
企业网站一般用什么框架做,最近一周的重大热点新闻,b2b平台网站源码,wordpress 4.8.21,简述 GPIO 资源是相对来说较为简单,而且比较通用(比如 LED 灯),而 Linux 的 GPIO 驱动属于 Linux Driver 中较为容易上手的部分,但是简单归简单,在 Linux 系统中,要使用 GPIO 资源…


GPIO 资源是相对来说较为简单,而且比较通用(比如 LED 灯),而 Linux 的 GPIO 驱动属于 Linux Driver 中较为容易上手的部分,但是简单归简单,在 Linux 系统中,要使用 GPIO 资源,还是需要了解一些内容。

Linux Kernel 中对 GPIO 资源进行了抽象,抽象出一个叫做 Gpiolib 的东东,这个东东作为 GPIO 资源的管理核心存在:

中间层是 Gpiolib,用于管理系统中的 GPIO。Gpiolib 汇总了 GPIO 的通用操作,根据 GPIO 的特性,Gpiolib 对上(其他 Drivers)提供的一套统一通用的操作 GPIO 的软件接口,屏蔽了不同芯片的具体实现。对下,Gpiolib 提供了针对不同芯片操作的一套 framework,针对不同芯片,只需要实现 Specific Chip Driver ,然后使用 Gpiolib 提供的注册函数,将其挂接到 Gpiolib 上,这样就完成了这一套东西。

对于其他驱动来说,比如 LED 灯驱动,就需要用到通用的 Gpiolib 的函数来进行 I/O 口的操作。


先分析数据结构,Gpiolib 其实就是围绕几个数据结构在做文章,数据结构以及抽象层次清楚了,代码自然很快。

数据结构主要定义在 include/linux/gpio/driver.h 和 /drivers/gpio/gpiolib.h 中

首先看一个数据结构,叫 struct gpio_chip (include/linux/gpio/driver.h):

struct gpio_chip {const char        *label;struct gpio_device    *gpiodev;struct device        *parent;struct module        *owner;int            (*request)(struct gpio_chip *gc,unsigned int offset);void            (*free)(struct gpio_chip *gc,unsigned int offset);int            (*get_direction)(struct gpio_chip *gc,unsigned int offset);int            (*direction_input)(struct gpio_chip *gc,unsigned int offset);int            (*direction_output)(struct gpio_chip *gc,unsigned int offset, int value);int            (*get)(struct gpio_chip *gc,unsigned int offset);int            (*get_multiple)(struct gpio_chip *gc,unsigned long *mask,unsigned long *bits);void            (*set)(struct gpio_chip *gc,unsigned int offset, int value);void            (*set_multiple)(struct gpio_chip *gc,unsigned long *mask,unsigned long *bits);int            (*set_config)(struct gpio_chip *gc,unsigned int offset,unsigned long config);int            (*to_irq)(struct gpio_chip *gc,unsigned int offset);void            (*dbg_show)(struct seq_file *s,struct gpio_chip *gc);int            (*init_valid_mask)(struct gpio_chip *gc,unsigned long *valid_mask,unsigned int ngpios);int            (*add_pin_ranges)(struct gpio_chip *gc);int            base;u16            ngpio;const char        *const *names;bool            can_sleep;#if IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_GPIO_GENERIC)unsigned long (*read_reg)(void __iomem *reg);void (*write_reg)(void __iomem *reg, unsigned long data);bool be_bits;void __iomem *reg_dat;void __iomem *reg_set;void __iomem *reg_clr;void __iomem *reg_dir_out;void __iomem *reg_dir_in;bool bgpio_dir_unreadable;int bgpio_bits;spinlock_t bgpio_lock;unsigned long bgpio_data;unsigned long bgpio_dir;
#endif /* CONFIG_GPIO_GENERIC */#ifdef CONFIG_GPIOLIB_IRQCHIP/** With CONFIG_GPIOLIB_IRQCHIP we get an irqchip inside the gpiolib* to handle IRQs for most practical cases.*//*** @irq:** Integrates interrupt chip functionality with the GPIO chip. Can be* used to handle IRQs for most practical cases.*/struct gpio_irq_chip irq;
#endif /* CONFIG_GPIOLIB_IRQCHIP *//*** @valid_mask:** If not %NULL holds bitmask of GPIOs which are valid to be used* from the chip.*/unsigned long *valid_mask;#if defined(CONFIG_OF_GPIO)/** If CONFIG_OF is enabled, then all GPIO controllers described in the* device tree automatically may have an OF translation*//*** @of_node:** Pointer to a device tree node representing this GPIO controller.*/struct device_node *of_node;/*** @of_gpio_n_cells:** Number of cells used to form the GPIO specifier.*/unsigned int of_gpio_n_cells;/*** @of_xlate:** Callback to translate a device tree GPIO specifier into a chip-* relative GPIO number and flags.*/int (*of_xlate)(struct gpio_chip *gc,const struct of_phandle_args *gpiospec, u32 *flags);

gpio_chip 这个数据结构一看,很多函数指针结构,明眼人秒懂,此结构是为了抽象 GPIO 的所有操作,同时适配不同芯片的一个 common 的结构,所以,这个结构是要开出去给其他芯片进行特定的操作赋值的,比如你是 Qcom 的芯片,那么你需要实现你的这些 gpio_chip 的内容。

