
北京云邦网站建设,济南网站建设制作,网站改版对seo,做网站哪家公司可靠52天学完小猪佩奇--day26 ​【本文说明】 本文内容来源于对B站UP 脑洞部长 的系列视频 挑战52天背完小猪佩奇----day26 的视频内容总结,方便复习。强烈建议大家去关注一波UP,配合UP视频学习。 day26的主题:堆雪人 猜台词: 旁白&am…


本文内容来源于对B站UP 脑洞部长 的系列视频 挑战52天背完小猪佩奇----day26 的视频内容总结,方便复习。强烈建议大家去关注一波UP,配合UP视频学习。


旁白:Peppa and George are very happy. It’s snowing outside.
佩奇:Mummy, can we go play in the snow?
妈妈:Yes, but it’s very cold outside. You must wear more clothes.
爸爸:Don’t forget wear the sweaters and 手套s.
旁白:It’s so cold outside. Peppa must wear the sweaters and 手套s.
旁白:Peppa and George skip in snowing. Peppa and George love skiping in snow very much.
佩奇:It’s not funny!

旁白:Peppa and George are very excited today. It’s snowing outside.
佩奇:Mummy, can we go play in the snow?
妈妈:Ok, but it’s so cold outside. You must wear more.
爸爸:And don’t forget to wear your hats and scarves and gloves.
旁白:It’s very cold outside. Peppa and George must wear their hats and scarves and gloves.
旁白:Peppa and George are making footprints in the snow. Peppa and George love to make footprints in the snow.
佩奇:It’s not funny!


  • 玩某个东西可以说:play with sth.
    • play with this ball
    • play with the new toy
    • play in the snow 玩雪,就是在雪里玩
  • 我们可以去玩雪吗?
    • Can we go to play in the snow?
    • Can we go and play in the snow?
    • Can we go play in the snow?(更常用)
      • 咱们去看个电影。Let’s go see a movie.
      • 咱们去吃饭吧。Let’s go eat.
      • 去买点牛肉干。Go buy some beef jerky.
      • 我周末可能去看我姑姑。I might go visit my aunt this weekend.
  • 一点也不好笑!It’s not funny!
  • get, put, make, have 很多动词都可以用这几个词。
    • 挂照片摆照片,贴照片,放照片,都可以用 put

hat n.帽子
scarf n.围巾
glove n.手套
excited a.激动的;兴奋的
footprint n.足迹,脚印


佩奇:George, we play with snowball.
旁白:Peppa made a snowball.
旁白:Peppa and George are playing very happily.
佩奇:Come back quickly. Little pig.
旁白:Oh, dear. Maybe this game has been out of thinking.
佩奇:Sorry, George!

佩奇:George, Let’s play a snowballs.
旁白:Peppa made a snowball.
旁白:Peppa and George are playing very happily.
佩奇:George, come back. You little pig.
旁白:Oh, dear. Maybe this game is getting a little too rough.
佩奇:Sorry, George!


  • snowballs 这里指的是游戏,而不是一个具体的球,所以不用 with.

snowable n.雪球

佩奇:Let’s make a snowman.
旁白:Peppa and George is making a snowman. First, they make the snowman’s body.
佩奇:George, this is the snowman’s body.
旁白:Now, they is making the snowman’s head.
佩奇:Now, he needs arms, eyes and mouth.
旁白:George finds some sticker as snowman’s arms. And Peppa finds some stones as snowman’s eyes and mouth.

佩奇:It’s his face. Now, the snowman need a noise.
旁白:Peppa finds a caroot as the snowman’s noise. The snowman looks very happy. But he seems to be a bit cold.
佩奇:The snowman needs some clothes to keep warm.
旁白:George finds some clothes to keep the snowman warm.
旁白:The snowman wear his hat and scarf and gloves.

佩奇:Let’s build a snowman.
旁白:Peppa and George are building a snowman. First, they make the snowman’s body.
佩奇:George, this is the snowman’s body.
旁白:Now, they make the snowman’s head.
佩奇:Now, he needs arms and eyes and a mouth.
旁白:George has found some sticks to make the snowman’s arms. And Peppa has found some stones to make the snowman’s eyes and mouth.
佩奇:This is his face. Now, the snowman needs a nose.
旁白:Peppa has got a carrot to make the snowman’s nose. The snowman looks very happy. But maybe he is a bit cold.
佩奇:The snowman needs some clothes to keep him warm.
旁白:George has found some clothes to keep the snowman nice and warm.
旁白:The snowman is wearing his hat and scarf and gloves.


  • 堆雪人,用 build / make a snowman
  • 形容别人穿着什么,就用现在进行时

佩奇:Mummy, Daddy, come and look.
旁白:Mummy is wearing her hat and scarf and gloves.
妈妈:This is the best snowman I saw.
旁白:Daddy Pig looks very cold. He doesn’t wear his hat and scarf and gloves.
佩奇:Daddy, why don’t you wear your hat and scarf and gloves?
爸爸:I don’t know where they are. I can’t find them anywhere.
妈妈:I know where they are.
旁白:Daddy’s hat and scarf and gloves are on the snowman body.

佩奇:Mummy, Daddy, come and look.
旁白:Mummy Pig is wearing her hat and scarf and gloves.
妈妈:That is the best snowman I have ever seen.
旁白:Daddy Pig looks quite cold. He isn’t wearing his hat and scarf and gloves.
佩奇:Daddy, why aren’t you wearing your hat and scarf and gloves?
爸爸:I don’t know where they are. I can’t find them anywhere.
妈妈:I know where they are.
旁白:Daddy Pig’s hat and scarf and gloves are on the snowman body.


  • 喊别人看东西,come and look / come see / come look
  • 这是我听过最好听的歌!This is the best song I have ever heard!
  • 这是有史以来最好听的歌!This is the best song ever!
    • 加了 ever 是起到强调的作用。





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