends all have some common design elements: a bunch of very specific, very contextual skills that don’t necessarily need to be used all the time, but have to be activated quickly to stay competitive. Thus the “MMO” mouse was born, with a crazy 12-button grid just for the thumb.

像《魔兽世界》这样的大型多人在线游戏,《帝国时代》等战略游戏以及《其他名词联盟》中的Noba之类的MOBA游戏都具有一些共同的设计元素:一堆非常具体的,非常相关的技能,不一定需要一直使用,但必须Swift激活以保持竞争力。 这样,“ MMO”鼠标就诞生了,带有疯狂的12键网格,仅用于拇指。

MMO mice are excellent for games that benefit from a lot of custom-bound skills or unit groups. They take some getting used to for new players, not to mention a lot of setup for the ideal skills or units for each button. The smaller, harder-to-distinguish thumb buttons make them less ideal for faster-paced action and shooter games.

MMO鼠标非常适合从大量自定义绑定技能或单位组中受益的游戏。 他们需要一些时间来适应新玩家,更不用说为每个按钮设置许多理想技能或单位了。 较小的,难以区分的拇指按钮使其不适用于速度较快的动作和射击游戏。

Examples of shooter mice include the Razer Naga, the Logitech G600, the Corsair Scimitar, and the Roccat Nyth.

射击老鼠的例子包括Razer Naga ,罗技G600 , Corsair Scimitar和Roccat Nyth 。

双足鼠:南爪的特选 (Ambidextrous Mice: Southpaw’s Special)

Most left-handed gamers—like yours truly—simply grin and bear it when it comes to mice, using our right hands just like our cruel anti-sinister oppressors. But for those who refuse to compromise, gaming hardware companies do offer a few lefty options—or, more often, ambidextrous options, with perfectly symmetrical bodies and buttons rather than bodies curved for the right hand. Most of these use a relatively simple shooter-style button layout with thumb buttons on both sides, with the assumption that players will disable the buttons for their off-hand. Some even come with replaceable blanks for unused buttons.

像您一样,大多数惯用左手的游戏者在使用鼠标时,都会像咧着嘴笑一样,用我们的右手咧开嘴,忍受它。 但是对于那些拒绝妥协的人,游戏硬件公司确实提供了一些左撇子选项,或更常见的是灵巧选项,它们具有完全对称的主体和按钮,而不是为右手弯曲的主体。 其中大多数使用相对简单的射击风格的按钮布局,两侧均带有拇指按钮,并假设玩家将禁用副手按钮。 有些甚至带有未使用按钮的可更换挡片。

Examples of ambidextrous mice include the Razer Abyssus and Diamondback, the Logitech G900 and G300s, the SteelSeries Sensei, and the Roccat Kova. In addition, the older version of the Razer DeathAdder is still offered in a true left-handed design.

灵巧小鼠的实例包括雷蛇ABYSSUS和响尾蛇,所述罗技G900和G300s ,所述SteelSeries的老师和ROCCAT KOVA 。 此外,较旧版本的Razer DeathAdder仍采用真正的惯用左手设计。

移动鼠标:游戏笔记本电脑的好伴侣 (Mobile Mice: Good Companions for Gaming Laptops)

For the gamer on the go, some manufacturers offer smaller, more portable versions of their mouse designs. While these are often wireless and much lighter than standard gaming mice, they also offer a specific advantage to gamers who prefer a tip grip style, as the smaller body can be more easily maneuvered while physically touching less of the mouse.

对于旅途中的游戏玩家,一些制造商提供了更小巧,更轻便的鼠标设计版本。 尽管它们通常是无线的,并且比标准的游戏鼠标更轻巧,但它们也为喜欢技巧性握持方式的游戏玩家提供了特殊的优势,因为可以更轻松地操纵较小的身体,而无需实际接触到更少的鼠标。

Examples of mobile gaming mice include the Razer Orochi and the MadCatz RAT M.

移动游戏鼠标的示例包括Razer Orochi和MadCatz RATM 。

杂种小鼠:万事通 (Hybrid Mice: Jacks of All Trades)

“Hybrid” gaming mice try to offer the best of all worlds, being flexible enough to work with any gaming genre without excelling at any particular task. These typically include more than the standard two “shooter” thumb buttons, but less than the elaborate “MMO” grids. Hybrids can be an interesting choice if you’re looking for something more flexible.

“混合”游戏鼠标试图提供世界上最好的功能,足够灵活,可以与任何游戏类型一起使用,而不会在任何特定任务上表现出色。 这些通常包括比标准的两个“射击”拇指按钮更多的内容,但少于精心设计的“ MMO”网格。 如果您正在寻找更灵活的东西,则混合动力车可能是一个有趣的选择。

A few specific examples include the Razer Naga Hex V2, with its thumb wheel that more easily shifts between shooter and MOBA tasks, the Logitech G602 with its 2×3 grid of shooter-style buttons, the SteelSeries Rival 500 and 700 with unconventional grids, and most of the adjustable mouse designs from MadCatz, which are now veering into truly insane territory.

一些具体示例包括Razer Naga Hex V2 (其指轮可更轻松地在射击和MOBA任务之间切换), Logitech G602(具有2×3射击风格的按钮网格), SteelSeries Rival 500和700(具有非常规网格),以及MadCatz的大多数可调节鼠标设计,它们现在正进入真正疯狂的领域。

With all that in mind, you should be able to narrow down your search quite a bit. What kind of mouse are you looking for? What kind of grip do you use? Do you care about extra features like RGB lighting and on-device profiles, or will any software do the trick? The gaming mice market may seem huge, but once you whittle down the stuff that really matters, you should have an easy time finding the perfect one for you.

考虑到所有这些,您应该可以缩小搜索范围。 您在寻找哪种鼠标? 您使用哪种握力? 您是否在意RGB照明和设备配置文件等额外功能,还是有任何软件可以解决这个问题? 游戏鼠标市场看似庞大,但是一旦缩减了真正重要的内容,就应该轻而易举地找到最适合自己的鼠标。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/296949/how-to-choose-the-right-gaming-mouse/





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input 禁用智能提示AMBER and emergency alerts occur when there’s a child abduction or there’s an important event such as a severe weather alert (tornado warning) that local governments needs to make people aware of. While we don’t recommend disabling the…