
做服装最好的网站有哪些,网络商城应该如何推广,包头网站建设公司,社交电商怎么做高安全性同态加密算法I was going to write at length about the issues I see in neumorphism and why this trend should be avoided. I know any attempt to guide my most impressionable colleagues away from it, will end up being failing because this fad is going t…


I was going to write at length about the issues I see in neumorphism and why this trend should be avoided. I know any attempt to guide my most impressionable colleagues away from it, will end up being failing because this fad is going to be a thing no matter what I say. So the only resource I have is making fun out the deficiencies of this trend… from my high horse.

我将详细介绍我在神经变态中遇到的问题以及为什么应避免这种趋势。 我知道,任何引导我印象最深刻的同事摆脱它的尝试都将以失败告终,因为不管我怎么说,这种时尚都会成为一件事情。 因此,我唯一的资源就是从高大的马身上找出这种趋势的不足。

Here are the worst steps possible to start dipping your toes in the latest UI trend with a semi-intellectual name: “neumorphism”.

这是最糟糕的步骤,可能会开始用半知识产权的名字“ neumorphism”将您的脚趾浸入最新的UI趋势。

步骤1:跳入正确的“…主义” (Step 1: Jump into the right “…ism”)

First you need to forget the formal discipline that inspired the Dieter Rams, and forced Jony Ive to “accidentally” copy it.

首先,您需要忘记激发Dieter Rams的正式纪律,并迫使Jony Ive“偶然”复制它。

Design does not need to be useful, honest and long-lasting. Design is a pendulum powered by hype and lubricated in snake oil. It swings from hyper-realistic (skeumorphism) to brutalism (flat/metro) and back to hyper-realistic (neumorphism).

设计不必是有用的,诚实的和持久的。 设计是一个由炒作驱动的摆锤,并在蛇油中润滑。 它从超写实(拟态)到野兽派(扁平/都市),再回到超写实(同态)。

Let’s fool each other pretending this time the pendulum is not going to swing back, this design trend is here to stay, set in stone. Also let’s pretend Apple is not going in a different direction with Big Sur, so we all feel validated by a multi-billion dollar corporation.

假装这次摆锤不会摆回去,让我们互相愚弄,这种设计趋势一直存在,牢牢把握。 另外,我们还假设苹果​​公司与Big Sur并没有朝着不同的方向发展,因此我们都被一家价值数十亿美元的公司所认可。

Two side by side images comparing skeuomorphism vs neumorphism
I have the theory that it is possible to explain everything with Oompa Loompas.
我的理论是,可以用Oompa Loompas解释一切。

How to get into the right mindset? For every design choice you make you need to ask yourself: What would Willy Wonka do? And then reduce opacity to 10%, add two box shadows to make it “pop” out of the background, include an almost-invisible gradient fill and maybe a 1px border with exactly the same gradient as the gradient fill, just to show your obsession for detail.

如何进入正确的心态? 对于每种设计选择,您都需要问自己:Willy Wonka会做什么? 然后将不透明度降低到10%,添加两个框阴影使其从背景中“弹出”,包括几乎不可见的渐变填充,以及可能与渐变填充完全相同的渐变的1px边框,以显示您的痴迷有关详细信息。



步骤2:进行正确的设置 (Step 2: Get the right set up)

To fully understand the potential of neumorphism, it requires to enjoy it without the noise and distractions of the real world. Take your MacBook, go to your parents basement, turn off the light and let the UI shine. Let your eyes adjust, get a Costco size bag of Doritos and rejoice with the CSS3 abuse of shadows and gradients.

为了充分了解亚态的潜力,它需要在没有现实世界的噪音和干扰的情况下享受它。 拿起MacBook,转到父母的地下室,关掉灯,让UI发光。 让您的眼睛调整一下,得到一个好看的Doritos大小的包,并为CSS3阴影和渐变滥用感到高兴。

Creepy girl from an 80’s movie showcases what high-end special effects were at that time. Not impressed!
Original image from movie “Poltergeist”. I’ve heard is good, but I have a rule, if I cannot spell the name of a movie, I will not watch it.
电影“ Poltergeist”的原始图像。 我听说过很好,但是我有一条规则,如果我无法拼写电影的名称,就不会观看。

While you are at it, call your clients (or manager), let them know about your new design direction and how they need to update every single flow you just delivered two sprints ago.


