手动在下拉框中选择,或者 使用下面三个快捷按钮进行选择或者取消选择。

域 | |
full | Search through all text tokens (words,strings,identifiers,numbers) in index. |
defs | Only finds symbol definitions (where e.g. a variable (function, ...) is defined). |
refs | Only finds symbols (e.g. methods, classes, functions, variables). |
path | path of the source file (no need to use dividers, or if, then use "/" - Windows users, "\" is an escape key in Lucene query syntax! Please don't use "\", or replace it with "/"). Also note that if you want just exact path, enclose it in "", e.g. "src/mypath", otherwise dividers will be removed and you get more hits. |
hist | History log comments. |
type | Type of analyzer used to scope down to certain file types (e.g. just C sources). Current mappings: [ada=Ada, asm=Asm, bzip2=Bzip(2), c=C, clojure=Clojure, csharp=C#, cxx=C++, eiffel=Eiffel, elf=ELF, erlang=Erlang, file=Image file, fortran=Fortran, golang=Golang, gzip=GZIP, haskell=Haskell, hcl=HCL, jar=Jar, java=Java, javaclass=Java class, javascript=JavaScript, json=Json, kotlin=Kotlin, lisp=Lisp, lua=Lua, mandoc=Manual pages, pascal=Pascal, perl=Perl, php=PHP, plain=Plain Text, plsql=PL/SQL, powershell=PowerShell script, python=Python, r=R, ruby=Ruby, rust=Rust, scala=Scala, sh=Shell script, sql=SQL, swift=Swift, tar=Tar, tcl=Tcl, terraform=Terraform, troff=Troff, typescript=TypeScript, uuencode=UUEncoded, vb=Visual Basic, verilog=Verilog, xml=XML, yaml=Yaml, zip=Zip] |
a term, indicating all the documents that contain this term;
a term followed by a colon ":
", indicating the field to be searched. This enables one to construct queries which search multiple fields.
搜索基础条件格式为 域:字符串
域不指定,默认加上 搜索框的域
The exceptions are: @ $ % ^ & = ? . : which are mostly indexed as separate.