2.1 gpio_chip 结构

一般的,在一个芯片中,针对所有的 I/O 口都会有配置,默认状态有些是 I/O 口全部默认 GPIO 输入(稳当)。一般芯片会提供管脚复用的功能(后期的 Linux 版本中,使用 pin control 来抽象),要使用 GPIO ,则首先需要配置他为 GPIO 功能,而不是其他的复用功能。

而针对 GPIO 呢,有一些通用的特性,比如设置 GPIO 的方向,读 GPIO 的电平(输入的时候),写 GPIO 的电平(输出的时候),GPIO 作为外部中断输入,等等。

gpio_chip 的抽象,其实是对 GPIO 一组 Bank 的抽象,通常在硬件上,一个芯片对 IO 口来说,分为了很多个 Bank,每个 Bank 分为了 N 组 GPIO。

比如:1 个 SoC 将 I/O 分为了 4 个 Bank:


然鹅,每个 Bank 都有 N 组寄存器来表示 GPIO 的操作,比如:

Bank 1 中,针对 GPIO A:

GPIOA_PULL 来表示对 GPIO A 的上下拉的配置
GPIOA_DIR 来表示对 GPIO A 配置成为输入或者输出
GPIOA_DATA 来表示 GPIO A 设置为输出的时候设置为高低或者输入的时候读高低

当然,Bank 1 中 针对 GPIO B,也是一样的操作:

GPIOB_PULL 来表示对 GPIO B 的上下拉的配置
GPIOB_DIR 来表示对 GPIO B 配置成为输入或者输出
GPIOB_DATA 来表示 GPIO B 设置为输出的时候设置为高低或者输入的时候读高低

上面说的是一个 Bank 的情况,那么芯片有好几个 Bank,所以它们都是类似的,这里不在赘述。

所以整体结构是如下所示(这里只是打个比方,有的芯片 Bank 很多,寄存器也很多):

Linux Driver Gpiolib 对他们的抽象,使用 gpio_chip 对应了一组 Bank 描述,比如 Bank ·1,用一个 gpio_chip 来抽象:

那么多个 Bank ,就用指针,或者数组来表示咯。当然这里可能说得有点不准确,gpio_chip 只是抽象了一组 Bank 的统一的接口而已。

那么对于一颗芯片底层来说,需要根据芯片手册 Datasheet,来实现这些结构的接口。

2.2 gpio_desc结构

既然系统分为多个 Bank,每个 Bank 又由几组组成,那么每个 GPIO 实体就由一个 gpio_desc 来描述:

struct gpio_desc {struct gpio_device    *gdev;unsigned long        flags;
/* flag symbols are bit numbers */
#define FLAG_REQUESTED    0
#define FLAG_IS_OUT    1
#define FLAG_EXPORT    2    /* protected by sysfs_lock */
#define FLAG_SYSFS    3    /* exported via /sys/class/gpio/control */
#define FLAG_ACTIVE_LOW    6    /* value has active low */
#define FLAG_OPEN_DRAIN    7    /* Gpio is open drain type */
#define FLAG_OPEN_SOURCE 8    /* Gpio is open source type */
#define FLAG_USED_AS_IRQ 9    /* GPIO is connected to an IRQ */
#define FLAG_IRQ_IS_ENABLED 10    /* GPIO is connected to an enabled IRQ */
#define FLAG_IS_HOGGED    11    /* GPIO is hogged */
#define FLAG_TRANSITORY 12    /* GPIO may lose value in sleep or reset */
#define FLAG_PULL_UP    13    /* GPIO has pull up enabled */
#define FLAG_PULL_DOWN  14    /* GPIO has pull down enabled */
#define FLAG_BIAS_DISABLE    15    /* GPIO has pull disabled */
#define FLAG_EDGE_RISING     16    /* GPIO CDEV detects rising edge events */
#define FLAG_EDGE_FALLING    17    /* GPIO CDEV detects falling edge events *//* Connection label */const char        *label;/* Name of the GPIO */const char        *name;
#ifdef CONFIG_OF_DYNAMICstruct device_node    *hog;
#ifdef CONFIG_GPIO_CDEV/* debounce period in microseconds */unsigned int        debounce_period_us;

这个结构比较简单,可以看到,他包含了一个 gpio_device 的结构和 flag,以及 lable 和 name;

gdev 指针指向了这个 gpio_desc 所属的 gpio_device(马上描述),flag 代表了这个 GPIO 的属性状态;

