给定条件:给定预测标签为A=[1 2 1 1 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 1 4];
每一类标签总数为num=[4 4 4 4](这里可以看出总共四类标签,每类标签的样本数为4);
原始标签为:A=[1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4];
function hh = rotateXLabels( ax, angle, varargin )
%rotateXLabels: rotate any xticklabels
% hh = rotateXLabels(ax,angle) rotates all XLabels on axes AX by an angle
% ANGLE (in degrees). Handles to the resulting text objects are returned
% in HH.
% hh = rotateXLabels(ax,angle,param,value,...) also allows one or more
% optional parameters to be specified. Possible parameters are:
% 'MaxStringLength' The maximum length of label to show (default inf)
% Examples:
% >> bar( hsv(5)+0.05 )
% >> days = {'Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday'};
% >> set( gca(), 'XTickLabel', days )
% >> rotateXLabels( gca(), 45 )
% See also: GCA
% BAR% Copyright 2006-2010 The MathWorks Ltd.
% $Revision: 52 $
% $Date: 2010-09-30 11:19:49 +0100 (Thu, 30 Sep 2010) $error( nargchk( 2, inf, nargin ) );
if ~isnumeric( angle ) || ~isscalar( angle )error( 'RotateXLabels:BadAngle', 'Parameter ANGLE must be a scalar angle in degrees' )
angle = mod( angle, 360 );[maxStringLength] = parseInputs( varargin{:} );% Get the existing label texts and clear them
[vals, labels] = findAndClearExistingLabels( ax, maxStringLength );% Create the new label texts
h = createNewLabels( ax, vals, labels, angle );% Reposition the axes itself to leave space for the new labelsrepositionAxes( ax );% If an X-label is present, move it too
repositionXLabel( ax );% Store angle
setappdata( ax, 'RotateXLabelsAngle', angle );% Only send outputs if requested
if nargouthh = h;
end%-------------------------------------------------------------------------%function [maxStringLength] = parseInputs( varargin )% Parse optional inputsmaxStringLength = inf;if nargin > 0params = varargin(1:2:end);values = varargin(2:2:end);if numel( params ) ~= numel( values )error( 'RotateXLabels:BadSyntax', 'Optional arguments must be specified as parameter-value pairs.' );endif any( ~cellfun( 'isclass', params, 'char' ) )error( 'RotateXLabels:BadSyntax', 'Optional argument names must be specified as strings.' );endfor pp=1:numel( params )switch upper( params{pp} )case 'MAXSTRINGLENGTH'maxStringLength = values{pp};otherwiseerror( 'RotateXLabels:BadParam', 'Optional parameter ''%s'' not recognised.', params{pp} );endendendend % parseInputs
%-------------------------------------------------------------------------%function [vals,labels] = findAndClearExistingLabels( ax, maxStringLength )% Get the current tick positions so that we can place our new labelsvals = get( ax, 'XTick' );% Now determine the labels. We look first at for previously rotated labels% since if there are some the actual labels will be empty.ex = findall( ax, 'Tag', 'RotatedXTickLabel' );if isempty( ex )% Store the positions and labelslabels = get( ax, 'XTickLabel' );if isempty( labels )% No labels!returnelseif ~iscell(labels)labels = cellstr(labels);endend% Clear existing labels so that xlabel is in the right positionset( ax, 'XTickLabel', {}, 'XTickMode', 'Manual' );setappdata( ax, 'OriginalXTickLabels', labels );else% Labels have already been rotated, so capture themlabels = getappdata( ax, 'OriginalXTickLabels' );delete(ex);end% Limit the length, if requestedif isfinite( maxStringLength )for ll=1:numel( labels )if length( labels{ll} ) > maxStringLengthlabels{ll} = labels{ll}(1:maxStringLength);endendendend % findAndClearExistingLabels%-------------------------------------------------------------------------%function textLabels = createNewLabels( ax, vals, labels, angle )% Work out the ticklabel positions
% ylim = get(ax,'YLim');
