





if (sizeof(response_R) >= 13 && response_R[0] == 0x77 && response_R[1] == 0x10)//&& response[3] == 0x84)
{//x轴int hexValues[] = { response_R[5] & 0xFF, response_R[6] & 0xFF, response_R[7] & 0xFF };int numValues = sizeof(hexValues) / sizeof(hexValues[0]);std::stringstream ss;ss << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << std::hex << hexValues[0];//std::cout << "String representation: " << numValues << std::endl;for (int i = 1; i < numValues; i++) {ss << "." << std::setw(2) << std::hex << hexValues[i];}std::string resultString = ss.str();std::cout << "X轴 String representation: " << resultString << std::endl;std::string inputString = resultString;std::string outputString;size_t firstDotIndex = inputString.find('.');size_t secondDotIndex = inputString.find('.', firstDotIndex + 1);if (firstDotIndex != std::string::npos && secondDotIndex != std::string::npos) {outputString = inputString.substr(0, secondDotIndex) + inputString.substr(secondDotIndex + 1);}else {outputString = inputString;}double resultDouble = std::stod(outputString);if (response_R[4] == 0x00){Sensor_Angle_RX0 = resultDouble;}else{Sensor_Angle_RX0 = -resultDouble;}std::cout << "x轴角度" << std::fixed << std::setprecision(4) << resultDouble << std::endl;//Y轴int hexValues1[] = { response_R[9] & 0xFF, response_R[10] & 0xFF, response_R[11] & 0xFF };int numValues1 = sizeof(hexValues1) / sizeof(hexValues1[0]);// Convert hexadecimal values to a string "01.0102"std::stringstream ss1;ss1 << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << std::hex << hexValues1[0];std::cout << "String representation: " << numValues << std::endl;for (int i = 1; i < numValues1; i++) {ss1 << "." << std::setw(2) << std::hex << hexValues1[i];}std::string resultString1 = ss1.str();//std::cout << "Y轴 String representation: " << resultString1 << std::endl;std::string inputString1 = resultString1;std::string outputString1;size_t firstDotIndex1 = inputString1.find('.');size_t secondDotIndex1 = inputString1.find('.', firstDotIndex1 + 1);if (firstDotIndex1 != std::string::npos && secondDotIndex1 != std::string::npos) {outputString1 = inputString1.substr(0, secondDotIndex1) + inputString1.substr(secondDotIndex1 + 1);}else {outputString1 = inputString1;}double resultDouble1 = std::stod(outputString1);if (response_R[8] == 0x00){Sensor_Angle_RY0 = resultDouble1;}else{Sensor_Angle_RY0 = -resultDouble1;}std::cout << "y轴: " << std::fixed << std::setprecision(4) << resultDouble1 << std::endl;}


如上所示的发送命令:默认为77 05 00 0B 02 12,如果要是想要变为115200,那么就是需要发送数据为77 06 00 0B 04 14注意校验和的存在。