看起来 gpio_chip 和 gpio_desc 应该是包含关系,但是 Kernel 中并没有直接将其两个结构联系上,而是通过另外一个结构将其联系在一起,这个结构就是 gpio_device。

2.3 gpio_device结构

gpio_device 应该算是大内总管了(最新的内核有,Linux 3 版本的内核没有这个),如果说 gpio_chip 是对一个 Bank 的 GPIO 的硬件的具体抽象的话,那么 gpio_device 就是软件层面上对一个 Bank 的 GPIO 进行管理的单元,它的数据结构是:

struct gpio_device {int            id;struct device        dev;struct cdev        chrdev;struct device        *mockdev;struct module        *owner;struct gpio_chip    *chip;struct gpio_desc    *descs;int            base;u16            ngpio;const char        *label;void            *data;struct list_head        list;struct blocking_notifier_head notifier;#ifdef CONFIG_PINCTRL/** If CONFIG_PINCTRL is enabled, then gpio controllers can optionally* describe the actual pin range which they serve in an SoC. This* information would be used by pinctrl subsystem to configure* corresponding pins for gpio usage.*/struct list_head pin_ranges;

在这个 gpio_device 结构中,包含了 gpio_chip(对接芯片的操作集),gpio_desc(一些 GPIO 的描述);这个结构贯穿了整个 Gpiolib,因为 gpio_device 代表的是一个 Bank,一般的 GPIO 有多个 Bank,所以 Kernel 中,对这 gpio_device 的组织是由一个 gpio_devices 的链表构成(此处是多个 device,所以后面加了 s),在 gpiolib.c:


2.4 gpio_chip/gpio_desc/gpio_device 结构体之间的关系


先聊聊 Gpiolib 是怎么对接到底层实际的驱动的。在前面的 2.1 部分讲过,底层需要对接的,其实对接的部分只有那些通用的操作,其实也就是 gpio_chip 这个玩意,所以,对接底层的部分,主要关心的是这个结构体,并且对这个结构体进行赋值的过程。

在底层对接到 Gpiolib 的时候,主要是对 gpio_chip 进行实现,然后调用 gpiochip_add 的接口,向 Gpiolib 注册你的 GPIO 。

实现的过程,主要是根据芯片手册,实现对应的 GPIO 的操作,也就是说,把寄存器操作编程成为函数,对接到这个 gpio_chip 结构体上。

3.1 gpio_chip具体芯片操作函数的填充 - 一个gpio controller驱动gpio-pl061.c



pl061是通过AMBA总线连接在SOC上的片上gpio controller,arm架构的芯片经过授权之后可以直接使用。



#ifdef CONFIG_PM
//suspend函数中保存当前所有gpio pin寄存器状态
static int pl061_suspend(struct device *dev)
{struct pl061 *pl061 = dev_get_drvdata(dev);int offset;pl061->csave_regs.gpio_data = 0;pl061->csave_regs.gpio_dir = readb(pl061->base + GPIODIR);pl061->csave_regs.gpio_is = readb(pl061->base + GPIOIS);pl061->csave_regs.gpio_ibe = readb(pl061->base + GPIOIBE);pl061->csave_regs.gpio_iev = readb(pl061->base + GPIOIEV);pl061->csave_regs.gpio_ie = readb(pl061->base + GPIOIE);for (offset = 0; offset < PL061_GPIO_NR; offset++) {if (pl061->csave_regs.gpio_dir & (BIT(offset)))pl061->csave_regs.gpio_data |=pl061_get_value(&pl061->gc, offset) << offset;}return 0;
}//resume函数中将gpio pin的寄存器状态恢复
static int pl061_resume(struct device *dev)
{struct pl061 *pl061 = dev_get_drvdata(dev);int offset;for (offset = 0; offset < PL061_GPIO_NR; offset++) {if (pl061->csave_regs.gpio_dir & (BIT(offset)))pl061_direction_output(&pl061->gc, offset,pl061->csave_regs.gpio_data &(BIT(offset)));elsepl061_direction_input(&pl061->gc, offset);}writeb(pl061->csave_regs.gpio_is, pl061->base + GPIOIS);writeb(pl061->csave_regs.gpio_ibe, pl061->base + GPIOIBE);writeb(pl061->csave_regs.gpio_iev, pl061->base + GPIOIEV);writeb(pl061->csave_regs.gpio_ie, pl061->base + GPIOIE);return 0;


