第1部分:介绍Section 1: Introduction
1.1 目的和范围 Purpose and Scope
本指南专门介绍如何在系统工程背景下以文本形式表达需求和要求陈述。其目的是将现有标准(如 ISO/IEC/IEEE 29148)中的建议以及作者、主要贡献者和审稿员的最佳实践结合在一起,形成一套单一的、全面的特征和规则,用于使用结构化、自然语言的形式良好的需求和需求陈述。 This guide is specifically about how to express need and requirement statements in textual form in the context of systems engineering. The aim is to draw together advice from existing standards such as ISO/IEC/IEEE 29148 and best practices from the authors, contributors, and reviewers into a single, comprehensive set of characteristics and rules for well-formed need and requirement statements using a structure, natural language.
本指南的目的和目标是 The goals and objectives of this guide are to:
- 提供实用的跨领域指导,并提供示例,使项目团队能够定义格式良好的需求和要求陈述。Provide practical, cross domain guidance, with examples that will enable project teams to define well-formed need and requirement statements.
- 提供有关编写完善的需求和要求的权威来源,组织可以在制定和记录一套根据其特定组织需求、独特文化、领域和产品线量身定制的规则、指南、流程和模板时参考这些需求和要求。Provide a definitive source on writing well-formed needs and requirements that organizations can reference when developing and documenting a set of rules, guidelines, processes, and templates that are tailored to their specific organizational needs, unique culture, domain, and product line.
- 定义一组完善的需求、要求、需求集和要求集应该具备的特征。 Define a set of characteristics that well-formed needs, requirements, sets of needs, and sets of requirements should have.
- 提供一套用于编写需求和要求的规则,如果遵循这些规则,其相关陈述结果将包含所需的特征。 Provide a set of rules for writing needs and requirements that, if followed, will result in the relevant statements having the desired characteristics.
- 阐述了需求声明的样板、模板或模式的概念。 Addresses the concept of a boilerplate, template, or pattern for a requirement statement.
本指南不涉及需求的发现、捕获或引出;也不涉及需求分析、需求管理以及模型或设计输出的开发,尽管需求在所有这些活动和过程中发挥着关键作用——这些在《需求和要求手册》和《需求和要求指南》中进行了讨论。本指南的重点是如何使用结构化的自然语言以支持进一步分析和实施的形式清晰而准确地表达需求陈述(需求)和要求陈述(要求),而不依赖于用于在整个系统生命周期中捕获和管理这些需求和要求的任何系统工程(SE)工具。This guide is not about the discovery, capture, or elicitation of requirements; nor is it about requirements analysis, requirements management, and the development of models or design outputs, even though requirements play a key role in all those activities and processes—those are discussed in the Needs, Requirements, Manual (NRM) and the Guide to Needs and Requirements (GtNR). The focus of this guide is on how to express need statements (needs) and requirement statements (requirements) clearly and precisely as text using a structured, natural language in a form that supports further analysis and implementation, independent of any systems engineering (SE) tool used to capture and manage those needs and requirements throughout the system lifecycle.
虽然该指南的重点是编写文本的需求和要求,但它并没有、也不应该涵盖所有良好语法和写作风格的规则。相反,本文给出的指导假设是基于作者已经采用了正确的语法和风格 - 例如,应用了正确的标点符号和句子结构,避免了双重否定,并适当地定位了修饰从句。Although the focus of the guide is on writing textual needs and requirements, it does not, and should not, incorporate all the rules of good grammar and writing style. Rather, the guidance given herein assumes the writer has applied proper grammar and style— for example, applied proper punctuation, sentence structure, avoided double negatives, and appropriately located modifying clauses.
随着系统变得越来越复杂并且软件更密集,在内部和外部组织之间共享数据和信息(包括需求和要求)的能力对于项目成功至关重要。项目必须定义并记录项目本体,这是形成可共享数据集的基础。本体包括一组术语、实体、数据类型和属性的正式命名和定义,以及定义这些术语、实体和数据类型之间的关系,这些关系是项目和项目所属组织的基础 。拥有记录的项目本体有助于确保在所有系统生命周期过程活动和工作产品以及项目内部和外部的各个组中一致地使用这些数据和信息。这种通用项目本体是互操作性以及共享数据和信息集(包括需求和要求)的能力的关键。As systems become increasingly complex and software intensive, the ability to share data and information, including needs and requirements, across organizations both internal and external is critical to project success. Fundamental to forming shareable sets of data, the project must define and document a project ontology. The ontology includes the formal naming and definition of a set of terms, entities, data types, and properties as well as defining the relationships between these terms, entities, and data types that are fundamental to the project and organization of which the project is part. Having a documented project ontology helps ensure consistent use of this data and information across all system lifecycle process activities and work products as well as across various groups within and external to the project. This common project ontology is key to interoperability and the ability to share sets of data and information, including needs and requirements.
本指南中讨论的需求和要求的特征和规则适用于任何实体的需求和要求,无论组织或系统架构内的级别如何。因此,适用于业务需求的结果源自 ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288 和 INCOSE SE HB 技术流程:业务和任务分析、利益相关者需求和要求定义以及系统要求定义。The characteristics and rules for needs and requirements discussed in this Guide apply to needs and requirements for any entity no matter the level within an organization or system architecture. As such, the apply to the business requirements result from the ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288 and INCOSE SE HB technical processes: Business and Mission Analysis, Stakeholder Needs and Requirements Definition, and System Requirements Definition.
1.2 受众 Audience
本指南适用于那些在整个系统开发生命周期过程活动中负责征求、编写、审查和管理文本需求和要求的人员,以及那些阅读、实施和验证已实现的兴趣系统 (SOI) 是否满足要求并验证已实现的 SOI 在由预期用户使用时是否满足预期操作环境中的需求的人员。This guide is intended for those whose role is to solicit, write, review, and manage textual needs and requirements throughout the system development lifecycle process activities, as well as those who read, implement, and verify that the realized System of Interest (SOI) meets the requirements and validate that the realized SOI meets the needs in the intended operational environment when used by the intended users.
主要用户群体包括系统工程师、需求工程师、业务分析师、产品开发人员。 系统架构师、配置经理、设计人员、测试人员、验证人员、确认人员、制造商、编码人员、操作人员、用户、处理人员、课程开发人员、培训人员、工具供应商和项目经理。Major user groups include systems engineers, requirements engineers, business analysts, product developers. system architects, configuration managers, designers, testers, verifiers, validators, manufactures, coders, operators, users, disposers, course developers, trainers, tool suppliers, and project managers.
本指南适用于各种经验水平的从业者。 刚接触此角色的人应该通过本文提供的规则和相关示例找到有用的具体指导,而经验丰富的人应该能够通过所表达的特征、规则和属性找到新的见解,而这些特征、规则和属性通常在其他文本、指南、或标准。 This guide is addressed to practitioners of all levels of experience. Someone new to this role should find specific guidance through the rules and associated examples provided herein to be useful, and those more experienced should be able to find new insights through the characteristics, rules, and attributes expressed, often absent from other texts, guides, or standards.
尽管阅读、审查和评论需求和要求陈述所需的技能比编写它们要少,但理解为什么以这种方式表达需求和要求是有帮助的。理解完善的需求和需求集、要求和要求集的特征,以及实现这些特征所需要遵循的规则,将有助于作者以及审阅者、开发人员、验证者和确认者识别缺陷,如果不加以纠正,可能会导致代价高昂的返工、计划延误和需求无法实现。 Although reading, reviewing, and commenting on need and requirement statements requires less skill than writing them, it is helpful to understand why needs and requirements are expressed in the way they are. Understanding the characteristics of well-formed needs and sets of needs, requirements and sets of requirements, and the rules that need to be followed that result in having these characteristics will help both the authors as well as reviewers, developers, verifiers, and validators to identify defects, that if not corrected, can result in costly rework, schedule slips, and needs not being realized.
本指南还适用于应用人工智能 (AI) 和自然语言处理 (NLP) 来评估需求和要求陈述的工具供应商,其目标是使用本指南中定义的规则提高其质量。 This Guide is also addressed to tool vendors that are applying Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) to the evaluation of needs and requirement statements with the goal of improving their quality using the rules defined in this Guide.
考虑到定义的规则数量,应用所有规则可能会很困难。 这些工具充当“数字助手”,将帮助系统工程师制定更高质量、格式良好的要求,这是本指南的最终目标。 Given the number of rules defined, it can be overwhelming to apply them all. These tools serve as a “digital assistant” that will help systems engineers to craft higher quality, well-formed requirements which is the ultimate goal of this Guide.