Enjoy the silence at the other side of the line, and get used to it, because that is going to be the last time you will hear from them. No worries, you are in the right place at the right time, just let your parents know that the basement is now your centre of operations, design studio and home.

享受电话另一端的沉默,并习惯它,因为这将是您最后一次听到他们的来信。 不用担心,您在正确的时间到了正确的地方,只是让您的父母知道地下室现在是您的运营中心,设计工作室和住所。

步骤3:避免设计必要的东西 (Step 3: Avoid designing something necessary)

Now that you have full creative freedom and do not need to worry about stakeholders, requirements or even washing your dirty laundry, you need to find the right project.


Kano chart, showing neumorphism projects in the high satisfaction and indifferent quadrant
Kano model for a neumorphism project = Highly satisfying and highly useless

Neumorphism shines on applications that are focused only on solving first world problems, the old definition of it, before covid-19, police brutality, erosion of democratic institutions, and economic recession. No matter what global warming activists say, the modern world is constantly craving for the next calorie counter, Keto recipe app, or Spotify redesign. So get your priorities straight Greta!

Neumorphism的亮点在于,应用程序仅专注于解决第一世界的问题,covid-19之前的旧定义,警察的野蛮行径,民主制度的侵蚀以及经济衰退。 无论全球变暖主义者怎么说,现代世界都在不断渴望下一个卡路里计数器,Keto食谱应用程序或Spotify重新设计。 因此,让您的工作重点排在Greta!

This is your new mantra:


“Take care of the luxuries and the necessities will take care of themselves.”


Dorothy Parker


Avoid anything that bums you down, like error messages or tables (yikes!). In general if you need more than five form controls (that are not share, like, and subscribe buttons) the app does not deserve you, ditch it!

避免让您大跌眼镜,例如错误消息或表格(赞!)。 通常,如果您需要五个以上的表单控件(不共享,喜欢和订阅按钮),则该应用程序不值得您放弃它!

步骤4:为小众受众群体(主要是您和您的妈妈)设计 (Step 4: Design for a niche audience (mostly you and your Mom))

Love is blindness, so the fact that most of your users will not be able to see the interface means they will absolutely freaking-love it!


This is an image of a white background on white foreground, no worries, even I can not see it

Sure some people will complain. Forget about them, they are not your audience. You want the early adopters, trend setters and influencers of the world. La crème de la crème de la crème, in other words, the saturated fat.

当然有些人会抱怨。 忘记他们,他们不是您的听众。 您需要世界的早期采用者,趋势制定者和影响者。 Lacrèmede lacrèmede lacrème,换句话说就是饱和脂肪。

If you still attract some haters and you love Reddit drama, just force them to say “white” as many times as possible until the conversation get really uncomfortable, then show them you already have “dark mode” theme and the icon launcher in a rainbow background. Copy/paste the next thing they will say it straight to Twitter with their handle and boom! Now the conversation now is about something absolutely different.

如果您仍然吸引一些仇恨者并且喜欢Reddit戏剧,请强迫他们尽可能多地说“白色”,直到谈话变得非常不舒服为止,然后向他们显示您已经具有“黑暗模式”主题和彩虹中的图标启动器背景。 复制/粘贴下一句话,他们将以他们的直觉和热情直接向Twitter说! 现在的讨论是关于绝对不同的事情。

If your app does not get any traction, even if your Mom is printing screenshots and posting them in the fridge with magnets, it is OK. Do not let self-doubt or common sense get in the way. Neumorphism will have the same cultural impact and shelf life of the “men bun”. If that haircut worked for Chris Hemsworth, I am sure it would do the same for anybody! It had nothing to do with his perfect genes, deep voice, endless charisma, star power, millions of dollars and 10,000 hours at the gym.

