usb 驱动修复_您可以修复物理损坏的USB驱动器吗?

usb 驱动修复

usb 驱动修复


Sometimes accidents happen to a USB drive, and you find yourself in a very bad position when your only copy of an important document is on there. When something like this happens, is it possible to fix a physically broken USB drive? Today’s SuperUser Q&A post comes to the rescue for a stressed out reader.

有时,USB驱动器会发生事故,并且当您只保存一份重要文档时,您会发现自己处境非常糟糕。 当发生这种情况时,是否可以修复物理损坏的USB驱动器? 今天的SuperUser Q&A帖子为压力很大的读者提供了帮助。

Today’s Question & Answer session comes to us courtesy of SuperUser—a subdivision of Stack Exchange, a community-driven grouping of Q&A web sites.

今天的“问答”环节由SuperUser提供,它是Stack Exchange的一个分支,该社区是由社区驱动的Q&A网站分组。

Photo courtesy of Joel Poxton (Flickr).

图片由Joel Poxton(Flickr)提供。

问题 (The Question)

SuperUser reader Rasmus Mathiesen wants to know if it is possible to repair a friend’s physically broken USB drive:

超级用户读者Rasmus Mathiesen想知道是否可以修复朋友的物理损坏的USB驱动器:

My friend just wrote to me, all panicked, that he had broken his USB drive with his math homework for tomorrow on it. Yes, no other backups, just that. It looks like this now:

我的朋友刚刚惊恐地写信给我,说他明天的数学作业已经损坏了USB驱动器。 是的,没有其他备份,仅此而已。 现在看起来像这样:


Is there any that way that I can fix this? My thinking is to solder it together, but I want to hear if anybody here has experience with this kind of thing or any tips that will help?

有什么办法可以解决这个问题? 我的想法是将其焊接在一起,但是我想听听这里是否有人对这种事情有经验,或者有什么建议可以帮助您?

Another option would be seeing if Microsoft Word had saved a copy of the file as a temporary file, but in the places my friend has checked so far, there was nothing to be found.

另一个选择是查看Microsoft Word是否已将文件的副本保存为临时文件,但是到目前为止,在我的朋友检查过的地方,什么都找不到。

Is it possible to repair this broken USB drive?


答案 (The Answer)

SuperUser contributors Chris H, tehwalris, and Annonomus Penguin have the answer for us. First up, Chris H:

超级用户贡献者Chris H,tehwalris和Annonomus Penguin为我们提供了答案。 首先,克里斯·H:

That looks fixable with a fine point iron and multi-core solder. You may find it easiest to bridge the gap with wire rather than attempting to put it back into its original shape.

看起来可以用细铁和多芯焊料固定。 您可能会发现,最简单的方法是用线材桥接间隙,而不是尝试将其恢复为原始形状。

Alternatively, if you do not have a soldering iron, you might be able to strap it up with tape to make contact. I have done this on older hardware, but never on USB drives.

或者,如果没有烙铁,则可以用胶带将其绑起来以进行接触。 我已经在较旧的硬件上执行了此操作,但从未在USB驱动器上执行过此操作。

Whatever you do though, do not try to write to the USB drive. With Microsoft Word that means do not open the file from the drive. Copy the file to a computer and open that copy. The reason for this is that if your repair fails during a write, you will lose the file completely, never to be readable again. During a read this should not be true. Word and its auto-save features are not to be trusted to not write to a file when you least expect it.

不过,无论做什么,都不要尝试写入USB驱动器。 使用Microsoft Word意味着不要从驱动器中打开文件。 将文件复制到计算机并打开该副本。 这样做的原因是,如果您的修复在写入过程中失败,则将完全丢失该文件,并且再也无法读取。 在读取期间,这不应该是正确的。 当您最不希望Word及其自动保存功能不写入文件时,请不要相信它。

Too late now, of course, but as I used to tell undergrads when teaching them: Losing your data is a rubbish excuse that will not get you anywhere. You can always (in their case) store it on the network, e-mail it to yourself, and put it on a USB drive.