1.3 使用方式Approach
本指南介绍了需求和要求陈述的基本特征、编写需求和要求陈述的实用规则,以及编写需求和要求陈述时可以遵循的模式。 This guide presents underlying characteristics of need and requirement statements, practical rules for writing need and requirement statements, and patterns that can be followed when writing need and requirement statements.
所有需求陈述、需求集、要求陈述和要求集都必须具有本指南中所表述的特征。本文包含的规则提供了有关如何实现这些特征的指导。关注特征很重要,因为仅靠一套规则永远无法完美而完整地表达如何实现良好需求和要求的目标。需求和要求的多样性意味着规则需要适应具体情况。鉴于这一现实,了解这些特征的根本特征及其原因将有助于调整规则以满足组织的需求。 All need statements, sets of needs, requirement statements, and requirement sets must have the characteristics expressed in this guide. The rules included herein provide guidance on how to achieve these characteristics. Focusing on characteristics is important because the set of rules alone can never be a perfect and complete expression of how to achieve the goal of well-formed needs and requirements. The diverse nature of needs and requirements means that the rules need to be adapted to specific cases. Given this reality, an understanding of the underlying characteristics and reasons for those characteristics informs the adaptation of the rules to meet the needs of an organization.
需求和要求陈述的预定义模式为各种类型的需求和要求提供了模板或样板,有助于确保需求和要求陈述具有定义的特征。 Pre-defined patterns for needs and requirement statements provide a template or boilerplate for various types of needs and requirements helping to ensure the need and requirement statements have the defined characteristics.
如图1所示,本指南与INCOSE《需求和要求手册》(NRM)保持一致并对其进行补充,以支持 INCOSE《系统工程手册》(INCOSE SE HB)。 As shown in Figure 1, this Guide is in alignment with, and complements, the INCOSE Needs and Requirements Manual (NRM) in support of the INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook (INCOSE SE HB).

建议读者熟悉NRM中的基本概念以及相关指南:《需求和要求指南》(GtNR) 和《验证和确认指南》(GtVV)。需求和要求表达的质量在很大程度上取决于需求和要求定义和管理 (NRDM)活动的成功实施。NRM和GtVV中描述的系统验证和确认活动的成功实施在很大程度上取决于遵循本指南中的指导以及 NRM 和 GtNR 中定义的活动所产生的需求和要求的质量。 It is recommended the reader have familiarity with the underlining concepts within the NRM as well as the related guides: Guide to Needs and Requirements (GtNR) and Guide to Verification and Validation (GtVV). The quality of need and requirement expressions is highly dependent on the successful implementation of the Needs and Requirements Definition and Management (NRDM) activities. Successful implementation of the system verification and validation activities described in the NRM and GtVV is highly dependent on the quality of the needs and requirements resulting from following the guidance contained in this Guide as well as the activities defined within the NRM and GtNR.
图 2 显示了本指南的上下文,其中主要关注的是定义完善的需求和要求。在此图中,需求包含在一组综合需求中,要求包含在 SOI 的一组设计输入要求中。综合需求集和由此产生的设计输入要求集一起被视为 INCOSE SE HB 架构定义和设计定义流程的输入,这些流程将设计输入要求转换为实现 SOI 的设计输出规范集。 Figure 2 shows the context of this Guide where the primary focus is on definition of wellformed needs and requirements. In this figure, the needs are contained within an integrated set of needs and the requirements are contained a set of design input requirements for the SOI. Together, the integrated set of needs and resulting set of design input requirements are considered inputs into the INCOSE SE HB Architecture Definition and Design Definition processes which transform the design input requirements into sets of design output specifications to which the SOI is realized.

1.4 为什么使用文本形式的交流 Why use the Textual Form of Communication?
对于很多需要沟通的想法和概念; 格式良好的文本需求和要求陈述已被证明是最有效的沟通形式,涵盖了整个系统生命周期中必须传达的各种概念。 For many ideas and concepts that need to be communicated; well-formed, textual need and requirement statements have been proven to be the most effective form of communication that covers the wide variety of concepts that must be communicated throughout a system lifecycle.
对文本需求和要求陈述的主要意见是使用非结构化的自然语言时固有的歧义性。英语有许多同义词和单词,根据上下文含义略有不同。因此,很难做到清晰、准确和避免歧义。 A major critique of textual needs and requirement statements is the inherent ambiguity in the use of an unstructured, natural language. English has many synonyms and words with slightly different shades of meaning based on context. Because of this, it can be difficult to be clear, precise, and to avoid ambiguity.
为了避免出现这种歧义,本指南中提倡使用结构化的自然语言,并制定一套规则来减少歧义。当“格式正确”一词应用于文本需求和要求陈述时,它指的是使用这种结构化的自然语言编写的需求和要求陈述,并遵循本指南中规定的规则。To help avoid this ambiguity, the language advocated in this Guide is a structured, natural language with a set of rules to reduce ambiguity. When the phrase “wellformed” is applied to textual need and requirement statements, it refers to need and requirement statements that are written using this structured, natural language following the rules stated in this Guide.
当然,文本并不是表述需求和要求的唯一媒介。用于发现和表述需求和要求的其他方法包括:Of course, text is not the only medium by which needs and requirements can be expressed. Alternative methods used to discover and express needs and requirements include:
- 操作场景、用例和用户故事(作为敏捷开发方法的一部分,或规模化敏捷框架(SAFe®)中的叙事、特性和故事) Operational scenarios, use cases, and user stories (as used as part of Agile development methodologies, or epics, features and stories in Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe®));
- 原型,例如用于生产驱动和快速应用程序开发方法的原型;以及Prototypes, such as used in production-driven and rapid application development methodologies; and
- 模型和图表作为具有明确定义语义的建模方法的一部分,例如用于软件的 UML 和用于通用系统的系统建模语言 (SysML)。Models and diagrams as part of a modeling approach with well-defined semantics, such as UML for software and Systems Modeling Language (SysML) for generic systems.
请参阅 NRM 第 3 节和第 4 节,了解有关互补使用这些方法来发现、分析和表达需求和要求的详细讨论。Refer to the NRM, Sections 3 and 4 for a detailed discussion concerning the complementary use of these methods to discover, analyze, and express needs and requirements.
正如任何形式的技术沟通都存在问题一样,这些其他方法也可能是不完美的,因为它们尚未涵盖所需的广泛概念,并且有自己的表示、可追溯性和管理挑战。Just as there are issues with any form of technical communication, these other approaches can also be imperfect as they do not yet cover the wide range of concepts needed and have their own presentational, traceability, and management challenges.
- 问题陈述、操作场景、用例和用户故事是从用户(参与者)与其他参与者和正在开发的系统交互的角度编写的,而不是从正在开发的系统必须做什么才能让用户进行交互的角度来编写 按照用例定义的方式使用 SOI。虽然用例是利益相关者期望分析的绝佳概念工具,有助于理解 SOI 利益相关者所期望的特性和相关功能和性能,但它们并不是总能有效地取代所有必须传达的各种想法和概念的、格式良好的、基于文本的利益相关者需求和要求,尤其是非功能性需求和要求。Problem statements, operational scenarios, use cases and user stories are written from the perspective of the user’s (actor’s) interaction with other actors and the system under development rather than the perspective of what the system under development must do in order for the users to interact with the SOI in the way they expect, as defined by the use cases. While use cases are an excellent conceptual tool for stakeholder expectation analysis to help understand the features and associated functionality and performance expected by the stakeholders of the SOI, they do not always effectively replace well-formed, text-based stakeholder needs and requirements for all the various ideas and concepts that must be communicated, especially non-functional needs and requirements.
- 作为传达利益相关者需求和要求的替代形式,用例、图表和其他模型形式不具备本指南中定义的完善的需求和要求陈述的特征,而这些特征对于将广泛的需求和要求清楚地传达为一种各方(利益相关者、开发人员、测试人员)随着时间的推移都能清楚理解的语言是必需的。As an alternate form to communicate stakeholder needs and requirements, use cases, diagrams, and other model forms do not have the characteristics of wellformed need and requirement statements defined in this Guide that are necessary to clearly communicate the broad spectrum of needs and requirements into a language that can be clearly understood by all parties (stakeholders, developers, testers) over time.