static int pl061_probe(struct amba_device *adev, const struct amba_id *id)
{struct device *dev = &adev->dev;struct pl061 *pl061;struct gpio_irq_chip *girq;int ret, irq;pl061 = devm_kzalloc(dev, sizeof(*pl061), GFP_KERNEL);if (pl061 == NULL)return -ENOMEM;pl061->base = devm_ioremap_resource(dev, &adev->res);if (IS_ERR(pl061->base))return PTR_ERR(pl061->base);//填充gpio_chip中的回调函数raw_spin_lock_init(&pl061->lock);pl061->gc.request = gpiochip_generic_request;pl061-> = gpiochip_generic_free;pl061->gc.base = -1;pl061->gc.get_direction = pl061_get_direction;pl061->gc.direction_input = pl061_direction_input;pl061->gc.direction_output = pl061_direction_output;pl061->gc.get = pl061_get_value;pl061->gc.set = pl061_set_value;pl061->gc.ngpio = PL061_GPIO_NR; //8pl061->gc.label = dev_name(dev);pl061->gc.parent = dev;pl061->gc.owner = THIS_MODULE;/** irq_chip support*/pl061-> = dev_name(dev);pl061->irq_chip.irq_ack    = pl061_irq_ack;pl061->irq_chip.irq_mask = pl061_irq_mask;pl061->irq_chip.irq_unmask = pl061_irq_unmask;pl061->irq_chip.irq_set_type = pl061_irq_type;pl061->irq_chip.irq_set_wake = pl061_irq_set_wake;writeb(0, pl061->base + GPIOIE); /* disable irqs */irq = adev->irq[0];if (!irq)dev_warn(&adev->dev, "IRQ support disabled\n");pl061->parent_irq = irq;girq = &pl061->gc.irq;girq->chip = &pl061->irq_chip;girq->parent_handler = pl061_irq_handler;girq->num_parents = 1;girq->parents = devm_kcalloc(dev, 1, sizeof(*girq->parents),GFP_KERNEL);if (!girq->parents)return -ENOMEM;girq->parents[0] = irq;girq->default_type = IRQ_TYPE_NONE;girq->handler = handle_bad_irq;//注册gpio资源ret = devm_gpiochip_add_data(dev, &pl061->gc, pl061);if (ret)return ret;amba_set_drvdata(adev, pl061);dev_info(dev, "PL061 GPIO chip registered\n");return 0;

几个gpio_chip函数的实现 - pl061_get_direction

static int pl061_get_direction(struct gpio_chip *gc, unsigned offset)
{//per-instance data assigned by the driver, return gc->gpiodev->datastruct pl061 *pl061 = gpiochip_get_data(gc);//读取GPIODIR寄存器判断是输入或者输出并返回结果if (readb(pl061->base + GPIODIR) & BIT(offset))return GPIO_LINE_DIRECTION_OUT;return GPIO_LINE_DIRECTION_IN;

几个gpio_chip函数的实现 -pl061_set_value

static void pl061_set_value(struct gpio_chip *gc, unsigned offset, int value)
{struct pl061 *pl061 = gpiochip_get_data(gc);//设置GPIODATA寄存器writeb(!!value << offset, pl061->base + (BIT(offset + 2)));
3.2 gpiochip_add_data_with_key


int gpiochip_add_data_with_key(struct gpio_chip *gc, void *data,struct lock_class_key *lock_key,struct lock_class_key *request_key)
{struct fwnode_handle *fwnode = gc->parent ? dev_fwnode(gc->parent) : NULL;unsigned long    flags;int        ret = 0;unsigned    i;int        base = gc->base;struct gpio_device *gdev;bool        block_gpio_read = false;/** First: allocate and populate the internal stat container, and* set up the struct device.*/gdev = kzalloc(sizeof(*gdev), GFP_KERNEL);if (!gdev)return -ENOMEM;gdev->dev.bus = &gpio_bus_type;gdev->chip = gc;gc->gpiodev = gdev;if (gc->parent) {gdev->dev.parent = gc->parent;gdev->dev.of_node = gc->parent->of_node;}of_gpio_dev_init(gc, gdev);/** Assign fwnode depending on the result of the previous calls,* if none of them succeed, assign it to the parent's one.*/gdev->dev.fwnode = dev_fwnode(&gdev->dev) ?: fwnode;//给chip分配唯一的IDgdev->id = ida_alloc(&gpio_ida, GFP_KERNEL);if (gdev->id < 0) {ret = gdev->id;goto err_free_gdev;}ret = dev_set_name(&gdev->dev, GPIOCHIP_NAME "%d", gdev->id);if (ret)goto err_free_ida;device_initialize(&gdev->dev);if (gc->parent && gc->parent->driver)gdev->owner = gc->parent->driver->owner;else if (gc->owner)/* TODO: remove chip->owner */gdev->owner = gc->owner;elsegdev->owner = THIS_MODULE;

