首先先看一张流程图,该图是从拆轮子系列:拆 OkHttp 中盗来的,如下:
private Response getResponseWithInterceptorChain() throws IOException {// Build a full stack of interceptors.List<Interceptor> interceptors = new ArrayList<>();//添加应用拦截器interceptors.addAll(client.interceptors()); //添加重试和重定向拦截器 interceptors.add(retryAndFollowUpInterceptor); //添加转换拦截器 interceptors.add(new BridgeInterceptor(client.cookieJar())); //添加缓存拦截器 interceptors.add(new CacheInterceptor(client.internalCache())); //添加连接拦截器 interceptors.add(new ConnectInterceptor(client)); //添加网络拦截器 if (!retryAndFollowUpInterceptor.isForWebSocket()) { interceptors.addAll(client.networkInterceptors()); } //添加网络拦截器 interceptors.add(new CallServerInterceptor( retryAndFollowUpInterceptor.isForWebSocket())); //生成拦截器链 Interceptor.Chain chain = new RealInterceptorChain( interceptors, null, null, null, 0, originalRequest); return chain.proceed(originalRequest); }
/*** A concrete interceptor chain that carries the entire interceptor chain: all application* interceptors, the OkHttp core, all network interceptors, and finally the network caller.*/
public final class RealInterceptorChain implements Interceptor.Chain { private final List<Interceptor> interceptors; private final StreamAllocation streamAllocation; private final HttpStream httpStream; private final Connection connection; private final int index; private final Request request; private int calls; public RealInterceptorChain(List<Interceptor> interceptors, StreamAllocation streamAllocation, HttpStream httpStream, Connection connection, int index, Request request) { this.interceptors = interceptors; this.connection = connection; this.streamAllocation = streamAllocation; this.httpStream = httpStream; this.index = index; this.request = request; } @Override public Connection connection() { return connection; } public StreamAllocation streamAllocation() { return streamAllocation; } public HttpStream httpStream() { return httpStream; } @Override public Request request() { return request; } @Override public Response proceed(Request request) throws IOException { return proceed(request, streamAllocation, httpStream, connection); } public Response proceed(Request request, StreamAllocation streamAllocation, HttpStream httpStream, Connection connection) throws IOException { if (index >= interceptors.size()) throw new AssertionError(); calls++; // If we already have a stream, confirm that the incoming request will use it. if (this.httpStream != null && !sameConnection(request.url())) { throw new IllegalStateException("network interceptor " + interceptors.get(index - 1) + " must retain the same host and port"); } // If we already have a stream, confirm that this is the only call to chain.proceed(). if (this.httpStream != null && calls > 1) { throw new IllegalStateException("network interceptor " + interceptors.get(index - 1) + " must call proceed() exactly once"); } //调用拦截器链中余下的进行处理得到响应 // Call the next interceptor in the chain. RealInterceptorChain next = new RealInterceptorChain( interceptors, streamAllocation, httpStream, connection, index + 1, request); Interceptor interceptor = interceptors.get(index); Response response = interceptor.intercept(next); // Confirm that the next interceptor made its required call to chain.proceed(). if (httpStream != null && index + 1 < interceptors.size() && next.calls != 1) { throw new IllegalStateException("network interceptor " + interceptor + " must call proceed() exactly once"); } // Confirm that the intercepted response isn't null. if (response == null) { throw new NullPointerException("interceptor " + interceptor + " returned null"); } return response; } private boolean sameConnection(HttpUrl url) { return url.host().equals(connection.route().address().url().host()) && url.port() == connection.route().address().url().port(); } }