现实情况是,需求和要求的文本形式不仅有用,而且也是必要的。 操作场景、用例、图表和其他类型的模型也是有用且必要的。每种形式都代表一种特定的可视化效果,需要在 SOI 的集成数据和信息模型中表示出来。通过这种方法,底层数据和信息模型不仅可以捕获需求和要求,还可以捕获它们在数据和信息模型中表示的生命周期内彼此之间的关系以及与其他工件之间的关系。这使得利益相关者能够以最适合他们想要传达或实现的目标的形式查看数据和信息。因此,了解哪种形式和媒体最适合随着时间的推移向特定受众传达特定的想法和概念非常重要。The reality is that the textual form of needs and requirements are not only useful, but they are also necessary. Operational scenarios, use cases, diagrams, and other types of models are also useful and necessary. Each of these forms represents a specific visualization and need to be represented in an integrated data and information model of the SOI. With this approach, the underlying data and information model captures not only the needs and requirements but also their relationships to each other and to other artifacts across the lifecycle represented within the data and information model. This enables stakeholders to view the data and information in whichever form is best for what they are trying to communicate or achieve. Therefore, it is important to understand which form and media is best to communicate specific ideas and concepts to a given audience over time.
对于许多需要传达的想法和概念,以结构化、自然的语言表达格式良好、基于文本的需求和要求已被证明是最有效的。优点包括:For many ideas and concepts that need to be communicated; well-formed, text-based needs and requirements expressed in a structured, natural language have been proven to be the most effective. Advantages include:
- 沟通Communication. 仍有(可以说,永远会有)相当一部分受众无法解释、不理解或不愿意使用图表或其他非文本形式的需求或要求陈述,尤其是当所用的词语(技术术语)对读者来说不是直观可见时。这些人,尤其是管理层、客户和系统用户或其他非技术人员,可能没有接受过基于语言的模型方面的培训,或者发现某些图表和模型中使用的术语令人困惑且不直观。 There is still (arguably, there will always be) a sizable audience who cannot interpret, do not understand, or who are not willing to work with, diagrammatic or other non-textual representations of need or requirement statements, especially when the words used (technical jargon) are not intuitively obvious to the reader. These people, particularly management, customers, and users of the system or other non-technical personnel, may not have been trained in language-based models or find the terminology used in some diagrams and models confusing and not intuitive.
在这种情况下,有效的沟通(参见 NRM,第 2.10 节)就没有发生,因为消息的接收者可能无法按照发送者的意图解释和理解消息,并且很可能对需求和要求定义活动失去兴趣。另一方面,文本是通用的。当然,文本陈述必须写得清楚、正确、无歧义;但是,如果图表和模型格式不当、有缺陷或被赋予错误的含义,它们就更有可能不清楚、不正确和模棱两可。图表或模型表示必须由写得好的详细文本陈述和描述支持,以便所有利益相关者都能清楚地理解这些表示。此功能支持以下特征:C3 - 无歧义、C7 - 可验证、C13 - 可理解、C14 - 可验证。
When that is the case, effective communication (See NRM, Section 2.10) has not taken place since the receiver of the message may not interpret and understand the message as intended by the sender and may well lose interest in the needs and requirements definition activities. On the other hand, text is universal. Of course, the textual statements must be well-written in such a way as to be clear, correct, and unambiguous; but then diagrams and models have even more potential to be unclear, incorrect, and ambiguous if they are poorly formed, defective, or the wrong meaning is assigned to them. Diagrammatic or model representation will have to be supported by well-written, detailed textual statements and descriptions for the
representations to be understood unambiguously by all stakeholders. This capability supports the characteristics: C3 - Unambiguous, C7 - Verifiable, C13 - Comprehensible, C14 - Able to be Validated.
- 表现力Power of expression. 需要表达的需求和要求种类繁多。用例、用户故事、场景、图表和模型往往侧重于功能架构,可能能够表达功能、性能和界面需求和要求,但目前不太适合表达与质量、法规、标准和物理特性相关的物理系统元素相关的非功能性需求和要求。文本形式具有使用结构化自然语言表达所有类型需求和要求的通用能力。此功能支持以下特性:C3 - 明确、C4 - 完整、C7 - 可验证、C13 - 可理解、C14 - 可验证。There is a wide variety of types of needs and requirements that must be expressed. Use cases, user stories, scenarios, diagrams, and models tend to focus on the functional architecture and may be capable of expressing functional, performance, and interface needs and requirements, but are not presently well suited to expressing non-functional needs and requirements that deal with the physical system elements associated with quality (-ilities), regulations, standards, and physical characteristics. Textual forms carry the universal power of expression using a structured, natural language for all types of needs and requirements. This capability supports the characteristics: C3 - Unambiguous, C4 - Complete, C7 - Verifiable, C13 -Comprehensible, C14 - Able to be Validated.
- 管理需求和要求集 Managing Sets of Needs and Requirements. 作为基于语言的模型的一部分,定义和管理需求和要求存在一个重大障碍:它们不适合呈现大量需求和要求。SysML 需求图可以呈现单个需求表达式,但不太适合表示多个或大量需求集。SysML 需求图作为系统模型中包含的需求集的可视化,其局限性要求对需求表达式以及需求集进行替代的文本可视化。There is a significant barrier to defining and managing needs and requirements as part of language-based models: they do not lend themselves to the presentation of large numbers of needs and requirements. SysML requirement diagrams can present individual requirement expressions but are not well suited to representing multiple or large sets of requirements. This limitation of the SysML requirement diagram as a visualization of the sets of requirements contained in the system model requires alternate, textual visualizations of requirements expressions as well as sets of requirements.
注 Note: 目前 SysML 不包含实体类型“需求”,也不包含相应的需求图。此功能支持以下特性:C4 - 完整、C13 - 可理解。currently SysML does not include an entity type “needs”, nor corresponding needs diagrams. This capability supports the characteristics: C4 - Complete, C13 - Comprehensible.
- 辅助功能Accessibility. 即使利益相关者愿意花时间学习 UML 和 SysML 等建模语言或其他基于语言的建模工具,用于创建和查看模型数据集所代表的数据和信息的 SE 工具(包括 RMT)和建模工具也并非对所有利益相关者都随时可用且可评估。在许多情况下,访问权限受到购买的“席位”或“许可证”数量的限制。能够以电子文档格式(pdf 或常见的办公应用程序格式)提供需求和要求,使利益相关者能够在已安装在其计算机上的应用程序中查看需求和要求。此外,仍有一些经理喜欢并要求打印的基于文本的文档,并且在可预见的未来将继续这样做。Even when stakeholders are willing to spend the time to learn modeling languages such as UML and SysML or other language-based modeling tools, the SE tools (including RMTs) and modeling tools used to create and view the data and information represented by the model's dataset are not readily available and assessable to all stakeholders. In many cases, access is restricted by the number of "seats" or "licenses" purchased. Being able to provide needs and requirements in an electronic document format (pdf, or common office application formats) allows the stakeholders to view the needs and requirements in applications that have been installed on their computers. In addition, there are still managers who still prefer, and demand, printed, text-based documents, and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.
- 熟悉 Attributes. 需求和要求表达式都包含可用于管理它们以及跨所有生命周期过程活动的正在开发的系统的属性。虽然建模语言允许用户定义名为“属性”的实体并将该实体链接到需求或要求陈述,但很少有从业者这样做,尤其是当项目团队决定使用多个属性时。用于表示需求或要求的操作场景、用例、用户故事和其他图表不利于附加大量属性,也不利于使用这些属性来生成有意义的报告和仪表板供管理利益相关者使用。有关属性使用的更详细讨论,请参阅 NRM 第 15 节。此功能支持以下特性:C1 - 必要和 C13 - 可理解。Both the need and requirement expressions include attributes that can be used to manage them as well as the system under development across all lifecycle process activities. While modeling languages allow users to define an entity having the name "attribute" and link that entity to a need or requirement statements, few practitioners do so, especially when there are multiple attributes that the project team has decided to use. Operational scenarios, use cases, user stories, and other diagrams used to represent needs or requirements are not conducive to appending a large set of attributes nor using those attributes to produce meaningful reports and dashboards for use by management stakeholders. Refer to the NRM, Section 15 for a more detailed discussion concerning the use of attributes. This capability supports the characteristics: C1 - Necessary and C13 - Comprehensible.