% y = ylim(1);zlim = get(ax,'ZLim');z = zlim(1);% We want to work% in normalised coords, but switch to normalised after setting% position causes positions to be rounded to the nearest pixel.% Instead we can do the calculation by hand.xlim = get( ax, 'XLim' );normVals = (vals-xlim(1))/(xlim(2)-xlim(1));y = 0;% Now create new text objects in similar positions. textLabels = -1*ones( numel( vals ), 1 );for ll=1:numel(vals)textLabels(ll) = text( ...'Units', 'Normalized', ...'Position', [normVals(ll), y, z], ...'String', labels{ll}, ...'Parent', ax, ...'Clipping', 'off', ...'Rotation', angle, ...'Tag', 'RotatedXTickLabel', ...'UserData', vals(ll) );end% Now copy font properties into the textsupdateFont();% Depending on the angle, we may need to change the alignment. We change% alignments within 5 degrees of each 90 degree orientation.if 0 <= angle && angle < 5set( textLabels, 'HorizontalAlignment', 'Center', 'VerticalAlignment', 'Top' );elseif 5 <= angle && angle < 85set( textLabels, 'HorizontalAlignment', 'Right', 'VerticalAlignment', 'Top' );elseif 85 <= angle && angle < 95set( textLabels, 'HorizontalAlignment', 'Right', 'VerticalAlignment', 'Middle' );elseif 95 <= angle && angle < 175set( textLabels, 'HorizontalAlignment', 'Right', 'VerticalAlignment', 'Bottom' );elseif 175 <= angle && angle < 185set( textLabels, 'HorizontalAlignment', 'Center', 'VerticalAlignment', 'Bottom' );elseif 185 <= angle && angle < 265set( textLabels, 'HorizontalAlignment', 'Left', 'VerticalAlignment', 'Bottom' );elseif 265 <= angle && angle < 275set( textLabels, 'HorizontalAlignment', 'Left', 'VerticalAlignment', 'Middle' );elseif 275 <= angle && angle < 355set( textLabels, 'HorizontalAlignment', 'Left', 'VerticalAlignment', 'Top' );else % 355-360set( textLabels, 'HorizontalAlignment', 'Center', 'VerticalAlignment', 'Top' );endend % createNewLabels%-------------------------------------------------------------------------%function repositionAxes( ax )% Reposition the axes so that there's room for the labels% Note that we only do this if the OuterPosition is the thing being% controlledif ~strcmpi( get( ax, 'ActivePositionProperty' ), 'OuterPosition' )return;end% Work out the maximum height required for the labelstextLabels = findall( ax, 'Tag', 'RotatedXTickLabel' );maxHeight = 0;for ii=1:numel(vals)ext = get( textLabels(ii), 'Extent' );if ext(4) > maxHeightmaxHeight = ext(4);endend% Remove listeners while we mess around with things, otherwise we'll% trigger redraws recursivelyremoveListeners( ax );% Change to normalized units for the position calculationoldUnits = get( ax, 'Units' );set( ax, 'Units', 'Normalized' );% Not sure why, but the extent seems to be proportional to the height of the axes.% Correct that now.set( ax, 'ActivePositionProperty', 'Position' );pos = get( ax, 'Position' );axesHeight = pos(4);% Make sure we don't adjust away the axes entirely!heightAdjust = min( (axesHeight*0.9), maxHeight*axesHeight );% Move the axesif isappdata( ax, 'OriginalAxesPosition' )pos = getappdata( ax, 'OriginalAxesPosition' );elsepos = get(ax,'Position');setappdata( ax, 'OriginalAxesPosition', pos );endsetappdata( ax, 'PreviousYLim', get( ax, 'YLim' ) );set( ax, 'Position', pos+[0 heightAdjust 0 -heightAdjust] )set( ax, 'Units', oldUnits );set( ax, 'ActivePositionProperty', 'OuterPosition' );% Make sure we find out if axes properties are changedaddListeners( ax );end % repositionAxes%-------------------------------------------------------------------------%function repositionXLabel( ax )% Try to work out where to put the xlabelremoveListeners( ax );textLabels = findall( ax, 'Tag', 'RotatedXTickLabel' );maxHeight = 0;for ll=1:numel(vals)ext = get( textLabels(ll), 'Extent' );if ext(4) > maxHeightmaxHeight = ext(4);endend% Use the new max extent to move the xlabelxlab = get(ax,'XLabel');set( xlab, 'Units', 'Normalized', 'Position', [0.5 -maxHeight 0] );addListeners( ax );end % repositionXLabel%-------------------------------------------------------------------------%function updateFont()% Update the rotated text fonts when the axes font changesproperties = {'FontName''FontSize''FontAngle''FontWeight''FontUnits'};propertyValues = get( ax, properties );textLabels = findall( ax, 'Tag', 'RotatedXTickLabel' );set( textLabels, properties, propertyValues );end % updateFont%-------------------------------------------------------------------------%function onAxesFontChanged()updateFont();repositionAxes( ax );repositionXLabel( ax );end % onAxesFontChanged%-------------------------------------------------------------------------%function onAxesPositionChanged()% We need to accept the new position, so remove the appdata before% redrawingif isappdata( ax, 