因为传入的结构是 gpio_chip,他代表了是一个 Bank,但是并没有 gpio_device 的结构,所以,在这个函数中,首先分配一个 gpio_device 的结构,并将其结构体成员的 chip ,等等进行赋值,建立起相关的结构联系。


 gdev->descs = kcalloc(gc->ngpio, sizeof(gdev->descs[0]), GFP_KERNEL);if (!gdev->descs) {ret = -ENOMEM;goto err_free_dev_name;}if (gc->ngpio == 0) {chip_err(gc, "tried to insert a GPIO chip with zero lines\n");ret = -EINVAL;goto err_free_descs;}if (gc->ngpio > FASTPATH_NGPIO)chip_warn(gc, "line cnt %u is greater than fast path cnt %u\n",gc->ngpio, FASTPATH_NGPIO);gdev->label = kstrdup_const(gc->label ?: "unknown", GFP_KERNEL);if (!gdev->label) {ret = -ENOMEM;goto err_free_descs;}gdev->ngpio = gc->ngpio;gdev->data = data;

由于 1 个 Bank不仅仅只有一个 GPIO,所以 gpio_chip->ngpio 的结构表示了这个 Bank 一共的 GPIO 个数,每一个 GPIO 使用一个 gpio_desc 表示,所以,这里分配了 ngpio 个 descs;


 spin_lock_irqsave(&gpio_lock, flags);/** TODO: this allocates a Linux GPIO number base in the global* GPIO numberspace for this chip. In the long run we want to* get *rid* of this numberspace and use only descriptors, but* it may be a pipe dream. It will not happen before we get rid* of the sysfs interface anyways.*/if (base < 0) {base = gpiochip_find_base(gc->ngpio);if (base < 0) {ret = base;spin_unlock_irqrestore(&gpio_lock, flags);goto err_free_label;}/** TODO: it should not be necessary to reflect the assigned* base outside of the GPIO subsystem. Go over drivers and* see if anyone makes use of this, else drop this and assign* a poison instead.*/gc->base = base;}gdev->base = base;ret = gpiodev_add_to_list(gdev);if (ret) {spin_unlock_irqrestore(&gpio_lock, flags);goto err_free_label;}for (i = 0; i < gc->ngpio; i++)gdev->descs[i].gdev = gdev;spin_unlock_irqrestore(&gpio_lock, flags);BLOCKING_INIT_NOTIFIER_HEAD(&gdev->notifier);#ifdef CONFIG_PINCTRLINIT_LIST_HEAD(&gdev->pin_ranges);
#endifif (gc->names)ret = gpiochip_set_desc_names(gc);elseret = devprop_gpiochip_set_names(gc);if (ret)goto err_remove_from_list;ret = gpiochip_alloc_valid_mask(gc);if (ret)goto err_remove_from_list;ret = of_gpiochip_add(gc);if (ret)goto err_free_gpiochip_mask;ret = gpiochip_init_valid_mask(gc);if (ret)goto err_remove_of_chip;trace_android_vh_gpio_block_read(gdev, &block_gpio_read);if (!block_gpio_read) {for (i = 0; i < gc->ngpio; i++) {struct gpio_desc *desc = &gdev->descs[i];if (gc->get_direction && gpiochip_line_is_valid(gc, i)) {assign_bit(FLAG_IS_OUT,&desc->flags, !gc->get_direction(gc, i));} else {assign_bit(FLAG_IS_OUT,&desc->flags, !gc->direction_input);}}}ret = gpiochip_add_pin_ranges(gc);if (ret)goto err_remove_of_chip;acpi_gpiochip_add(gc);machine_gpiochip_add(gc);ret = gpiochip_irqchip_init_valid_mask(gc);if (ret)goto err_remove_acpi_chip;ret = gpiochip_irqchip_init_hw(gc);if (ret)goto err_remove_acpi_chip;ret = gpiochip_add_irqchip(gc, lock_key, request_key);if (ret)goto err_remove_irqchip_mask;/** By first adding the chardev, and then adding the device,* we get a device node entry in sysfs under* /sys/bus/gpio/devices/gpiochipN/dev that can be used for* coldplug of device nodes and other udev business.* We can do this only if gpiolib has been initialized.* Otherwise, defer until later.*/if (gpiolib_initialized) {ret = gpiochip_setup_dev(gdev);if (ret)goto err_remove_irqchip;}return 0;err_remove_irqchip:gpiochip_irqchip_remove(gc);
err_remove_from_list:spin_lock_irqsave(&gpio_lock, flags);list_del(&gdev->list);spin_unlock_irqrestore(&gpio_lock, flags);
err_free_ida:ida_free(&gpio_ida, gdev->id);
err_free_gdev:/* failures here can mean systems won't boot... */pr_err("%s: GPIOs %d..%d (%s) failed to register, %d\n", __func__,gdev->base, gdev->base + gdev->ngpio - 1,gc->label ? : "generic", ret);kfree(gdev);return ret;

base 代表了每个 Bank 的编号,将其赋值;然后通过 gpiodev_add_to_list(gdev) 将这个 gdev 挂到全局的 gpio_devices :