- 正式的、具有约束力的协议 Formal, binding agreement. 在正式协议或基于合同的系统开发工作中,文本需求和要求陈述更容易被更广泛的、通常非技术性的利益相关者理解,这些利益相关者包括业务管理、项目管理 (PM)、配置管理 (CM)、合同管理员和法律支持。在需求陈述中使用“应当”或具有相同含义的其他术语,可以清楚地表明所传达的内容是正式的、需求陈述具有约束力,并且系统将经过验证以满足要求或被确认已满足需求。要成为具有约束力的协议的一部分,特别是在法律合同中,需求和要求集必须以正式的方式表达,并且配置管理的形式必须:1)明确陈述具有约束力;2)具有格式良好的需求和要求陈述以及需求和要求集的特征,如本指南等标准和指南中所定义。此功能支持以下特性:C1 - 必要的、C3 - 明确的、C4 - 完整的、C6 - 可行的、C7 - 可验证的、C13 - 可理解的、C14 - 可验证的。Textual needs and requirement statements are more easily understood in a formal agreement or contract-based system development effort by a wider, and often, non-technical set of stakeholders including business management, project management (PM), configuration management (CM), contract administrators, and legal support. Use of “shall” in requirements statements or another term defined to have the same meaning, makes it clear that what is being communicated is formal, the requirement statement is binding, and the system will be verified to meet the requirements or validated to have met the needs. To be part of a binding agreement, especially in a legal contract, the sets of needs and requirements must be expressed formally, and configuration managed in a form that 1) makes it clear the statements are binding and 2) have the characteristics of well-formed need and requirement statements and sets of needs and requirements as defined in standards and guides such as this Guide. This capability supports the characteristics: C1 - Necessary, C3 - Unambiguous, C4 - Complete, C6 - Feasible, C7 - Verifiable, C13 - Comprehensible, C14 - Able to be Validated.
- 系统验证和系统确认 System verification and system validation. 大多数正式协议(基于合同)产品开发和管理流程以及受到严格监管的产品都包括系统验证和系统确认,这是在产品验收、鉴定、认证和批准使用之前必须进行的正式流程。在受到严格监管的安全关键行业(如医疗器械行业、航空和消费品)中,在产品获准投放市场之前,需要提供正式证据证明设计输出(包括产品)符合设计输入(需求和设计输入要求)。目前,除了文本要求之外,没有其他形式能够满足这些特征。有关系统验证和系统确认的详细讨论,请参阅 NRM 和 GtVV。此功能支持以下特性:C7 - 可验证、C14 - 能够被确认。 Most formal agreement (contractbased) product development and management processes as well as highly regulated products include system verification and system validation as formal processes that must occur prior to product acceptance, qualification, certification, and approval for use. In highly regulated, safety critical industries such as the medical device industry, aviation, and consumer products, formal evidence that the design outputs, including the product, meet the design inputs (needs and design input requirements) is needed prior to the product being approved for release into the market. Currently, no other form, other than textual requirements, has been able to meet these characteristics. For a detailed discussion on system verification and system validation refer to the NRM and GtVV. This capability supports the characteristics: C7 - Verifiable, C14 - Able to be Validated.
最重要的是,文本需求和要求是一种沟通形式。因此,随着时间的推移,将预期信息清晰、明确地传达给信息的目标受众至关重要。从法律角度来看,传达信息的责任在于发送者,因此作者有责任明确地传达需求和要求。More than anything else, textual needs and requirements are a form of communication. As such it is vital that the intended message is clearly, and unambiguously communicated to those for whom the message is intended, over time. From a legal perspective, the responsibility of communicating the message is the responsibility of the sender, so the onus is on the writer for unambiguous communication of needs and requirements.
本指南仅指文本需求和要求的表达。如果组织选择使用替代形式来定义需求和要求,本指南中定义的特征仍然适用。如果替代形式不具备这些特征,则存在无法满足系统开发对象的需求和要求的风险。This guide refers solely to the expression of textual needs and requirements. If an organization chooses to use alternate forms to define needs and requirements, the characteristics defined in this guide are still applicable. If the alternate form does not have these characteristics, there is a risk that the needs and requirements of those for whom the system is being developed will not be met.
1.5 定义 Definitions
本节根据 ISO/IEC/IEEE 29148 和 ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288 提供的定义,在“与需求表达相关的定义的改进分类法”(Ryan、Wheatcraft、Dick 和 Zinni,(2014))和 NRM 中定义了几个基本术语。This section defines several fundamental terms, based on definitions provided by ISO/IEC/IEEE 29148 and ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288, in “An Improved Taxonomy for Definitions Associated with a Requirement Expression” (Ryan, Wheatcraft, Dick and Zinni, (2014)) and the NRM.
在描述系统开发时,通常会对生命周期概念、需求和要求做出某种形式的区分,如图 3 所示。When describing system development, some form of distinction is commonly made between lifecycle concepts, needs, and requirements as shown in Figure 3.

注 Note: 在这些定义中,“客户”一词用于指代请求或采购工作产品的组织或个人(内部或外部),和/或在交付时将成为工作产品的接收者。客户是存在于组织多个层级的关键利益相关者,可能是企业内部的,也可能是企业的外部的。因此,存在多个客户。In these definitions the term “customer” is used to refer to the organizations or persons (internal or external) requesting or procuring a work product, and/or will be the recipient of the work product when delivered. Customers are key stakeholders that exist at multiple levels of an organization and may be internal or external to the enterprise. As such, there are multiple customers.
需求和要求适用于实体,该实体可以存在于组织或系统架构的任何级别,只要该实体满足了问题或机会。由于“产品”、“SOI”、“系统”、“子系统”和“系统元素”等术语是特定级别的,因此需要一个通用术语,该术语可以应用于组织或架构的任何级别以及该级别的任何单个项目。为此,使用术语“实体”,该术语具有生命周期概念、需求和实体满足的要求。Needs and requirements apply to an entity, which could exist at any level of the organization or the system architecture in the context of a problem or opportunity fulfilled by the entity. Since terms such as ‘product’, ‘SOI’, ‘system’, ‘subsystem’, and ‘system element’ are level-specific, a general term is needed that can apply at any level of the organization or architecture and to any single item at that level. For this, the term ‘entity’ is used which has lifecycle concepts, needs, and requirements which the entity fulfills.
实体是概念、需求或要求适用的单个项目:组织、业务部门、项目、供应商、服务、程序、SOI(系统、子系统、系统元素)、产品、流程或利益相关者类别(用户、操作员、测试人员、维护人员等)。An entity is a single item to which a concept, need, or requirement applies: an organization, business unit, project, supplier, service, procedure, SOI (system, subsystem, system element), product, process, or stakeholder class (user, operator, tester, maintainer, etc.).
概念是一种文本或图形表示,它简洁地表达了实体如何在指定的约束条件下以可接受的风险解决其定义要解决的问题、威胁或机会,从而在人员、流程和产品方面提供业务能力。A concept is a textual or graphic representation that concisely expresses how an entity can fulfill the problem, threat, or opportunity it was defined to address within specified constraints with acceptable risk that provides a business capability in terms of people, process, and products.
一组生命周期概念包括组织(以及组织内的利益相关者)如何管理、获取、定义、开发、构建/编码、集成、验证、确认、转换、安装、操作、支持、维护和退役实体的整个生命周期中的多个概念。A set of lifecycle concepts includes multiple concepts across the lifecycle of how the organization (and stakeholders within an organization) expect to manage, acquire, define, develop, build/code, integrate, verify, validate, transition, install, operate, support, maintain, and retire an entity.
用于定义生命周期概念的信息包括问题陈述、使命陈述、目标、目的、措施、利益相关者需求和利益相关者拥有的系统要求、用例、用户场景、用户故事、操作场景、驱动因素和约束以及风险。通过正式的生命周期分析和成熟,使用这些信息为实体定义一组生命周期概念。The information used to define the lifecycle concepts includes a problem statement, a mission statement, goals, objectives, measures, stakeholder needs and stakeholderowned system requirements, use cases, user scenarios, user stories, operational scenarios, drivers and constraints, and risks. Using this information, through formal lifecycle analysis and maturation, a set of lifecycle concepts is defined for an entity.
生命周期概念可以以各种形式传达,包括文本(例如,运作理念 (OpsCon) 或 运作理念 (ConOps))、图形表示(例如,图表和模型)和/或电子(数据库)。每个实体都适用多个生命周期概念,因此开发一组必要且充分的生命周期概念来定义该实体的需求和要求非常有用。Lifecycle concepts can be communicated in various forms including textual (e.g., Operational Concept (OpsCon) or Concept of Operations (ConOps)), graphical representations (e.g., diagrams and models), and/or electronic (data bases). There are multiple lifecycle concepts that apply to each entity, so it is useful to develop a necessary and sufficient set of lifecycle concepts which define the needs and requirements for that entity.
基于生命周期概念集,通过形式化的需求分析,定义出完整的需求集,从而得到需要实现的实体的生命周期概念集。Based on the set of lifecycle concepts, through formal needs analysis, an integrated set of needs is defined, which will result in the set of lifecycle concepts for the entity to be realized.