#include <Windows.h>
#include <sstream> 
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#include <thread>
#include <Windows.h>int main() {HANDLE hSerial;DCB dcbSerialParams = { 0 };COMMTIMEOUTS timeouts = { 0 };DWORD bytesRead, bytesWritten, bytesWritten1, bytesWritten2, bytesWritten3, response_R1;char command_R[] = { 0x77, 0x04, 0x00, 0x04, 0x08 };//读X、Y轴角度 发送命令: 77 04 00 04 08char response_R[18] = { 18 };double Sensor_Angle_RX0;double Sensor_Angle_RY0;// 设置角度输出频率模式  77 05 00 0C 06(100Hz 05 50Hz 04 25Hz) 11 100Hz char command_R1[] = { 0x77, 0x05, 0x00, 0x0C, 0x04, 0x11 };//25Hz// 发送命令: 77 05 00 0B 04(115200 03 19200 02 9600) 12 115200  2 char command_R2[] = { 0x77, 0x05, 0x00, 0x0B, 0x02, 0x12 };// 保存设置命令: 77 04 00 0A 0E char command_R3[] = { 0x77, 0x04, 0x00, 0x0A, 0x0E };char dataReceived[100];wchar_t portName[] = L"\\\\.\\COM11"; // Note the 'L' before the stringhSerial = CreateFile(portName, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL);if (hSerial == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {if (GetLastError() == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) {std::cout << "Serial port not available." << std::endl;}return 1;}dcbSerialParams.DCBlength = sizeof(dcbSerialParams);if (!GetCommState(hSerial, &dcbSerialParams)) {std::cout << "Error getting serial port state." << std::endl;CloseHandle(hSerial);return 1;}dcbSerialParams.BaudRate = CBR_9600;dcbSerialParams.ByteSize = 8;dcbSerialParams.StopBits = ONESTOPBIT;dcbSerialParams.Parity = NOPARITY;if (!SetCommState(hSerial, &dcbSerialParams)) {std::cout << "Error setting serial port state." << std::endl;CloseHandle(hSerial);return 1;}timeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout = 50;timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = 50;timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 10;timeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant = 50;timeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 10;if (!SetCommTimeouts(hSerial, &timeouts)) {std::cout << "Error setting timeouts." << std::endl;CloseHandle(hSerial);return 1;}if (!WriteFile(hSerial, command_R1, sizeof(command_R1), &bytesWritten1, NULL)) {std::cout << "Error writing to serial port." << std::endl;CloseHandle(hSerial);return 1;}//std::cout << "Data sent successfully." << std::endl;/*if (!ReadFile(hSerial, dataReceived, sizeof(dataReceived), &bytesRead, NULL)) {std::cout << "Error reading from serial port." << std::endl;CloseHandle(hSerial);return 1;}if (!WriteFile(hSerial, command_R2, sizeof(command_R2), &bytesWritten2, NULL)) {std::cout << "Error writing to serial port." << std::endl;CloseHandle(hSerial);return 1;}if (!ReadFile(hSerial, dataReceived, sizeof(dataReceived), &bytesRead, NULL)) {std::cout << "Error reading from serial port." << std::endl;CloseHandle(hSerial);return 1;}if (!WriteFile(hSerial, command_R3, sizeof(command_R3), &bytesWritten3, NULL)) {std::cout << "Error writing to serial port." << std::endl;CloseHandle(hSerial);return 1;}int i = 0;while (1){for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(response_R); i++) {printf("%02X ", response_R[i]);}std::cout << std::endl;std::cout << i++ << response_R<< std::endl;/*//右倾角传感器if (sizeof(response_R) >= 13 && response_R[0] == 0x77 && response_R[1] == 0x10)//&& response[3] == 0x84){*///x轴// Given hexadecimal valuesint hexValues[] = { response_R[5] & 0xFF, response_R[6] & 0xFF, response_R[7] & 0xFF };int numValues = sizeof(hexValues) / sizeof(hexValues[0]);// Convert hexadecimal values to a string "01.0102"std::stringstream ss;ss << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << std::hex << hexValues[0];//std::cout << "String representation: " << numValues << std::endl;for (int i = 1; i < numValues; i++) {ss << "." << std::setw(2) << std::hex << hexValues[i];}std::string resultString = ss.str();//std::cout << "X轴 String representation: " << resultString << std::endl;std::string inputString = resultString;std::string outputString;size_t firstDotIndex = inputString.find('.');size_t secondDotIndex = inputString.find('.', firstDotIndex + 1);if (firstDotIndex != std::string::npos && secondDotIndex != std::string::npos) {outputString = inputString.substr(0, secondDotIndex) + inputString.substr(secondDotIndex + 1);}else {outputString = inputString;}// Convert the string "01.0102" to double 01.0102double resultDouble = std::stod(outputString);if (response_R[4] == 0x00){Sensor_Angle_RX0 = resultDouble;}else{Sensor_Angle_RX0 = -resultDouble;}std::cout << "x轴角度" << std::fixed << std::setprecision(4) << resultDouble << std::endl;//Y轴int hexValues1[] = { response_R[9] & 0xFF, response_R[10] & 0xFF, response_R[11] & 0xFF };int numValues1 = sizeof(hexValues1) / sizeof(hexValues1[0]);std::stringstream ss1;ss1 << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << std::hex << hexValues1[0];//std::cout << "String representation: " << numValues << std::endl;for (int i = 1; i < numValues1; i++) {ss1 << "." << std::setw(2) << std::hex << hexValues1[i];}std::string resultString1 = ss1.str();std::string inputString1 = resultString1;std::string outputString1;size_t firstDotIndex1 = inputString1.find('.');size_t secondDotIndex1 = inputString1.find('.', firstDotIndex1 + 1);if (firstDotIndex1 != std::string::npos && secondDotIndex1 != std::string::npos) {outputString1 = inputString1.substr(0, secondDotIndex1) + inputString1.substr(secondDotIndex1 + 1);}else {outputString1 = inputString1;}double resultDouble1 = std::stod(outputString1);if (response_R[8] == 0x00){Sensor_Angle_RY0 = resultDouble1;}else{Sensor_Angle_RY0 = -resultDouble1;}std::cout << "y轴: " << std::fixed << std::setprecision(4) << resultDouble1 << std::endl;}getchar();CloseHandle(hSerial);return 0;