* Add a new chip to the global chips list, keeping the list of chips sorted
* by range(means [base, base + ngpio - 1]) order.
* Return -EBUSY if the new chip overlaps with some other chip's integer
* space.
static int gpiodev_add_to_list(struct gpio_device *gdev)
{struct gpio_device *prev, *next;if (list_empty(&gpio_devices)) {/* initial entry in list */list_add_tail(&gdev->list, &gpio_devices);return 0;}next = list_entry(, struct gpio_device, list);if (gdev->base + gdev->ngpio <= next->base) {/* add before first entry */list_add(&gdev->list, &gpio_devices);return 0;}prev = list_entry(gpio_devices.prev, struct gpio_device, list);if (prev->base + prev->ngpio <= gdev->base) {/* add behind last entry */list_add_tail(&gdev->list, &gpio_devices);return 0;}list_for_each_entry_safe(prev, next, &gpio_devices, list) {/* at the end of the list */if (&next->list == &gpio_devices)break;/* add between prev and next */if (prev->base + prev->ngpio <= gdev->base&& gdev->base + gdev->ngpio <= next->base) {list_add(&gdev->list, &prev->list);return 0;}}dev_err(&gdev->dev, "GPIO integer space overlap, cannot add chip\n");return -EBUSY;

接着就是设置一些 name 字段,配置中断之类的,初始化每个 desc[] 结构的 flags,最后调用:

    if (gpiolib_initialized) {ret = gpiochip_setup_dev(gdev);if (ret)goto err_remove_irqchip;}

然后,不出意外的话,返回 0;

这里说一下 gpiochip_setup_dev 调用,这个是在 Gpiolib init 的时候调用 gpiochip_setup_devs:

static int __init gpiolib_dev_init(void)
{int ret;/* Register GPIO sysfs bus */ret = bus_register(&gpio_bus_type);if (ret < 0) {pr_err("gpiolib: could not register GPIO bus type\n");return ret;}ret = driver_register(&gpio_stub_drv);if (ret < 0) {pr_err("gpiolib: could not register GPIO stub driver\n");bus_unregister(&gpio_bus_type);return ret;}ret = alloc_chrdev_region(&gpio_devt, 0, GPIO_DEV_MAX, GPIOCHIP_NAME);if (ret < 0) {pr_err("gpiolib: failed to allocate char dev region\n");driver_unregister(&gpio_stub_drv);bus_unregister(&gpio_bus_type);return ret;}gpiolib_initialized = true;gpiochip_setup_devs();#if IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_OF_DYNAMIC) && IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_OF_GPIO)WARN_ON(of_reconfig_notifier_register(&gpio_of_notifier));
#endif /* CONFIG_OF_DYNAMIC && CONFIG_OF_GPIO */return ret;

而这个 gpiochip_setup_devs 对每一个 gpio_devicecs 节点调用:gpiochip_setup_dev:

static void gpiochip_setup_devs(void)
{struct gpio_device *gdev;int ret;list_for_each_entry(gdev, &gpio_devices, list) {ret = gpiochip_setup_dev(gdev);if (ret)dev_err(&gdev->dev,"Failed to initialize gpio device (%d)\n", ret);}


static int gpiochip_setup_dev(struct gpio_device *gdev)
{int ret;ret = gcdev_register(gdev, gpio_devt);if (ret)return ret;ret = gpiochip_sysfs_register(gdev);if (ret)goto err_remove_device;/* From this point, the .release() function cleans up gpio_device */gdev->dev.release = gpiodevice_release;dev_dbg(&gdev->dev, "registered GPIOs %d to %d on %s\n", gdev->base,gdev->base + gdev->ngpio - 1, gdev->chip->label ? : "generic");return 0;err_remove_device:gcdev_unregister(gdev);return ret;

其实就是注册了字符设备,并且添加到了 sysfs;

debug logs:

char dev节点:/sys/bus/gpio/devices
ls -l /sys/bus/gpio/devices
total 0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 2023-09-21 06:52 gpiochip0 -> ../../../devices/platform/soc/f000000.pinctrl/gpiochip0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 2023-09-21 06:52 gpiochip1 -> ../../../devices/platform/soc/c42d000.qcom,spmi/spmi-0/0-00/c42d000.qcom,spmi:qcom,pmk8350@0:pinctrl@b000/gpiochip1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 2023-09-21 06:52 gpiochip2 -> ../../../devices/platform/soc/c42d000.qcom,spmi/spmi-0/0-02/c42d000.qcom,spmi:qcom,pm8350c@2:pinctrl@8800/gpiochip2
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 2023-09-21 06:52 gpiochip3 -> ../../../devices/platform/soc/c42d000.qcom,spmi/spmi-0/0-01/c42d000.qcom,spmi:qcom,pm7325@1:pinctrl@8800/gpiochip3
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 2023-09-21 06:52 gpiochip4 -> ../../../devices/platform/soc/c42d000.qcom,spmi/spmi-0/0-03/c42d000.qcom,spmi:qcom,pm8350b@3:pinctrl@8800/gpiochip4
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 2023-09-21 06:52 gpiochip5 -> ../../../devices/platform/soc/soc:spf_core_platform/soc:spf_core_platform:lpi_pinctrl@3440000/gpiochip5sysfs节点 /sys/class/gpio
ls -l /sys/class/gpio/
total 0
--w------- 1 root root 4096 2023-09-21 06:53 export
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root    0 2023-09-21 06:53 gpiochip287 -> ../../devices/platform/soc/soc:spf_core_platform/soc:spf_core_platform:lpi_pinctrl@3440000/gpio/gpiochip287
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root    0 2023-09-21 06:53 gpiochip310 -> ../../devices/platform/soc/c42d000.qcom,spmi/spmi-0/0-03/c42d000.qcom,spmi:qcom,pm8350b@3:pinctrl@8800/gpio/gpiochip310
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root    0 2023-09-21 06:53 gpiochip318 -> ../../devices/platform/soc/c42d000.qcom,spmi/spmi-0/0-01/c42d000.qcom,spmi:qcom,pm7325@1:pinctrl@8800/gpio/gpiochip318
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root    0 2023-09-21 06:53 gpiochip328 -> ../../devices/platform/soc/c42d000.qcom,spmi/spmi-0/0-02/c42d000.qcom,spmi:qcom,pm8350c@2:pinctrl@8800/gpio/gpiochip328
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root    0 2023-09-21 06:53 gpiochip337 -> ../../devices/platform/soc/c42d000.qcom,spmi/spmi-0/0-00/c42d000.qcom,spmi:qcom,pmk8350@0:pinctrl@b000/gpio/gpiochip337
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root    0 2023-09-21 06:53 gpiochip341 -> ../../devices/platform/soc/f000000.pinctrl/gpio/gpiochip341
--w------- 1 root root 4096 2023-09-21 06:53 unexport
dev_dbg(&gdev->dev, "registered GPIOs %d to %d on %s\n", gdev->base, gdev->base + gdev->ngpio - 1, gdev->chip->label ? : "generic");05-23 16:18:33.460     1     1 E gpiochip0: (f000000.pinctrl): william_gpio added GPIO chardev (254:0)
05-23 16:18:33.460     1     1 E gpiochip0: william_gpio registered GPIOs 341 to 511 on f000000.pinctrl
05-23 16:18:35.347   357   357 E gpiochip1: (c42d000.qcom,spmi:qcom,pmk8350@0:pinctrl@b000): william_gpio added GPIO chardev (254:1)
05-23 16:18:35.347   357   357 E gpiochip1: william_gpio registered GPIOs 337 to 340 on c42d000.qcom,spmi:qcom,pmk8350@0:pinctrl@b000
05-23 16:18:35.351   357   357 E gpiochip2: (c42d000.qcom,spmi:qcom,pm8350c@2:pinctrl@8800): william_gpio added GPIO chardev (254:2)
05-23 16:18:35.351   357   357 E gpiochip2: william_gpio registered GPIOs 328 to 336 on c42d000.qcom,spmi:qcom,pm8350c@2:pinctrl@8800
05-23 16:18:35.361   357   357 E gpiochip3: (c42d000.qcom,spmi:qcom,pm7325@1:pinctrl@8800): william_gpio added GPIO chardev (254:3)
05-23 16:18:35.361   357   357 E gpiochip3: william_gpio registered GPIOs 318 to 327 on c42d000.qcom,spmi:qcom,pm7325@1:pinctrl@8800
05-23 16:18:35.362   357   357 E gpiochip4: (c42d000.qcom,spmi:qcom,pm8350b@3:pinctrl@8800): william_gpio added GPIO chardev (254:4)
05-23 16:18:35.362   357   357 E gpiochip4: william_gpio registered GPIOs 310 to 317 on c42d000.qcom,spmi:qcom,pm8350b@3:pinctrl@8800
09-21 01:52:25.519   758   758 E gpiochip5: (soc:spf_core_platform:lpi_pinctrl@3440000): william_gpio added GPIO chardev (254:5)
09-21 01:52:25.519   758   758 E gpiochip5: william_gpio registered GPIOs 287 to 309 on soc:spf_core_platform:lpi_pinctrl@3440000chip       base  ngpio  gdev->chip->label
gpiochip0  341   170    f000000.pinctrl
gpiochip1  337   3      pmk8350@0:pinctrl@b000
gpiochip2  328   8      pm8350c@2:pinctrl@8800
gpiochip3  318   9      pm7325@1:pinctrl@8800
gpiochip4  310   7      pm8350b@3:pinctrl@8800
gpiochip5  287   22     lpi_pinctrl@3440000

