
1 窗口函数语法

分析函数/专用窗口函数 over(partition by 列名 order by 列名 rows between 开始位置 and







over(partition by 列名 order by 列名 rows between 开始位置 and 结束位置)

partition by


案例 01:对窗口中的数据求和,并把求和结果分别分发到对应窗口的每一条数据中

with temp as(
select 'A' as col1,1 as col2
union all 
select 'A' as col1,1 as col2
union all 
select 'B' as col1,1 as col2
,sum(col2) over(partition by col1) as '对窗口中的数据求和'
from temp
col     对窗口中的数据求和
A       2
A       2
B       1

案例 02:对整体数据求和,并把求和结果分发到每一条数据中

with temp as(
select 'A' as col1,1 as col2
union all 
select 'A' as col1,1 as col2
union all 
select 'B' as col1,1 as col2
,sum(col2) over() as '对整体数据求和'
from temp
col     对整体数据求和
A       3
A       3
B       3

order by

order by 与 partition by 连用的时候,可以对各个分组内的数据,按照指定的字段进行排序。如果没有 partition by 指定分组字段,那么会对全局的数据进行排序。

案例 01:对数据进行全局排序

with temp as(
select 'A' as col1,1 as col2
union all 
select 'C' as col1,1 as col2
union all 
select 'B' as col1,1 as col2
)select col1,row_number() over(order by col1 desc) as 排序 from temp
col1     排序 
C        1
C        2
B        3
A        4

案例 02:当排序的维度不存在重复的情况下,即 order by 指定的字段,使用 order by + 分析函数 sum(),可以产生求整体累计数的效果。

with temp_01 as(
select 'A' as col1,1 as col2
union all 
select 'D' as col1,1 as col2
union all 
select 'C' as col1,1 as col2
union all 
select 'B' as col1,1 as col2
)select col1,sum(col2) over(order by col1) as 求累计 from temp_01
col1    求累计
A       1
B       2
C       3
D       4

但是当 order by 指定的字段,数据存在重复的时候,会在不重复的数据中产生累计效果,重复的数据中,会把整体的累计结果分发到每条重复的数据中。

with temp_02 as(
select 'A' as col1,1 as col2
union all 
select 'C' as col1,1 as col2
union all 
select 'C' as col1,1 as col2
union all 
select 'B' as col1,1 as col2
)select col1,sum(col2) over(order by col1) as 求累计 from temp_02
col1    求累计
A       1
B       2
C       4
C       4

案例 03:当排序的维度不存在重复的情况下,即 order by 指定的字段,parition by 与 order by 连用,并使用分析函数 sum() ,可以产生求窗口中累计数的效果。

with temp_01 as(
select 'A' as col1,'b' as col2,1 as col3
union all 
select 'A' as col1,'a' as col2,1 as col3
union all 
select 'C' as col1,'a' as col2,1 as col3
union all 
select 'C' as col1,'b' as col2,1 as col3
)select col1,sum(col3) over(partition by col1 order by col1,col2) as 求累计 from temp_01
col1     求累计
A        1
A        2
C        1
C        2

但是当 order by 指定的字段组合,数据存在重复的时候,会在不重复的数据中产生累计效果,而重复的数据中,也是会把整体的累计结果分发到每条重复的数据中,如下,用 col1 和 col2 排序。

with temp_02 as(
select 'A' as col1,'b' as col2,1 as col3
union all 
select 'A' as col1,'a' as col2,1 as col3
union all 
select 'C' as col1,'a' as col2,1 as col3
union all 
select 'C' as col1,'a' as col2,1 as col3
)select col1,sum(col3) over(partition by col1 order by col1,col2) as 求累计 from temp_02
col1     求累计
A        1
A        2
C        2
C        2

rows between 开始位置 and 结束位置

rows between 是用来划分窗口中,函数发挥作用的数据范围。我们用如下例子加深 rows between 的理解。


rows between 常用的参数如下:

① n preceding:往前

② n following:往后

③ current row:当前行

④ unbounded:起点(一般结合preceding,following使用)

a. unbounded preceding:表示该窗口最前面的行(起点) b. unbounded


rows between unbounded preceding and current row(表示从起点到当前行的数据进行) rows
between current row and unbounded following(表示当前行到终点的数据进行) rows
between unbounded preceding and unbounded following (表示起点到终点的数据) rows
between 1 preceding and 1 following(表示往前1行到往后1行的数据) rows between 1
preceding and current row(表示往前1行到当前行)

rows between unbounded preceding and current row与 partition by 、order by 连用,可以产生对窗口中的数据求累计数的效果。

with temp as(
select 'A' as col1,1 as col2
union all 
select 'A' as col1,1 as col2
union all 
select 'B' as col1,1 as col2
,sum(col2) over(partition by col1 order by col2 desc rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as '对窗口中的数据求和'
from temp
col1     对窗口中的数据求和
A        1
A        2
B        1
  1. 排序窗口函数
    2.1 排序并产生自增编号,自增编号不重复且连续
    我们可以使用函数:row_number() over()


col1                             ranks
a            1
b              2
b              3
b              4
c              5
d              6具体语法如下:> row_number() over(partition by 列名 order by 列名 rows between 开始位置 and
> 结束位置)案例如下:>with temp as(
select 'a' as col1
union all 
select 'b' as col1
union all 
select 'b' as col1
union all 
select 'b' as col1
union all 
select 'c' as col1
union all 
select 'd' as col1
>select col1,row_number() over(order by col1) as ranks from temp
col1     rank
a        1
b        2
b        3
b        4
c        5
d        6

2.2 排序并产生自增编号,自增编号会重复且不连续
我们可以使用函数:rank() over()


col1     ranks
a        1
b        2
b        2
b        2
c        5
d        6


rank() over(partition by 列名 order by 列名 rows between 开始位置 and 结束位置)


with temp as(
select 'a' as col1
union all 
select 'b' as col1
union all 
select 'b' as col1
union all 
select 'b' as col1
union all 
select 'c' as col1
union all 
select 'd' as col1
)select col1,rank() over(order by col1) as ranks from temp
col1     rank
a        1
b        2
b        2
b        2
c        5
d        6

2.3 排序并产生自增编号,自增编号会重复且连续
我们可以使用函数:dense_rank() over()


col1     ranks
a        1
b        2
b        2
b        2
c        3
d        4


dense_rank() over(partition by 列名 order by 列名 rows between 开始位置 and


with temp as(
select 'a' as col1
union all 
select 'b' as col1
union all 
select 'b' as col1
union all 
select 'b' as col1
union all 
select 'c' as col1
union all 
select 'd' as col1
)select col1,dense_rank() over(order by col1) as ranks from temp	
col1     ranks
a        1
b        2
b        2
b        2
c        3
d        4


3.1 求窗口中的累计值
我们可以使用:sum() over()

with temp as(
select 'A' as col1,1 as col2
union all 
select 'A' as col1,1 as col2
union all
select 'A' as col1,1 as col2
union all 
select 'B' as col1,1 as col2
union all 
select 'B' as col1,1 as col2
,sum(col2) over(partition by col1 order by col2 desc rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as '对窗口中的数据求和'
from temp
col1     对窗口中的数据求和
A        1
A        2
A        3
B        1
B        1

3.2 求窗口中 3 天的平均价格
我们可以使用 avg() over()

with temp as(
select 'A' as col1,'2022-11-01' as date_time,50 as price
union all 
select 'A' as col1,'2022-11-02' as date_time,60 as price
union all 
select 'A' as col1,'2022-11-03' as date_time,45 as price
union all 
select 'A' as col1,'2022-11-04' as date_time,70 as price
union all 
select 'A' as col1,'2022-11-05' as date_time,40 as price
union all 
select 'A' as col1,'2022-11-06' as date_time,40 as price
union all 
select 'B' as col1,'2022-11-01' as date_time,40 as price
union all 
select 'B' as col1,'2022-11-02' as date_time,30 as price
union all 
select 'B' as col1,'2022-11-03' as date_time,50 as price
union all 
select 'B' as col1,'2022-11-04' as date_time,50 as price
,avg(price) over(partition by col1 order by date_time rows between 2 preceding and current row) as '3天的平均价格'
from temp输出结果:
col1      date_time        price      3天的平均价格
A         2022-11-01       50         50
A         2022-11-02       60         55
A         2022-11-03       45         51.666666666666664
A         2022-11-04       70         58.333333333333336
A         2022-11-05       40         51.666666666666664
A         2022-11-06       40         50
B         2022-11-01       40         40
B         2022-11-02       30         35
B         2022-11-03       50         40
B         2022-11-01       50         43.333333333333336