if (sizeof(response_R) >= 13 && response_R[0] == 0x77 && response_R[1] == 0x10)//&& response[3] == 0x84){//x轴int hexValues[] = { response_R[5] & 0xFF, response_R[6] & 0xFF, response_R[7] & 0xFF };int numValues = sizeof(hexValues) / sizeof(hexValues[0]);// Convert hexadecimal values to a string "01.0102"std::stringstream ss;ss << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << std::hex << hexValues[0];//std::cout << "String representation: " << numValues << std::endl;for (int i = 1; i < numValues; i++) {ss << "." << std::setw(2) << std::hex << hexValues[i];}std::string resultString = ss.str();//std::cout << "X轴 String representation: " << resultString << std::endl;std::string inputString = resultString;std::string outputString;size_t firstDotIndex = inputString.find('.');size_t secondDotIndex = inputString.find('.', firstDotIndex + 1);if (firstDotIndex != std::string::npos && secondDotIndex != std::string::npos) {outputString = inputString.substr(0, secondDotIndex) + inputString.substr(secondDotIndex + 1);}else {outputString = inputString;}double resultDouble = std::stod(outputString);if (response_R[4] == 0x00){Sensor_Angle_RX0 = resultDouble;}else{Sensor_Angle_RX0 = -resultDouble;}std::cout << "x轴角度" << std::fixed << std::setprecision(4) << resultDouble << std::endl;//Y轴int hexValues1[] = { response_R[9] & 0xFF, response_R[10] & 0xFF, response_R[11] & 0xFF };int numValues1 = sizeof(hexValues1) / sizeof(hexValues1[0]);std::stringstream ss1;ss1 << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << std::hex << hexValues1[0];//std::cout << "String representation: " << numValues << std::endl;for (int i = 1; i < numValues1; i++) {ss1 << "." << std::setw(2) << std::hex << hexValues1[i];}std::string resultString1 = ss1.str();std::string inputString1 = resultString1;std::string outputString1;size_t firstDotIndex1 = inputString1.find('.');size_t secondDotIndex1 = inputString1.find('.', firstDotIndex1 + 1);if (firstDotIndex1 != std::string::npos && secondDotIndex1 != std::string::npos) {outputString1 = inputString1.substr(0, secondDotIndex1) + inputString1.substr(secondDotIndex1 + 1);}else {outputString1 = inputString1;}// Convert the string "01.0102" to double 01.0102double resultDouble1 = std::stod(outputString1);if (response_R[8] == 0x00){Sensor_Angle_RY0 = resultDouble1;}else{Sensor_Angle_RY0 = -resultDouble1;}std::cout << "y轴: " << std::fixed << std::setprecision(4) << resultDouble1 << std::endl;



for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(response_R); i++) {printf("%02X ", response_R[i]);}


真正想用的的数据是0x77 0x10 0x00数据之后的,也就是尽量是要求每一帧的数据都是这个情况,由于设置了自动输出的频率为25Hz,所以你读取相应的response是不知道在哪一个时刻开始的,需要进行相应的频率进行设置。