个人理解,因为不知道这个 init 和我们的对接底层的驱动的 init 谁先执行到,所以用了一个变量 gpiolib_initialized 来表示当前的 Gpiolib 是不是已经完成了相关的字符设备的注册,如果是 Gpiolib 先去 init 的话,那么 gpiolib_initialized  ture,芯片对接底层的部分错过 gpio_chip setup 的机会,所以需要重新调用这个 gpiochip_setup_dev 接口,反之 OK;

到这里,对接底层驱动的部分基本上 OK 了,小伙伴们需要按照自己芯片的 Specific 去做自己的 gpio_chip 结构并最终通过 gpiochip_add_data 添加到 Gpiolib 子系统中;

还有一点需要注意到的是,小伙伴们需要自行定义一些结构,来获得并表示自己 Bank 的虚拟地址等等,这样才能操作到实际的硬件寄存器;

4,gpiolib 向上提供的操作接口


 * descriptor-based interface: 基于描述符的接口, 新框架, 官方推荐;

 * legacy integer-based interface: 基于整数的接口;

4.1 基于描述符的gpio在dts中使用



#include <linux/gpio/consumer.h>foo_device {compatible = "acme,foo";...led-gpios = <&gpio 15 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>, /* red */<&gpio 16 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>, /* green */<&gpio 17 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; /* blue */power-gpio = <&gpio 18 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
};struct gpio_desc *red, *green, *blue, *power;red = gpiod_get_index(dev, "led", 0);
green = gpiod_get_index(dev, "led", 1);
blue = gpiod_get_index(dev, "led", 2);
power = gpiod_get(dev, "power");gpiod_direction_output(red, 1);
gpiod_direction_output(green, 1);
gpiod_direction_output(blue, 1);
gpiod_direction_output(power, 1);gpiod_put(red);    //释放gpio口;

dts中gpio label的写法: name-gpios, 其中name是gpiod_get*()函数里的第二个参数;

The led GPIOs will be active-high, while the power GPIO will be active-low;

gpiod_is_active_low(power); 为true;

4.2 基于整数的gpio在dts中使用
device_node {...gpio_name = <&tlmm 99 0>;...
}int gpio_99 = of_get_named_gpio_flags(dev->of_node, "gpio_name", 0, NULL);
gpio_request(gpio_99, "gpio_name");                //通过gpio号申请gpio
gpio_direction_output(gpio_99, 1);                //设置gpio_99输出,初始值为1
gpio_set_value(gpio_99, 0);                        //设置gpio_99值为0
gpio_free(gpio_99);                             gpio_get_value(gpio_99, 0);                        //获取gpio_99的值



gpio_request()*desc = gpio_to_desc(gpio);gpiod_request(desc, label);gpiod_request_commit(desc, label);offset = gpio_chip_hwgpio(desc);gc->request(gc, offset);pl061->gc.request = gpiochip_generic_request;pinctrl_gpio_request(gc->gpiodev->base + offset); //drivers/pinctrl/core.cpin = gpio_to_pin(range, gpio);pinmux_request_gpio(pctldev, range, pin, gpio);pin_request(pctldev, pin, owner, range);ops->gpio_request_enable(pctldev, gpio_range, pin);



gpio_direction_output()gpiod_direction_output_raw(gpio_to_desc(gpio), value);gpiod_direction_output_raw_commit(desc, value);*gc = desc->gdev->chip;gc->direction_output(gc, gpio_chip_hwgpio(desc), val);pl061->gc.direction_output = pl061_direction_output;
4.3 Device-managed variants函数


struct gpio_desc *devm_gpiod_get(struct device *dev, const char *con_id,enum gpiod_flags flags)struct gpio_desc *devm_gpiod_get_index(struct device *dev,const char *con_id,unsigned int idx,enum gpiod_flags flags)struct gpio_desc *devm_gpiod_get_optional(struct device *dev,const char *con_id,enum gpiod_flags flags)struct gpio_desc * devm_gpiod_get_index_optional(struct device *dev,const char *con_id,unsigned int index,enum gpiod_flags flags)


void gpiod_put(struct gpio_desc *desc);
void devm_gpiod_put(struct device *dev, struct gpio_desc *desc);      
4.4 新旧框架的相互转换
static struct gpio_desc gpio_desc[ARCH_NR_GPIOS];    //gpiolib.c
gpio_to_desc(unsigned gpio)    &gpio_desc[gpio]    //这里的gpio_desc是同名结构体的数组;int desc_to_gpio(const struct gpio_desc *desc)    //gpiolib.creturn desc - &gpio_desc[0];


Linux GPIO 驱动 (gpiolib)_devm_gpiochip_add_data-CSDN博客

linux gpio学习笔记(gpiolib)_devm_gpiod_get_verdicty的博客-CSDN博客




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