0 总结
对于SQL:select * from student, (select * from score where sno > 2) s where student.sno = s.sno;
- 将内层rte score追加到上层rtbable中:rte1是student、rte2带subquery是子查询、rte3是score。
- 调整所有var的varno(从1指向3)、varlevelsup(本例不涉及);还有其他调整本例不涉及。
- 将上层代表子查询的rte2的subquery清空,但rte2不删除。
- 将上层jointree中,指向子查询的rte替换为 子查询中的FromExpr(sno > 2)。
1 待分析场景
drop table student;
create table student(sno int, sname varchar(10), ssex int);
insert into student values(1, 'stu1', 0);
insert into student values(2, 'stu2', 1);
insert into student values(3, 'stu3', 1);
insert into student values(4, 'stu4', 0);drop table course;
create table course(cno int, cname varchar(10), tno int);
insert into course values(10, 'meth', 1);
insert into course values(11, 'english', 2);drop table teacher;
create table teacher(tno int, tname varchar(10), tsex int);
insert into teacher values(1, 'te1', 1);
insert into teacher values(2, 'te2', 0);drop table score;
create table score (sno int, cno int, degree int);
insert into score values (1, 10, 100);
insert into score values (1, 11, 89);
insert into score values (2, 10, 99);
insert into score values (2, 11, 90);
insert into score values (3, 10, 87);
insert into score values (3, 11, 20);
insert into score values (4, 10, 60);
insert into score values (4, 11, 70);
带子查询的语句:select * from student, (select * from score where sno > 2) s where student.sno = s.sno;
set enable_hashjoin to off;
set enable_mergejoin to off;explain select * from student, (select * from score where sno > 2) s where student.sno = s.sno;QUERY PLAN
---------------------------------------------------------------------Nested Loop (cost=0.00..11278.20 rows=3740 width=58)Join Filter: (student.sno = score.sno)-> Seq Scan on student (cost=0.00..21.00 rows=1100 width=46)-> Materialize (cost=0.00..38.90 rows=680 width=12)-> Seq Scan on score (cost=0.00..35.50 rows=680 width=12)Filter: (sno > 2)||||||||||
vvvvvvvvvvvexplain select * from student, score where score.sno > 2 and student.sno = score.sno;QUERY PLAN
---------------------------------------------------------------------Nested Loop (cost=0.00..11278.20 rows=3740 width=58)Join Filter: (student.sno = score.sno)-> Seq Scan on student (cost=0.00..21.00 rows=1100 width=46)-> Materialize (cost=0.00..38.90 rows=680 width=12)-> Seq Scan on score (cost=0.00..35.50 rows=680 width=12)Filter: (sno > 2)
select * from student, (select * from score where sno > 2) s where student.sno = s.sno;
pull_up_subqueries(PlannerInfo *root)
{/* Top level of jointree must always be a FromExpr */Assert(IsA(root->parse->jointree, FromExpr));/* Recursion starts with no containing join nor appendrel */root->parse->jointree = (FromExpr *)pull_up_subqueries_recurse(root, (Node *) root->parse->jointree,NULL, NULL);/* We should still have a FromExpr */Assert(IsA(root->parse->jointree, FromExpr));
2 pull_up_subqueries流程分析
2.1 处理FromExpr下面挂的第一个RANGETBLREF(student表)
FromExpr的第一张表是student表,指向一个rtekind = RTE_RELATION
2.2 处理FromExpr下面挂的第二个RANGETBLREF(子查询)
FromExpr的第二个rte是子查询(select * from score where sno > 2) s
- rte->rtekind == RTE_SUBQUERY
- is_simple_subquery:不全部列举了,其中重要的是子查询不能带有一些特殊的语法:
is_simple_subquery...if (subquery->hasAggs ||subquery->hasWindowFuncs ||subquery->hasTargetSRFs ||subquery->groupClause ||subquery->groupingSets ||subquery->havingQual ||subquery->sortClause ||subquery->distinctClause ||subquery->limitOffset ||subquery->limitCount ||subquery->hasForUpdate ||subquery->cteList)return false;...
2.3 进入pull_up_simple_subquery开始处理子查上拉
static Node *
pull_up_simple_subquery(PlannerInfo *root, Node *jtnode, RangeTblEntry *rte,JoinExpr *lowest_outer_join,AppendRelInfo *containing_appendrel)
{Query *subquery;Query *parse = root->parse;PlannerInfo *subroot;subquery = copyObject(rte->subquery);subroot = makeNode(PlannerInfo);subroot->parse = subquery;......
replace_empty_jointree(subquery);if (subquery->hasSubLinks)pull_up_sublinks(subroot);preprocess_function_rtes(subroot);pull_up_subqueries(subroot);
第三步:开始pull up
/** Adjust level-0 varnos in subquery so that we can append its rangetable* to upper query's. We have to fix the subquery's append_rel_list as* well.*/rtoffset = list_length(parse->rtable); // 2OffsetVarNodes((Node *) subquery, rtoffset, 0);OffsetVarNodes((Node *) subroot->append_rel_list, rtoffset, 0);
OffsetVarNodes((Node *) subquery, 2, 0);
- 调整var→varno:1→3。
- 调整rangetblref→rindex:1→3。
/** Upper-level vars in subquery are now one level closer to their parent* than before.*/IncrementVarSublevelsUp((Node *) subquery, -1, 1);IncrementVarSublevelsUp((Node *) subroot->append_rel_list, -1, 1);
- 这一步调整的目的:因为varlevelsup=1表示引用上一层的列(相当于距离)这里拉平后,varlevelsup就需要-1了,因为距离少了1。
- 在当前SQL中
select * from student, (select * from score where sno > 2) s where student.sno = s.sno;
,开始调整var→varlevelsup字段,注意这个字段表示当前查询中使用了上层的变量,但上面子查询中(select * from score where sno > 2)没有引用上层的任何列,所以子查询中的var→varlevelsup都是0。这一步调整不会有影响。
/** Now append the adjusted rtable entries and their perminfos to upper* query. (We hold off until after fixing the upper rtable entries; no* point in running that code on the subquery ones too.)*/CombineRangeTables(&parse->rtable, &parse->rteperminfos,subquery->rtable, subquery->rteperminfos);
/** We no longer need the RTE's copy of the subquery's query tree. Getting* rid of it saves nothing in particular so far as this level of query is* concerned; but if this query level is in turn pulled up into a parent,* we'd waste cycles copying the now-unused query tree.*/rte->subquery = NULL;
pull_up_simple_subqueryreturn (Node *) subquery->jointree;
返回去后,在这里把fromlist指向的第二个rte(子查询)换成 上面计算好的jointree。
pull_up_subqueries_recurse...else if (IsA(jtnode, FromExpr)){FromExpr *f = (FromExpr *) jtnode;ListCell *l;Assert(containing_appendrel == NULL);/* Recursively transform all the child nodes */foreach(l, f->fromlist){lfirst(l) = pull_up_subqueries_recurse(root, lfirst(l),lowest_outer_join,NULL);}}
pullup前 vs pullup后