C# OpenCvSharp DNN 部署YOLOV6目标检测







C# OpenCvSharp DNN 部署YOLOV6目标检测



tensor:Float[1, 3, 640, 640]

tensor:Float[1, 8400, 85]



using OpenCvSharp;
using OpenCvSharp.Dnn;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace OpenCvSharp_DNN_Demo
    public partial class frmMain : Form
        public frmMain()

        string fileFilter = "*.*|*.bmp;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.tiff;*.tiff;*.png";
        string image_path = "";

        DateTime dt1 = DateTime.Now;
        DateTime dt2 = DateTime.Now;

        float confThreshold;
        float nmsThreshold;
        string modelpath;

        int inpHeight;
        int inpWidth;

        List<string> class_names;
        int num_class;

        Net opencv_net;
        Mat BN_image;

        Mat image;
        Mat result_image;

        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog();
            ofd.Filter = fileFilter;
            if (ofd.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) return;

            pictureBox1.Image = null;
            pictureBox2.Image = null;
            textBox1.Text = "";

            image_path = ofd.FileName;
            pictureBox1.Image = new Bitmap(image_path);
            image = new Mat(image_path);

        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            confThreshold = 0.3f;
            nmsThreshold = 0.5f;
            modelpath = "model/yolov6s.onnx";

            inpHeight = 640;
            inpWidth = 640;

            opencv_net = CvDnn.ReadNetFromOnnx(modelpath);

            class_names = new List<string>();
            StreamReader sr = new StreamReader("model/coco.names");
            string line;
            while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
            num_class = class_names.Count();

            image_path = "test_img/image3.jpg";
            pictureBox1.Image = new Bitmap(image_path);


        float sigmoid(float x)
            return (float)(1.0 / (1 + Math.Exp(-x)));

        Mat ResizeImage(Mat srcimg, out int newh, out int neww, out int top, out int left)
            int srch = srcimg.Rows, srcw = srcimg.Cols;
            top = 0;
            left = 0;
            newh = inpHeight;
            neww = inpWidth;
            Mat dstimg = new Mat();
            if (srch != srcw)
                float hw_scale = (float)srch / srcw;
                if (hw_scale > 1)
                    newh = inpHeight;
                    neww = (int)(inpWidth / hw_scale);
                    Cv2.Resize(srcimg, dstimg, new OpenCvSharp.Size(neww, newh), 0, 0, InterpolationFlags.Area);
                    left = (int)((inpWidth - neww) * 0.5);
                    Cv2.CopyMakeBorder(dstimg, dstimg, 0, 0, left, inpWidth - neww - left, BorderTypes.Constant);
                    newh = (int)(inpHeight * hw_scale);
                    neww = inpWidth;
                    Cv2.Resize(srcimg, dstimg, new OpenCvSharp.Size(neww, newh), 0, 0, InterpolationFlags.Area);
                    top = (int)((inpHeight - newh) * 0.5);
                    Cv2.CopyMakeBorder(dstimg, dstimg, top, inpHeight - newh - top, 0, 0, BorderTypes.Constant);
                Cv2.Resize(srcimg, dstimg, new OpenCvSharp.Size(neww, newh));
            return dstimg;

        private unsafe void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (image_path == "")
            textBox1.Text = "检测中,请稍等……";
            pictureBox2.Image = null;

            image = new Mat(image_path);

            int newh = 0, neww = 0, padh = 0, padw = 0;
            Mat dstimg = ResizeImage(image, out newh, out neww, out padh, out padw);

            BN_image = CvDnn.BlobFromImage(dstimg, 1 / 255.0, new OpenCvSharp.Size(inpWidth, inpHeight), new Scalar(0, 0, 0), true, false);


            Mat[] outs = new Mat[3] { new Mat(), new Mat(), new Mat() };
            string[] outBlobNames = opencv_net.GetUnconnectedOutLayersNames().ToArray();

            dt1 = DateTime.Now;

            opencv_net.Forward(outs, outBlobNames);

            dt2 = DateTime.Now;

            int num_proposal = outs[0].Size(0);
            int nout = outs[0].Size(1);

            if (outs[0].Dims > 2)
                num_proposal = outs[0].Size(1);
                nout = outs[0].Size(2);
                outs[0] = outs[0].Reshape(0, num_proposal);

            float ratioh = 1.0f * image.Rows / newh, ratiow = 1.0f * image.Cols / neww;
            int n = 0, row_ind = 0; ///cx,cy,w,h,box_score,class_score
            float* pdata = (float*)outs[0].Data;