@Override public Response intercept(Chain chain) throws IOException {Request request = chain.request();streamAllocation = new StreamAllocation( client.connectionPool(), createAddress(request.url())); int followUpCount = 0; Response priorResponse = null; while (true) { //如果取消了,那么释放流以及抛出异常 if (canceled) { streamAllocation.release(); throw new IOException("Canceled"); } Response response = null; boolean releaseConnection = true; try { //调用拦截器链余下的得到响应 response = ((RealInterceptorChain) chain).proceed(request, streamAllocation, null, null); releaseConnection = false; } catch (RouteException e) { // The attempt to connect via a route failed. The request will not have been sent. if (!recover(e.getLastConnectException(), true, request)) throw e.getLastConnectException(); releaseConnection = false; continue; } catch (IOException e) { // An attempt to communicate with a server failed. The request may have been sent. if (!recover(e, false, request)) throw e; releaseConnection = false; continue; } finally { // We're throwing an unchecked exception. Release any resources. if (releaseConnection) { streamAllocation.streamFailed(null); streamAllocation.release(); } } // Attach the prior response if it exists. Such responses never have a body. if (priorResponse != null) { response = response.newBuilder() .priorResponse(priorResponse.newBuilder() .body(null) .build()) .build(); } //得到重定向请求 Request followUp = followUpRequest(response); //如果不存在重定向请求,直接返回响应 if (followUp == null) { if (!forWebSocket) { streamAllocation.release(); } return response; } closeQuietly(response.body()); if (++followUpCount > MAX_FOLLOW_UPS) { streamAllocation.release(); throw new ProtocolException("Too many follow-up requests: " + followUpCount); } if (followUp.body() instanceof UnrepeatableRequestBody) { throw new HttpRetryException("Cannot retry streamed HTTP body", response.code()); } //判断重定向请求和前一个请求是否是同一个主机,如果是的话,可以共用一个连接,否则需要重新创建连接 if (!sameConnection(response, followUp.url())) { streamAllocation.release(); streamAllocation = new StreamAllocation( client.connectionPool(), createAddress(followUp.url())); } else if (streamAllocation.stream() != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Closing the body of " + response + " didn't close its backing stream. Bad interceptor?"); } request = followUp; priorResponse = response; } }
@Override public Response intercept(Chain chain) throws IOException {Request userRequest = chain.request();Request.Builder requestBuilder = userRequest.newBuilder(); RequestBody body = userRequest.body(); //如果存在请求主体部分,那么需要添加Content-Type、Content-Length首部 if (body != null) { MediaType contentType = body.contentType(); if (contentType != null) { requestBuilder.header("Content-Type", contentType.toString()); } long contentLength = body.contentLength(); if (contentLength != -1) { requestBuilder.header("Content-Length", Long.toString(contentLength)); requestBuilder.removeHeader("Transfer-Encoding"); } else { requestBuilder.header("Transfer-Encoding", "chunked"); requestBuilder.removeHeader("Content-Length"); } } if (userRequest.header("Host") == null) { requestBuilder.header("Host", hostHeader(userRequest.url(), false)); } //OkHttp默认使用HTTP持久连接 if (userRequest.header("Connection") == null) { requestBuilder.header("Connection", "Keep-Alive"); } // If we add an "Accept-Encoding: gzip" header field we're responsible for also decompressing // the transfer stream. boolean transparentGzip = false; if (userRequest.header("Accept-Encoding") == null) { transparentGzip = true; requestBuilder.header("Accept-Encoding", "gzip"); } List<Cookie> cookies = cookieJar.loadForRequest(userRequest.url()); if (!cookies.isEmpty()) { requestBuilder.header("Cookie", cookieHeader(cookies)); } if (userRequest.header("User-Agent") == null) { requestBuilder.header("User-Agent", Version.userAgent()); } Response networkResponse = chain.proceed(requestBuilder.build()); HttpHeaders.receiveHeaders(cookieJar, userRequest.url(), networkResponse.headers()); Response.Builder responseBuilder = networkResponse.newBuilder() .request(userRequest); if (transparentGzip && "gzip".equalsIgnoreCase(networkResponse.header("Content-Encoding")) && HttpHeaders.hasBody(networkResponse)) { GzipSource responseBody = new GzipSource(networkResponse.body().source()); Headers strippedHeaders = networkResponse.headers().newBuilder() .removeAll("Content-Encoding") .removeAll("Content-Length") .build(); responseBuilder.headers(strippedHeaders); responseBuilder.body(new RealResponseBody(strippedHeaders, Okio.buffer(responseBody))); } return responseBuilder.build(); }