当然,现在来不及了,但是正如我以前在教本科生时告诉他们的那样:丢失数据是垃圾的借口,不会带你去任何地方。 您始终可以(在他们的情况下)将其存储在网络上,通过电子邮件发送给自己,然后将其放在USB驱动器上。

Followed by the answer from tehwalris:


All the answers so far that have said it was fixable have focused on re-soldering the USB connector. While this could work, the connector is likely broken, finding a replacement is hard, and soldering a connector like that is not so easy for beginners.

到目前为止,所有可以说是可修复的答案都集中在重新焊接USB连接器上。 尽管这可行,但连接器可能坏了,很难找到替代品,而且对于初学者来说,焊接这样的连接器并不容易。

A possibly easier way is to take a USB cable (such as an extension cable or phone charger cable) that has a USB A connector on one side (the normal big computer kind like the one on the USB drive), cut off the other end, strip the wires, and solder them to the board.

一种可能更简单的方法是取出一侧带有USB A连接器的USB电缆(例如,扩展电缆或电话充电器电缆)(普通的大型计算机类型,如USB驱动器上的那种),切断另一端,剥去电线,然后将其焊接到板上。

For the best results, try to keep all the wires a similar length (due to the relatively fast data rate of USB drives). Watch a simple soldering guide first, twist your wire ends, and pre-coat them with solder.

为了获得最佳结果,请尝试将所有电线的长度保持相似(由于USB驱动器的数据速率相对较高)。 首先请看一个简单的焊接指南,绞合导线末端,并用焊料进行预涂。

With our final answer from Annonomus Penguin:

最后,我们收到了Annonomus Penguin的答复:

First of all, do not let your friend near a USB drive ever again! Apart from that, soldering it is about your only option.

首先,不要让您的朋友再次靠近USB驱动器! 除此之外,焊接是您唯一的选择。

If you have a Raspberry Pi or an old computer that you would not mind frying the port on, you could try carefully plugging it in. As has been mentioned by others, a USB extension cable will give you access to more carefully plug it into the computer. If you are that desperate to risk a perfectly good computer, go ahead and use your main one.

如果您有Raspberry Pi或旧计算机,不介意在其上炸端口,则可以尝试小心地将其插入。正如其他人所提到的那样,USB延长线将使您能够更仔细地将其插入电脑。 如果您迫切希望拥有一台完美的计算机,请继续使用主计算机。

If you can see a break in the connection, do not do it. Worse things could happen than losing your math homework.

如果您发现连接中断,请不要这样做。 比失去数学作业更糟糕的事情可能发生。

As for soldering, it seems like it is only the connector that is damaged. If the PCB is fine, you could do this:

至于焊接,似乎只是连接器损坏了。 如果PCB很好,则可以执行以下操作:

  1. Take an old USB cable, cut the B end off, and strip the newly exposed wires.

  2. Take a soldering iron and carefully solder the wires on. If you have an old sock or something similar, I suggest putting that over the main chip in case the iron slips so the chip is not damaged. It is not foolproof, but it is better than nothing.

    拿起烙铁,小心地将电线焊接。 如果您有旧袜子或类似的东西,我建议将其放在主芯片上,以防熨斗打滑而不会损坏芯片。 它不是万无一失的,但是总比没有好。

  3. Make sure all the connections are not dry joints and that they do not bridge.

  4. After all the wires are soldered, add a ton of hot glue over it. I would suggest wrapping it around the main board a few times in case you accidentally tug on the wire so it does not come undone. This is just a best practice thing, so is not required.

    所有导线焊接完毕后,在其上添加一吨热胶。 我建议将其缠绕在主板上几次,以防万一您不小心拉扯了电线,以免被松开。 这只是最佳做法,因此不是必需的。
  5. Plug it into your friend’s computer and cross your fingers.


If it has some sort of read only switch, I would advise you to use it to make sure that you do not corrupt the file.


Have something to add to the explanation? Sound off in the comments. Want to read more answers from other tech-savvy Stack Exchange users? Check out the full discussion thread here.

有什么补充说明吗? 在评论中听起来不错。 是否想从其他精通Stack Exchange的用户那里获得更多答案? 在此处查看完整的讨论线程。


usb 驱动修复





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