需求是对实体期望的正式文本陈述,以结构化的自然语言从 SOI 需要做什么的角度进行陈述,并在适合实体存在级别的抽象级别上进行传达。Needs are formal textual statements of expectations for an entity stated in a structured, natural language from the perspective of what the need a SOI to do, communicated at a level of abstraction appropriate to the level at which the entity exists.
需求陈述是将一个或多个生命周期概念正式转换为实体在可接受风险的指定约束条件下执行某些功能或拥有某些品质的一致期望的结果。A need statement is the result of a formal transformation of one or more lifecycle concepts into an agreed-to expectation for an entity to perform some function or possess some quality within specified constraints with acceptable risk.
与定义需求一样,定义需求是一项活动,通过正式的需求分析,具体确定实体必须做什么才能满足它们正在转换的需求,使用涉及分解、派生、图表以及架构和分析/行为模型的正式转换过程。对生命周期概念的更深入探索和阐述,包括彻底检查实体与其他实体之间的交互,都是从需求到需求的转换的一部分。作为需求分析的结果,每个需求可能定义多个需求。As with defining needs, defining requirements is an activity which, through formal requirements analysis, determines specifically what the entity must do to meet the needs they are being transformed from using a formal transformation process involving decomposition, derivation, diagrams, and architectural and analytical/behavioral models. A deeper exploration and elaboration of the lifecycle concepts, including a thorough examination of interactions between the entity and other entities, are part of the transformation from needs into requirements. As a result of the requirements analysis, there may be more than one requirement defined for each need.
需求是正式的文本“必须”陈述,以结构化的自然语言传达实体必须做什么才能实现其转变需求的意图。Requirements are formal textual “shall” statements that communicate in a structured, natural language what an entity must do to realize the intent of the needs from which they were transformed.
需求声明是将一个或多个需求或父需求正式转化为实体在可接受风险的指定约束下执行某些功能或拥有某些品质的约定义务的结果。A requirement statement is the result of a formal transformation of one or more needs or parent requirements into an agreed-to obligation for an entity to perform some function or possess some quality within specified constraints with acceptable risk.
将生命周期概念转化为需求以及将需求转化为要求的分析通常被称为组织企业和战略层面的业务分析或任务分析,以及业务运营、系统、子系统和系统元素层面的需求分析和要求分析。图表和模型是此分析中的重要工具,有助于实现转换的正确性、一致性、完整性和可行性。The analysis used to transform lifecycle concepts into needs and to transform needs into requirements is frequently referred to as business analysis or mission analysis at the enterprise and strategic levels of the organization and needs analysis and requirements analysis at the business operations, system, subsystem, and system element levels. Diagrams and models are important tools used as part of this analysis to help achieve correctness, consistency, completeness, and feasibility of the transformations.
应该为各个级别的实体制定生命周期概念、需求和要求。Lifecycle concepts, needs, and requirements should be developed for entities at all levels.
敦促读者认真遵循 NRM 和 GtNR 中提倡的生命周期概念-需求-要求 (CNR) 方法,抵制从生命周期概念直接跳到编写要求的诱惑,或者更糟的是,直接从生命周期概念跳到候选设计解决方案,完全跳过需求和要求定义。The reader is urged to be diligent with the lifecycle concepts-needs-requirements (CNR) approach advocated in the NRM and GtNR and resist the temptation to jump from the lifecycle concepts directly to writing requirements or even worse, going directly from lifecycle concepts to candidate design solutions, skipping needs and requirements definition entirely.
需求和要求陈述不仅仅是格式良好的文本陈述,这些文本陈述使用具有本指南中定义的特征的结构化自然语言以标准格式简洁地编写而成。如图 4 所示,完整的需求或要求表达包括相关属性,这些属性有助于定义和管理需求、需求集、要求和要求集。这些属性有助于实现本指南中定义的许多特征。有关应用于需求和要求的属性的更详细讨论,请参阅 NRM 第 15 节。Both need and requirement statements are more than the well-formed textual statements which are written succinctly in a standard format using a structured, natural language having the characteristics defined in this Guide. As illustrated in Figure 4, the full need or requirement expression includes associated attributes that aid in the definition and management of a need, sets of needs, requirements, and sets of requirements. These attributes aid in achieving many of the characteristics defined in this Guide. Refer to the NRM, Section 15 for a more detailed discussion on attributes as applied to needs and requirements.
属性是与实体相关的附加信息,用于帮助定义和管理实体。An attribute is additional information associated with an entity which is used to aid in its definition and management.
需求表达包括需求陈述和一组相关属性。A need expression includes a need statement and a set of associated attributes.
需求表达式包括一个需求语句和一组相关属性。A requirement expression includes a requirement statement and a set of associated attributes.
精心挑选的属性,正确定义和跟踪,可以在整个系统生命周期内管理需求和要求定义并进行相应调整,或者在程序后期发现需求或要求一开始就是错误的。当在程序后期发现需求和要求中的错误时,修复它们可能既昂贵又耗时。Well-chosen attributes, properly defined and tracked, can make the difference in being able to manage needs and requirements definition throughout the system lifecycle and adjust accordingly – or finding out late in the program the needs or requirements were wrong in the first place. When errors in the needs and requirements are discovered late in the program, they can be expensive and time consuming to fix.
虽然每个单独的需求和要求表达都很重要,但最终是综合的需求集和由此产生的设计输入要求集将描述实体必须做什么和成为什么,并且综合的需求集和/或设计输入要求集通常会被同意作为合同义务。Although each individual need and requirement expression is important, it is ultimately the integrated set of needs and resulting set of design input requirements that will describe what the entity must do and be, and it is the integrated set of needs and/or set of design input requirements that most often will be agreed-to as a contractual obligation.
需求集是针对实体(企业/业务单位/系统/子系统/系统元素/流程)及其外部接口的一组结构化的、一致的需求表达。A need set is a structured set of agreed-to need expressions for the entity (enterprise/business unit/system/subsystem/system element/process) and its external interfaces.
需求集是针对实体(企业/业务单位/系统/子系统/系统元素/流程)及其外部接口的一组结构化的、约定的需求表达。A requirement set is a structured set of agreed-to requirement expressions for the entity (enterprise/business unit/system/subsystem/system element/process) and its external interfaces.
图 4 显示了实体关系图,显示了上述术语之间的关系。Figure 4 shows an Entity-Relationship Diagram that shows how the above terms related to each other.

1.6 需求、要求及其适用的实体 Needs, Requirements, and the Entity to Which They Apply
在定义需求和要求时,理解上述定义中“实体”一词的使用意义非常重要。When defining needs and requirements it is important to understand the significance of the use of the word “entity” in the above definitions.
就需求和要求陈述而言,作为需求陈述对象的实体(“<利益相关者>需要<实体>......”)将成为从该需求转化而来的后续要求陈述(“<实体>应......”)的主体。(利益相关者也是实体。)In terms of need and requirement statements, the entity that is the object of a need statement (“The <stakeholders> need the <entity> to ........”) will be the subject of a subsequent requirement statement (“The <entity> shall ......”) transformed from that need. (Stakeholders are entities as well.)
项目或企业内组织要素的项目要求将记录在项目管理计划 (PMP)、其他计划、程序和工作说明中,其形式如下:
There will be project requirements on a project or organizational elements within the enterprise that will be recorded in a Project Management plan (PMP), other plans, procedures, and work instructions that may take the form:
The project shall …….
The [xxxxx team] shall…….
对供应商、厂商或承包商有以下要求,这些要求将记录在工作说明书 (SOW) 和供应商协议 (SA) 中,具体形式如下:
There will be supplier requirements on a supplier, vendor, or contractor that will be recorded in Statements of Work (SOW) and Supplier Agreements (SA) that may take the form:
The supplier shall …….
The contractor shall …….
As discussed in the NRM, Section 10, there will be procedural requirements concerning actions the person or organization responsible for conducting steps within a procedure resulting in those actions, e.g., a system verification or system validation procedure or a test procedure, such as the following:
[操作员、技术员、工程师] 应 [以某种方式刺激 SOI]。
[操作员、技术员、工程师] 应 [记录刺激结果]。
The [operator, technician, engineer] shall [stimulate the SOI in some manner].
The [operator, technician, engineer] shall [record the results of the stimulation].