#include <Windows.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#include <thread>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <iostream>#include <iomanip>
double convertStringToDouble(const std::string& str) {double result;std::istringstream stream(str);stream >> result;return result;
int main() {HANDLE hSerial;DCB dcbSerialParams = { 0 };COMMTIMEOUTS timeouts = { 0 };DWORD bytesRead, bytesWritten, bytesWritten1, bytesWritten2, bytesWritten3, response_R1;char command_R[] = { 0x77, 0x04, 0x00, 0x04, 0x08 };//读X、Y轴角度 发送命令: 77 04 00 04 08char response_R[18] = { 18 };double Sensor_Angle_RX0;double Sensor_Angle_RY0;// 设置角度输出频率模式  77 05 00 0C 06(100Hz 05 50Hz 04 25Hz) 11 100Hz char command_R1[] = { 0x77, 0x05, 0x00, 0x0C, 0x00, 0x11 };//25Hz// 发送命令: 77 05 00 0B 04(115200 03 19200 02 9600) 12 115200  2 char command_R2[] = { 0x77, 0x05, 0x00, 0x0B, 0x02, 0x12 };// 保存设置命令: 77 04 00 0A 0E char command_R3[] = { 0x77, 0x04, 0x00, 0x0A, 0x0E };char dataReceived[20];wchar_t portName[] = L"\\\\.\\COM10"; // Note the 'L' before the stringhSerial = CreateFile(portName, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL);if (hSerial == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {if (GetLastError() == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) {std::cout << "Serial port not available." << std::endl;}return 1;}dcbSerialParams.DCBlength = sizeof(dcbSerialParams);if (!GetCommState(hSerial, &dcbSerialParams)) {std::cout << "Error getting serial port state." << std::endl;CloseHandle(hSerial);return 1;}dcbSerialParams.BaudRate = CBR_9600;dcbSerialParams.ByteSize = 8;dcbSerialParams.StopBits = ONESTOPBIT;dcbSerialParams.Parity = NOPARITY;if (!SetCommState(hSerial, &dcbSerialParams)) {std::cout << "Error setting serial port state." << std::endl;CloseHandle(hSerial);return 1;}timeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout = 500;timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = 500;timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 100;timeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant = 500;timeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 100;if (!SetCommTimeouts(hSerial, &timeouts)) {std::cout << "Error setting timeouts." << std::endl;CloseHandle(hSerial);return 1;}if (!WriteFile(hSerial, command_R1, sizeof(command_R1), &bytesWritten1, NULL)) {std::cout << "Error writing to serial port." << std::endl;CloseHandle(hSerial);return 1;}std::cout << "输出频率 " << std::endl;if (!ReadFile(hSerial, dataReceived, sizeof(dataReceived), &bytesRead, NULL)) {std::cout << "Error reading from serial port." << std::endl;CloseHandle(hSerial);return 1;}for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(dataReceived); i++) {printf("%02X ", dataReceived[i]);}if (!WriteFile(hSerial, command_R2, sizeof(command_R2), &bytesWritten2, NULL)) {std::cout << "Error writing to serial port." << std::endl;CloseHandle(hSerial);return 1;}std::cout << " 发送命令" << std::endl;if (!ReadFile(hSerial, dataReceived, sizeof(dataReceived), &bytesRead, NULL)) {std::cout << "Error reading from serial port." << std::endl;CloseHandle(hSerial);return 1;}for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(dataReceived); i++) {printf("%02X ", dataReceived[i]);}if (!WriteFile(hSerial, command_R3, sizeof(command_R3), &bytesWritten3, NULL)) {std::cout << "Error writing to serial port." << std::endl;CloseHandle(hSerial);return 1;}if (!ReadFile(hSerial, dataReceived, sizeof(dataReceived), &bytesRead, NULL)) {std::cout << "Error reading from serial port." << std::endl;CloseHandle(hSerial);return 1;}std::cout << "保存设置 " << std::endl;for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(dataReceived); i++) {printf("%02X ", dataReceived[i]);}std::cout << " " << std::endl;std::cout << "开始采集 " << std::endl;int i = 0;while (1){if (!WriteFile(hSerial, command_R, sizeof(command_R), &bytesWritten, NULL)) {std::cout << "Error writing to serial port." << std::endl;CloseHandle(hSerial);return 1;}if (!ReadFile(hSerial, response_R, sizeof(response_R), &response_R1, NULL)) {std::cout << "Error reading from serial port." << std::endl;//CloseHandle(hSerial);//return 1;}std::cout << i++ << std::endl;for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(response_R); i++) {printf("%02X ", response_R[i]);}std::cout << std::endl;/*//右倾角传感器if (sizeof(response_R) >= 13 && response_R[0] == 0x77 && response_R[1] == 0x10)//&& response[3] == 0x84){*///x轴int hexValues[] = { response_R[5] & 0xFF, response_R[6] & 0xFF, response_R[7] & 0xFF };int numValues = sizeof(hexValues) / sizeof(hexValues[0]);std::stringstream ss;ss << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << std::hex << hexValues[0];//std::cout << "String representation: " << numValues << std::endl;for (int i = 1; i < numValues; i++) {ss << "." << std::setw(2) << std::hex << hexValues[i];}std::string resultString = ss.str();std::string inputString = resultString;std::string outputString;size_t firstDotIndex = inputString.find('.');size_t secondDotIndex = inputString.find('.', firstDotIndex + 1);if (firstDotIndex != std::string::npos && secondDotIndex != std::string::npos) {outputString = inputString.substr(0, secondDotIndex) + inputString.substr(secondDotIndex + 1);}else {outputString = inputString;}double resultDouble = std::stod(outputString);if (response_R[4] == 0x00){Sensor_Angle_RX0 = resultDouble;}else{Sensor_Angle_RX0 = -resultDouble;}std::cout << "x轴角度" << std::fixed << std::setprecision(4) << resultDouble << std::endl;//Y轴int hexValues1[] = { response_R[9] & 0xFF, response_R[10] & 0xFF, response_R[11] & 0xFF };int numValues1 = sizeof(hexValues1) / sizeof(hexValues1[0]);std::stringstream ss1;ss1 << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << std::hex << hexValues1[0];//std::cout << "String representation: " << numValues << std::endl;for (int i = 1; i < numValues1; i++) {ss1 << "." << std::setw(2) << std::hex << hexValues1[i];}std::string resultString1 = ss1.str();std::string inputString1 = resultString1;std::string outputString1;size_t firstDotIndex1 = inputString1.find('.');size_t secondDotIndex1 = inputString1.find('.', firstDotIndex1 + 1);if (firstDotIndex1 != std::string::npos && secondDotIndex1 != std::string::npos) {outputString1 = inputString1.substr(0, secondDotIndex1) + inputString1.substr(secondDotIndex1 + 1);}else {outputString1 = inputString1;}double resultDouble1 = std::stod(outputString1);if (response_R[8] == 0x00){Sensor_Angle_RY0 = resultDouble1;}else{Sensor_Angle_RY0 = -resultDouble1;}std::cout << "y轴: " << std::fixed << std::setprecision(4) << resultDouble1 << std::endl;std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(400));}getchar();CloseHandle(hSerial);return 0;



