'OriginalAxesPosition' )rmappdata( ax, 'OriginalAxesPosition' );endif isappdata( ax, 'OriginalXLabelPosition' )rmappdata( ax, 'OriginalXLabelPosition' );endrepositionAxes( ax );repositionXLabel( ax );end % onAxesPositionChanged%-------------------------------------------------------------------------%function onAxesLimitsChanged()% The limits have moved, so make sure the labels are still oktextLabels = findall( ax, 'Tag', 'RotatedXTickLabel' );xlim = get( ax, 'XLim' );for tt=1:numel( textLabels )xval = get( textLabels(tt), 'UserData' );pos(1) = (xval-xlim(1)) / (xlim(2)-xlim(1));pos(2) = 0;% If the tick is off the edge, make it invisibleif xval<xlim(1) || xval>xlim(2)set( textLabels(tt), 'Visible', 'off', 'Position', pos )elseif ~strcmpi( get( textLabels(tt), 'Visible' ), 'on' )set( textLabels(tt), 'Visible', 'on', 'Position', pos )else% Just set the positionset( textLabels(tt), 'Position', pos );endendrepositionXLabel( ax );% xlab = get(ax,'XLabel');
% if ~strcmpi( get( xlab, 'Units' ), 'Data' )
% set( xlab, 'Units', 'data' );
% end
% pos = get( xlab, 'Position' );
% orig_yrange = diff( orig_ylim );
% new_yrange = diff( ylim );
% offset = (pos(2)-orig_ylim(1)) / orig_yrange;
% pos(2) = offset * new_yrange + ylim(1);
% pos(1) = mean( xlim );
% set( xlab, 'Position', pos );
% setappdata( ax, 'PreviousYLim', ylim );end % onAxesPositionChanged%-------------------------------------------------------------------------%function addListeners( ax )% Create listeners. We store the array of listeners in the axes to make% sure that they have the same life-span as the axes they are listening to.axh = handle( ax );listeners = [handle.listener( axh, findprop( axh, 'FontName' ), 'PropertyPostSet', @onAxesFontChanged )handle.listener( axh, findprop( axh, 'FontSize' ), 'PropertyPostSet', @onAxesFontChanged )handle.listener( axh, findprop( axh, 'FontWeight' ), 'PropertyPostSet', @onAxesFontChanged )handle.listener( axh, findprop( axh, 'FontAngle' ), 'PropertyPostSet', @onAxesFontChanged )handle.listener( axh, findprop( axh, 'FontUnits' ), 'PropertyPostSet', @onAxesFontChanged )handle.listener( axh, findprop( axh, 'OuterPosition' ), 'PropertyPostSet', @onAxesPositionChanged )handle.listener( axh, findprop( axh, 'XLim' ), 'PropertyPostSet', @onAxesLimitsChanged )handle.listener( axh, findprop( axh, 'YLim' ), 'PropertyPostSet', @onAxesLimitsChanged )];setappdata( ax, 'RotateXLabelsListeners', listeners );end % addListeners%-------------------------------------------------------------------------%function removeListeners( ax )% Rempove any property listeners whilst we are fiddling with the axesif isappdata( ax, 'RotateXLabelsListeners' )delete( getappdata( ax, 'RotateXLabelsListeners' ) );rmappdata( ax, 'RotateXLabelsListeners' );endend % removeListenersend % EOF
function draw_cm(mat,tick,num_class)
% Matlab code for visualization of confusion matrix;
% Parameters:mat: confusion matrix;
% tick: name of each class, e.g. 'class_1' 'class_2'...
% num_class: number of class
% Author: Page( 丕子)
% Blog: www.shamoxia.com;
% QQ:379115886;
% Email: peegeelee@gmail.com
imagesc(1:num_class,1:num_class,mat); %# in color
colormap(flipud(gray)); %# for gray; black for large value.textStrings = num2str(mat(:),'%0.2f');
textStrings = strtrim(cellstr(textStrings));
[x,y] = meshgrid(1:num_class);
hStrings = text(x(:),y(:),textStrings(:), 'HorizontalAlignment','center');
midValue = mean(get(gca,'CLim'));
textColors = repmat(mat(:) > midValue,1,3);
set(hStrings,{'Color'},num2cell(textColors,2)); %# Change the text colorsset(gca,'xticklabel',tick,'XAxisLocation','top');
set(gca, 'XTick', 1:num_class, 'YTick', 1:num_class);
rotateXLabels(gca, 315 );% rotate the x tick
function [confusion_matrix]=compute_confusion_matrix(predict_label,num_in_class,name_class)%预测标签,每一类的数目,类别数目
num_in_class=[0 num_in_class];
confusion_matrix=size(num_class,num_class);for ci=1:num_classfor cj=1:num_classsummer=0;%统计对应标签个数c_start=sum(num_in_class(1:ci))+1;c_end=sum(num_in_class(1:ci+1));summer=size(find(predict_label(c_start:c_end)==cj),2);confusion_matrix(ci,cj)=summer/num_in_class(ci+1);end
A=[1 2 1 1 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 1 4];
num=[4 4 4 4];