InternalCache internalCache() {return cache != null ? cache.internalCache : internalCache; }
- 1
/** Sets the response cache to be used to read and write cached responses. */void setInternalCache(InternalCache internalCache) {this.internalCache = internalCache;this.cache = null; } public Builder cache(Cache cache) { this.cache = cache; this.internalCache = null; return this; }
@Override public Response intercept(Chain chain) throws IOException {//得到候选响应Response cacheCandidate = cache != null? cache.get(chain.request()): null; long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); //根据请求以及候选响应得出缓存策略 CacheStrategy strategy = new CacheStrategy.Factory(now, chain.request(), cacheCandidate).get(); Request networkRequest = strategy.networkRequest; Response cacheResponse = strategy.cacheResponse; if (cache != null) { cache.trackResponse(strategy); } if (cacheCandidate != null && cacheResponse == null) { closeQuietly(cacheCandidate.body()); // The cache candidate wasn't applicable. Close it. } //不适用网络响应,但是缓存中没有缓存响应,返回504错误 // If we're forbidden from using the network and the cache is insufficient, fail. if (networkRequest == null && cacheResponse == null) { return new Response.Builder() .request(chain.request()) .protocol(Protocol.HTTP_1_1) .code(504) .message("Unsatisfiable Request (only-if-cached)") .body(EMPTY_BODY) .sentRequestAtMillis(-1L) .receivedResponseAtMillis(System.currentTimeMillis()) .build(); } //返回缓存响应 // If we don't need the network, we're done. if (networkRequest == null) { return cacheResponse.newBuilder() .cacheResponse(stripBody(cacheResponse)) .build(); } //进行网络操作得到网络响应 Response networkResponse = null; try { networkResponse = chain.proceed(networkRequest); } finally { // If we're crashing on I/O or otherwise, don't leak the cache body. if (networkResponse == null && cacheCandidate != null) { closeQuietly(cacheCandidate.body()); } } //如果该响应之前存在缓存响应,那么需要进行缓存响应的有效性验证以及更新 // If we have a cache response too, then we're doing a conditional get. if (cacheResponse != null) { if (validate(cacheResponse, networkResponse)) { Response response = cacheResponse.newBuilder() .headers(combine(cacheResponse.headers(), networkResponse.headers())) .cacheResponse(stripBody(cacheResponse)) .networkResponse(stripBody(networkResponse)) .build(); networkResponse.body().close(); // Update the cache after combining headers but before stripping the // Content-Encoding header (as performed by initContentStream()). cache.trackConditionalCacheHit(); cache.update(cacheResponse, response); return response; } else { closeQuietly(cacheResponse.body()); } } Response response = networkResponse.newBuilder() .cacheResponse(stripBody(cacheResponse)) .networkResponse(stripBody(networkResponse)) .build(); if (HttpHeaders.hasBody(response)) { CacheRequest cacheRequest = maybeCache(response, networkResponse.request(), cache); response = cacheWritingResponse(cacheRequest, response); } return response; }
1. networkRequest\==null&& cacheResponse==null:表示该请求不需要使用网络但是缓存响应不存在,则返回504错误的响应;
2. networkRequest\==null&&cacheRequest!=null:表示该请求不允许使用网络,但是因为有缓存响应的存在,所以直接返回缓存响应
3. networkRequest!=null:表示该请求强制使用网络,则调用拦截器链中其余的拦截器继续处理得到networkResponse,得到网络响应后,又分为两种情况处理:
1)cacheResponse!=null: 缓存响应之前存在,如果之前的缓存还有效的话,那么需要更新缓存,返回组合后的响应
2)cacheResponse==null: 之前没有缓存响应,则将组合后的响应直接写入缓存即可。
