💥1 概述
📚2 运行结果
🎉3 参考文献
🌈4 Matlab代码实现
💥1 概述
该文讲解一种基于候选故障频率优化克(IESCFFOgram)的改进包络频谱的特征自适应方法,用于从频谱相干性(SCoh)中识别信息 频谱频段,以进行轴承故障诊断。在新方法中,根据SCoh的局部特征自动识别候选故障频率(CFF),而不是标称故障特性频率(FCF), 并进一步用于指导信息频段的选择。 这种新方法完全摆脱了对FCF或稀疏性指标的依赖,可以通过 挖掘隐藏在SCoh平面中的故障信息,自适应地生成诊断IES。 因此,所提出的IESCFFOgram适用于在没有准确FCF的情况下滚动轴承的故障识别。还提供用于估计光谱相关性(或光谱相干性)的快速算法。
📚2 运行结果
%% Load Simlated Inner race fault signal
Sigplot = SimInner;
%% Basic parameters
Fs = 12800*2; % Sampling Frequency
N = 1*Fs ; % Sampling Length
t = 0 : 1/Fs : (N-1)/Fs ; % Time
f_m = 142 ; % Bearing fault charatersitic fraquency
f_shaft = 26;
%% Plot the raw signal components and the frequency spectrum of the mixed signal
% Frequency spectrum of the mixed siganl
nfft = 2*ceil(length(Sigplot(:,5))/2); Freraw = Fs*(0:nfft/2-1)/nfft;
env = Sigplot(:,5);
% env = abs(hilbert(Sigplot(:,5)));
Han = hanning(length(env)); Han = Han(:);
EnvSpec = abs(fft(((env-mean(env)).^1).*Han,nfft));
EnvSpec = EnvSpec./max(EnvSpec);
EnvSpec(nfft/2+1:end) = [];
% Figure
subplotnum_1 = 3;
subplotnum_2 = 2;
leftleave = 0.067;
upleave = 0.005;
downleave = 0.082;
step_1 = (1-0-upleave)/subplotnum_1;
step_2 = 1/subplotnum_2;
plotheight = step_1*0.70;
plotwidth = step_2*0.83;
str = {'(a)','(b)','(c)','(d)','(e)','(f)'};
set (gcf,'unit','centimeters','Position',[12 15 14 8.5], 'color','w'); % 脥录脝卢脦禄脰脙 麓贸脨隆
for i = 1 : subplotnum_1
for j = 1 : subplotnum_2
if (i-1)*2+j <6
plotx = t';
ploty = Sigplot( : , (i-1)*2+j );
plotx = Freraw/1000;
ploty = EnvSpec*0.3;
subplot(subplotnum_1,subplotnum_2, (i-1)*subplotnum_2+j)
plot( plotx , ploty, 'b' ); % ylabel('Amplitude');
set(gca,'unit','normalized','Position',[leftleave+(j-1)*step_2 downleave+(subplotnum_1-i)*step_1 plotwidth*1 plotheight*1]);
figure_FontSize = 7; set(gca,'Fontsize',figure_FontSize,'Fontname','Times New Roman');
if (i-1)*2+j == 1
set(gca,'ytick',[-1 0 1]); set(gca,'ylim',[-1 1]);
yt = 1;ys = 0;
elseif (i-1)*2+j == 2
set(gca,'ytick',[-2 :2: 2]); set(gca,'ylim',[-2 2]);
yt = 2;ys = 0;
elseif (i-1)*2+j == 3
set(gca,'ytick',[-0.8 0.4 1.6]); set(gca,'ylim',[-0.8 1.6]);
yt = 1.6;ys = 0.4;
elseif (i-1)*2+j == 4
set(gca,'ytick',[-3 0 3]); set(gca,'ylim',[-3 3]);
yt = 3; ys = 0;
elseif (i-1)*2+j == 5
set(gca,'ytick',[-4 0 4]); set(gca,'ylim',[-4 4]);
yt = 4; ys = 0;
elseif (i-1)*2+j == 6
set(gca,'ytick',[0 :0.1 : 0.3]); set(gca,'ylim',[0 0.3]);
yt = 0.3; ys = 0.15;
if (i-1)*2+j < 6
set(gca,'xtick',[0: 0.2: 1]); set(gca,'xlim',[0 1]);
xlabel('Time [s]');
ylabel('Amplitude','Position',[-0.10*1 ys]);
xt = -0.15*1;
set(gca,'xtick',[0: 1: Fs/2/1000]); set(gca,'xlim',[0 Fs/2/1000]);
xlabel('Frequency [kHz]');
ylabel('Amplitude','Position',[-0.10*Fs/2/1000 ys]);
xt = -0.15*Fs/2/1000;
text(xt,yt,str{(i-1)*2+j},'Fontname','Times New Roman','FontSize',8,'FontWeight','bold')
🎉3 参考文献
[1]Yao Cheng, Shengbo Wang, Bingyan Chen, Guiming Mei, Weihua Zhang, Han Peng, Guangrong Tian, "An Improved Envelope Spectrum via Candidate Fault Frequency Optimization-gram for Bearing Fault Diagnosis", Journal of Sound and Vibration,Elsevier, 2022.