
java做网站导航栏,谷歌站长平台,网络公司代做的网站注意事项,中央人民政府网电话使用 "函数声明" 创建函数 语法:* function 函数名([形参1,形参2...形参N]){* 语句...* } */function fun2(){console.log("这是我的第二个函数~~~");alert("哈哈哈哈哈");document.write("~~~~…
  1. 使用 "函数声明" 创建函数

       语法:*         function 函数名([形参1,形参2...形参N]){*             语句...*         }
         */function fun2(){console.log("这是我的第二个函数~~~");alert("哈哈哈哈哈");document.write("~~~~(>_<)~~~~");}
  1. 使用 "函数表达式" 来创建一个函数

    var 函数名  = function([形参1,形参2...形参N]){*      语句....*  }
    (可分两种):// 1.命名函数表达式var testA=function abc(){console.log(aaa);}// 2.匿名函数表达式  --最常用简称函数表达式var testB=function(){console.log(bbb);}
  1. 使用 "构造函数"

      * 构造函数的执行流程:*     1.立刻创建一个新的对象*     2.将新建的对象设置为函数中this,在构造函数中可以使用this来引用新建的对象*     3.逐行执行函数中的代码*     4.将新建的对象作为返回值返回* * 使用同一个构造函数创建的对象,我们称为一类对象,也将一个构造函数称为一个类。*     我们将通过一个构造函数创建的对象,称为是该类的实例
         function Person(name , age , gender){ = name;this.age = age;this.gender = gender;this.sayName = function(){alert(;};}function Dog(){}var per = new Person("黎",18,"女");





网页设计简约重点 (Top highlight)Minimalism is synonymous with simplicity. Not quite. As the name suggests, minimalism is definitely not about opulent design. But the assumption that minimalism is design-less and plain is also wrong. Minimalism is simple ye…

Expo 2010 Japan Pavilion



作为国内应用最广的两个框架&#xff0c;Vue 和 React 是前端必须掌握的内容&#xff0c;也是面试的重点。但大多数读者都只擅长其中一个框架&#xff0c;当面试涉及到另一个框架的内容时&#xff0c;就答不好了。比如虚拟dom&#xff0c;两个框架中都有应用&#xff0c;面试官…

java rwd_面向任务的设计-不仅限于Mobile First和RWD

java rwdWe already know that majority of solutions should start with a design for smartphones, we know that all websites should be responsive. Now, it’s time to think about holistic solutions with specific tasks adapted to all kind of devices.我们已经知道…

HOJ 1015 Nearly prime numbers

代码 //Nearly prime number is an integer positive number for which it is possible //to find such primes P1 and P2 that given number is equal to P1*P2.#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <math.h>//decide n whither is a nearly pri…




figma下载第1部分 (Part 1) Prototyping has never had such a high profile with a whole host of tools that now give you varying ability to realize your designs beyond their static UI and into a working usable thing. It’s fair to say that prototyping within t…




大屏设计的视觉统一视觉设计的统一性是什么&#xff1f; (What is unity in visual design?) The concept of unity in visual design means a group of elements working together to create a greater whole. It means, as the clich goes: A whole that is greater than th…

跟着官方文档能学懂React Hooks就怪了

大家好&#xff0c;我是若川。今天分享一篇关于「React Hooks」的好文。欢迎点击下方卡片关注我。以下是正文~回想下你入门Hooks的过程&#xff0c;是不是经历过&#xff1a;类比ClassComponent的生命周期&#xff0c;学习Hooks的执行时机慢慢熟练以后&#xff0c;发现Hooks的执…


寒假前给大家分享了一个图&#xff0c;大家要的教程来了。【数据绘图】好图分享&#xff1a;寒假&#xff1f;不存在的&#xff01;​mp.weixin.qq.com绘图思路&#xff1a;左侧起止时间&#xff1a;散点图&#xff0c;交换XY坐标轴&#xff1b;中间的连线为Drop Lines&#xf…


可以激发设计灵感的音乐I often find a lot of inspiration from work I see while scrolling social media. Saving art or images that inspire you allows you to build a library of resources to draw from whenever you’re working on a project.在滚动社交媒体时&#…



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图解 React-router 源码

大家好&#xff0c;我是若川。欢迎加我微信 ruochuan12今天分享一篇react-router源码文章&#xff0c;深入理解路由的本质。微信预计阅读只需8分钟。点击下方卡片关注我&#xff0c;或者查看源码系列文章。阅读源码小 tips&#xff1a;从整体到细节&#xff0c;刚开始不要太拘泥…

android 辅助功能_辅助功能简介

android 辅助功能Accessibility may be more than a moral imperative to ensure products are inclusive of more people who already experience barriers in daily life — it has a very practical outcome, benefiting everyone including the person with the disability…


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