3.3 求分组中的最大值/最小值

with temp_01 as(
select 'A' as col1,10 as col2
union all 
select 'C' as col1,10 as col2
union all 
select 'C' as col1,20 as col2
union all 
select 'A' as col1,20 as col2
union all
select 'A' as col1,20 as col2
,max(col2) over(partition by col1) as 窗口中的最大值
,min(col2) over(partition by col1) as 窗口中的最小值
from temp_01输出结果:
col1     col2     窗口中的最大值     窗口中的最小值
A        10       20                 10
A        20       20                 10
A        20       20                 10
C        10       20                 10
C        20       20                 10

3.4 求分组中的总记录数

with temp_01 as(
select 'A' as col1,'a' as col2
union all 
select 'C' as col1,'a' as col2
union all 
select 'C' as col1,'a' as col2
union all 
select 'A' as col1,'b' as col2
union all
select 'A' as col1,'b' as col2
,count(col2) over(partition by col1) as 分组中的记录数
from temp_01输出结果:
col1     col2     分组中的记录数
A        a        3
A        b        3
A        b        3
C        a        2
C        a        2
  1. 位移窗口函数
    4.1 获取分组中往前 n 行的值

lead(field,n,default_value) over()


  1. field 是指定的列名

  2. n 是往前的行数

  3. 行往前导致的,最后的 n 行值为 null,可以用 default_value 代替。


with temp_01 as(
select 'A' as col1,'2022-12-01' as date_time
union all 
select 'C' as col1,'2022-12-01' as date_time
union all 
select 'C' as col1,'2022-12-02' as date_time
union all 
select 'A' as col1,'2022-12-02' as date_time
union all
select 'A' as col1,'2022-12-03' as date_time
,lead(date_time,1,'2022-12-30') over(partition by col1 order by date_time) as 往前n行的值 
from temp_01输出结果:
col1     date_time     往前n行的值
A        2022-12-01    2022-12-02
A        2022-12-02    2022-12-03
A        2022-12-03    2022-12-30
C        2022-12-01    2022-12-02
C        2022-12-02    2022-12-30

4.2 获取分组中往后 n 行的值

lag(field,n, default_value) over()


  1. field 是指定的列名

  2. n 是往前的行数

  3. 行往后导致的,前面的 n 行值为 null,可以用 default_value 代替。


with temp_01 as(
select 'A' as col1,'2022-12-01' as date_time
union all 
select 'C' as col1,'2022-12-01' as date_time
union all 
select 'C' as col1,'2022-12-02' as date_time
union all 
select 'A' as col1,'2022-12-02' as date_time
union all
select 'A' as col1,'2022-12-03' as date_time
,lag(date_time,1,'2022-12-30') over(partition by col1 order by date_time) as 往前n行的值 
from temp_01输出结果:
col1      date_time     往前n行的值
A         2022-12-01    2022-12-30
A         2022-12-02    2022-12-01
A         2022-12-03    2022-12-02
C         2022-12-01    2022-12-30
C         2022-12-02    2022-12-01


5.1 获取分组内第一行的值
我们可以使用 first_value(col,true/false) over(),作用是:取分组内排序后,截止到当前行,第一个值。


当第二个参数为 true 的时候,会跳过空值 当 over() 中不指定排序的时候,会默认使用表中数据的原排序。

with temp_01 as(
select 'A' as col1,'b' as col2
union all 
select 'C' as col1,'a' as col2
union all 
select 'C' as col1,'b' as col2
union all 
select 'A' as col1,'a' as col2
union all
select 'A' as col1,'b' as col2
,first_value(col2) over(partition by col1 order by col2) as 第一个值 
from temp_01
col1     第一个值
A        a
A        a
A        a
C        a 
C        a
,first_value(col2) over(partition by col1) as 第一个值 
from temp_01
col1     第一个值
A        b
A        b
A        b
C        a
C        a