如果您的应用程序没有任何吸引力,即使您的妈妈正在打印屏幕截图并将其张贴在带有磁铁的冰箱中,也可以。 不要让自我怀疑或常识成为障碍。 同种异体具有与“包子”相同的文化影响和保质期。 如果该发型对克里斯·海姆斯沃思(Chris Hemsworth)有用,我相信它对任何人都一样! 这与他完美的基因,深沉的嗓音,无尽的魅力,明星般的力量,数百万美元的身价以及在健身房里花费10,000小时无关。

步骤5:获得正确的灵感 (Step 5: Get the right inspiration)

If your creative juices run dry(vodka). Time for some food for thought(Doritos). You need a “Get out of the office(basement)” mindset!

如果您的创意果汁干了(伏特加)。 是时候深思熟虑了(Doritos)。 您需要一种“离开办公室(地下室)”的心态!

You might be tempted to visit some previous clients, going to the library or doing contextual studies to understand users. Ha! Do me a favour, take your graphic tablet and slap yo-face!

您可能很想去拜访一些以前的客户,去图书馆或进行情境研究来了解用户。 哈! 帮我一个忙,拿起您的图形输入板并拍打您的脸!

For neumorphism we need to rethink work, we need to go to a candy store!

对于同态,我们需要重新考虑工作, 我们需要去糖果店!

We are planning a rapid prototyping session. You will need mentos for float buttons, lifesavers for charts, double-mints for form fields, jelly beans for pills / CTAs and sneakers (because you are not you when you are hungry). You can also bring M&Ms, but you need to lick off the artificial colouring to get the right hue.

我们正在计划一个快速的原型会议。 您将需要浮动按钮的薄荷糖,图表的救生员,表单字段的双薄荷糖,药丸/ CTA的软心豆粒糖和运动鞋(因为饥饿时您不是您)。 您也可以携带M&M,但是您需要去除人造色素以获得正确的色调。

A nice layout with candies and bubble gums. Looks like Candy Crush for casual gamers that take life too seriously.
Forget about paper prototyping, the next big thing is bubble gum prototyping. Uhm, looks like “Candy Crush” for casual gamers that take life too seriously.
忘记纸原型,下一个大事就是泡泡糖原型。 嗯,对于那些过分重视生活的休闲游戏玩家来说,它看起来像“糖果粉碎”。

Back home, open every single candy package and place them in a paper towel. Organize the same elements over and over, move it one mm to the left, one to the right. Spend weeks making a thousand variations of the same single solution. You know you are getting somewhere when your fingers are so sticky they make a Velcro sound when you move them, and your tongue looks like you french kissed a unicorn.

回到家,打开每个糖果包装,然后将它们放在纸巾中。 一遍又一遍地组织相同的元素,将其向左移动一毫米,向右移动一毫米。 花费数周的时间来制作同一个单一解决方案的上千种版本。 您知道您的手指发粘时会到达某个地方,而当您移动它们时会发出维可牢尼龙搭扣的声音,而您的舌头看起来就像是法国人亲吻了独角兽。

Some people would say that you can do the same exercise with prescription pills, but not sure if your Dad will allow you to touch his Sildenafil.


最后一步:仅与UI设计人员一起验证您的UI (Final step: Validate your UI only with UI designers)

Never try to validate your designs with users, especially if they are older, their vision is not 20/20, or they are using their mobile phone in plain daylight. The only valid KPI your design needs is likes in Dribble, or if you are not cool enough to get an invitation… Behance. Dribbble setting up impossible expectations and interface dysmorphia since 2009.

切勿尝试与用户一起验证您的设计 ,尤其是当他们年龄较大,视力不佳于20/20或在光天化日之下使用手机时。 设计所需的唯一有效KPI是“运球”中的喜欢,或者如果您不够帅气无法获得邀请,则为……Behance。 自2009年以来,Dribbble设置了不可能的期望和界面变形。

You do not have to worry about contrast if there is no contrast at all! Repeat after me: WCAG 2.1 contrast compliance is dumb! The only AA and AAA standards that matter are the battery sizes for your fire stick remote control.

如果根本没有对比度,则不必担心对比度! 在我之后重复:WCAG 2.1对比度符合性是愚蠢的! 唯一重要的AA和AAA标准是火棒遥控器的电池大小。

Grind that social validation day and night. Once you get a good amount of followers, be ready to become a thought leader. You can write a dissertation in medium about how Eskimos have a fifty words for white and how that influenced your design philosophy. No worries, nobody will fact-check you. Also, the indigenous people of the Arctic will not call you on that, not because you are not completely wrong, they just could not care less about your work since they are worried because the world is melting (like most of us, including Greta).