            List<Rect> boxes = new List<Rect>();
            List<float> confidences = new List<float>();
            List<int> classIds = new List<int>();

            for (n = 0; n < num_proposal; n++)
                float box_score = pdata[4];

                if (box_score > confThreshold)
                    Mat scores = outs[0].Row(row_ind).ColRange(5, nout);
                    double minVal, max_class_socre;
                    OpenCvSharp.Point minLoc, classIdPoint;
                    // Get the value and location of the maximum score
                    Cv2.MinMaxLoc(scores, out minVal, out max_class_socre, out minLoc, out classIdPoint);
                    max_class_socre *= box_score;

                    int class_idx = classIdPoint.X;

                    float cx = (pdata[0] - padw) * ratiow;  //cx
                    float cy = (pdata[1] - padh) * ratioh;   //cy
                    float w = pdata[2] * ratiow;   //w
                    float h = pdata[3] * ratioh;  //h

                    int left = (int)(cx - 0.5 * w);
                    int top = (int)(cy - 0.5 * h);

                    boxes.Add(new Rect(left, top, (int)w, (int)h));
                pdata += nout;


            int[] indices;
            CvDnn.NMSBoxes(boxes, confidences, confThreshold, nmsThreshold, out indices);

            result_image = image.Clone();

            for (int ii = 0; ii < indices.Length; ++ii)
                int idx = indices[ii];
                Rect box = boxes[idx];
                Cv2.Rectangle(result_image, new OpenCvSharp.Point(box.X, box.Y), new OpenCvSharp.Point(box.X + box.Width, box.Y + box.Height), new Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2);
                string label = class_names[classIds[idx]] + ":" + confidences[idx].ToString("0.00");
                Cv2.PutText(result_image, label, new OpenCvSharp.Point(box.X, box.Y - 5), HersheyFonts.HersheySimplex, 0.75, new Scalar(0, 0, 255), 1);

            pictureBox2.Image = new Bitmap(result_image.ToMemoryStream());
            textBox1.Text = "推理耗时:" + (dt2 - dt1).TotalMilliseconds + "ms";

        private void pictureBox2_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e)

        private void pictureBox1_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e)