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目录 前言一、SG90舵机是什么&#xff1f;参数介绍工作原理 二、与舵机信号线的接线图三、给树莓派Pico注入灵魂&#xff08;代码&#xff09;总结 前言 这价格便宜的树莓派Pico总觉得应该拿来做点什么&#xff0c;它总不能只用来点亮几个灯就没别的用途了吧&#xff0c;所以就…

C++ Qt开发:Charts绘图组件概述

Qt 是一个跨平台C图形界面开发库&#xff0c;利用Qt可以快速开发跨平台窗体应用程序&#xff0c;在Qt中我们可以通过拖拽的方式将不同组件放到指定的位置&#xff0c;实现图形化开发极大的方便了开发效率&#xff0c;本章将重点介绍QCharts二维绘图组件的常用方法及灵活运用。 …

Redis 6 性能大揭秘:如何优化缓存命中率?

Redis 6的性能优化&#xff0c;特别是关于如何优化缓存命中率。 这篇文章会包含10个代码示例&#xff0c;帮助深入理解和应用相关的技巧 1、 监控缓存命中率 在优化之前&#xff0c;首先要了解当前的缓存命中率。Redis提供了INFO命令来查看性能指标&#xff0c;包括命中率。…


NVMe介绍 1 概述2 操作原理2.1 Queue基本原理2.2 Admin与I/O Queue2.3 Submission与Completion Queue2.4 Submission与Completion Queue对应关系 3 多路径I/O和命名空间共享3.1 1Port1Controller3.2 1Port2Controller3.3 2Port2Controller3.4 SR-IOV 本文属于《 NVMe协议基础系…


业务场景&#xff1a;1、tooltip的背景需要渐变色&#xff0c;写 html 标签&#xff0c; 2、饼图内部的百分比需要保留整数 &#xff0c;使用formatter&#xff0c; export function genChartPieOption(pieData) {const res {replaceMerge: [series,], // 解决刷新之后y轴丢失…