白天和晚上都要进行社交验证。 一旦获得大量关注者,就准备成为思想领袖。 您可以在媒体上写一篇论文,介绍爱斯基摩人如何用五十个单词代表白色,以及它如何影响您的设计理念。 不用担心,没有人会检查您的事实。 另外,北极的土著人民不会这样呼吁您,不是因为您并没有完全错,而是因为他们担心世界正在融化(就像我们大多数人一样,包括Greta),他们只是不关心您的工作而已。

Encore:计划您的退出策略 (Encore: Plan your exit strategy)

Not saying that this trend will pass, because it won’t.


But in case it passes, it would not be bad to have a bold statement ready, like an article in medium saying “Neumorphism is dead, I knew all this time!”. Then removing every single case study of your portfolio and replacing it with new screens in whatever the new style is trending (hint, it is going to be flat).

但是万一它通过了,准备一个大胆的声明就不错了,就像媒体上的一篇文章说:“同态已经死了,我一直都知道!” 然后,删除投资组合的每个案例研究,并以新样式(无论趋势如何,将其替换为新屏幕)(提示,它将保持不变)。

We will all pretend we are waking up from a weird dream and hate neumorphism, like we did with remake of “Willy Wonka and chocolate factory” after Johny Depp - Amber Heard allegations. In a couple of years we will pretend nothing happened, and we will love it, like we did with Johny most recently when we discovered he was the victim.

我们都会假装我们正在从一个怪异的梦想和讨厌的同态变化中醒来,就像在约翰尼·德普(Johny Depp)-琥珀·希德(Amber Heard)的指控之后对“威利旺卡和巧克力工厂”的翻拍一样。 几年之内,我们将假装什么都没有发生,我们会爱上它,就像最近与约翰尼(Johny)发现受害者是受害者一样。

En fin, the frivolous pendulum of UI Design hype does not stop for anybody.

简而言之,UI Design轻描淡写的钟摆并没有停止。

额外:亚态的“真实”起源 (Extra: The “true” origin of neumorphism)

Just to drive my point about the lack of accuracy on many neumorphism online articles to the absurd in case somebody still thinks it is a real tutorial, let me give you some fake news:


Most people would try to point out that neumorphism as a design trend is a rebellion against the tyranny of flat design and an extension of the usage of shadows in material design v2. Older folks will say that it is a bleached out version of skeuomorphism. And according to Cyndi Lauper, girls just wanna have fun!

大多数人会试图指出,将同态设计作为一种设计趋势是对平面设计暴政的反叛,是对材料设计v2中阴影用法的扩展。 老年人会说这是拟态化的变色版本。 根据辛迪·劳珀(Cyndi Lauper)的说法,女孩们只是想玩得开心!

But they are all wrong, the original use of neumorphism was in a Netflix’s Daredevil episode as a piece of art called “Rabbit in a snow storm”.


White texture with grey dots, making fun of the low contrast in neumorphism
“Rabbit in a snow storm”, still trying to determine the rabbit-snow ratio.

So, if it how this UI trend that was born, it means it is part of the MCU. Therefore, if neumorphism is a thing in our world, it means that Infinity Stones are real. Plot twist!

因此,如果这个UI趋势是如何产生的,则意味着它是MCU的一部分。 因此,如果说同质性是我们世界中的一件事,那就意味着无限石是真实的。 剧情转折!

Image for post
UX Para Minas Pretas (UX For Black Women), a Brazilian organization focused on promoting equity of Black women in the tech industry through initiatives of action, empowerment, and knowledge sharing. Silence against systemic racism is not an option. Build the design community you believe in.UX Para Minas Pretas (UX For Black Women),这是一个巴西组织,致力于通过采取行动,赋权和知识共享的举措来促进科技行业中的黑人女性平等。 对系统性种族主义保持沉默是不可行的。 建立您相信的设计社区。

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/the-bad-neumorphism-tutorial-e009fea0ade8





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