SOI 上将有一些要求,这些要求记录在 SOI 设计输入要求或设计输出规范中,如图 2 和图 4 所示,这些要求提供了有关 SOI 生产的期望:
There will be requirements on the SOI that are recorded within the SOI set of design input requirements or design output specifications as shown in Figures 2 and 4, which provides expectations concerning the production of a SOI:
SOI 应 [在某些操作条件下以所需的性能执行某些功能]。(设计输入)
SOI 组件应按照 [图纸 xyz 中所示的物理尺寸] 制造。(设计输出)。
The SOI shall [perform some function with the desired performance under some operating condition]. (Design input)
The SOI component shall be manufactured to [the physical dimensions shown in drawing xyz]. (Design output).
系统工程师必须根据需求和要求所适用的实体明确其适用性,而不能将它们混杂在单一集合中。每个需求和要求都必须记录在适用于其实体的单独集合中。这一点很重要,因为对于每个实体,都期望可以获得客观证据,这些证据可用于以一定程度的信心证明该实体已满足该实体的要求(系统验证)或需求(系统确认)。另请参阅规则 R3。Systems engineers must make clear the applicability of needs and requirements based on the entity they apply and not mix them together within a single set. Each need and requirement must be recorded in separate sets for the entity to which they apply. This is important because for each entity there is an expectation that objective evidence can be obtained which can be used to prove, with some level of confidence, that the entity has met the requirements (system verification) or needs (system validation) of that entity. See also Rule R3.
1.7 需求与要求利益相关者的期望、需求和要求。Needs vs Requirements Stakeholder Expectations, Needs, and Requirements.
各种指南、教科书和标准都提到了利益相关者的“期望、需求和要求”、“利益相关者的需求和要求”或“用户的需求和要求”,好像它们是相同的一样;通常将它们合并在一份文件中,例如,用户需求文档、程序需求文档或利益相关者需求文档,使用“必须”声明以需求的形式传达需求和要求。这可能会导致对其形式产生混淆,即什么是“期望”,什么是“需求”,什么是“要求”。Various guides, textbooks, and standards refer to stakeholder “expectations, needs, and requirements”, “stakeholder needs and requirements”, or “user needs and requirements” as if they are the same; often combining them in a single document, e.g., Users Requirements Document, Program Requirements Document or Stakeholder Requirements Document, communicating the needs and requirements in the form of a requirement using a “shall” statement. This can result in confusion as to their form, in terms of what an is “expectation” versus what is a “need” as opposed to what is a “requirement”.
对于一些从业者来说,“利益相关者期望”是通过利益相关者的需求和要求来传达的;ISO/IEC/IEEE 29148 [25] 用“利益相关者需求”来定义“利益相关者要求”。本指南用“期望”来定义“需求”。对于其他人来说,利益相关者的需求和期望是在用例、用户故事或操作概念中传达的。在某些领域,“用户需求和要求”和“客户需求和要求”是专门针对更通用的“利益相关者要求”的,或者作为对更通用的“利益相关者要求”的补充。For some practitioners, “stakeholder expectations” are communicated in terms of stakeholder needs and requirements; ISO/IEC/IEEE 29148 [25] defines “stakeholderrequirements” in terms of “stakeholder needs”. This Guide defines “needs” in terms of “expectations”. For others, stakeholder needs and expectations are communicated within a use case, user story, or an operational concept. In some domains, “user needs and requirements” and “customer needs and requirements” are specifically addressed instead of, or in addition to, the more generic “stakeholder requirements” designation.
除了利益相关者要求之外,ISO/IEC/IEEE 29148 还包含短语“利益相关者拥有的系统要求”,尽管尚不清楚“利益相关者要求”的含义是否真的是“利益相关者拥有的系统要求”,即利益相关者对系统的要求导致利益相关者的需求得到满足。在这种情况下,“客户要求”也可以解释为“客户拥有的系统要求”。As well as stakeholder requirements”, ISO/IEC/IEEE 29148 also includes the phrase “stakeholder-owned system requirements”, although it is not clear whether what is meant by “stakeholder requirements” are really “stakeholder-owned system requirements”, i.e., stakeholder requirements for a system that result in the stakeholder needs being met. In this context “customer requirements” could also be interpreted as “customer-owned system requirements”.
为了避免歧义,在写需求和要求时,读者应注意以下讨论的生命周期中两者之间的差异和作用。每当使用“利益相关者或客户要求”一词时,读者应假定其含义是“利益相关者拥有或客户拥有的系统要求”。To avoid ambiguity, when writing needs and requirements the reader is cautioned to be aware of the differences and the role each has in the lifecycle as discussed below. Whenever the phrase “stakeholder or customer requirements” is used, the reader should assume what is meant is “stakeholder-owned or customer-owned system requirements”.
这种区别很重要,因为“利益相关者、用户或客户需求”代表利益相关者、用户或客户从外部角度看待他们需要 SOI 做什么,而“利益相关者拥有的”、“用户拥有的”或“客户拥有的”系统要求是一种技术视角,它传达了利益相关者、用户或客户需要 SOI 做什么来满足他们的需求。在这种情况下,利益相关者拥有的、用户拥有的或客户拥有的系统要求是从利益相关者、用户和客户需求转化而来的。通常,客户与供应商签订的合同中包含的要求是“客户拥有的系统要求”。下面进一步阐述了需求和要求之间的区别。This distinction is important in that “stakeholder, user, or customer needs” represent a stakeholder, user, or customer perspective of what they need the SOI to do as viewed externally, while the “stakeholder-owned”, “user-owned”, or “customer-owned” system requirements are a technical perspective that communicates what the stakeholders, users, or customers require the SOI to do to meet their needs. In this context, the stakeholder-owned, user-owned, or customer-owned system requirements are transformed from the stakeholder, user, and customer needs. Often, the requirements from the customer included in a contract with a supplier are “customer-owned system requirements”. Below is further elaboration on the differences between needs and requirements.
需求不是要求 Needs are NOT Requirements
需求是从利益相关者需要 SOI 做什么的角度来编写的,而从需求转化而来的要求则是从 SOI 必须做什么才能满足转化而来的需求的角度来编写的。Needs are written from the perspective of the what the stakeholders need the SOI to do, while the requirements transformed from the needs are written from the perspective of what the SOI must do to meet the need(s) from which they were transformed.
为了帮助区分需求和要求,需求陈述中不包含“应”字。在需求陈述中使用“应”会导致混淆,让人分不清该陈述是需求还是由需求转化而来的要求。To help distinguish needs from requirements, the needs statements do not include the word “shall”. Using “shall” in need statements results in confusion as to whether the statement is a need or a requirement transformed from a need.
One approach to avoiding this confusion is to use the format:
“The stakeholders need the system to ……….” or for a goal “The stakeholders would like the system to ……”.
These statements are in contrast to the form of a requirements statement
“The SOI “shall” …” or for a goal, “The SOI “should” ……”
Using these distinct formats helps make clear what is a need statement and what is a requirement statement. For example, a stakeholder need:
“利益相关者需要该系统符合 OSHA 安全标准”。
“The stakeholders need the system to comply with OSHA safety standards”.
此需求陈述了利益相关者对系统在安全性方面的期望。从此需求陈述转化而来的系统要求将侧重于系统必须满足的具体要求,以实现此需求的目的。这些要求陈述使用“必须”一词来明确它们是要求。(请参阅 GtNR 和 NRM 以获取有关编写符合标准和法规要求的规范要求的指导。)This need states the stakeholder expectation for the system concerning safety. The requirements for the system transformed from this need statement would focus on the specific requirements the system must meet for the intent of this need to be realized. These requirement statements use the word “shall” to make clear they are requirements. (Refer to the GtNR and NRM for guidance on writing well-formed requirements that address requirements within standards and regulations.)
A common issue when recording needs, is when the need statements are written as “shall” statements and calling these “stakeholder requirements” rather than needs. For example:
“The system shall meet government safety standards and regulations.”
虽然抽象程度可能适合某种需求,但对于某种要求却不合适,因为具体标准和规定不明确。结果往往是“利益相关者要求”不具备本指南定义的良好要求的特征。While the level of abstraction may be appropriate for a need, it is not appropriate for a requirement because it is ambiguous as to which standards and regulations. The result is often “stakeholder requirements” that do not have the characteristics of well-formed requirements as defined in this Guide.
另一个例子是,当需求使用“必须”来写时,但实体是利益相关者而不是 SOI。例如,可能有以下需求:
Another example is when needs are written using a “shall”, but the entity is a stakeholder rather than the SOI. For example, there may be a need:
“The stakeholders need the system to allow users to [do something]”.
A common error is to rewrite the need statement as a requirement:
“The user shall be able to [do something]”.