using OpenCvSharp;
using OpenCvSharp.Dnn;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows.Forms;namespace OpenCvSharp_DNN_Demo
{public partial class frmMain : Form{public frmMain(){InitializeComponent();}string fileFilter = "*.*|*.bmp;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.tiff;*.tiff;*.png";string image_path = "";DateTime dt1 = DateTime.Now;DateTime dt2 = DateTime.Now;float confThreshold;float nmsThreshold;string modelpath;int inpHeight;int inpWidth;List<string> class_names;int num_class;Net opencv_net;Mat BN_image;Mat image;Mat result_image;private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog();ofd.Filter = fileFilter;if (ofd.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) return;pictureBox1.Image = null;pictureBox2.Image = null;textBox1.Text = "";image_path = ofd.FileName;pictureBox1.Image = new Bitmap(image_path);image = new Mat(image_path);}private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e){confThreshold = 0.3f;nmsThreshold = 0.5f;modelpath = "model/yolov6s.onnx";inpHeight = 640;inpWidth = 640;opencv_net = CvDnn.ReadNetFromOnnx(modelpath);class_names = new List<string>();StreamReader sr = new StreamReader("model/coco.names");string line;while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null){class_names.Add(line);}num_class = class_names.Count();image_path = "test_img/image3.jpg";pictureBox1.Image = new Bitmap(image_path);}float sigmoid(float x){return (float)(1.0 / (1 + Math.Exp(-x)));}Mat ResizeImage(Mat srcimg, out int newh, out int neww, out int top, out int left){int srch = srcimg.Rows, srcw = srcimg.Cols;top = 0;left = 0;newh = inpHeight;neww = inpWidth;Mat dstimg = new Mat();if (srch != srcw){float hw_scale = (float)srch / srcw;if (hw_scale > 1){newh = inpHeight;neww = (int)(inpWidth / hw_scale);Cv2.Resize(srcimg, dstimg, new OpenCvSharp.Size(neww, newh), 0, 0, InterpolationFlags.Area);left = (int)((inpWidth - neww) * 0.5);Cv2.CopyMakeBorder(dstimg, dstimg, 0, 0, left, inpWidth - neww - left, BorderTypes.Constant);}else{newh = (int)(inpHeight * hw_scale);neww = inpWidth;Cv2.Resize(srcimg, dstimg, new OpenCvSharp.Size(neww, newh), 0, 0, InterpolationFlags.Area);top = (int)((inpHeight - newh) * 0.5);Cv2.CopyMakeBorder(dstimg, dstimg, top, inpHeight - newh - top, 0, 0, BorderTypes.Constant);}}else{Cv2.Resize(srcimg, dstimg, new OpenCvSharp.Size(neww, newh));}return dstimg;}private unsafe void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){if (image_path == ""){return;}textBox1.Text = "检测中,请稍等……";pictureBox2.Image = null;Application.DoEvents();image = new Mat(image_path);int newh = 0, neww = 0, padh = 0, padw = 0;Mat dstimg = ResizeImage(image, out newh, out neww, out padh, out padw);BN_image = CvDnn.BlobFromImage(dstimg, 1 / 255.0, new OpenCvSharp.Size(inpWidth, inpHeight), new Scalar(0, 0, 0), true, false);//配置图片输入数据opencv_net.SetInput(BN_image);//模型推理,读取推理结果Mat[] outs = new Mat[3] { new Mat(), new Mat(), new Mat() };string[] outBlobNames = opencv_net.GetUnconnectedOutLayersNames().ToArray();dt1 = DateTime.Now;opencv_net.Forward(outs, outBlobNames);dt2 = DateTime.Now;int num_proposal = outs[0].Size(0);int nout = outs[0].Size(1);if (outs[0].Dims > 2){num_proposal = outs[0].Size(1);nout = outs[0].Size(2);outs[0] = outs[0].Reshape(0, num_proposal);}float ratioh = 1.0f * image.Rows / newh, ratiow = 1.0f * image.Cols / neww;int n = 0, row_ind = 0; ///cx,cy,w,h,box_score,class_scorefloat* pdata = (float*)outs[0].Data;List<Rect> boxes = new List<Rect>();List<float> confidences = new List<float>();List<int> classIds = new List<int>();for (n = 0; n < num_proposal; n++){float box_score = pdata[4];if (box_score > confThreshold){Mat scores = outs[0].Row(row_ind).ColRange(5, nout);double minVal, max_class_socre;OpenCvSharp.Point minLoc, classIdPoint;// Get the value and location of the maximum scoreCv2.MinMaxLoc(scores, out minVal, out max_class_socre, out minLoc, out classIdPoint);max_class_socre *= box_score;int class_idx = classIdPoint.X;float cx = (pdata[0] - padw) * ratiow;  //cxfloat cy = (pdata[1] - padh) * ratioh;   //cyfloat w = pdata[2] * ratiow;   //wfloat h = pdata[3] * ratioh;  //hint left = (int)(cx - 0.5 * w);int top = (int)(cy - 0.5 * h);confidences.Add((float)max_class_socre);boxes.Add(new Rect(left, top, (int)w, (int)h));classIds.Add(class_idx);}row_ind++;pdata += nout;}int[] indices;CvDnn.NMSBoxes(boxes, confidences, confThreshold, nmsThreshold, out indices);result_image = image.Clone();for (int ii = 0; ii < indices.Length; ++ii){int idx = indices[ii];Rect box = boxes[idx];Cv2.Rectangle(result_image, new OpenCvSharp.Point(box.X, box.Y), new OpenCvSharp.Point(box.X + box.Width, box.Y + box.Height), new Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2);string label = class_names[classIds[idx]] + ":" + confidences[idx].ToString("0.00");Cv2.PutText(result_image, label, new OpenCvSharp.Point(box.X, box.Y - 5), HersheyFonts.HersheySimplex, 0.75, new Scalar(0, 0, 255), 1);}pictureBox2.Image = new Bitmap(result_image.ToMemoryStream());textBox1.Text = "推理耗时:" + (dt2 - dt1).TotalMilliseconds + "ms";}private void pictureBox2_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e){Common.ShowNormalImg(pictureBox2.Image);}private void pictureBox1_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e){Common.ShowNormalImg(pictureBox1.Image);}}







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