5.2 获取分组内最后一行的值
我们可以使用 last_value(col,true/false) over(),作用是:取分组内排序后,截止到当前行,最后一个值。所以,如果使用 order by 排序的时候,想要取最后一个值,需要与 rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following 连用。


当第二个参数为 true 的时候,会跳过空值 当 over() 中不指定排序的时候,会默认使用表中数据的原排序。 当 over()
中指定排序的时候,要与 rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following

with temp_01 as(
select 'A' as col1,'b' as col2
union all 
select 'C' as col1,'a' as col2
union all 
select 'C' as col1,'b' as col2
union all 
select 'A' as col1,'a' as col2
union all
select 'A' as col1,'b' as col2
,last_value(col2) over(partition by col1 order by col2 rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as 第一个值 
from temp_01输出结果:
col1       第一个值
A          b
A          b
A          b
C          b
C          b

相信大家都发现了,在本案例中,我们使用 order by 的时候与 rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following 连用了,这是需要注意的一个点,如果不连用,将会产生以下效果:

with temp_01 as(
select 'A' as col1,'b' as col2
union all 
select 'C' as col1,'a' as col2
union all 
select 'C' as col1,'b' as col2
union all 
select 'A' as col1,'a' as col2
union all
select 'A' as col1,'b' as col2
,last_value(col2) over(partition by col1 order by col2) as 第一个值 
from temp_01输出结果:
col1      第一个值
A         a
A         b
A         b
C         a
C         b
  1. 分箱窗口函数
    ntile() over() 分箱窗口函数,用于将分组数据按照顺序切分成 n 片,返回当前切片值,如果切片不均匀,默认增加到第一个切片中。

案例:查询成绩前 20% 的人。

with temp as(
select 'A' as col1,90 as grade
union all 
select 'B' as col1,80 as grade
union all
select 'C' as col1,82 as grade
union all
select 'D' as col1,99 as grade
union all 
select 'E' as col1,100 as grade
union all 
select 'F' as col1,92 as grade
union all
select 'G' as col1,93 as grade
union all
select 'H' as col1,85 as grade
union all
select 'I' as col1,95 as grade
union all
select 'J' as col1,70 as grade
from(selectcol1,grade,ntile(5) over(order by grade desc) as levelfrom temp)t1
where t1.level = 1输出结果:
col1     grade
E        100
D        99





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目录 前言: 插入排序: 希尔排序: 前言: 排序在我们生活中无处不在,比如学生成就排名,商品价格排名等等,所以排序在数据结构的学习中尤为重要,今天就为大家介绍两个经典的排序算法&…


这里写目录标题 虚函数虚函数实现动态绑定虚继承抽象类 虚函数 虚函数是在C中用于实现多态性的一种特殊函数。它通过使用关键字"virtual"进行声明,在基类中定义,可在派生类中进行重写。虚函数允许在运行时根据对象的实际类型来调用相应的函数…

BigData之Google Hadoop中间件安装

前言 Hadoop / Zookeeper / Hbase 因资源有限 这三个都是安装在同一台Centos7.9的机器上 但通过配置 所以在逻辑上是distributed模式 1 Java安装 1.1 下载java11 tar/opt/java/jdk-11.0.5/ 1.2 环境配置修改 文件/etc/profile export JAVA_HOME/opt/java/jdk-11.0.5/ e…


前言 近期项目要开始做鸿蒙版本,有一部分依赖native的代码也需要迁移,某个native模块依赖openssl,需要在鸿蒙下重新编译openssl才行。一开始找了很多相关文档都没有得到方法,无奈只能自己凭经验慢慢试,最后还是成功了…


JS基础之执行上下文 执行上下文顺序执行可执行代码执行上下文栈回顾上文 执行上下文 顺序执行 写个JavaScript的开发者都会有个直观的印象,那就是顺序执行: var foo function(){console.log(foo1) } foo(); //foo1 var foo function(){console.log(…


文章目录 一、前言二、 HTML5 中 <header> 和 <footer> 标签的用途是什么&#xff1f;三、如何在 HTML 中嵌入 SVG&#xff08;可缩放矢量图形&#xff09;文件&#xff1f;四、解释 contenteditable 属性的用途五、如何创建随屏幕尺寸缩放的响应式图像&#xff1f…