这不是需求的适当形式。项目团队需要进行工程分析,以确定系统必须做什么才能让用户有能力执行该操作。基于该分析,项目团队将编写一个或多个需求,当设计实施这些需求时,用户将能够按照需求声明中所述执行该操作。This is not an appropriate form for a requirement. The project team would need to do an engineering analysis to determine what the system must to do such that users will have the capability to do that action. Based on that analysis, the project team would then write one or more requirements that when implemented by the design would result in the user being able to do that action as stated in the need statement.
有关定义 SOI 的综合需求集所涉及的活动的详细讨论,请参阅 NRM 第 4 节;有关将这些需求转化为一组设计输入要求的详细讨论,请参阅第 6 节。Refer to the NRM Section 4 for a detailed discussion on the activities associated with defining an integrated set of needs for an SOI, and Section 6 for a detailed discussion on transforming those needs into a set of design input requirements.
1.8 需求和要求的质量 Quality of Needs and Requirements
在定义需求和要求时,重要的是它们具有本指南中定义的良好需求和要求的特征。这些特征是遵循本指南中定义的规则以及执行与 NRM 和 GtNR 中讨论的需求和要求定义相关的活动的结果。需求或要求得出的底层分析与需求或要求陈述的形成程度同样重要。“编写需求和要求不是写作练习,而是工程练习。”When defining needs and requirements, it is important that they have the characteristics of well-formed needs and requirements as defined in this Guide. These characteristics are a result of following the rules defined in this Guide as well as performing the activities associated with the definition of the needs and requirements as discussed in the NRM and GtNR. The underlying analysis from which a need or requirement was derived is as important as how well the need or requirement statement is formed. “Writing needs and requirements is not an exercise in writing, but an exercise in engineering.”
为了帮助确保需求和要求以及需求和要求集具有本指南中定义的特征,对于每个特征,本指南中的规则与 NRM 中讨论的概念和活动之间都有可追溯性。To help ensure needs and requirements and sets of needs and requirements have the characteristics defined in this Guide, for each characteristic there is traceability between both the rules in this Guide and the concepts and activities discussed in the NRM.
验证需求和要求。需求验证和要求验证涉及验证需求和要求陈述以及需求和要求集是否具有遵循本指南或类似组织指南或标准中的规则而形成的格式良好的需求和要求陈述以及需求集和要求集的特征。Verification of the needs and requirements. Needs verification and requirements verification involves verifying that the need and requirement statements and sets of needs and requirements have the characteristics of well-formed need and requirement statements and sets of needs and sets of requirements resulting from following the rules such as those in this Guide or similar organizational guide or standard.
需求和要求验证通常被称为评估需求和要求陈述以及需求和要求集的质量。有关需求验证的更详细讨论,请参阅 NRM 第 5 节;有关要求验证的更详细讨论,请参阅 NRM 第 7 节。Verification of needs and requirements is what is commonly referred to as assessing the quality of the need and requirement statements and sets of needs and requirements. Refer to the NRM, Section 5 for a more detailed discussion on needs verification and the NRM Section 7 for a more detailed discussion on requirements verification.
虽然某些需求验证和要求验证活动必须手动完成,但其他活动可能能够根据项目工具集中应用程序的功能实现自动化。项目在多大程度上可以依赖自动化验证取决于工作量和风险之间的权衡。随着系统变得越来越复杂,需求和由此产生的要求的数量不断增加,使用自动化进行验证的需求和重要性将会增加。While some needs verification and requirements verification activities must be done manually, others may be able to be automated depending on the capabilities of the applications in the project toolset. To what extent the project can rely on automated verification depends on a tradeoff between effort and risk. The need for, and importance of, using automation for verification will increase as systems become more complex and the number of needs and resulting requirements increase.
NLP/AI 应用程序在一定程度上提供了自动化需求和要求验证的能力。其中许多工具使用本指南中定义的规则子集作为评估需求和要求陈述以及综合需求和要求集质量的基础。这些工具既可以用作“数字助理”,帮助编写需求和要求陈述,也可以基于所使用的规则子集评估单个需求和要求陈述以及需求和要求集的质量。(注意:目前,这些工具中的许多都关注需求陈述的质量,而不是需求陈述。希望将来这些工具能够同时解决需求和要求陈述,并理解两者之间的差异。)NLP/AI applications provide the capability to automate needs and requirements verification to some extent. Many of these tools use a subset of the rules defined in this Guide as a basis for assessing the quality of the need and requirement statements and integrated sets of needs and requirements. These tools can be used as both a “digital assistant” to aid in the writing of need and requirement statements as well as to assess the quality of individual need and requirement statements and set of needs and requirements based on the subset of rules used. (Note: Currently many of these tools focus on the quality of requirement statements and not need statements. Hopefully, in the future, the tools will address both need and requirement statements and understand the differences between the two.).
许多 NLP/AI 应用程序根据项目团队定义的标准提供有关需求陈述和需求集质量的“分数”,并根据工具中实施的规则子集识别特定缺陷。项目团队将确定如何在需求和需求验证活动的定义和管理中使用这个分数。Many of the NLP/AI applications provide a “score” concerning the quality of the requirement statements and sets of requirements based on criteria defined by the project team, as well as identify specific defects based on the subset of rules implemented within the tool. The project team will determine how this score will be used in the definition and management of the requirements and requirements verification activities.
虽然这些应用程序可以识别一些缺陷,但项目团队仍然必须进行分析以解决和纠正这些缺陷。鉴于这些应用程序并未解决本指南中的所有规则,项目团队仍需要解决与其工具集中的 NLP/AI 应用程序未解决的其他规则相关的缺陷。此外,NRM 和 GtNR 中讨论的许多需求验证和要求验证活动更多地基于活动,例如分析、可追溯性、分配等,因此必须由项目团队完成以解决与这些活动相关的缺陷。While these applications can identify some defects, the project team still must do the analysis to address and correct these defects. Given these applications do not address all the rules within this Guide, the project team will still need to address defects associated with the other rules not addressed by the NLP/AI applications within their toolset. In addition, many of the needs verification and requirements verification activities discussed in the NRM and GtNR are more activity based, e.g., analysis, traceability, allocation, etc., and thus must be done by the project team to address defects associated with these activities.
需求和要求的验证。需求陈述的验证决定了需求陈述是否清楚地传达了生命周期概念的意图或其衍生或转换来源。需求陈述的验证决定了需求陈述是否清楚地传达了需求、父需求或其衍生或转换来源的意图。Validation of the needs and requirements. Validation of a need statement determines whether a need statement clearly communicates the intent of the lifecycle concepts or source from which it was derived or transformed. Validation of a requirement statement determines whether the requirement statement clearly communicates the intent of the need, parent requirement, or source from which it was derived or transformed.
需求或要求陈述可以按照本指南中的规则进行格式完善(即,可以根据其是否遵守规则来验证其质量),但可能会涉及错误的需求或要求,或者可能无法传达其衍生或转化的生命周期概念、需求或父要求的真实意图。同样,重点是需求和要求陈述以及需求和要求集的质量。有关需求验证的更详细讨论,请参阅 NRM 第 5 节,有关需求验证的更详细讨论,请参阅 NRM 第 7 节。A need or requirement statement can be well-formed in accordance with the rules in this Guide (that is, the statement can be verified in terms of its quality in terms of its adherence to the rules) - but can speak to the wrong need or requirement or it may not communicate the true intent of the lifecycle concept, need, or parent requirement from which it was derived or transformed. Again, the focus is on the quality of the need and requirement statements and sets of needs and requirements. Refer to the NRM Section 5 for a more detailed discussion on needs validation and the NRM Section 7 for a more detailed discussion on requirements validation.
与需求和要求验证不同,如果没有项目团队手动进行分析,就无法进行需求和要求验证以确认源的意图得到有效传达 - 目前,没有任何 NLP/AI 应用程序能够进行这种类型的分析。Unlike needs and requirements verification, needs and requirements validation confirming that the intent of the source is effectively communicated cannot be done without the project team doing the analysis manually - currently none of the NLP/AI applications have the capability to do this type of analysis.
1.9 验证和确认背景下的需求和要求, Needs and Requirements in the Context of Verification and Validation,

在制定需求和要求时,了解需求和要求在验证和确认背景下的作用非常重要。When formulating the needs and requirements it is important to understand the role of needs and requirements within the context of verification and validation.
一旦如上一节所述确认并验证了需求,则所有后续工件都将根据需求进行验证,如图 5 所示。一旦如上一节所述确认并验证了结果设计输入要求,则所有后续工件都将根据这些设计输入要求进行验证,如图 5 所示。Once the needs are verified and validated as discussed in the previous section, all subsequent artifacts are validated against the needs as shown in Figure 5. Once the resulting design input requirements are verified and validated, all subsequent artifacts are verified against those design input requirements, as shown in Figure 5.