public Response intercept(Chain chain) throws IOException {RealInterceptorChain realChain = (RealInterceptorChain) chain;Request request = realChain.request();StreamAllocation streamAllocation = realChain.streamAllocation();//创建具体的Socket连接,传入proceed中的后两个参数不再为null// We need the network to satisfy this request. Possibly for validating a conditional GET. boolean doExtensiveHealthChecks = !request.method().equals("GET"); HttpStream httpStream = streamAllocation.newStream(client, doExtensiveHealthChecks); RealConnection connection = streamAllocation.connection(); return realChain.proceed(request, streamAllocation, httpStream, connection); }
public Response proceed(Request request, StreamAllocation streamAllocation, HttpStream httpStream,Connection connection) throws IOException {if (index >= interceptors.size()) throw new AssertionError(); calls++; // If we already have a stream, confirm that the incoming request will use it. if (this.httpStream != null && !sameConnection(request.url())) { throw new IllegalStateException("network interceptor " + interceptors.get(index - 1) + " must retain the same host and port"); } // If we already have a stream, confirm that this is the only call to chain.proceed(). if (this.httpStream != null && calls > 1) { throw new IllegalStateException("network interceptor " + interceptors.get(index - 1) + " must call proceed() exactly once"); } // Call the next interceptor in the chain. RealInterceptorChain next = new RealInterceptorChain( interceptors, streamAllocation, httpStream, connection, index + 1, request); Interceptor interceptor = interceptors.get(index); Response response = interceptor.intercept(next); // Confirm that the next interceptor made its required call to chain.proceed(). if (httpStream != null && index + 1 < interceptors.size() && next.calls != 1) { throw new IllegalStateException("network interceptor " + interceptor + " must call proceed() exactly once"); } // Confirm that the intercepted response isn't null. if (response == null) { throw new NullPointerException("interceptor " + interceptor + " returned null"); } return response; }
@Override public Response intercept(Chain chain) throws IOException {HttpStream httpStream = ((RealInterceptorChain) chain).httpStream();StreamAllocation streamAllocation = ((RealInterceptorChain) chain).streamAllocation();Request request = chain.request(); long sentRequestMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); //将请求头部信息写出 httpStream.writeRequestHeaders(request); //判断是否需要将请求主体部分写出 if (HttpMethod.permitsRequestBody(request.method()) && request.body() != null) { Sink requestBodyOut = httpStream.createRequestBody(request, request.body().contentLength()); BufferedSink bufferedRequestBody = Okio.buffer(requestBodyOut); request.body().writeTo(bufferedRequestBody); bufferedRequestBody.close(); } httpStream.finishRequest(); //读取响应首部 Response response = httpStream.readResponseHeaders() .request(request) .handshake(streamAllocation.connection().handshake()) .sentRequestAtMillis(sentRequestMillis) .receivedResponseAtMillis(System.currentTimeMillis()) .build(); if (!forWebSocket || response.code() != 101) { response = response.newBuilder() .body(httpStream.openResponseBody(response)) .build(); } //如果服务端不支持持久连接 if ("close".equalsIgnoreCase(response.request().header("Connection")) || "close".equalsIgnoreCase(response.header("Connection"))) { streamAllocation.noNewStreams(); } int code = response.code(); if ((code == 204 || code == 205) && response.body().contentLength() > 0) { throw new ProtocolException( "HTTP " + code + " had non-zero Content-Length: " + response.body().contentLength()); } return response; }
- 不需要考虑失败重试以及重定向。 因为位于RetryAndFollowupInterceptor之前,那是RetryAndFollowupInterceptor负责的事情
- 只会被调用一次,即使响应是从缓存中得到的,因为位于RetryAndFollowupInterceptor之前。
- 观察请求的原始意图,不关注比如说”If-None-Match”头参数。 因为位于拦截器链的顶端,所以观察请求的原始意图。
- 如果不调用chain.proceed方法那么将会造成短路。 如果不调用chain的proceed方法,那么请求就不会继续往下面的拦截器链传递,自然后面的拦截器链将失效。
- 可以多次调用chain的procced来重试请求。
- 可以处理中间的响应,比如重试的响应或重定向的响应,因为在RetryAndFollowupInterceptor之后。 在CallServerInterceptor得到响应后,首先会交给网络拦截器处理响应,自然可以处理中间状态的响应。
- 不调用缓存响应,短路网络操作。 在进行网络操作前短路,不将请求交给CallServerInterceptor。
- 观察传递到网络上的数据。 因为位于CallServerInterceptor拦截器之前
- 可以得到携带请求的Connection对象。 因为在ConnectInterceptor拦截器之后,所以可以得到在ConnectInterceptor中创建的Connection对象。