
红河网站建设,seo网站有优化培训吗,厦门市建设局,临沂网站临沂网站制作拥有和谐的色彩系统的好处 (The benefits of having a harmonious color system) Consistent branding express across all platform 在所有平台上表达一致的品牌 The consistent interface creates a better user experience 一致的界面创建了更好的用户体验 More productive …

拥有和谐的色彩系统的好处 (The benefits of having a harmonious color system)

  • Consistent branding express across all platform

  • The consistent interface creates a better user experience

  • More productive on designers and developers daily work


这是我创建色彩系统的5个步骤: (Here are my 5 steps of creating a color system:)

  1. Set Brightness System

  2. Define Hues

  3. Apply brightness system to Hues

  4. Select Major Color under each Hue

  5. Apply to Design


步骤1:设定亮度系统 (Step 1: Set brightness system)

Choose the number of brightness levels that you need, there are 10 levels in the Google Material Design color system.

选择所需的亮度级别数, Google Material Design颜色系统中有10个级别。

I usually choose 12 levels of brightness as my system including white and also I added a darker brightness level (Brightness=5) it’s needed in our new iOS dark mode.

我通常选择12种亮度级别作为我的系统(包括白色),并且还添加了较暗的亮度级别(亮度= 5),这是我们新的iOS暗模式所需的。

12 levels also can be easily divided by 2, 3 or 4, which means I can create different rhythm by skip through several levels.


First, choose the highest and lowest brightness level that you need, Please note that for White’ brightness is 100, Black is 0.


In this example below I choose 97 as the highest brightness (excluding white) and 5 as the lowest.


Assume number between different 2 brightness level is “a”

假设两个不同亮度等级之间的数字为“ a”

97–10a = 5

97–10a = 5

92/10= a

92/10 =一个

a ≈ 9


After applying this formula, I can get the number of brightness below, for the last 2 levels I choose to -10 to get a darker color.


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Brightness level

提示:如何定义颜色系统中最亮和最暗的颜色? (Tips: How to define the lightest and darkest colors in a color system?)

Check the lightest grey used in your product (eg. background) and darkest grey in your design (eg. text), here is an example:


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Example (BBC NEWS iOS APP)
示例(BBC新闻iOS APP)

步骤2:定义色相 (Step 2: Define Hue)

💡提示:使用persona关键字定义您的主要色相 (💡Tips: Use persona keyword to define your major Hue)

The major reflects the branding and personality of the product. Normally the first step would be defining the keywords describing the brand, and then use these keywords to find a suitable color.

专业反映了产品的品牌和个性。 通常,第一步是定义描述品牌的关键字,然后使用这些关键字找到合适的颜色。

However in my case, Wego.com is a matured product, we got lots of users and there is no plan to totally change our brand color yet, so all the Hues should be similar to current existing colors in our product.


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Old green and App interface

The old branding color was Green (Hue=86), But there are some problems with the current green.

旧品牌颜色为绿色(色相= 86) ,但是当前的绿色存在一些问题。

It’s a green close to yellow, this color will maintain a clean and clear feeling only when its saturation and brightness are both high.


In the Wego UI however, this makes it not practical, as the text applied on this color is normally white, both the saturation and brightness need to be tuned down to ensure the readability, and this makes the green rapidly fading into a dim and dirty color.


So I try to change the tune of the green, to understand the colors that you want to use, you can start by creating a color persona.


Here are some persona keywords that I got from colleagues at Wego:


Trust worthy, Expert, Efficient, Travel, Convenient, Friendly, Easy, Empowering, Smart


And based on these keywords I found some image and use a color palette generator to make it more intuitive.


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In the end, I choose Hue=100, because:

最后,我选择Hue = 100,因为:

  • All the persona image shares a green which between green and close to yellow

  • Also, it’s close to original Wego branding green

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The different hue of green

On our product, Green is primarily color and Orange is secondary, I picked 6 hues for the system:

在我们的产品上, 绿色是主要颜色, 橙色是次要颜色,我为系统选择了6种色调

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Hues in Wego color system

Red (0º/360º), Orange (30º), Yellow (50º), Green (100º), Blue (210º) and Purple (260º)

红色 (0º/360º), 橙色 (30º), 黄色 (50º), 绿色 (100º), 蓝色 (210º)和紫色 (260º)

Orange and Green, are the existing color in the product, Rest of the colors I choose base on normal usage:


Blue usually used for a text link, Red for promotions, Yellow for warnings. Both colors are linked to Orange color and are adjusted based on color differences (colors in the range of red to orange are less recognizable comparing to colors in the range of orange to yellow).

蓝色通常用于文本链接, 红色通常用于促销, 黄色通常用于警告。 两种颜色都链接到橙色,并根据色差进行调整(与橙色到黄色范围内的颜色相比,红色到橙色范围内的颜色难以识别)。

Purple is a hue for grey because purple is the complementary color of green, grey with a light tone makes the product look more harmonious and related to all the other colors.


步骤3:将亮度系统应用于色相 (Step 3: Apply the brightness system to Hues)

Each color will have the same brightness level as the one defined in Step 1.


  1. Draw a square, turn opacity to luminosity mode

  2. Choose a middle level of brightness to start, apply hue.

  3. Use color picker in the sketch to adjust the RGB value, make it match with the brightness level

  4. Turn opacity back to normal mode and review

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My final color system, all the color system in luminosity mode has the same brightness

以下是将亮度系统应用于色相的一些技巧: (Here are some tips to apply brightness system to hues:)

  • The final color system in luminosity mode, the brightness level should be all the same

  • One set of color should be in the same hue with a smooth curve

  • Pay attention to some color’ situation, like orange and yellow are easily get dim


Here is an example of my green system overview, it’s on a smooth curve, which makes the system harmonious.


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Green system is on a smooth curve

4.在每个色相下选择主要颜色 (4. Select Major Color under each Hue)

Pick the most frequently use color under each hue


提示:在不同的亮度级别设置不同的主要颜色 (Tips: Set the different major colors in different brightness level)

By doing this, even the user not able to read color at all, they still able to sense different colors by brightness.


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Example of Primary and Secondary colors

5.申请设计 (5. Apply to design)

Apply selected colors to your design, you will need some rules for the color of the header, CTA, icons, badges, etc.


Here are some UI result of my design


  • App design, the color system has been used across light mode and dark mode


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  • Desktop Web


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The way I create a color system might not perfect, but I hope this article can give you a piece of inspiration to explore more possibilities in colors.


Thank you so much for reading! Happy designing!

非常感谢您的阅读! 设计愉快!

👉 Check out another article from me: How to Create a Harmonious Typography System on Web

👉查看我的另一篇文章: 如何在Web上创建和谐的排版系统

🙏 Thanks to Brian and Blizzard who gave me feedback on this article.

🙏感谢Brian和Blizzard ,他们为我提供了有关本文的反馈。

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/how-to-create-a-harmonious-color-system-901c7f790389





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