有关整个生命周期中的验证和确认以及使用这些术语的上下文的详细讨论,请参阅 NRM 第 2.4 节。Refer to the NRM Section 2.4 for a detailed discussion concerning verification and validation across the lifecycle and the context in which the terms are used.
1.10 组织和管理需求和要求 Organizing and Managing Needs and Requirements
当今的系统越来越复杂,软件密集度越来越高。这对组织而言是一个重大挑战,即如何有效地管理此类系统整个生命周期内的所有数据、信息和工件。Today’s systems are becoming increasingly complex and software intensive. This presents major challenges for organizations being able to effectively manage all the data, information, and artifacts across the lifecycle for these types of systems.
过去,组织以“文档”的形式定义和记录需求。随着系统变得越来越复杂和规范,文档的数量已变得难以承受;特别是在配置管理、变更控制、完整性、正确性和一致性方面。由于复杂性,参与这些系统开发的人员越来越多,分布在不同的地理位置。这导致许多文档在孤岛内开发和管理,协作有限。Historically, organizations defined and recorded needs and requirements in the form of “documents”. As systems become more complex and regulated, the sheer volume of documentation has become overwhelming; especially in terms of configuration management, change control, completeness, correctness, and consistency. Because of the complexity, there are more people involved in the development of these systems spread over different geographical locations. This results in many of the documents being developed and managed within silos with limited collaboration.
由于这些问题,几乎不可能使各个文档中包含的所有需求和要求保持同步,以及在整个生命周期内与其他 SE 工件保持同步。此外,很难使这些文档中的需求和要求保持最新、正确和一致,从而导致没有真正的单一事实来源 (SSoT)。对于受到严格监管的系统,必须开发、维护并提供给监管机构以证明合规性的文档数量已经变得非常庞大。这些文档中的不一致可能会导致系统无法通过系统验证。Because of these issues, it is nearly impossible to keep all the needs and requirements contained within the various documents in sync with each other as well as in sync with other SE artifacts across the lifecycle. In addition, it is difficult to keep the needs and requirements within these documents current, correct, and consistent resulting in no real single source of truth (SSoT). For highly regulated systems, the amount of documentation that must be developed, maintained, and supplied to regulators to show compliance has become overwhelming. Inconsistencies in these documents can result in a system that fails system validation.
为了解决这些问题,SE 的实践方式从以文档为中心转变为以数据为中心。因此,组织正在逐渐放弃与需求和要求相关的旧式文档,例如利益相关者需求文档、用户需求文档、程序需求文档、系统需求文档、软件需求文档、功能需求文档等。在以数据为中心的 SE 实践中,需求和要求以电子方式在 SE 工具集中进行定义、记录和管理。To address these issues the trend is to move from a document-centric to a data-centric practice of SE. As such, organizations are moving away from legacy documents associated with needs and requirements such as Stakeholder Needs Document, User Requirement Document, Program Requirements Document, System Requirements Document, Software Requirements Document, Functional Requirements Document, etc. In a data-centric practices of SE, needs and requirements are defined, recorded, and managed electronically in sets within a SE toolset.
如图 5 所示,对于每个 SOI,都有一组集成需求、一组设计输入要求和一组 SOI 设计输出规范。如 NRM 中所述,不仅集成系统有一组生命周期概念、一组需求和一组设计输入要求,而且集成系统架构中的每个子系统和系统元素也有一组生命周期概念、一组需求和一组设计输入要求。这些集合在 SE 工具集中进行管理,以允许跨生命周期的水平可追溯性以及级别之间的垂直可追溯性。这种可追溯性对于帮助确保单个需求和要求以及需求和要求集具有本指南中定义的许多特征至关重要。As shown in Figure 5, for each SOI there is an integrated set of needs, a set of design input requirements, and a set of design output specifications for the SOI. As discussed in the NRM, there is a set of lifecycle concepts, set of needs, and set of design input requirements for not only the integrated system, but also for each subsystem and system element within the integrated system architecture. These sets are managed within the SE toolset to allow both horizonal traceability across the lifecycle as well as vertical traceability between levels. This traceability is critical to help ensure the individual needs and requirements and sets of needs and requirements have many of the characteristics defined within this Guide.
正如本指南中定义的几条规则(R29、R39、R40 和 R41)所建议的那样,在集合内,组织按类型或类别组织其需求和要求是一种最佳做法,以帮助定义和管理集合。As recommended within several of the rules (R29, R39, R40, and R41) defined in this Guide, within the sets it is a best practice for organizations to organize their needs and requirements by type or category to aid in the definition and management of the sets.
有关 SE 的以数据为中心的实践、可追溯性、组织需求和要求以及管理整个生命周期的需求和要求的更深入的讨论,请参阅 NRM 和 GtNR。Refer to the NRM and GtNR for a more in-depth discussion concerning the data-centric practice of SE, traceability, organizing needs and requirements, and managing needs and requirements across the lifecycle.
1.11 指导组织 Guide Organization
本指南重点介绍需求和要求陈述的编写,并涉及需求和要求的以下方面:This guide focuses on the writing of need and requirement statements and addresses the following aspects of needs and requirements:
- 单个需求和要求陈述的特征。 Characteristics of individual need and requirement statements.
- 需求和要求集的特征。 Characteristics of sets of needs and requirements.
- 单个需求和要求陈述的规则,有助于制定具有这些特征的陈述。 Rules for individual need and requirement statements that help to formulate statements that have these characteristics.
- 需求和要求集的规则,有助于制定具有这些特征的集合。 Rules for sets of needs and requirements that help to formulate sets that have these characteristics.
- 来自 NRM 的单个需求和要求陈述的属性,有助于实现这些特征。 Attributes of individual need and requirement statements from the NRM that help achieve the characteristics.
- 来自 NRM 的活动和概念,有助于定义具有这些特征的需求和要求陈述。 Activities and concepts from the NRM that aid in the definition of need and requirement statements that have these characteristics.
- 每个格式良好的需求和要求陈述应遵循的模式。 Patterns that each well-formed need and requirement statement should follow.
This guide is organized as follows:
- 第 2 节定义了格式良好的单个需求和要求陈述的特征,提供了这些特征的基本原理,提供了帮助理解这些特征的指导,并为有助于实现这些特征的规则、属性和活动提供了可追溯性。 Section 2 defines the characteristics of well-formed individual need and requirement statements, provides rationale for the characteristics, provides guidance for helping understand the characteristics, and provides traceability for rules, attributes, and activities that help achieve these characteristics.
- 第 3 节定义了格式良好的需求和要求集的特征,提供了这些特征的基本原理,提供了帮助理解这些特征的指导,并为有助于实现这些特征的规则、属性和活动提供了可追溯性。 Section 3 defines the characteristics of well-formed sets of needs and requirements, provides rationale for the characteristics, provides guidance for helping understand the characteristics, and provides traceability for rules, attributes, and activities that help achieve these characteristics.
- 第 4 节定义了单个需求和要求陈述的规则以及有助于制定需求和要求陈述和需求和要求集的需求和要求集。每条规则都包含对规则的解释和规则应用的示例。这些规则的目的是定义一种更结构化的自然语言,其中的需求和要求以书面形式帮助清楚地传达需求和要求陈述,并帮助避免使用非结构化自然语言制定需求和要求陈述时经常出现的歧义。Section 4 defines the rules for individual need and requirement statements and sets of needs and requirements that help to formulate need and requirement statements and sets of needs and requirements. Included with each rule is an explanation of the rule and examples of the application of the rule. The intent of these rules is to define a more structured natural language in which needs and requirements are written to help clearly communicate the need and requirement statements and help avoid ambiguity often found when using an unstructured natural language to formulate need and requirement statements.
- 附录 A 列出了用于编写本文档的来源和参考资料 Appendix A lists the sources and references used to write this document
- 附录 B 列出了本文档中使用的首字母缩略词和缩写。 Appendix B lists acronyms and abbreviations used in this document.
- 附录 C 概述了模式的概念,并列出了可用于不同类型需求陈述的模式示例。 Appendix C provides an overview of the concept of patterns and lists examples of patterns that can be used for different types of requirement statements.
- 附录 D 包含交叉引用矩阵,将规则映射到特征,并将 NRM 中讨论的概念和活动映射到特征。 Appendix D contains cross reference matrices mapping the rules to the characterizes and mapping concepts and activities discussed in the NRM to the characteristics.
- 附录 E 包括评论表。 Appendix E includes a comment form.